La spossa di essere ~ caius v...

By Rabbit-doll

183K 4.5K 297

There is a place in the world, so cold and barren there has never been any record of life. But in this barbar... More

Chapter 1 ~ Kanna
Chapter 2 ~ The payment
Chapter 3 ~ attempting to settle in
Chapter 4 ~ Shopping
Chapter 5 ~ Short lunch
Chapter 6 ~ moving in
Chapter 7 ~ truth behind decision
Chapter 8 ~ precious things
Chapter 10 ~ awkward dinner
Chapter 11 ~ good start but...
Chapter 12 ~ emergency
Chapter 13 ~ necklace
Chapter 14 ~ running
Chapter 15 ~ sweet juliet

Chapter 9 ~ closer

10.3K 284 30
By Rabbit-doll

The next morning woke up to sunlight piercing her eyes, disturbing her sleep. "No" she groaned and rolled over.
"It's 10 o'clock, that's more then enough sleep" said a sleek voice from the room and Kanna gasped, rolling to look up but falling out of the bed. Caius raised an unimpressed eyebrow as he looked down at his fiancé tangled in the sheets.
"How long have you been there?"
"It's my room, so what does it matter"
"Where you watching me sleep?!" She gasped, scrambling up quickly. He picked up the book he had just put down and waved it slightly.
"I was reading" he pointed out and she sat on the bed. She looked at her bedside table then realised that her choker was still missing. Suddenly she felt very grey. She crawled lazily back into the luxurious plush bed and pulled a fur blanket over her.
"Kanna get up" Caius commanded, standing from his seat, sick of her moping. Kanna did not. "Kanna" he snapped. "As your soon-to-be husband I demand you do as I say" he snapped at her, reminding her of a child.
"You'll NEVER be my husband and I will NEVER do what you say" she sat up as she talked so now they were face to face. Nose to nose. She moved and ran to the bathroom before Caius could swipe her head off. She knew it was not smart but she hated him still. She locked the door as Caius shouted at her.
"Kanna!! Get out here, NOW" he shouted and Kanna shrank back against the wall.
"Go away!" She shouted bravely though her voice quivered. On the other side Caius tried to calm down. He was a hot head, he knew that and often his quick fire personality didn't get him where he wanted. He clenched his fists in frustration and took a deep breathe.
"Kanna" he started again, this time calmer. "Please come out so I may talk to you" the anger hadn't gone, he was just bottling it up.
"No!" He clenched his teeth and sighed loudly.
"You'll regret this!" He shouted and turned to leave. He was not a few steps from the bedroom door when he felt something hit the back of his head and the bedroom door shut. Damn, she was fast AND silent! He looked at the ground to see her volturi necklace which had obviously been the thing that hit him in the head. He decided to leave her alone but pocketed the necklace and walked smoothly along the corridor.

"She's driving me insane!!" Caius shouted as he opened the door and stepped into the throne room.
"Mates often do" Aro chuckled at his brother's frustration. "Have you talked to her?"
"I tried and got this thrown at the back of my head in return. Charming" Caius growled briefly taking out her necklace.
"She's settling in brother, she's just trying to adjust"
"I want it to happen quicker!!" He exclaimed and Aro smiled.
"Perhaps you could help her to settle down?" Aro got a disgusted look from Caius and he chuckled softly. "Nothing like that brother" he chuckled. "Spend time with her, without getting angry. Educate her on our ways?" He suggested and Caius wrinkled his nose.
"Why isn't she just doing what I say?" He grumbled to himself.
"You took her from her family and friends, she is bound to have her reserves around you" Marcus said in a rough voice. Caius just sat and pouted about his fiancé's rebel against him. She would pay. Perhaps Jane could lend him a hand?
"Caius" Aro said gently. "Don't be too harsh on her brother. She's gone through a lot" he gave Caius a certain looked then redirected his attention to the front. As he sat Caius began to mull over all the things going around in his mind. Was Kanna being defiant because she hated him or because she was bored? Maybe she was just lonely. What did humans do for entertainment? He figured it wouldn't really matter what he gave her to entertain herself, she had grown up in a barren ice desert.
"Felix, Demitri" he barked and the two henchmen were at his attention in the blink of an eye. "I want one of those...televisions in my chambers. See to it one it installed immediately" the two nodded wordlessly and went on their way. Aro said nothing but had a small feeling he knew what Caius was doing.

Kanna looked up quickly when there was a knock at the door. "Go away Caius" she called to the door but the reply was not Caius.
"Actually my lady, it's felix and Demetri, may we enter?" Asked a low voice and Kanna sat up quickly, retrying the black silk dressing gown around her small body. She had taken a bath and gotten so comfy in the gown she had forgot to take it off. "Yes, come in" she called once the was sure the robe was secure. She was surprised to see the two henchmen bustle in, a large black TV in felix's arm. "Lady Kanna, we meet again" Demetri smiled.
"Just Kanna and yes, it's nice to see you again" she nodded to him.
"Kanna this is felix, he works for the volturi as well" he gestured to the large vampire carrying the TV.
"Oh" was all she said, having never seen someone so large and threatening before.
"Pleasure" felix nodded and smirked at her expression.
"What do you have there?" She asked, looking interestedly at the box in felix's arms.
"A TV, master Caius wished for us to install one" he smiled brightly.
"Oh....what does it do?" She asked as they went over to the wall and began attaching the stand.
"You watch things on it, like movies and TV shows"
"Movies?" She repeated and he nodded.
"I'll show you once it's set up" he promised and went about connecting all the wires. Once he was done connecting everything felix left them and Demetri showed her how to work her new TV.
"So you turn it on like this" he pressed the button and a random cooking show appeared. Kanna gasped and stood.
"That's wonderful! So you watch other people doing things?" She asked and he shrugged.
"Kind of yes, it's recorded and played back onto the TV"
"So can people see what I'm doing?" She asked, waving her hand at the screen slightly.
"Uh no" he smiled trying not to laugh. The two spent most of the day working out the different controls and soon Kanna was wishing she was marrying Demetri, not Caius.
"I'll have Heidi drop some DVD's off tomorrow and I'll show you how to work them, for now will you be okay with the ones in the TV?" He asked and she nodded.
"Oh yes, it's a wonderful invention. Thank you so much Demetri" she hugged him gently and he returned it, getting a scent of her sweet human scent. Suddenly there was cough and the two broke apart quickly. Caius stood there angrily.
"My lord-"
"Leave" Caius snapped and Demetri did without saying a word. "So you can hug him but you will not even talk to me?" He asked, jealously engraved in his voice.
"He's actually nice to me" she snapped and he clenched his fists.
"I asked for a TV to be installed for you" he pointed out.
"The first pleasant thing you've done, well done" she clapped sarcastically.
"So having a bed put in, letting you share my luxurious room and not turning you wasn't enough?" He snapped. Kanna wiped away a stray tear. She didn't like being mean and she wasn't used to being snapped at.
"Don't cry" Caius sighed agitatedly. If there was one thing that made him uncomfortable it was Kanna crying, especially if it was because of him. "Look-" he tried but she began to son quietly into her fist, her shoulders shaking. "Kanna, please stop" he begged trying to look at her but she did not calm down. He stepped closer experimentally but she did not notice. He had presumed that she was just tough and would not cry, not that she was just bottling things up. He cautiously put a Hand on her back as she sobbed and slowly closed the other around her until she was in a soft embrace in his arms. She put her forehead onto his chest and continued to cry as he held her gently, not saying a word. As much as he wanted to call he pathetic she truly was not. She was vulnerable and raw in this state, giving Caius a good look into her current state. It was only then that Kanna realised that she was crying into the chest of Caius, the man she had been bad mouthing to just a few minutes ago. She grasped his lapels, not caring if he thought she was pathetic, she needed to cry.
"Kanna I am sorry if I have upset you" Caius apologised stiffly and she pulled away nodding.
"I'm sorry for antagonising you" she replied in return and Caius nodded.
"I have to go now. Will you be okay if I leave you for a few hours?" He asked looking from her to the TV to the bed.
"Yes" she nodded wiping her eyes with her silk cuff. She somewhat expected a hug of some sort but he only nodded and left swiftly without saying another word, leaving her to think over what had just happened...

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