Caskett: Rescue Me

By MyCastle47

21.1K 767 47

Kate Beckett is a homicide detective who is in a relationship with Josh Davidson. Although Josh is an abuser... More

Chapter 1: It all started
Chapter 2: Questions
Chapter 3: No Answers
Chapter 4: Help?
Chapter 5: Seriously
Chapter 6: Caught in the Act
Chapter 7: I Need You
Chapter 8: Dangerous Encounters
Chapter 9: The Wrong Mistakes
Chapter 10: Aftershock
Chapter 11: Bad Timing
Chapter 12: Complete Disaster
Chapter 13: All the Way
Chapter 14: Cat Fights
Chapter 15: False Hope
Chapter 16: Problems and Dilemmas
Chapter 17: Baby Jokes
Chapter 19: A New Start
Chapter 20: How Did it Come to This
Chapter 21: Would You Rather
Chapter 22: Solving the Problems
Chapter 23: Quick Surprises
Chapter 24: Sickness Calls
Chapter 25: Pain and Suffering
Chapter 26: Monkey See Monkey Do
Chapter 27: The Breaking Point
Chapter 28: YAS
Chapter 29: Old Flames? I Think Not...
Chapter 30: Men Are Stupid
Chapter 31: Parties
Chapter 32: Choices and Reasons
Chapter 33: The Final "Episode"

Chapter 18: Success?

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By MyCastle47

A time lapse of 8 months, so Beckett is a few weeks away from her due date.

I awoke to the kicking of my baby. "Ugh!" I said, causing Castle to turn around to face me. "What's wrong?" he said. "It's the baby it won't stop." "Maybe this will." He said leaning in to kiss me, and instantly the baby stopped I pulled back and said. "It worked." "Really?" "Yeah, so kiss me again." "This is torture. You're lucky I love you." "Only the luckiest." He leaned in again and we started kissing. His were soft, and they would never grow old. Eventually we got out of bed, and he cooked breakfast and then poured himself some coffee.

"Castle can I please have some coffee." I say making a pouty face at him. "No, of course not." "I can either have coffee or wine, so pick one." "Neither." "Castle." "You can have water." "But I do-" "Stop complaining, Miss Beckett." "Castle I'm serious." "Are you crying." "It's these stupid hormones, I cry when I'm mad, and they make me want to have sex all of the time." "Well suck it up buttercup, just a few more weeks, and the nursery is almost done, too." "Ok, but I can't go to work so what do you expect me to do." "It's a Saturday, Alexis is off of school, and she's gonna be a freshman soon, so talk to her about that." "You're little girl isn't so little anymore." "Nope."Just as we finished our conversation, Alexis walked down the stairs. "Hey dad." "Hey pumpkin." "Hi, Katie!" She said to me running the rest of way down the stairs, and coming over to my giant stomach. "Do you want to feel?" I asked. She shook her head yes, "Ok give me your hand." "Ok." I placed her hand on my stomach and she laughed. "Well I'll leave you to." Castle said, giving us each a kiss on the cheek, and then leaving the loft.

Alexis immediately sat down next to me, and started talking, "Kate, I have a problem and it involves a boy, he wants us to do things, like things, but I don't want to, and I do love him. But then again he's way older than me. And doesn't even know I'm dating him, and I kind of told him to come over and I also said that no one was home." "Ok," I said, "Why would you tell him to come over if you know that he wants to do things that you don't. And how old is this boy?" "17." "Holy crap! Alexis you're only 14. If your dad finds out he's gonna kill you." "Please don't tell him just help me." "Alexis you know that I don't take sides between you and you're father." "Can you please give me some advice." "Have you even kissed him yet?" "No." "Then why-." "I don't know, but he has a system and-" Our conversation was put on pause by a doorbell. "Oh my gosh, it's him, please go into the bedroom and give me advice." "Ok, just be yourself. Just kidding. Ok be yourself, and tell him. But on the other hand try and distract him, good luck." "I love you mom." "What? Did you just call me mom." "Yea. Now please hide." "Ok." I then went into Castle's office. And closed the door. Alexis and her "boyfriend" the went upstairs. She would defend herself.

A few hours later Alexis ran down the stairs scared and screaming, "Help! Please, Kate! Mom!" I then ran out of Castle's office to Alexis. Her face was bleeding and her shirt was torn. "Alexis, are you ok?" I asked, kneeling down to her. "He- he. I told him no, and he said yes, and then- he- he just." she cried into me. "Alexis, honey where is he?" "I knocked him out so he's on the floor of my room." "It's ok, everything's ok. I know how you feel." "No you don't! What just happened in there, you have no idea how that feels." "Are you forgetting something?" "No." "Well doesn't your father talk to you. Because I know exactly how that feels, I was raped. I was sexually assaulted. Multiple times, and there's nothing I can do about that. I can't reverse the clock, I can't and it was by more than one man, at the same time. And when I thought I got away, I didn't and it just got worse." "You're lying." "Why would I be lying. Didn't your father tell you? That's why I was in the hospital." "He told me it was a work related accident." "Yeah, well it wasn't. So yes, I do know, and you don't. So tell me you do. Not that I would ever wish that on you." "I'm sorry." "Apologies mean nothing to me." "What?" "Show me your sorry." Alexis nodded and we got up. Just as we did Castle opened the door, saw Alexis and ran to her, asking her what happened. "It was uh-" she stuttered. "Just tell him." I said and she nodded. "I fell." "Lie." "Mom." "If you don't tell him I will." "It was a boy." "What!" Castle said. "A boy." "Where is he?" "Upstairs." "What." I knocked him out." "But don't blame Mom. She couldn't have helped me as much as she did now. I told her to stay out of it. So don't blame her. And she told me that she was abused." "Alexis." "Why didn't you tell me, dad." "Can I kick this boys as first, and then we can talk about it later?" "Ok."

Castle then went upstairs and ended up carrying the boy over his shoulders. He took him out of the elevator and threw him out of the door. When he re entered the loft he had a satisfied look on his face. "Alexis, you need to tell me these relationship things." he said. "I know." Alexis said, and they then hugged. The rest of the day went easy. The baby was doing ok, and everything was ok. There was no fights, no hard times, just family bonding. As evening was approaching, I fell to the ground in pain. Castle immediately rushed to help me, and help me stand up. "Are you okay?" he asked, concerned. "Yeah," I said seeing him, calm down, "My water just broke." "What." "Yeah." "Ok, then let's get you to the hospital." He then helped me out the door. "Alexis," he said, "You stay here and wait for Grams, and then both of you come to the hospital," "Ok." she said, all excited and smiley. She then sat down on the couch as we headed put the door.

On the way to the hospital, the car ride was almost making me sick. "Kate, are you ok?" Castle, asked, looking over to the passengers seat where I was holding my stomach and breathing heavily. "Do I look ok, Castle?" I said sort of yelling toward him. "I'm going to choose to ignore that because you're going into labor." "Whatever." "That too." "Rick, just shut up and drive." "That t-" "Ah! This baby needs to come out already." "Sorry, I'll just drive." "Thank you." "I can't wait." "Shut up." It took us about 15 minutes to get to the hospital. Once we got there, we got into my private room, and I laid there in the bed in pain waiting for the doctor. Eventually the doctor came and she was very nice. "Hello, I'm Dr. Alison Montgomery, and I'm going to be delivering your baby. After she checked me I was only 5 centimeters dialated, and she would come back later. Rick sat behind me, and I laid in between his legs, and he massaged my shoulders. i was uncomfortable and in pain.

Eventually the doctor came back and said that it was time for me to push. I started and screamed, "Castle I swear your never touching me again." He just laughed along with the doctor. I pushed again saying, "Castle I swear we are never having sex again." He just kissed me on the cheek, saying, "Sure, I believe you, but it's going to be hard for you to resist this." He said kissing me on the cheek once more, making me shiver with happiness. "Ok, one more push." "The doctor said, and I nodded. I pushed one more time and then heard cries. "Congratulations, Kate and Rick, you have a boy." She then handed the baby to the nurse and then I started feeling pain again. "Kate are you okay, Dr. Montgomery?" Dr. Montgomery then came back over, then saw all of the blood, and saw my pale face. "She's hemorrhaging," Dr. Montgomery said, rushing to Kate, "We need to get her into surgery, Mr. Castle, you're going to have to go to the waiting room." "Is she going to be ok?" Castle asked. "Hey, Castle." I said before passing out. "Yeah." "If I don't make it. I want you to know that I know the name for our boy." "What is it?" he said in between sobs. "It's-" I couldn't see, I couldn't feel, I couldn't breathe.

RICK'S P.O.V. Beckett was about to tell me the name of our child when she passed out. "No!" I said, "Kate! Come back! Please." "Mr. Castle," Dr. Montgomery said, "We can fix her. But only if you'll let us." "Ok." I said giving Kate a kiss on the lips, and then leaving the room and running to the nursery, to check on our baby boy. When I got to the nursery I saw him, what did she want to name him? I couldn't think. But he had my eyes, so I'm sure he would have her hair. He would have my spirit and her soul. My mind and he heart. He would be perfect. And we were going to be an amazing and perfect family. Well as perfect as perfect can be, in a world like ours. I was just praying and hoping that she would make it. And when I ran past the waiting room, everyone in my family, and Kate's family stood up, expecting me to tell them the great news. But when I ran past them, they immediately knew that something was wrong. I chose to ignore them, and find our baby.

Eventually I went back into the waiting room, with tear stains on my shirt. Mother and Jim came to me instantly followed by Alexis. "Where's Katie," Jim said, "And is she ok? And where's my grandchild." I was out of breathe but managed to say, "Kate is in surgery. She had a complication and started bleeding, but I pray that she will be ok. And as for your grandchild, he's fine." Alexis immediately shot up in spirit. "He! He! I have a baby brother." she was smiling but then it faded when she remembered that Kate was in surgery. "It's just not fair," Martha said, "Katherine has gone through so much, it's just not fair. She deserves a happy ending." We all nodded and hoped the best for Kate.


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