Experiment 15:

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       The side glance at the boy and saw that he was unharmed and return his serious face to the two creatures infront of them. He took a step forward and raise his right wrist hands toward the adult wolf and flicks it. A sudden force was push towards him leaving him flying towards the wall and hit his back leaving the wall unharmed. Then he towards the girl and fake smiles her.

" It was a good thing that you put your senses to work my dear but I must also punish you for putting up a fight even if you do not have the ability to yet." He said to the girl. The girl just lowered down her hear together with her ears and tails that somehow seems so cute.

" Good you understand. Now I want you to do a 200 full lap around the village and when you are on it try to do some basic exercise as well." He commands her.

" Yes. Right away." Then with that she dashes away leaving the two boys alone. Taiyo was amuse on how fast and far the girl could run and then turns his attention back to the mysterious boy who was staring right infront of the adult wolf.

" As for you good sir. I will not give any necessary punishment upon you but I wish you will reflect your actions towards this boy here. You must know more than anyone else on how to determined if either a being infront of you is an enemy or not." He said.

" Understood." The wolf stands up and takes his leave then the boy finally and turn his attention to him and smiles at him.

" I am sorry if you ever to have experience any unpleasant things. I will make sure this will not happen in the near by future." He said and brush the dust off his shoulders and head. Taiyo was speechless and wasn't able to say anything to him.Then suddenly out of the blue Taiyo's stomach begins to grumble. The boy look at his stomach and Taiyo tried as hard to hide the shameful display he didn't intend to do.

" Ha ha ha! YOu are hungry aren't ya? Well you are in luck kid! It happens to be lunch time so you can eat as much as you like!" He said and took his hand and leads him out of the room where he was held hostage awhile ago.

Meanwhile somewhere in a nearby pond man who looks at his forties was silently fishing when he heard something was moving around the bushes near him. He took a stone and throws it towards the direction of the moving bush and then a light squeak was heard. With this the man stand up and went to where the sound was heard. As he moves in closer a swift wind took him by surprise and before he knew it a pointed blade was just inches away from his neck.

" What's this? The great evader Mofasa can evade a simple attack no more? This is something new..." As Exile looks into the man's silver blue eyes.

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