Experiment 02:

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        Taiyo watch the sleeping girl with caution. It's better safe than never. Then suddenly out of the blue he hears footsteps running towards his room then... BANG! The door opens violently! Immediately another girl with a very long Sea blue hair appears infront of him and she is not happy at all. It made Taiyo sort of nervous. As soon as she saw the other girl that was sleeping soundly on a corner, she instantly launches an attack.

"WHY YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME THERE WITHOUT ANY BACK UP!!!" The girl with the long sea blue hair shouted out as her fist was about to hit the other girl's face, she disappears and reappears behind her and kicks her at her lower back causes the girl with long blue hair to fall unto a corner. 

"You..." as she said in a scary whisper as she approaches the defenseless girl.

"What are you think you are doing? Can you see I was trying to take a nap?" she asked in a very low shadowing voice. This made Taiyo more scared than ever after all they seem to be vampires or something. He watch in horror as he observe how the other two girls starting a fight. The girl with a golden hair notice Taiyo's expression and knew this won't go well.

"You two knock it off!" She said as she try to break the two.

"I thought we are here for the mission?" She reminded them. Automatically the two stop instantly. Knowing what kind of ability can this girl can do Taiyo must not cross path with this one. The yellow braided hair girl then walks to where Taiyo is hiding himself. The helpless boy tried to avoid her as much possible but run out of room to avoid he was literally cornered. Now, in his eyes all he can see are three nasty, blood sucking, vampire like creatures infront of him ready to kill and eat him alive!

"S-stay away f-from me!" he said with a shaky voice. The girl continue to come near him but the girl with black hair gave a pat on her shoulder.

"Let him be. He still has not recover from the trauma he experienced the other day." she explain.

"Although we can explain things to him little by little." suggested the other one. The girl gives a smirk and walks away from the boy and sits on the bed. The others also sits where they seem comfortable.Silence filled the small room. It made the atmosphere more tense for some reason and it made Taiyo more uneasy.

"So... where can we start?" Finally someone breaks the silence.

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