Experiment 10:

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Aqua then turns and look at Taiyo smiling and extend her hands telling to come to her. Without any hesitation the boy comes to the woman slowly and holds her hand. The woman smiles.

" Please take off all your clothes so that I can bath you thoroughly." Aqua tells the boy calmly. Somehow Taiyo seem to now hesistate because to the fact that Aqua is a woman and well... as a boy it is awkward to take of your clothes infront of a woman. In some sense Aqua read his action and close her eyes with in that thought Taiyo begins to undress quick as he can and plunges into the water. Aqua seems surprise on how the way the boy reacts and made her giggle then she decided to join him as well. The boy tries to cover his vital parts and turns his back on the beautiful celestial. Suddenly the waters glows slowly as the celestial draws closer to him and as soon as her hands touch his back the glow stops.

" How does it feel?" the concern celestial ask him. He did not answer.

" Does it hurts?" She follows up with another question. Come to think of it. The wound he got from his attempt to escape those monsters from before doesn't seems to hurt like it was suppose to. He scans his body to check where he exactly got hit but no luck not even a scar in fact. Although he notice a weird looking mark on his right lower waist when he tried to touch it. It gave off a weird sting sensation that made him flinch a bit.

" How is the kid doing? Have you check him thoroughly yet?" Said a voice that seems familiar. At the midst of the shadow a familiar figure appears. It was Dawn. Immediately Aqua gets out of the water and greets her with courtesy and leaves the two alone. The second Aqua left Dawn went to where the boy was and tries to inspect his body but Taiyo avoids her and tries to get away as far from her as possible but when he moves the pain he felt awhile ago intense and causes him to out balance himself and almost drown himself good thing that Dawn was able to get a grip of his hand and pulls him right out of the water towards her and without a warning kisses him on the lips. It stunned him for a bit since it was his first kiss after a few seconds their lips parted living a sweet craving sensation on the boy's cherry lips and made him left in a confusing gaze.

" I see... So that is how it is..." Dawn whisper to herself. Realizing what she said Taiyo comes back to his senses and wash his lips with water and gurgles up. Dawn did not mind what he was doing and comes up off the water.

" When you are done washing yourself up here are some new fresh clothes to wear and come back to the camp." She said and puts the

clothes down on a rock. As soon she walks away Taiyo hurries up and runs after her.

" W-wait a minute." He said as he hurries out of the water and trips himself over a small rock. Again Dawn was able to catch him like a princess who was about to falls down from the staircase. That minute Taiyo's face entirely runs red of embarrassment but then subside after he felt that painful sensation again and somehow Dawn was able to notice. Dawn pushes the boy to let him regain balance to stand up and notice the mark on his right lower waist. She stares at it for a second or two and looks at the boy with some concern in her eyes. What is up with that? Taiyo thinks it out for a minutes and notice his naked nature infront of the woman and turns his back and took his clothes and runs toward to the back of the big rock and started to change.

" C-can you wait for a second? I-it wont take so long." he kindly ask the woman.

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