
By Dreamer13338

154K 4.9K 1.8K

There is a rare, valuable type of male that can carry children. There type of males are known as Carriers. At... More

Prologue/ Summary (MUST READ!)
Who To Trust?
Too Curious
Doesn't Effect Us So Why Care?
Always Mine
A Night In Thailand
A Stalker and A Friend
Extraordinary Goodbye
I Won't Mind
Always or Never
Cookies and Strawberries
Double Surprise
To Heal A Wound
Birthday Surprise
Friendly Fire
Late Night Visitors
Sleeping Beauty
Baby Showers Bring Dark Hours
Blizzard Babies
Little Cabin In the Woods
Sweet Oblivion
Parting Ways
Another Baby
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Dazed and Confused
Life Altering
Open Arms
A Close Call
Mama Payne
You Can't Save Everyone Part 1
Can't Let You Out of My Sight
Innocent Loves
Carrier Flu
Bright Birthday
After Shock
Sudden Delivery
Good News
Safety or Freedom
Ripped Away
Louis' Mistake
Dr. Winchester and Heather
Reasons Why
The Next Step
A Chaotic Morning
Poor Nialler
A Final Goodbye
Modest Mistakes
Beginning Great & Ending Bad
Long Night
A Turn of Events
Mysterious Isabella
Druids and Loopy
Horan House
A Simple B-Day
Going to See the Witches
Goodbye Niall
Fate's Hands
Starting A New Life
The Break of a New Dawn
Silent Carrier
One Hell of A Mountain
Epilogue: An Epic Family

An Unusual Wedding

1.5K 52 11
By Dreamer13338

Liam's POV

"Would you stop fussing? I'm almost done," Ruth orders me as I try to move the white button down shirt around my belly trying to make it feel looser.

"It looks weird and is uncomfortable. Why do I have to wear an entirely white tux?" I whine trying to rest my hand on my swollen five month belly, but Ruth shoves my hand away as she fixes my pants.

"You're technically the bride and the bride wears white, plus it's tradition," she replies getting to her feet and pulling on the suit coat for me. I continue to mess with the shirt hating how it shows just how big my belly is already.

"Liam James, stop messing with your shirt. Your stomach is beautiful. Now everything is set. You just have to go see Melissa in the other room and then the ceremony begins!" my mum smiles squeezing my arm excitement lighting up her eyes.

"Did the other boys get theirs done already?" I ask biting my lip nervously.

"Yup and they're waiting together on the other side of the building. Don't be nervous I'll be with you the entire time when Melissa does it," my mum takes my hand leading me out of the room after Ruth kisses my cheek.

I follow my mum cling to her hand tightly shamelessly. It's not like there is anybody in this hall to see me.

"Are the twins okay?" I ask hoping to stall her for as long as possible.

"Liam, Nicola is taking care of them. They're fine," she assures me as we enter the room where Melissa sits with a table that is glistening silver and sterile. I sit down in the chair on the other side my mum squeezes my shoulder from behind me. 

"It's okay Liam. I've done this several times before. It doesn't hurt like a regular tattoo. It's different ink and a different type of needle," Melissa assures me as she begins. The needle going to my ring finger on my left hand, "This ink is truly amazing. It will never fade and you don't have to worry about it afterwards, no bandages, nothing. It's not available to the public, only Carriers and their owners can use it," she talks as she carefully moves the needle across my finger. I am careful to not move, but tears sting my eyes because it does still hurt.

"There is no way to remove it so it makes whoever the Carrier bonds with permanent, meaning there isn't exactly many Carrier divorces," she continues giving me a quick smile before going back to her work, "Okay fist one done. Two more to go!" she encourages moving onto the next finger, my middle one.

My mum runs her fingers up and down my back comforting me as she cries above me.

"I can't believe this is actually happening, my baby is getting married," she cries kissing my cheek.

"One more finger Liam," Melissa warns me as she works.

After another five minutes she sits back with a smile on her face. 

"You may look at them if you like," she smiles as she turns grabbing some things from behind her. I lift my hand up to for my mum and I to see.

On my ring finger is Harry Styles written in a fine cursive around my finger in the shape of a ring and in the exact same position a ring would be. Below his name is a small paper airplane.  

On my middle finger is Zayn Malik. His name written much like Harry's, but below his name is the word 'zap' written very finally in comic book print.

Lastly is my pointer finger. Louis Tomlinson is written just like the ones before. Below his name near my knuckle, like the others, is a tiny surf board.

"They picked each icon at the end. I don't their meaning, but it will be explained later," Melissa gives my cheek a peck before helping me out of my seat.

My mum leads me back out into the hall and there is Paul waiting for me at the closed doors that will lead me to the ceremony. My mum and Melissa slip in leaving me with Paul.

"I knew you would get married someday this just isn't what I had expected nor did I imagine I would be walking you down the aisle," Paul smiles at me as we link arms.

"Thank you Paul for doing this. I know it's weird and...."  I begin the babble but he puts his hand up silencing me.

"Liam, I am honored that you asked. I think of you as a son and maybe this isn't a typical wedding, but it is okay because none of you are your typical boys," he assures me giving my arm a squeeze. On the other side of the door I can hear the sound of hushed whispers, a door closing and footsteps. We wait patiently for the doors to open and the music to start. My hands are sweaty and I am so nerves I feel I might be sick, but at last there is silence and the sound of Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran fills my ears.

Gripping tightly onto Paul's arm I watch as the door opens and I begin my walk down the aisle.

I can feel all eyes on me, there are some whispers and I hear the familiar giggle on Jeremiah, but my attention is on the sight ahead of me. There are Zayn, Louis and Harry waiting for me at the end of the aisle. They all are grinning at me and I can feel my heart rate pick up.

Harry is dressed in a black suit, but the shirt beneath is red and part way unbuttoned like any other shirt he wears. His hair is styled back and looks wavier than ever. I can already imagine my fingers running through that long soft hair later tonight.

Louis is dressed in a similar black suit, but his shirt underneath is a beautiful navy blue that brings out the cool blue of his eyes. His smile is crooked and his hair looks like it has been through a couple times, but in a sexy sort of way.

Zayn's is dressed in black with an emerald green shirt underneath and it too, like Harry's, is unbuttoned part way. The green contrasts with his dark skin in a way that makes it shine in this lustful way. His eyes shine at me and his smile is warm bringing me comfort.

Paul lets me hand settle in Zayn's before leaving me to stand in front of our guests and at the sides of the men I love. The priest smiles at us as he begins. The same vows at any marriage are read and we repeat when needed. 

Then comes the rings. Niall steps up placing a ring in each of the lads hands and three in mine. I wrap my right hand around the three rings well holding out my left. 

First is Louis. He takes my hand in his cradling it as he slides the ring over the top of the tattooed skin of my index finger. The ring is a dark brown and looks to be made of oak. It has Louis Tomlinson written on the outside of it in a fancy cursive. I take his hand grabbing the oak ring from my right hand. I slide the ring over his ring finger, where my name is tattooed  but with the identical tiny surf board above my name.

"Most will look at the surf boards on our fingers and think there is nothing romantic about it, but to Liam and I they represent the beginning of a bound. Sure we were friends before we went surfing, but when surfed in Australia for the first time we connected and it began the infamous Lilo relationship," Louis explains squeezing my hand.

When the priest's blessing Louis leans in to kiss me. He of course takes it too far in his typical Louis fashion and actually licks my lips and I think he might have grabbed my bum.

When we part my face is red hot and I can't look at the giggling crowd. I take another step and come face to face with Zayn Malik.

He winks at me in greeting and my cheeks burn yet again. Zayn takes my left hand in his sliding a golden ring with his name carved into it on my middle finger. I take the golden ring in my hand and slide it on to his ring finger that has my name tattooed on it with that familiar 'Zap' above it.

"It began in McDonalds with a conversation about comics. Two nerds discussing nerd things over a couple burgers and some fries. It was those nerd topics that made it easy to talk to him and it didn't take long for me to tell him things I never told anybody else and for him to do the same. It was those conversations that made me realize I love this man and it all began with comics, so on our fingers is the word Zap to remind us of what originally had brought us together," Zayn says making me blush as I remember that day and how he had kept touching my hand or brushed my shoulder.

With a word from the priest Zayn tilts my chin up kissing me, caressing my cheek in his hand. His kiss is warm and he parts with a finale kiss to my forehead.

Lastly is Harry. He takes my hand squeezing it tightly before sliding a silver band onto my ring finger. The silver has his name carved into it and it glistens under the lighting. I take the final ring in my hand sliding it onto his finger biting my lip under his watchful eye.

"Few know this story, but it is the story that began my and Liam's relationship. He was always on edge on the X-Factor and I wanted to calm him down get him to relax. So I threw a paper airplane that had a note written in its folds when he was wide awake one night worrying. It hit my target and I was pleased to see him read the note and write back. We spent much of our X-Factor nights flying paper planes back and fourth between us with notes written on each one. Later he bought me a necklace with a paper airplane on its chain, I have worn it sense until a fan had stolen it a couple of months ago. Now though that paper airplane is marked on both our fingers, forever there to remind us of those secrets and laughs we shared in the folds of those planes that strengthen our relationship to make it what it is today," Harry says kissing my hand right where his rings lays.

When Harry and I kiss, his kiss is gently yet passionate. It only lasted a short few seconds, but it is enough to leave my cheeks flushed and breathless with the effect of Harry Styles.

With our marriages sealed we leave the church under a rainfall of rose petals. We pile into a limo in a fit of laughter. We leave heading to a house designed for just this night, for this moment between us.

"Kind of happy we can't have an exception it gives us more time tonight," Louis winks at me as Harry pulls me into his arms resting his hand on my stomach letting me relax back into him.

Zayn takes my hand holding it tightly his eyes outside the window. Louis takes my feet sliding off my shoes and throwing them onto the floor. He massages them gently running his fingers over my tender muscles making me moan with in pleasure. My feet have been killing me all day!

"Close your eyes Liam. Get some sleep, you're going to need your energy for tonight," Zayn whispers in my ear stroking my hair.

I nod letting my head fall back resting on Harry's chest as sleep takes me losing myself in the pleasure of having my husbands rubbing all the aches and pains out of my body.


"Love, we're here," Harry's out breath against my ear stirs me from my sleep. He smiles down at me kissing my lips gently.

The car door is already open and I can see little rose petals leading us up a stone walkway. I look around noticing for the first time that Zayn and Louis have disappeared.

"They're inside getting ready," Harry whispers as he easily carries me into the house. I keep my arms wrapped around his neck as he carries me up a step, through a living room and finally into the bedroom.

He lays me down on the bed and then crawls onto it above me pinning my hands above my head. He leans in kissing my lips passionately. He licks them, nibbling at them. He then moves down kissing along my neck, down to my collar bone. He starts to unbutton my shirt, having tossed away my jacket long ago. With each button his kisses go further down my body.

I feel hands grab mine above me and I look up to see Louis. He leans in kissing me as Harry kisses down my body reaching the final button. He removes my shirt tossing it to the side. Louis nibbles down my neck, hitting a sensitive spot making me moan aloud. Harry moves off my body yet he continues to kiss me and suck at my nipples make me moan.

I feel another set of hands on my pants. His fingers unbuttoning them, unzipping them. I catch a glimpse of him as he pulls my pants down and tosses them aside. He kisses up my leg, in between my thighs. As he goes for my underwear Zayn sits up giving me a wink before discarding that as well. He goes for my top placing it between his lips and when he starts to suck I moan loudly.

I reach my hands out tugging at Harry's shirt wanting their clothes gone. Harry takes my hand nibbling at my fingertips before discarding his jacket, shirt, pants and boxers tossing them on the floor before going back to kissing along my skin. When he does Louis takes his turn to strip, before going back to kissing me and nibbling at me.

I feel Zayn leave me making me whimper at the loss. He strips off his clothes as well before joining us back on the bed.

"Liam, are you ready?" Louis whispers in my ear as he nibbles.

"Y-Yes, please," I beg wanting them so badly.

That was all they needed. I am rolled onto my side gently. Louis keeps my head in his naked lap. Harry keeps a hand on my belly as I feel Zayn position himself behind me his manhood at the edges of my entrance waiting to be thrusted in.

Harry drapes my leg over him before kissing downwards, Louis goes back to kissing along my neck and then Zyn enters me.

For over two hours they take turns going back and forth between positions. By the time they are done, the sheets are ruined, we're all panting messes and I am exhausted.

"No more, I'm so tired," I gasp out falling back into the pillows.

"Okay, we'll clean up and then bed," Louis promises kissing my lips before disappearing into the bathroom.

"How do you feel?" Zayn asks as Harry and him snuggle me. He rubs my swollen belly gently as Harry massages my back.

"Exhausted, I don't think going to be able to walk for the rest of my life and slightly hungry," I reply making them laugh.

"I promise we'll make you some food before we go to sleep," Harry laughs massaging my lower back knowing that it is aching after his experiences with Louis.

"READY!" Louis calls from the bathroom. Harry picks me up off the bed carrying me into the bathroom. I glance back at Zayn and see that he is up removing the bedding.

Inside the bathroom it is dimly lighten by candles burning around the bathroom. A large tub is filled with water and bubbles. Harry sits me down in the tub, climbing in beside me along with Louis. Louis pulls me into him gently.

"Close your eyes, babe," he whispers in my ear. I do as he says relaxing. I can feel his fingers running through my hair and water be dumped on my head. He massages shampoo into my scalp and I an feel Harry beginning to wash me else where.

Zayn joins us shortly later and we spend an hour taking turn washing each other.

By the time we are done I am exhausted my stomach growls loudly.

"Aw is our baby girl hungry?" Harry asks my belly after I am laying in bed with a fresh pair of underwear on.

"She's very hungry, can you please make us something to eat," I beg him as my belly rumbles again.

"Of course, be right back, babe," Harry promises going out the bedroom door. Louis and Zayn let me snuggle with them while we wait. I can feel Zayn's hand on my back working out the remaining knots well Louis rubs my belly talking to our daughter softly.

When Harry returns he has a tray full of food. There is a large bowl of mixed fruit, some yogurt, a large sandwich full of veggies, ham and cheese, a glass of milk and my several of my mum's homemade chocolate chip cookies.

"Yummy," I squeal sitting up with the help of Louis and Zayn. Harry settles the tray on my lap and I dig in. I can't help but moan at how yummy it tastes. Everything is so fresh and yummy.

"Wow, Liam. Is the food better than our sex?" Louis asks laughing.

"Hey my mum's cookies ARE better than sex and this fruit is some pretty good competition," I reply making them all laugh.

"Do you guys feel any different?" I ask between mouthfuls of sandwich.

"I still feel warm. Like there is this warmth moving through my veins, but other than that I feel fine," Zayn says as I continue to munch on my food.

"Same here, who knew immortality would be warm? I thought there would be some pain," Louis confesses and there are noises of agreement.

"Done!" I cheer happily after I take my last sip of milk.

"Wow, Liam I didn't think you would actually eat it all," Harry laughs taking the tray.

"Your daughter was hungry and you really gave me a workout," I reply as I snuggle into the covers pulling them up around me.

When Harry returns we're all snuggled together and sleep soon takes us all. Me and my three husbands fast asleep cuddling together.

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