Glancing At The Jock.

By FrancescaR

537K 7.9K 578

Danielle is an only child, she didn't get the protective brother to help her out if she was in trouble. so in... More

Glancing At The Jock.
Chapter One.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chatpter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Chapter Thirty-Four.
Chapter Thirty Five.
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.
Chapter Thirty-Nine.
Chapter Forty.
Chapter Forty-One.
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty - Three

Chapter Two.

17K 315 9
By FrancescaR

Im sorry it hasnt gotten very interresting yet, but it will. please comment and continue reading. I would dearly appreciate if you recommend it your fans or friends. :D xx 

Im going on hoilday in two hours so I was excited to upload, its only a short chapter sorry! hope you like it. FrancescaR xxx


Chapter Two.

“Shopping!” she squealed as she held up her two hands and pleaded to my father. I smirked, he wanted me to do this. He had to pay for it.

He rolled his eyes and pulled out his wallet from his back pocket. He handed me over hundred dollars. I grinned, and grabbed the money quickly. Macy held her breath when she saw the money. She gave a relieved chuckle and rushed me out the door. Macy literally dragged me to the bus station, I whined like a child on the way there.

Once we grabbed the bus into town, I had to listen to Macy grumble on out her Idea’s for me. I rolled my eyes, nothing was wrong with me. I just lacked what people thought. Obviously Macy thought differently.

“Oh and we’ll get your hair highlighted and buy some cute dresses I saw in this shop last week. Your gunna turn from geek to chic!” she squealed in excitement. I groaned,

“Hey! I’m not a geek. I’m not even that smart, I just look smart, ok?” I mumbled trying to make it sound more like a statement than a question.

“Whatever geek.” She chuckled and nudged me in the shoulder. I sighed, I don’t know why I don’t like being called a geek, I have been called it all my life, shouldn’t I be used to it?

“Hey look, I know we don’t get on that well, but you’ll thank me once you see how much you have changed on my little experiment.” Macy said with a soft smile.

“Little? This is turning into your life’s goal.” I said with a laugh. She merged with my laugh and we smiled. Finally bonding.

Once we finally got into town, my eyes widened. The endless road split the town sides of shops in half, little cute corner shops stuck randomly along the coddled pavement. Only to be towered by huge retail shops that intimidated the smaller ones. But in some odd way, it worked making it look like a typical beautiful town mixed with a hint of distant history. I smiled, I don’t normally go into town only because I don’t like crowned spaces, I buy my clothes from the charity shop that is just down the road from my house.

“It’s good to be home.” Macy swooned staying at the towering shops. Whilst I was concentrating on the cute corner shops that made my stomach tingle with excitement. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad?

As Macy grabbed my small hand, she dragged me away from the cute corner shops and towards the huge retail shops. I sighed looking back at the vintage clothing at hung in the windows of the corner shops.

            “Oh my god! I love that dress you have to try it on!” she giggled as she pushed me into the front door of a random retail shop. I soon heard the thumping sound of loud music that echoed through the store, making me cringe. Macy grabbed my hand and pushed me around the shop grabbing five dresses, three pairs of jeans and at least six tops.

“What your size again? Size 8?” She asked turning her head towards me. I nodded slowly trying to get the repeated song that hovered around the stores domain. Once she let go of my hand, I decided to look around. Nothing really caught my eyes, until I saw the perfect summer dress. I held my breath, that was the dress I wanted. I smiled walking over to it slowly. It was a mint pale colour, with floral purple flowers at the edges. The top of the dress had that vintage corset feel about it, and then the flaring edges that fell just above the knee. I could Imagine myself in it now, twirling and smiling. I lunged for the dress grabbing my size straight away. I grinned feeling at beautiful material in my fingers.

            “That’s gorgeous, I didn’t think you had taste.” Macy muttered behind me, I jumped back tensing slightly.

“You gunna go try it on, along with all these.” She held out the many hangers of clothing with a huge grin smothered on her face. I sighed and grabbed the hangers as I trailed towards the changing rooms.

I thought we had finished after I bought the clothing from that shop, but I was wrong. After that Macy pulled me into another six other shops, boots, new look. . ect the list might as well have been endless. She bought me makeup, a hair straighter, bracelets, shoes. By the end of the six shops my hands ached from hold most of the bags, my knees were weak and my glasses kept slipping from my nose.  

“Can we go now? I swear I’m losing blood circulation from my arms and legs.” I whined, frowning at Macy. She smirked.

“One more shop, then we can go.” She grinned as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the nearest. . .spec savers. what was she up too?

“Why are we there, I don’t need new glasses.” I said groaning.

“You’re getting contacts.” Macy simply said, my eyes widened as I looked at her shocked. Why?

“What? I do not want contacts.” I groaned like a child.

“Stop whining. You agreed to my experiment. So tough luck.” She stated grinning in success.

Once we were out of spec savers, I knew my glasses were going to disappear if Macy had anything to do about it. I groaned once again, and looked over to see Macy grinning from ear to ear, she creepy.

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