Single Dad "Starting Over"(Hu...

fanforfanfic द्वारा

33.8K 1.8K 1.7K

What happens when a 27 year old Country music sensation is forced to "Start Over" as a single dad? Will he be... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109

Chapter 31

312 18 13
fanforfanfic द्वारा

Liddy's POV

"Thanks for offering to do my hair for me tonight, Liz."

"That's what sisters are for? Besides I'm dying to hear all the details from last's night's date." She says with a smirk.

"It wasn't a date."

"Then what was it?"

"I don't know what you would call it. Maybe two friends who went to a movie, then got some coffee and ended up holding hands. I'm..." I never get to finish. Liz interrupts me.

"You ended up holding hands. I want details and I want them now!"

"Okay." I say with a giggle. "We met at 7:30 pm outside his garage and spent some time talking about classic cars after he showed me his '94 Porsche 911 and his '69 Jaguar XKE. I think he was impressed that I knew so much about them.

"He owns an XKE? What color? Was it a convertible or a hard top?" She asks.

"It's white with a hard top. Now stop interrupting, please."


"Before the movie, while we were standing in line to buy popcorn I turned my ankle and literally ended up falling into Hunter's chest." I blush at the memory. "I thought I  felt chemistry the day I twisted my ankle, well that was nothing compared to what I experienced last night."

"What did Hunter do?"

"He wrapped his hands around my waist, to keep me, from knocking us both over. Then he looked directly into my eyes for a few seconds. I think, he felt something. His eyes turned a stormy gray blue color and he seemed very hesitant to let go of me. But seriously Liz, I can't think straight when I am that close to Hunter, so maybe I just imagined everything."

"I highly doubt that." My sister chuckles. 

"I hope you're right." I say before grabbing 2 bottles of water from my refrigerator and handing one to Liz. "As for the movie, I honestly don't remember much. A very tall man sat in front of me, so in order to see past him, I had to lean towards Hunter for the entire movie. Needless to say with the smell of his cologne and knowing his toned body was only a few inches away, I wasn't able to concentrate, very much at all."

"Well that's, good!" She exclaims. "If you had a hard time focusing, then that means Hunter did, too." Liz just smiles. "Did he try to hold your hand or put his arm around you?"

"No, but I am pretty sure I heard a few groans, but at least one of those were mine. Seriously, his cologne was driving me insane." Liz just giggles.

 "I am so happy you are taking pleasure in my frustration."

"I'm sorry. But you are so cute when you're disgruntled."She says as she continues to laugh.

I roll my eyes. "After the movie we found a 24 hour Starbucks and sat and talked while drinking hot chocolate."

"When did you hold hands? In the car, on the way to get coffee?"

"No, actually it happened 2 separate times and both times where at Starbucks." Liz's face lights up with surprise.  "I was totally shocked the both times it happened. We had been talking and flirting with each other, when I reached over to pat his hand for some reason. That's when he tenderly grabbed my wrist and started running  his fingers over my fingertips looking for calluses, I guess. When I didn't have any, he asked if I had ever played a string instrument. I said a few times, but that I quit because I wasn't very good. He then offered to show me how to play the guitar, if I ever wanted to learn."

"Wow, that's so sweet of him." She says. 

I shake my head, yes. "I told him he'd never have enough time to teach me because I was so bad. And you won't believe what he said."

"Liddy, come on! What did he say?"  I just laugh because I know she's irritated with me for dragging this out.

"He said he would ALWAYS make time for me. Can you believe he said that? I'm still trying to figure out what he meant by that."

"See I told you he had feelings for you and that's my proof right there! He never would of made a point of telling you that, if he didn't mean it."

"I really want to believe you, but it could just be Hunter being nice."

"I know I'm right." She says confidently.  "So when did you hold hands the second time?"

I take a sip of water. "That happened while I was explaining how mom died. You know me, I got a bit teary and that's when Hunter reached over to take both of my hands in his. He must have held then for at least 10 minutes. He even wiped my tears away with his thumb. I'm telling you if I wasn't already in love with him that gesture alone, would have made me fall in love with him."

"Did anything else happen?"

"Well on the way home we played a question and answer game, in the car. All the while, I was flirting with him and he was flirting back, I think. When we got to his place, neither of us seemed to be in a hurry to get out of his car, so instead we just sat there laughing and talking. Then out of no where, I heard this tiny voice in my head tell me to kiss him, so I did. I leaned over the console and kissed him on the cheek then got out of the car and didn't look back."

I can tell from the look on her face, that Liz is shocked. "Liddy, I can't believe you were brave enough to do that! I know that's something I would have done, but I'm surprised by you. I thought you were suppose to be the shy one in the family?"

"I know!" I throw my hands over my face. "I can't believe I did it either. I am so embarrassed now. I don't even know what he did after because I was too ashamed to look back. For all I know he may have run straight into his house and washed it off with a disinfectant soap."

Liz just chuckles. "I highly doubt he did that."

"You don't know, he's a germaphobe. He might have." Talking about the kiss has made me anxious. I start pacing the room. Hoping to calm myself down.

"Liddy, It's too late now to get upset about it. It's not like you can take it back. For all he knows, that might be how you say goodbye to all your friends."

I stop pacing. "You're right. If he brings it up. That's what I'll say." Feeling a sense of relief, I go over and hug Liz. "Thanks so much."

"For what?" She asks

"For just being here and holding my hand whenever I need it. I love you."

"Awww, I love you, too. Now come sit down. If I don't get started on your hair and makeup, I'll still be here when Hunter shows up and that would be awkward, for all of us!"


Hunter's POV

"Hey Harps, are you ready to go over to Grammy and Grampy's house?"

"Yes!" She says while hopping around in a circle.

"Do you have Jazzy?"

"Yup." That was a dumb question on my part. When is she ever without her? Only that one night when Liddy twisted her ankle and Harper insisted that Lid take her stuffed horse, to help her feel better... Gosh, I still remember everything about that day. I remember the guys and I helping move her furniture, watching her laugh and play with Harper and me helping her when she twisted her ankle. I can't forget the feeling of her in my arms and how perfectly she fit next to me. I dream about it every night. As if those memories weren't enough, I now get to add the feel of her delicate hands in mine. Plus the smell of her perfume that wrecks havoc with my senses and the most important memory of all, the feel of her soft lips on my cheek.

"Daddy time to go." Harps says as she pulls on my hand.

"Okay, give me one minute to grab your bag with your pj's and stuff in it." I trot over to the couch and slip the strap over my shoulder then I grab Harper's hand and head towards the door. "Come here Cole. Ready to go for a ride?"

He lumbers over and sits like a good boy, while I attach his leash and Harper smothers him with hugs. "Alright, let's go."

About 10 minutes later, we arrive at my parents. I hop out. Open the back door so Cole can jump out and I take him to his favorite bush so he can water it. Once he is all set, we walk over to my Ranger Rover and get Harper. She takes my free hand and I close the door with my foot. Then with Cole on one side of me and Harper on the other, we walk towards my parent's door.

"Daddy, me ring bell." She says.

"Sure thing, baby girl. Just let me lift you up so you can reach it." Once she's close enough to touch it, she sticks her finger out and pushes the doorbell. Holding it a bit longer than necessary. Well, there's no way my parent's didn't hear that. I chuckle to myself.

The door opens and my dad's standing there. "Grampy!" Harper squeals while extending her arms out inviting dad to pick her up.

"How's grampy's little girl?" He asks as he bends to lift her into his arms.

"Good." She says as she kisses him on the cheek. I instantly have a flashback to last night and Liddy's lips on my cheek. It may have happened quickly but it left me knowing that I want to feel her lips on mine. I need to kiss her soon otherwise I think I'll go crazy.

"Hunter, are you coming?" I hear my dad ask.

"Ah yay. I just need to go back to the car and get her bag." With that said. Cole and I jog back to my car.


"There you are. We were beginning to think you got lost." My mom says with a smirk.

"I decided to take Cole for a little walk." They don't need to know that I was the one who needed the "walk", to give myself time for the physical effects that arose while thinking about Liddy, to relax. Honestly, if she looks half as beautiful as she did last night and wears that same perfume to dinner, I'm going to be in trouble, literally.

"So what did you do last night without this little munchkin around?" My mom asks while tickling Harper.

"I went to the movies."

"What did you see? Did you go by yourself?" Dad asks.

"Liddy went with me and we saw Iron Man 4."

My mom's smile gets bigger. "Did you two have a nice time?"

"Yes, the movie was great." Lord, please don't let them ask me any questions about the plot. I wasn't paying attention. I can't remember a thing!

"What made you think to ask Liddy?" Dad asks while scratching Cole behind the ears.

"She called last night to see if Harper was home. She missed her and was hoping to visit with her. Of course Harps wasn't home, but we started talking and I found out she's as big of an Iron man fan, as me, so I invited her to come along, since I was planning on going anyway."

"Well, that was nice of you to invite her. Glad to hear you guys had fun. It sounds like you two have a lot of things in common." My mom says while giving my dad a sideways glance.

"You know Hunter, Liddy is a very special young lady. You and Harper are very lucky to have her in your lives. I hope no one comes along and steals her away from you two."

"Me either, dad. Well, I should get going so I can change before dinner. Thanks again for watching Harper. I brought her pajamas and stuff. It's in her bag. Do you want me to come get her after dinner?"

"Let's play it by ear. You can call or text us what you want us to do. If you forget we'll contact you."

"Good idea. I hate to move Harps once she's asleep, but I might have to. It really depends on what time Liddy wants to take Harper clothes shopping tomorrow. If it's the earlier part of the morning, then I will just come and get her, tonight so she'll be ready."

"Oh I didn't know Liddy was taking her to the mall for clothes. I will be sure to give Harper a bath, then."

"Thanks mom." I bend down to kneel next to Harper who is sitting on the floor playing with some dolls. "Hey there Punkin, you be good for Grammy and Grampy, okay?"

"Okay. I sluv you daddy." Harper says as she gives me a hug.

"I love you, too, baby girl." Then I get up and head for the door.

"Oh Hunter, are you going to buy Liddy some flowers?" My mom asks.

"I hadn't planned on it. It's not a date, mom."

"Date or not, it's still a nice gesture if you want to make someone feel special. I mean appreciated."


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Thank you to everyone, 2.1 K reads!! This makes me so happy.

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