Experiment 11:

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" Just hurry up already." she answer back coldly. Immediately the boy started changing. After that they went back to the camping site.

" Oh? You're Already back?" Exile said as she throws a piece of wood into the fire.

" Where is Reborn?" Dawn ask as she ignores Exile's question and scans the area.

" She is with the source. Looks like something came up." She lazily answers as she stands up to stretch. Dawn said nothing and sits on a log that is near to the fire and picks up a mandarin fruit and gives it to Taiyo. Taiyo looks at amusement as he looks into the woman's luxious ruby red eyes. As if they is a little kindness in those eyes.That there is something more that what is already there. Little by little reality comes back to the boy and notice that the woman was giving him something. He reach for the fruit and eats it. For a split second his eyes saw Dawn gave a fainted smile. He rubs his eyes to see if what she saw was true. Then again the usual grumpy face is what he sees.

" Finish that. Then go to sleep. You are going to need all the energy tomorrow." Dawn said as she stands up and walks away.

" That bitch always acting like a total jerk! Don't mind her attitude kid." Exile said and pats the boy's head. The boy didn't mind at all and continues eating the fruit that Dawn gave to him.

The night was cold and solemn silence but yet in those momnet the stars and the moon keeps on shining bright giving it's beautiful radiance to the darkness of the dark skies. By ding this made the biy fell asleep while Exile stand guard. Then out of the blue Reborn appears with a sad agonizing look on her face. THis made Exile agitated and immediately walks towards her.

" What happen?" She ask immediately. Reborn did no answer and looks away from the woman. This made Exile more anxious than before.

" What did the resource told you?" She rephrase her sentence to state herself more clearly.

" Is this something to do with the boy?" Dawn ask as she comes out of nowhere.

" No. This has nothing to do with the kid... Rather it has something to do with you..."

" Me? What is going on?" Dawn said curiously as she approach Reborn.

" It's just..."

" Just what?"

"... Experiment Number 36 no... Smile..." Reborn paused.

" What about her?" Dawn voice changes as she ask her.

Reborn didn't want to answer and tried to keep her silence. But this was not a good choice she made and made Dawn a little impulsive and grabs Reborn by the neck.

" Hey! Damn you! cut that out! Let her go!!!" Exile tries to seperate Dawn's arm from Reborn but ending up being toss aside.

" WHAT HAPPENED TO SMILE!?!" the angry woman screams loudly.

" Smile... Tries to use her level three power... and ended up not able to stable herself... and gone berserk..." by saying this she let go of Reborn. Trying to recover from the painful strungle she got from Dawn, Reborn continues to speak.

"... and now *cough* she is at her limit. And..." She takes out a read envelope and gives it to Dawn.

" The source said you know what to do." Dawn said nothing and takes the red envelope and opens it finding the number 72 written in blood. Somehow Dawn face changes into a discontented apinful expression and walks away.

" Will Dawn be fine?" Exile ask Reborn as she helps her to regarin proper balance. Reborn did not answer and went to the nearby lake to take a drink. By this it was understandable something big was about to happen.

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