Forever Isn't As Long (lesbia...

By S_Ferrier

37.2K 1.4K 87

Cameron Bailey, high school sweet hearts with Andy Sanders. True love may come to an end. Cam will either fig... More



751 32 4
By S_Ferrier

I sat by Nicole on the couch. We had both been sipping our wine. I could tell she was a bit nervous by the way she shifted next to me trying to find a way to explain to me what her life was like before coming here.

"Well, where to begin," she smiled nervously, "We got married out of highschool. Thought we were going to be together forever, being highschool sweet hearts and all." She sipped her wine, her eyes seeming to daze off into the past. "John, was his name, captain of the football team. A very handsome young man." She smiled at the memory.

"I remember a few weeks after our honey moon. We were settling into our house, stuff still scattered around the floor in boxes. He was drinking, which he seemed to be doing a lot of it lately. More than usual," she shrugged, darkness taking over her features, "He got mad at me for not hving everything put up. I had a lot to do, i was working, he was too of course. I didn't think he really expected me to do it all by myself. I had never seen him so mad in his life." She sat still reliving her past, I waited quietly for her to continue.

"He threw a plate at me, and called me a pathetic humabeing, a terrible wife. I figured it was just the alcohol talking, but it never seemed to stop after that. I put up with it for years, and years. Until I was 27 I decided it was enough. By then I figured he was cheating on me, he hardly came home, and when he did it was a constant fight." She started to tear up, "I don't know why i stuck around for so long, hoping he would change but he didn't. I don't know what was wrong with me, all those years wasted." She shrugged, looking into her wine glass that was empty now. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her into me.

"He beat me so many times, but he always apologized, and said he wouldn't do it again but we drank and always, always hit me." I could tell she was crying now her voice was think, and her breathing became short.

"I have been very ashamed of myself for a very long time, and I haven't told anybody this, for some reason I am comfortable with you. I feel okay telling you these things." She sat up to look at me, her make up running down her cheeks with the tears. I touched her cheek, "You're my student."

She sat up realizing, she stood pacing the floor. "This isn't a good idea, this is bad, Cam."

"Wait, what?" I stood up trying to look her in the eyes.

"All I do is get into messed up relationships, and I mess everything up, and I don't want to do that again. We can't do this." Tears were pouring down her face, her body shaking.

I felt my stomach drop, and my heart began to hurt, "We have known this."

"You should go..." She trailed off, turning away from me, she looked so vulnerable.


"Just go, Cam." She began to push me out the door.

"I live far from here, I can't walk. It's dark." I could have walked, but i didn't want to, not when there was a chance I could talk some sense into her.

She stopped for a second, taking me in, thinking of the situation. I gently grabbed her wrists, "Nicole," I made her look at me, "What are you trying to do right now?"

Her lip quivered, and she shook her head.

I pushed my lips on hers, making her fall back onto the couch. Her lips formed to mine, as I began to slip my tongue past her lips. She complied, letting me take control. I pinned her hands down, pulling away enough for her to look at me. "I'm not going anywhere."

She let out a shaky breath, her eyes growing darker, more seductive. She didn't say anything, she just grabbed a handful of my hair, and pulled me into her.



Sorry it has taken so long. I've had some medical issues, but I hope you enjoy, and let me know what you thiink!


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