The Bodyguard

By NalaniRose

4M 146K 87.5K

After the unexpected death of her uncle, 21-year-old, Ivy Burgos' father assigns her a bodyguard. She is spoi... More

Chapter o1
Chapter o2
Chapter o3
Chapter o4
Chapter o5
Chapter o6
Chapter o7
Chapter o8
Chapter o9
Chapter 1o
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 ... seriously
Author's Note!
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 2o
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Authors Note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
The Sequel
Authors Note

Chapter 17

117K 3.8K 1.6K
By NalaniRose

I'm tooo good to yall! lol. But, nah seriously ... yall are too good to me. Yesterday before that update I was at 6.4k reads, now I'm at 6.68k reads. Y'all are truly amazing! Thank you so much for your support & comments. Y'all seriously be having me weak in the comments. Y'all going in on Caya huh? 

This chapter is dedicated to @ebonie_beautyy girl you seriously have be hollering at your comments. Thank you sooo much for your love and support! Now on to the chapter! 

Chapter 17


I looked at the individual in front of me like she'd lost her mind. I had to be hearing her wrong. I know for a fact she didn't just say she was pregnant. Hell nah, not Nami.

I tugged on my chin hairs while shaking my head. "Nah, I don' een belee 'dat shit."

She sat upright and tossed her hair over her left shoulder. "Well believe it Kellen. I'm 7 weeks pregnant. The dates add up. We began having sex 7 weeks ago, Kellen."

I did the math in my head, and as much as I didn't want to admit it, she was right. We did begin having sex about 7 weeks ago. We also fu*ked like jack rabbits and I didn't wrap up each time. Damn, I messed up big time. When Ivy finds out she gone kill a nigga.

"Look, tha dates add up and all, but I still don't belee yo ass. Ion wantchu sayin' a word of this shit ta Ivy until ya ass get a test."

"Don't you think that's a little late to be tellin' your little wifey that you're going to be a father?" she taunted."

"Bitch I ain' even sho that baby is mine and I damn sho ain' bout ta go claimin' some shit I ain' certain of," I yelled slammin' my fist down on the table. "Nih like I said, you ain' sayin' shit ta Ivy. And so help me God Nami if I find out yo ass went runnin' ya mouth ta her I will wait for you to birth this child and personally kill you myself, ya hurd me?"

The look in her eyes let me know that she understood I wasn't playin' no games. She nodded her head up and down, and I stood from my seat.

"Ion wanna see yo ass around no mo' eitha." I said before walkin' away the booth and out of the restaurant.

Once I made it to the car I just sat there. So many thoughts were running through my head and there was no way I could go back home to Ivy. I couldn't believe I messed up this bad. I knew better than to be out here fuckin' b*tches raw, but I honestly wasn't thinkin' bout that shit at the time.

"Fuck!" I yelled out as I pounded my fist against the steering wheel. I had to think of something and quick. There was no way I was gonna be able to hide this from Ivy for eight months. The guilt would eat me alive. I knew only one person would be able to help me through this shit. I pulled out of Chipotle's parking lot and headed towards Snipe's house.

I pulled up to Snipe's driveway about 20 minutes later. I didn't even bother calling to let him know I was on the way, because this nigga wouldn't care either way. I killed the engine and hopped out my truck. I let out a deep breath as I began walking towards his front door.

Before I could even lift my hand to knock, the door swung open. I let out a small chuckle as I took in Snipe's figure standing on the opposite side of the door. This nigga was always on his toes. He probably saw me pulling up on his security camera as soon as I came through the gate. Snipe had cameras all over his property and monitors placed all throughout his home. He said he wanted to be able to see what was going on around him at all times. I guess you couldn't ever be too cautious.

"What brings you by young blood?" he asked while stepping to the side so I could enter the house. I stepped inside shaking my head.

"Man, I got myself in some deep shit bruh," I mumbled making my way over to his couch. I plopped down on the plush leather couch and wished it would just swallow a nigga whole.

"Talk ta me," was Snipe's only reply.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holdin' in before I told him. "Nami's pregnant man."

Snipe's eyebrows shot so damn high they almost reached his forehead. Then they quickly furrowed together, and I knew he was pissed off.

"I swear ain' think she would get pregnant man. It was way before I even got wit Ivy." I quickly explained before he jumped cross the couch on my ass.

"How could you be so fu*kin' stupid Yung? You know betta than to be raw doggin' these hoes and that's exactly what Nami ass is." Snipe said while shaking his head.

"I know man, but you gotta undastand, a nigga was fresh off tha streets. I wun gettin' no pussy like 'dat so when the opportunity presented itself a nigga was goin' in ya hurd me? Ain' think shawty would end up wit a li' jit."

This shit was honestly killing me. Knowing Nami's trick ass, she probably trapped me.

"She trapped you son. You let that li' conniving bitch get inta ya pants and she trapped yo dumbass. Tha hell you gone tell Ivy? No, fuck that, the hell you gone tell G?"

I shook my head not even wanting to think about it. I was nervous about how Ivy would take the whole situation, but I was honestly scared about what G would do. I've seen that nigga in action, and I know he ain' play 'bout his babygirl. That nigga would probably chop my dick off and make me eat that shit or some. I shivered just thinkin' 'bout it.

"You really think she pregnant?" Snipe asked afta a while.

"I think so man," I shrugged. "I really don't want to believe it, but the dates add up."

"She let you see an ultrasound?"

"Nah," I shook my head.

"Well until you get some definite proof don't stress yaself out 'bout it. If she really is pregnant then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

I nodded, and dapped him up. It's times like these that I really appreciated Snipe. He was like the father I never had. Whenever I was goin' through something I knew I could count on him. He's never left my side, and he always has something positive and insightful to say.

"I really appreciate you man."

"You know I gotchu, Yung."



Since Kellen was no where to be found when I woke up from my nap I decided to do something productive until he returned. I was currently in the kitchen attempting to prepare dinner for the two of us. I was getting better at cooking, but I was no where near as good as Caya so I decided on something simple like spaghetti.

Speaking of Caya, it was truly killing me that we weren't on speaking terms. I couldn't believe that she'd actually be listening to the nonsense Nami was feeding over. We had been girls way to long to let a stupid, bald head, ching-chong looking bitch come inbetween us. I knew deep down that Caya knows I'd never do anything to hurt her. I was just trying to give her some space until she came to her senses. She knew I was too loyal of a friend to do something like that to her, right?

If I wasn't mistaken I'd think Nami was the one sleeping with Smoke. She knew oh-so much about his cheating, and she was so quick to throw me and Caya both under the bus. Just the way she instantly started dissing Caya had me second guessing her loyalty. Caya should've been smart enough to see that, too. Nami has always been fast in the pants so I don't even understand why she would believe her over me.

I walked over to the stove and pulled the boiling noodles off the eye. I grabbed the strainer off the counter, and sat it on the sink so I could strain the noodles. After that was done I grabbed a glass dish and began prepping to bake the spaghetti.

Just as I was about to pour the noodles into the bottom of the pan, the glass from the kitchen window shattered into a million tiny pieces. Immediately about eight gunshots rang out. I jumped down to the floor and hid behind the island. Without making much noise, I tried to crawl towards the back of the house. My heart was racing a mile a minute and my entire body shook with each step I made.

Come on Ivy, don't give up now. You can do this just take it easy.

I took deep breath and kept crawling towards the living room. I peeped around the kitchen wall to make sure the coast was clear before darting out towards the living room. The front door was wide open, and there were bullet holes everywhere.

Just keep running Ivy, just keep running. I coached myself. One foot in front of the other I sprinted towards the patio doors. I could see the door within my reach, and suddenly I felt my body being jerked back.

"Let me go!" I shrieked as I flailed my body around trying to get out of his grip. "Please let me go." I begged.

"Shut the fuck up," was his response as the butt of the gun connected with the back of my head.

I let out a heart-wrenching sob as I left my body go limp. God spared me from a situation like this once so I just knew this time was it. I squeezed my eye shut tightly as I waited for the bullets to rip through my awaiting body.

I could hear his gun cock as I took in a deep breath.

Lord forgive me for my sins. Watch over my parents and Kellen, please.

I slowly let the breath out.

I felt my body hit the ground, and another body fell right on top of mine. I slowly opened my eyes and looked down to see the gunman lying on top of me with blood oozing from his skull.

"Shit!" I yelled trying my best to get from underneath him. His brain matter and blood was splattered all over my face, hands and clothes. I looked up to see my mother standing above me looking as bad as ever. She had her 9mm in front of her and her face held a murderous look. I've never seen her look so serious in my life.

"Mommy," I managed to get out before breaking down in tears. She immediately rushed over to me and grabbed me in her embrace.

"Come on baby, let's get you out these clothes." She said grabbing me up off the ground. I don't even think I could move without her help. I didn't see her actually shoot the guy, but looking at his sprawled brains on the floor was enough to have me throwing up for the rest of the night. I was shaken up, badly.

"Mama, what's going on? How'd he get up here? Where's Daddy? Are there more?" I rushed out as soon as we made it to the bathroom.

She just sushed me and helped me out of my clothes. Once I stripped down to my birthday suit, she helped me into the bath that she'd ran for me. I sat silently in the water just thinking about everything that transpired. First Caya thinks I'm sleeping with her man, and then I almost get killed while no one is here but me and mama. I don't know when my life became a lifetime movie, but I wasn't feeling it at all. I just wanted everything to return back to normal.

"In the middle of the turbulence surrounding you, these trying times are hard to endure," I heard her softly singing the words to 'This Too Shall Pass'. She always sang this song to me growing up. Whenever I'd cry back when we were living in the hood she sang this song every morning. It was her way of assuring me everything would be okay. She always said 'babygirl nothing lasts forever, this too shall pass.' If I've never needed her encouraging words before, I definitely needed them now. I closed my eyes and allowed her voice to soothe away all my troubles.

After listening to Mama sing the entire song, I decided it was time to get out of the tub. I was no longer that sweet little innocent Ivy. Today was the day I took control of my life, and stopped allowing life to happen to me. I wanted revenge and I wanted it bad!

"Princess are you okay?!" Daddy yelled barging into my room. I'm glad I was fully dressed because that would've been a really awakward situation.

"Yes Daddy, I'm fine," I nodded. "Where have you been? I was so worried."

"I was handling business upstairs." He sighed. "I'm so sorry that happened to you babygirl, but we got him and his partner."

"Partner?" I asked surprised.

Daddy nodded. "Yeah, it was two of them niggas. They killed Miles at the front gate and even took out Big Chuck, but that's aight cause I got something for his ass."

I couldn't believe these men were able to kill two of Daddy's workers and make their way into the house. Micah said he'd be coming for us when we least expected it, but I didn't think he'd come so hard. He sent footrunners at us and they were ruthless. I was more than positive the first guy would've blown my brains out if Mama hadn't gotten to his first.

"I want in Daddy." I said authoratively. I wasn't taking no for an answer.

Daddy shook his head without hesitation. "Hell no, I've told you before this is a man's game, Babygirl."

I shook my head. "But it isn't Dad! Mom just shot a man tonight. If it was such a man's game how come Mama knows how to shoot?"

"Because yo Mama is from the hood, girl." Daddy laughed. "But seriously, I'll teach you how to shoot a gun because that's something you need to know, but I will not allow you to take part in what's going on tonight do you understand?"

I reluctantly nodded my head. "Yes sir."

"Good, now come give your old man some love."

I giggled and fell into his arms. Daddy placed a kiss on my forehead, then my cheek and squeezed me tight.

"I love you babygirl and I'd never let anything happen to you."

"I know Daddy."

A few seconds later Kellen rushed into the room and attacked me with hugs and kisses.

"Baby I'm so sorry I wasn't here! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asked examining my entire body.

I laughed and pushed his dramatic self away from me. "Yes I'm fine Key, Mama handled it all." I told him. His face held a look of surprise.

"Seriously? Mama Bee held it down like that?"

"Yup," I nodded. "Gave him a head shot and all."

Kellen's eyes grew wide and he cupped his fist over his mouth. "Damnnnn, Mama Bee straight gutta." He laughed.

"Yeah, I guess she is," I laughed along with him. Truth is I was beyond grateful Mama was gutta. She saved my life tonight. Without her that would've been my brains all over the floor and not his.

Daddy cleared his throat gaining both me and Kellen's attention.

"We got business to handle son," Daddy said, and then turned to walk out of the room.

Kellen smacked his lips and wrapped his arms around me. "Leo and some other niggas upstairs. They'll be watchin' you an' Mama Bee while we takin' care of bidness. Gone pack you a li' bag 'cause we leavin' and headin' ta Spring later on tanight, okay?" he asked placing a kiss on my lips.

I nodded and kissed him back. "Yeah, I got it. Please be safe Kellen." I begged looking into his deep brown eyes.

"Always, baby" he replied with that damn smirk I can't get enough of.

"I love you," I confessed as I laid my head on his chest. I inhaled his manly scent and tried to hold back my tears. I knew he could sense I was crying by the way my chest heaved up and down against his.

"Come on nih, Ivy don't start that. I love you too mama, and I'ma be safe. Don' worry 'bout me. I got 'dis. I'll be back befo ya know it and Daddy gon' give you soma 'dis hea good wood." He joked while placing my hand on the crotch of his pants.

"You play too much," I mumbled pulling my hands back from his private.

"You like it tho," he laughed.

"I love it tho," I smirked.

He bent down and gave me another kiss while squeezing my ass. Once he let go I felt myself getting sad all over again. I really didn't want to be away from him right now. I didn't know what kind of plan Micah was scheming up, but I knew it couldn't be good and he wouldn't stop until we were all dead.

"Stop poutin' Ivy. Daddy luh you."

"Love you too."


After leavin' me and Ivy's room I headed out ta the back where everyone was. I walked over to G's all black Escalade and hopped in the back with Smoke. Ol dude they caught earlier was in the back chillin' like he wasn't bout ta meet his maker. I shook my head lookin' at this nigga. He was a true bitch if ya asked me.

"You look real comfortable ta be 'bout ta lose ya life homie." I laughed. Everyone with the exception of him laughed along wit me.

"Fuck you," he spat.

I looked at this nigga feelin' all types of disrespected. He held a li' smirk on his uglass face, but I was bout ta knock that shit clean off. I reached back and cocked his ass dead in the nose. His head jerked back and blood instantly started spewing everywhere lettin' me know I'd broken that shit.

"Keep on talkin' shit an' I'a make sure this 'da most painful death you ever experienced my nigga."

"Damn Yung, I see now it was a good decision bringin' ya ass into 'da fam." G laughed from the drivers' seat.

Yung ain' play when it came to family. I considered everyone in this car ta be blood and I'd go to war ova 'em, straight up. The rest of the ride 'ol buddy ain' say shit and that was just how I liked it. He needed to save his breath, because if he knew what was best fa him his ass would be singin' like a canary lata.

We pulled up to one of G's warehouses on the Southside of Houston and all piled out the truck. Once we got inside dude was instantly chained to a chair. The only light that shone in the room was the moonlight and the streetlights. Honestly, the entire warehouse looked like an abandoned parking lot. There wasn't much in here but a few chairs, and a toolbag that G used to torture people.

"What's ya name son?" Snipe asked him as Smoke and I began snatching his clothes off. Dude ain' say a word and that earned him a slap across the face. Snipe hated being disrespected almost as much as me.

"I'ma ask yo punk ass again, and this time ya ass betta ansa me. 'Da fuck is yo name son?" By this time Snipe was in his face yelling and you could see the viens popping out the side of his neck, as well as the spit flying out of his mouth.

"Rod," the nigga finally peeped out.

"Rod huh? Who you working fa Rod?" I asked him.

He shot me a look out tha corna of his eye and that was it fa me. Since we had him chained to this chair ass naked I grabbed a hold of his balls and yanked them down as hard as I could. Rod let out an ear-piercing scream.

"Ion like ta repeat myself Rod so you might ah well ansa me."

"K-king," he said trying to squeeze his legs together. There wun no stoppin' da pain I'd caused him so he might as well just give it up.

"And where might King be?"

He just looked at me and laughed hard as hell like I'd actually told him a joke. This nigga gotta be wishin' fa tha most crucial death possible.

"I say some funny, fuck nigga?"

"Nah, but no matta if I tell you or not I'ma still die so what's 'da point?" he asked wit a li' smirk on his face.

"The point is you decide how you die. Give me some info, and maybe it won' be a painful maybe I'll decide ta put a bullet through ya head like G's wife did ya patna."

"I am in front of you, and behind you. I shall die in these old clothes in which I fought my battles. I just ask that I be buried with $600 of old coins."

"What the fuck is this nigga talkin' 'bout?" I asked looking back at everyone in the room. They all looked just as dumbfounded as I did. Was he just really giving us his dying wish like we actually gave a fuck? "Bruh we don't give a shit bout how you wanna be buried."

"Fuck it, he ain' talkin' kill this nigga," G ordered.

Snipe came forward and stuck him in the neck with a syringe full of curare. Curare is a drug that paralyzes you, but you can still feel everything at full intensity. We each grabbed a sharpened pocket knife and began cutting off his fingers and toes. I looked up into his face as tears streamed freely from his eyes. I honestly ain' feel no sympathy for the nigga. He wanted to run up in the place where we lay our heads and murk us, so this is what he gets in return. Ion feel an ounce of remorse fa this nigga.

I stepped back and took a look at his dismembered extremities. Dude really did look fu*ked up, and I might've felt bad fa his ass, but considering the circumstances...he deserved it all. I looked over to Smoke who looked like he was 'bout to throw up at any minute.

"You good G?" I asked makin' my way ova ta him.

He slightly nodded and wiped the corners of his mouth. "I'a be straight dawg, I think I just need some air."

I nodded my head in understanding. It was never easy taking someone's life, but you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. I followed Smoke outside just to make sure he was alright. I found him leaning against the side of the building taking shallow breaths to keep himself from throwing up.

"Shit never gets easy yanno?" he said after finally gettin' himself together.

"Yeah, but he deserved it, ya hurd me? It was eitha him or us. Just imagine if Caya had been in the house."

He nodded his head and sat up straight. "I hear ya man. I wouldn't know what ta do if I lost my girl or my li'man."

"Exactly bro, we did what we had to do. Speakin' of Caya, 'da fuck is up wit' 'dat situation man?" I asked him, taking a seat on the edge of G's truck.

Smoke shook his head while running a hand down his face. "Man, I fu*ked up a few times wit a li' chick who ain' mean none and now she done found out man. I swear the li' broad ain' none tho, she just some pus*y."

I shook my head. "Yeah, but she out hea thinkin' you sleepin' my girl though dawg. I know you set her ass straight onnat."

"Yeah, I tried to bruh, but she ain' hearin' it. I even let ha go thru my phone, but you know how Caya ass is."

I nodded. "Yeah, I do, but shid I know how Ivy is too, and I know she ain' do that shit. Nami round hea puttin' 'dat shit in Caya's head. Ouu, I swea I can't stand 'dat ho."

Smoke laughed shaking his head. "Yeah, now you hate ha ass, but you was fuckin' ha a few months ago."

I put my head down inbetween my hands. "Yeah, and now I'm wishin' I neva did." I mumbled.

"Dawg don't tell me..." he trailed off.

I ain' even look up at him, I just nodded.

"Damnit Yung, how you get yo ass caught up like that?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I can't even tell ya man. But, look don't say nothin' ta Caya or nobody 'bout it. Ion even want Ivy or G findin' out until I know she is fa sho, aiight?"

Smoke nodded and reached out to dap me. "I got you man."

A little later, G and Snipe came out the warehouse after torching Rod's body. They stuffed his body into a crate, bored holes in it, and then dumbed him into the San Jacinto River. We got home around 1:00 in the morning, and then had to head up to G's cottage in Spring, Texas. It was about 3:00 in the morning before I finally got settled into the bed. Ivy had fallen asleep as soon as we got to the house, so I didn't even get to lay it on her like I'd promised. But, honestly I'm kind of glad she went to sleep because I wasn't even in the mood. I had so much on my mind, and I still didn't have to slightest clue how I was gonna tell her about Nami. Shaking all the negative thoughts from my head, I leaned over, turned off the lamp, and drifted off to sleep.




How'd yall like it? Thoughts on KIVY? (lol shoutout to Jocelyn) Kellen & Snipe's relationship? Ivy almost being killed again? What's Micah plottin up? Mama Bee a soulja huh? Do yall think Nami is really pregnant? If so is it Smoke or Kellen's baby? How is Smoke gonna react after finding out Nami is pregnant? Who do yall want a POV from next? 

Please vote, comment & add to your libraries! 

-Nalani Rose. 

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