
By incredible_things_

878K 21.8K 25.8K

Clexa AU present day. Clarke and Lexa are new students at the same university. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Final A/N

Chapter 21

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By incredible_things_

-Clarke's POV-

The last week of classes before break flew by faster than I could have imagined. Before I knew it it was Tuesday night and I was celebrating a mock Thanksgiving with my New York family.

"I'd like to make a toast!" Bellamy stood up on his chair as we all gathered around the table.

"Bro, get down you're going to hurt yourself." Finn said to him calmly.

"No! I want to toast!" He raised his glass that hadn't been empty since I got there and turned to face each of us. "I am so happy that we are all here to celebrate this holiday as a family. Because that's what we are. A family. And no matter what new people may come or go from it...." Of course he shot a glance at me as he said it and I could tell he was talking about Lexa. "...the five of us will always have each other. So here's to us. To our little family. And here's to America! Because it's Thanksgiving baby! And I'm thankful for all of you!"

We were all laughing at him as we raised our glasses to toast. "To family!" We all repeated.

After a few drinks and a lot of food we were all gathered around Finn and Bellamy's living room. Talking about our plans for the break.

"So Clarke, are you excited about Thanksgiving with your used-to-be woman?" Finn asked as he and Raven sat curled up in a reclining chair.

"It will be awkward for sure. But it will be good to spend some time with her." I said calmly.

"Does your mom know you both aren't together anymore?" Octavia asked.

"No she doesn't. But Lexa knows what I've told my mom and we are going to talk about how to handle it on the train ride to Massachusetts."

"That'll be awkward as fuck..." Bellamy said in his half passed out state on the floor.

Raven kicked him in the ribs. "Shut up Bellamy don't be bitter."

He flipped her the bird and then rolled over to face away from us.

Bellamy was right though. This could potentially be really, REALLY awkward. I would have to lay it all out on the table with Lexa before we got to the house. We needed to be on the same page when we talked to my mom about what was going on in our "relationship".

After a few hours of drinking and talking I walked back to the residence hall. Raven and Octavia decided to stay because they all had early starts and didn't want to have to walk back tomorrow. As I made my way to my dorm I thought of all the ways this upcoming week could possibly go. I also thought about all the ways I wanted it to go. What was I looking to get it of this trip? Did I want to prove to myself that Lexa and I could be friends? Or did I want to use this trip as a chance to be more? In my tipsy state I managed to come to the conclusion that I wanted more than to be just friends and this week was my chance so I would be smart to make the most of it.

When I reached my door I found a note on it from Lexa

Be at your door at 8 to pick you up. Don't sleep in.

The note made me smile. She was worried about being on time which was a first for her since I was always the one waking her up to go somewhere. Maybe in these last few weeks she really had changed. Maybe things were going to be different for us this time and we could have a healthy relationship where we were more independent from each other. As I set my alarm for 7am I thought about the possibilities and for the first time in two weeks I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


-Lexa's POV-

"Clarke! Clarke open the door!"

It was 7:45am on the morning we were supposed to leave for Massachusetts and it was obvious to me that Clarke slept right through her alarm.

"Hey! You better not be asleep in there!" Which I knew she was because I couldn't even hear her moving around the room this morning.

"Hey Lexa, what's up?" I heard Raven say sleepily from behind me.

"I think Clarke is still sleeping and we have to leave in 15 minutes if we watch to make it to the train on time."

"I got this. Hold on." She replied as she lazily fumbled in her pocket to find her key.

When the lock clicked and Raven opened the door I wasn't at all shocked by that I saw. Clarke was laying in bed fast asleep with the blankets pulled up completely shielding her from the sun that was fighting through her bedroom curtain.

I walked over to the bed slowly, thinking to myself that she still looks beautiful when she sleeps, and I rested my hand on top of the comforter and spoke softly.

"Clarke. Hey, Clarke. You have to wake up or we are going to be late." I shook her gently and after a few moments I saw her eyes start to open and I was met with the piercing light blue color that I had come to love so dearly.

"What time is it?" She asked. Her voice was heavy with sleep and she sounded absolutely adorable.

"It's 8am Clarke get the hell up!" Raven called from under her bed. She clearly came back to the room to look for something.

At the sound of Raven's voice Clarke shot up out of bed. "8am! What the heck? I set an alarm for 7! How? Ugh!" She jumped off of the bed and started to get herself dressed.

"Luckily you already packed a bag," I said laughing as Clarke rushed around her room thing to find something to wear.

When she found an outfit she deemed acceptable she didn't even bother asking me to leave the room. She began to change right in front of me as if I wasn't even there. But I knew I was there. It took all the willpower I had to not look her up and down and spend the entire time admiring her beautiful body which hadn't changed at all in two weeks time.

I don't think Clarke even remembered I was there because once she pulled her shirt over her head and her blue eyes met my green ones she let out an embarrassed laugh and shook her head before continuing to get ready.

"I would have left the room if-"

"We are in a rush Lexa. And it's nothing you haven't seen before." Clarke said breathlessly as she hopped on one foot trying to tie the shoes she had chosen for the day.

I let out a small laugh before nodding my head in agreement. When I looked around the room I realized Raven was gone. She must have left whole Clarke was changing. Was I really that distracted by the sight of my ex in her underwear that I didn't notice a person leaving the room?

After a few more rushed minutes Clarke was ready to go. We knew if we were going to make the train we would have to run so as soon as Clarke locked her dorm room door for the week she grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall towards the elevator.

Luckily, we both ran fast enough to catch the 8:45 train leaving Penn Station. After sprinting on the train Clarke and I collapsed into our seats and settled in for the long ride to Northampton.

"So. Tired. Need. Sleep." Clarke said dramatically.

"You're so ridiculous. Go to sleep then I'll wake you up when we are close." Before I could finish my sentence I felt Clarke nestle in closer to me and relax her body in preparation for sleep.

I tried desperately to ignore the comfortable feeling of her head on my shoulder. Her breath against my skin gave me goosebumps that I had missed in our two weeks apart.

With my headphones blasting in my ears I let myself relax and try to enjoy the six hour ride we had ahead of us. I let my mind wander to what Anya and her family would be doing this week but it didn't stay there for long and soon my thoughts were back on Clarke and how cute she looked when sleeping. I guess I let my thoughts wander too far because in no time I heard Clarke saying my name and waking me up.

"Lexa, hey wake up."

"Hmm.." I mumbled.

"I think we should talk about everything before we see my mom. You know, make sure we are on the same page?"

"And what page is that?" I asked, confused by what she could possibly mean.

"Well, she thinks we are still she's going to be asking us about how we have been as a couple and what we have been doing. And she is going to expect us know...act a certain way around each other." Clarke said as she looked at her hands in her lap.

"Oh...yeah. I guess you're right." I said once I realized what she was getting at. "Well I'm pretty flexible with all this. I don't want to complicate anything with you and your mom and definitely don't want to complicate things with your mom and I. So just tell me what to say and how to act and I'll do it."

Clarke smiled sweetly and bit the bottom corner of her lip. "You always say the right things." She laughed softly and rolled her eyes a little. "Thanks Lexa."

"Don't thank me. We are friends. It's what we do for each other."

She put her hand towards my lap and reached for my hand. "I'm really glad you're back in my life. I missed you."

"You missed me?" I said jokingly and she immediately pulled her hand away.

"Whatever Lexa don't get a big head about it!" She said as she shoved me playfully.

Another hour of mindless conversation with some flirting passed and soon we felt the train come to a stop at the Northampton station.

"You ready?" Clarke said.

I grabbed her hand in mine and smiled wide. "Let's do this."

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