Falling in love with Ms. Benn...


369K 17.7K 649

Amanda Adams, a romance novelist, has lived in 25 years with only 5 contacts in her phone, barely going out f... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
A Year Later

Chapter 12

9.7K 447 15

Gorgy and Gillian couldn't get a single clue why Amanda furiously scratching her head, mumbling and groaning in front of her laptop. They continued to stare at her, wondering and somewhat scared.

"I'm worried about her, Gorgy." Gillian said in a minimum voice, continuously staring at her troubled best friend.

"Me, too." Gorgy replied. "After she left me at Long Island, she has been this way."

"Shouldn't the shooting be over the next week? Why did she come sooner?" Gillian asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know. Should we ask her?"

"You go first."

"What? No way. You go first. She's your best friend-well, you've been with her longer." Gorgy stated.

"Okay. I'll approach her." Gillian said nervously, before she grabbed a chair and sat next to her. "You okay, Amanda? You seem like something is bothering you."

"Yeah. There is. I said something that he shouldn't know." Amanda replied in a panicking manner. Gillian looked at Gorgy who was giving her signals to go on.

"What -what did you tell him?" Gillian asked.

Amanda paused, gripping her hair with both hands, like a mad man.. "Oh no. He's going to used it against me. Damn it!" Amanda scratched her head again.

Gillian tried to stop her by placing her hands on her shoulders."Amanda, you're just being paranoid. He's not gonna used anything against you-" She took a paused as she wondered who could she be talking about. "Wait. Who are we talking about here?"

Looking at Gillian with her wide eyes, Amanda said in a cautious manner, "Henry Hudson."

Gorgy and Gillian went quiet and look at each other before roaring the whole room with their laughter.

"Guys, it's not funny." Amanda said as she watched her friends laughing.

"Oh my gosh, Amanda! Seriously? If Henry Hudson would threaten me, I would be in ecstasy." Gillian said, laughing. "But why would he threaten you anyway?"

Amanda looked away, avoiding their eyes. She can't tell them about the game. "He's a bad person."

"Pssh. Bad, you mean, a party animal and getting caught by the cops?." Gorgy asked, trying not to laugh anymore.

"Who knows? I'm the only one in the room. He may be another person." Amanda said.

"Dear, you're just being paranoid." Gorgy said, as he went to Amanda, rubbing her back to comfort her.


Amanda has been staring at the blank page of her laptop for quite a while. I have nothing. She looked at Gillian and Gorgy who were watching a chick-lit movie in her living room.

"What are you two watching?" She asked.

"Prince and Me." Gillian answered, her eyes still glued to the television

"Oh." Then the doorbell rang. Amanda looked at the clock. It's 11 already.

"Go get it, Amanda." Gillian told her.

"You're not watching anyway." Gorgy added.

"Fine. Let the owner of the apartment open the door." Amanda said as she went to open the door and saw Henry Hudson standing outside.

"Hi." Henry said, grinning.

Amanda's eyes were wide opened at the sight of him. She pushed Henry with her hand on his chest, closing the door behind her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Amanda said, whispering loudly.

"I wanted to visit you. To see if you're okay. You didn't show up at the shooting today. I want to give you a call, but I figured you won't answer me. So, here I am now."Henry answered, spreading his arms as if he did something so prince charming-like.

"Yeah. I'm okay. So, please go home now."

"What? Already? After I came all the way here straight after the shooting, you're just gonna shoo me away?"

"Yes, I'm "shooing" you away. Look, I appreciate you coming all the way here. But, people will find you and it would be bad if they saw us together. I thought I already told you that."

Crossing his arms together, Henry stared at Amanda. "Hey. I'm starting to get now why you keep going away from me. You don't want to involve yourself with me."

"Yes. I don't want to."


"You're a troubled man."

"Aren't we on the same boat?"

"Whatever. Go now."Amanda gestured a waving hand to Henry as if he was some kind of fly.

"And you said you didn't like me but you mentioned me to your mom or even, you told your mother about me. Huh. Care to explain that to me? " Henry said, half-smiling in a sly manner.

Amanda let out a heavy sighed. I knew this is gonna happen. "You listen and listen good. What you just heard is not your business. It's between me and my mother. If you'll use it against me to make me fall for you, it's not and never will it work."

"First of all, you just flashed a piece of your personal life at me. That wasn't my fault. Second, it's my business now because I got involve in your girl to girl talks and lastly, I play fair."


The door flew open and the two stopped the conversation when both of them saw Gorgy inside, looking at them, stunned. Amanda immediately went behind Gorgy.

"Henry Hudson?"

"Hey, Gorgy. I just wanted to see Ms. Adams if she has arrived safely. She left without telling anyone. My father told me to check on her and I think him and everyone is going to sleep well tonight once I told them that's she's well." Henry finished with a charming smile.

"That's so sweet of you, Henry."

"So, I have to go now. See you." Henry said before he left.

"What? I just heard Henry Hudson's name!" Gillian hurriedly went towards them, holding a bowl of buttered popcorn.

"He just left." Gorgy said before closing the door.

Amanda let out a long sigh as she entered the tub with hot-water. I can relax now. She closed her eyes as she rests her head on the edge of the tub. Play fair. Henry's voice echoed in her mind. Huh. What is he doing now? Trying to be a good guy?

Amanda opened her eyes wide when she heard her phone rang.

"Before you put me down, I want to say that father wants you to come next week on Thursday for the shooting." the caller said.

"Is that all?"


"You really told your father you'll do the calling, didn't you?"

"I knew you would know." the caller chuckled.

Amanda paused. I have to visit him next week. "Tell your dad, I can't go on that day." She said.


"I have to visit someone."

"It's not a guy, isn't it?"

"It is."

"Oh. Well, I hope he won't give you roses though."

Amanda smiled. A melancholic one. "He won't. I know he won't"

"And here I thought I'm the only guy who knows about your allergy. Leaving Gorgy of course."

"Sorry to disappoint you then."

"Don't worry. I'm not."He paused before he continued. "It's just that...I thought I could be a little special to you in another way. But, it can't be help, right? I mean, I know I'm not the only guy you have in your life."

Amanda went silent for a while, catching an unusual phrase and sincerity from Henry. "Do I hear a sound of jealousy?"

Henry laughed at the other side of the line. He's still got a certain charm even if he laughs. Amanda smiled at the thought, but cut it shortly as soon as she realized it.

"Now, now, don't get too ahead of yourself. I may sound a bit soft to you back there, but I really meant it you know."

"Oh? If you're trying to loosen my walls down with your softy side, it's not going to work." Amanda said.

Henry let out a scoff. "What?"

"Aren't you getting tired with what you're doing, Henry Hudson?"

"If I am, I should stop doing this, wouldn't I?"

"You're stubborn and your ego is enormous, that's why."

"You're stubborn, too."

Amanda let out a sigh. "Look, if you're looking for a girl who you can fool around, I am clearly not the one. You've got the wrong person."

"Oh? You're retreating now, Ms. Adams?" he smiled, trying to provoke her.

"What? Ha. No, I'm not."

"Then, let's finish this one. If you're so confident that you would make me fall for you as I am confident that you'll fall in love with me, I don't see any problem then. Unless, you are starting to fall for me." He let out a laugh.

Amanda gritted her teeth. Such an ass. "Fine. Your ego is going to be kicked so hard you'll start living in shame in the countryside, never showing that face of yours in the city. To make things worse, the one who's going to kick you is a geek virgin who's conservative, modest-"

"Conservative? Modest?" Henry scoffed. "I don't think so. Especially when you, talking to me through the phone in a bath tub does seem very sly and daring to me."

Amanda's eye went wide when her hands let go of her phone and drop it in the water.


"So, how should I turn down a situation where in both of us were harmlessly flirting already?" Gillian asked Gorgy while helping themselves with breakfast.

Amanda woke and sat by the stool, place her hand on the marbled counter and the other on her cheek, gloomy.

"You should get a new phone already. It's been a week." Gorgy suggested.

"It's better this way. Shutting the world behind me." Amanda said, reaching for the wheat bread.

"You have new messages from your mother that you have to visit him today."

"I know. I know.. I am aware."

"And, I got a few calls from other libraries and book stores about some invitations. And, from Emma, your sister." Gorgy added.

"Amanda, why did your phone ended up in the water, anyway?" Gillian asked.

"I..uhh..slipped it while I was talking with...mom." Amanda said before she hurriedly left the two, avoiding to explain any further. When she went inside the bathroom, she was about to take the tub, but decided not to and went to the shower instead.

"I don't want to tell Mike about it coz I know he'll feel bad and all. But, it was harmless." Gillian protested.

"It's not harmless if you don't tell Mike."

"Oh my god. Then, I just cheated on him."

"You were just flirting, for crying out loud. Nothing happened with you and the guy."

"You're right."

"You just seem so tense. It's bad when you do this. Like what Amanda is wearing right now." Gorgy shifted his attention to Amanda's loose gray sweater that mismatched with her black long skirt.

"Are you entering a convention right now? Seriously, that's really bad." Gillian commented, looking at her from head to toe.

"What?" Amanda asked as she looked down at her outfit. "It's the only clothes I could find."

"No. You can't wear that. I'm done with this, and you can't go walking the streets with a poor appearance. You're famous, be like one." Gorgy said, walking towards Amanda.

"We have to rummage your closet, dear." Gillian added as they headed to Amanda's walk-in-closet.


"That took like an hour but, it's worth it." Gillian said as she sat down on the floor, tired.

"I'm not used to wearing black silk-stockings, guys. And these boots. I haven't worn these for like 2 years. Last time was on mother's birthday." Amanda remembered she wore an 80's rocker costume for the themed costume party of her mother's birthday.

"These are class. I can't even believe you don't wear some of your designer clothes."

"I know right? I even found a Dolce and Gabbana dress." Gillian informed Gorgy.


"I have to go now." Amanda was about to leave when she saw herself in a full-length mirror and for the first time, she felt good with her loose gray knitted dress, black silk-stockings,the hazel-colored scarf wrapped around her neck, her ankle-length black boots and the leather bag that she never use 7 months have passed since her mother gave it to her. The hair that was tied like a bun also matched well with her square framed glasses. Now, this is classy.

Amanda was stuck on the road. The cab's tire got flat and there were no cabs that were vacant. Even the buses weren't vacant. Is everybody going to Philadelphia now? The bag was getting heavy in her arm and Amanda was pissed and even more pissed when the driver didn't do anything to fix the tire at all.

She decided to walk, not wasting any minute, when a black Porsche stopped beside her. She looked to see who it was with the corner of her eye and turn her head to see Henry smiling at her, arm on the the passenger seat, the other one on the wheel. Amanda couldn't see his eyes through the shades but it was him.

" Oh. Would you look at that. I'm glad I came at the right time." Henry said behind the glasses,grinning.

"What are you doing here now?" Amanda asked as she exhaled,tiredly.

"I was about to go somewhere and I spotted you here. It really seems like you need a ride to wherever you are going."

"I don't need it." Amanda continued to walk.

Henry accelerated his car in speed with Amanda's walking. "Of course you do. It's a busy, busy day. You can't have cabs this time. Or even buses."

"Oh really."

"Why aren't you answering my calls, anyway?"

"It doesn't concern you."

"It does, of course. I figured maybe I have said something offensive to you or something."

"I just dropped my phone on the water."

"Ohhh. So were you really in a tub?" Henry laughed. "It was actually a wild guess, but-" He finished with a snicker. Amanda was annoyed already she can't get a cab and not to mention, a jerk following her. But, she needs to get there already. She needs to visit him.

"So, in my car? Or rot here waiting?"

Amanda ended up riding on his Porsche. It was such a classy car and she was just glad it was tinted. It would be bad if people would see them. Henry on the other hand, was thinking of his strategy. Be honest with her.

"I must say that this guy is really important to you." Henry broke off their silence.

"What makes you say that?"

"Back there, I thought that you're really gonna reject me, but then, you agreed to have a ride in my car."

Amanda looked around with her eyes. It smells good in here. She saw a thick book at the back. It was her novel: The Last Letters. So, he read my books. Or is it just for show?

"To be honest, I met women like you. Strong, guarded and playing hard to get. But, you're different. You're not playing hard-to-get because you ARE hard-to-get. You're smart and mean, but only to people you don't like."

"You really have a good observation." Amanda's eyes were looking at the road.

"I just thought why you're being like this. You're mean, and then you invited me to your apartment. You became nice. I like that part when you're nice though. You thanked me and then you saved my life."

Amanda looked at Henry. "Like I said, I'm a good person."

"Of course you are. So, where are we going exactly?"


"Oh." Henry paused for a moment. "You really like this guy, huh."

"Jealous?" Amanda said, smiling.

Henry chuckled, his eyes looking at the road. "Maybe?"

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