Experiment 09:

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Your Divine One." Ceres exclaims surprisingly as she approach the lady in the shadow. It was Reborn. She smiles back as a sign of greeting. 

" Please Ceres don't call me in such a manner. Reborn is just  fine." She said as she approach the fine lady.

" As you wish then  but please let me address you as Lady Reborn then it is the only way I can honor and respect my master's good friends and comrade. " Ceres suggested.

" I guess  calling me Lady is fine just drop the formalities." She said and wink at Ceres as an approval.  Ceres said nothing and  bows and leave Reborn and accompanies Hades. 

" Big Sis Re-chan!!!" The excited girl runs and jumps straight at her and hugs her tightly. Due to the sudden impact Reborn looses her balance and falls down.

" My, my it's been a long time Sierra you got pretty heavy  where  you eating more than your usual?"  Reborn ask her while trying to release herself from her grip. 

You can say that again. She would devour a whole essence energy for two celestial! Can you believe that???" Phoenix said as she stands up and tries to pull Sierra away from Reborn and helps her stand up. 

" THAT IS NOT TRUE! It was you who ate all of those tasty essence!" she said as she violently gets away from Phoenix. 

Ha ha ha you guys never change do you?" Then as she seems to notice Taiyo who was sitting silently and seems to be in confusion. So Reborn smiles at him and approaches him and squats infront of him to let his focus to be at her. It startled the boy a little. And made him move away.

I see that you have a rough day..." She begins to speak.

By the way let me introduce them to you..." She continues.

" This little one here is Sierra behind her is Phoenix and those two over there are Ceres and Hades... And all of them are Celestials"  She ended. 

"Celestials? You mean those Celestials?" Taiyo confirms.

Yup. Those beings born with mysterious powers." Reborn said. Taiyo's eyes widens as he once again scan the celestials that are right infront of his very eyes. Legends said that they were mystical beings who roams around the world living among us and those who possesses them are said to own great powers. Taiyo shakes his head and looks at Reborn again. He gave a faint  smile then looks at the fire. Who are really this people? Having super like powers and now these celestials.  It doesn't make any sense at all. This made the boy more confuse.

 Looks like everybody is here!" Said another familiar voice. It was Exile and Dawn. 

" Welcome back, you two." Reborn greeted them cheerfully.

" Oh? Wow, I see that you are all doing great aren't ya?" Exile said as she walks around the fire place and notice Taiyo.

" Hey, Kid you made it back alive! Welcome back from the void." She said as she looks closely at the boy's face and pats his head.

Well, It is official. Ya are going to protect this kid from now on Dawn." Exile said with a cunning attitude. Dawn did not make a reaction and sits down on a log near the fire place.

" Aqua. Bring the boy to the place where me and the others bath." Dawn instructed Aqua firmly.

" Yes, Lady Dawn. Come now." She said as she extends her hand to the boy. Without a doubt he grabs her hands and they went to the lake where the boy accidentally see the naked bodies of the three mysterious ladies just a little back then. Aqua then close her eyes and started glowing as radiant as the diamond that has been spotted in a mine. A little later she begins to chants.

" Oh with great calling for the one that grants me this power. I, Aqua a celestial from the fluent body of element speaks now purify those that I touch and grant protection and vitality to those who will be benefiting from it." She cast in a medium pitch voice then touch the end of the lake instantly the lake made a quick bright glow and the water was crystal clear. This event again amaze the boy more.

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