The Robinsons

By TerriAshFlow

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The drama-filled lives of Drew Robinson and his family. The long-term battle between his wife, Alexandra and... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 13

291 30 9
By TerriAshFlow

Drew and Alex sent Joy to Derrick and Angel's house. Sometimes, she and JJ would hang out when she's there.

"How about we go somewhere?" JJ said. "It's too boring in this house and I want to go somewhere."

Joy was laying across his bed, texting, while he sat on the floor playing his Xbox. She wasn't paying him any mind.

"Joy!" He threw a small pillow at her, hitting her in the face.

"Ouch!" Her phone dropped on the bed. "What boy?" she questioned, finally looking at him.

"Let's go somewhere." He said, pausing his game.

"Like where?" She asked. "It is boring here."

"I know some people that work by the boardwalk. They let me eat for free over there and stuff. Maybe you can call up your fine best friend and have her meet us out there."

Joy laughed, "How about you just give up on crushing on my best friend. She doesn't want you."

"Why she don't? Because she sho do be flirting with ya boy!"

"That's to entertain me and her." Joy laughed. She got a get message on her phone and she picked it up quickly to read it. A huge grin grew on her face as she responded. "I know the perfect place we can go." She said with excitement.

"Where?" He asked.

"You'll see when we get there. We just have to get passed your mom." She said.

"My mom went to the store with Zach and Heaven." He answered.

"WHen?" She asked.

"If this were a babysitting situation, you'll be the worse babysitter in the history of all babysitters." He shook his head. "I got up in the middle of playing my game and went downstairs and she told me they were going to the store and that they'll be back later." He explained. "She even came in here and told us that they were leaving."

Joy thought for a moment. She didn't remember Angel walking into the room, nor did she remember JJ leaving, then again, she knew she wasn't paying them attention. "Oh, okay. That's less explaining that we have to do." She got off the bed and stood up. "Get your shoes on, let's go."

He placed his remote on the floor and turned the television off. He already had on clothes, so he just put on a pair of Jordans. That, along with Air Max's is what he mainly had for footwear. Once he was ready, she was ready and they were headed out the door.

Around nine that night, Angel had been calling JJ and Joy since she and the kids came home.

"Mama, Where's JJ and Joy?" Zach asked.

"Honey, I don't know. I'm calling them. How about you go and take your bath?" She said to get him out of the way.

She called Derrick and he answered on the second ring.

"Hey, sweetheart, can you call Joy?" She asked. "I went to the store with the kids and I left JJ and Joy at home."

He chuckled. "Why would you leave two teens at home like that?" He asked.

"Because they're teens! Don't they just stay home and be bored?"

"Apparently, those two were a bit too bored and decided to find something to do."

Suddenly, Angel had a text message come through. "Hold on, babe, may be this is one of them texting me." She removed the phone from her ear and looked at her notifications, seeing a text from JJ saying that he and Joy were at the movies.

"JJ just texted me saying that they're at the movies." She said into the phone, putting it back to her ear.

"See, there you have nothing to worry about. I'll be home soon, so you'll be able to relax then." He said.

"Get here soon. I miss you." She said.

"I miss you too, Darling." He said before they ended the call.

It was now ten thirty and Derrick had been home for a while. He and Angel, both had been calling JJ and Heaven because they needed to be at home.

"Where are they?" Angle questioned in a worried tone. 

"Babe, I'm still calling her."

"This is not like my child to not answer his phone. There's no way they're still at the movies because JJ knows better." Angel was a bit upset.

"Just calm down, I'll call again."

"If she doesn't answer, then I'm gonna call the police." 

"Babe, we can't call the police. You last heard from JJ like an hour ago." he said. 

"What if that really wasn't him texting me? What if someone stole  his phone? Or worse, what if someone kidnapped them and did something to them?"

"Angel, I need you to relax." He said. "I'll keep calling, but it's too soon for us to call the police."

After another twenty minutes, the door opened and Angel and Derrick stood up to see who it was.

Joy and JJ strolled their way into the house.

Angel rushed to JJ and hugged him. "Where on earth were you two?" She asked him. "I was worried sick."

"Sorry, Aunt Angel, we were at the movies and then we went to grab a bite to eat." Joy said as she made her way to the stairs.

JJ hadn't said a word. He gently made his way out of his mother's embrace and stepped back, eyeing Joy.

Angel's mood went from worried to suspicious as she eyed JJ. The smell that lingered from him made her step back and look at her son. She then looked at Joy who was halfway up the stairs.

"Joy, come back down here." She said in a stern voice.  Since Joy wasn't her child, she rarely showed discipline towards her, but this is not one of those times.

"I really have to go to the bathroom." Joy said as she slowed down her steps.

"You can hold it. Come here." Angel's eyes landed back on JJ who stood before her, looking extremely nervous.

Joy slowly made her way back down the stairs and Angel folded her arms.

"Where were you two?" She asked.

"I just told you." Joy said. Speaking before JJ could answer the question.

"What did you go see?" she asked.

"Um we saw," Joy hesitated to answer the question. "We saw..."

"That movie with Kevin Hart." JJ answered.

"I'm gonna ask this question again and this time I would advise the two of you to not lie to me." Angel leaned on the wall. "Where in the hell were you tonight?" She asked.

"We went to the movies." Joy repeated, trying to convince Angel.

"You know what, little girl, you're not my child, so Derrick you can deal with that one." She glared at JJ, "but this one is mine and I want him to lie to me again." She stepped closer to JJ. "I smell a liar and I also smell marijuana and any child that I'm raising, will not use any type of substance. There's no way in hell that you were at the movies because last time I checked, you're not allowed to even smoke a cigaret at he movies."

"Some people we were around were smoking, but we weren't." JJ defended.

"Look at me." Angel grabbed his chin and lifted his head. His eyes were red and a bit low. She grabbed his shirt as she spoke to him in his face, "You have a lot of nerve coming into this house, high and even having the audacity to smoke to begin with. Get ya ass upstairs to your room right now." She pushed him away.

Although JJ was at eye level to her, he felt her being way bigger than him whenever she was angry with him.

"And to let you know, I'm calling your father."  She said to him as he walked up the stairs. She looked at Joy,  "And I'm calling your dad too." 

"Please, don't call my dad." Joy begged. 

"Please don't beg. I have three children and that doesn't work for any of them."

"Go upstairs Joy." Derrick said. 

She turned to go to the stair. 

"Wait, come here." He said. "Give me your cell phone." He held his hand out.

"My phone?" She questioned.

"You heard me correct." He said, still holding his hand out.

She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "Ugh."

"Get another attitude with me." He said.

She placed her cell phone in his hand and made her way up the stairs.

"I cannot believe this!" Angel paced in the hallway.

"Have a seat." He said. "I'll get you a glass of wine."

"NO! That's the last thing I need. I'm going to call Jordan right now." She said. "I really can't handle this." She made her way to the bedroom and he followed her. She sat on the bed and rested her elbows on her knees with her phone in her hand. Suddenly she put her phone down on the bed next to her. "Ugh!"

"Calm down first." He pulled her feet up on the bed and sat them on his lap. He began to massage her feet.

"Derrick, please, not right now." She tried to move her feet away. 

"No," he held on to her feet to where she couldn't move it.

She sucked her teeth, letting out a sigh.

"Relax." He demanded. 

She sat back and folded her arms. "I just don't know why the hell he'd do such a thing."

"Joy either. This isn't like her."

"We still have to call their dads. JJ has been trippin lately and I'm so close to losing my patience with him."

"I know Drew says he's gonna send Joy to stay with her mom for a while. After she totaled that car she should have been back with her mom." He stated. He began to rub her feet. "But I need you to be calm when you talk to Jordan. You know how your attitude when you get upset." He joked.

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes. "I'm just pissed off. That boy had the audacity to walk into this house, high! Is he serious?"

Derrick rubbed her feet a little longer until she was a bit calmer. He got up and called his brother as Angel stepped out the bedroom to call Jordan. 

After she talked with Jordan, she gave the phone to JJ so that he could talk to Jordan. After an hour and a half, Jordan showed up to their house. 

Without JJ knowing, Jordan and Angel had a talk before Jordan made his way into JJ's bedroom.

"Dad what are you doing here?" JJ asked.

"You thought you were gonna get away with a phone talk from me?" Jordan closed the door behind him. Jordan took his belt off and sat it on the bed, next to JJ.

"I was just having a little fun."

"I'm about to have some fun whippin ya ass." Jordan said with a bit of anger.

"Everyone else was doing it." 

"Everyone else ain't my damn kids. Where the hell were you anyway? A bunch of teens shouldn't be smoking and shit. You mother and I work too damn hard for you to be hanging out all late and shit, smoking, like you're grown. You ain't grown!"

JJ had never seen his dad so upset with him.

"I asked you a question." Jordan stepped back and leaned on JJ's dresser. 

"I was wit Joy at one of her friend's house."


"I don't know. It was somewhere near Xavier."

"College students?" Jordan asked.

"I guess so."

"Boy, don't start guessing now." Jordan slightly bucked as if he were coming for JJ and JJ flinched a little.

"Yes. I think so."

"So you went to smoke with some college kids?" Jordan said. "Is smoking all you did?" he asked.

"Yes." mumbled.

"Don't lie to me and speak up."

"Yes, that's all I did."

"So, your mom and I work hard to buy you all these things," he pointed to the tv and game system, "for you to be grown for a night and hang out with college students and act like you're of age to drink?"

JJ contained a look of disappointment.

"When I'm done with you, you won't even want to be around anymore college people even after you go to college." Jordan grabbed the belt.

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