Day and Night Vampires

By YurikoAikina

628 102 11


Experiment 01:
Experiment 02:
Experiment 03:
Experiment 04:
Experiment 05:
Experiment 06:
Experiment 07:
Experiment 08:
Experiment 09:
Experiment 10:
Experiment 11:
Experiment 12:
Experiment 13:
Experiment 15:
Experiment 16:
Experiment 17:

Experiment 14:

8 1 0
By YurikoAikina

As his senses comes back to him. Taiyo started hearing voices that seems like they are arguing. He tried to open his eyes half open to see who were they. There he saw a full grown werewolf and a teenage girl around sixteen years of age with ears and tails of a wolf.

" I told you this kid is not like them!" the girl said as her tail steady straight and her eyes was locked on the adult werewolf who was in a irritable state also.

" And how certain are you in claiming that this human is not one of them? He was with that thing and wears the same outfit as them." The werewolf said as comes towards the boy. The girl didn't said a word but she didn't back down from the werewolf and tries to stop him from approaching Taiyo. With one violent swing of his hand the girl went flying straight to a corner. Then with just one hand he picks up Taiyo that sooner or later wakes up and tries to struggle from his grip. The more he struggle the more harder the werewolf grips him.

" STOP IT!!!" The girl said as the massive tremedious aura as she aggressively attacks the werewolf and grabs the boy in her clutches. The werewolf did not move an inch from were he was but looks at the girl with a dispiteful aura. The girl stand her guard and once again release another tremendious aura and gets ready what ever will be able to happen. On the other hand, Taiyo was almost loosing consious because of the massive girp of the werewolf but was able to fight it somehow. He wouldn't afford to go unconsious in a very important time like this and most of all his life was on the line. The two beast intensively stares at each other like real two hungry wolves who is fighting over a delicious juicy prey. As one of their ears twitch. A swift violent movement between them begins. And with split seconds, huge long claws appeared ready to strike each other.

" YOU TWO KNOCK IT OFF!!!" Somebody out of nowhere shouted as he hits the two on the head. And tooks the boy away from the girl. And looks at them.

" You two must be ashame of yourselves! Acting like wild beast without any brains! Is this how your master trained you!?" The boy who was the same age as Taiyo said in a large furious voice. Instantly the very scary aura suddenly disappears and the intensive atmosphere changes as well. Those sharp claws are now gone and their faces becomes more calmer. Taiyo looks at the boy who was serious looking at them.

Who is he? He wondered.

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