Hybrid's Fury Unleashed

By SapphirianJ82

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JAREK She's an abomination-a constant thorn in my side. She has no right to be sheltered so closely by my mot... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Trinity of Entanglement One
Trinity of Entanglement Two
Trinity of Entanglement Three
Trinity of Entanglement Four
Trinity of Entanglement Five
Trinity of Entanglement Six
Trinity of Entanglement Seven
Trinity of Entanglement Eight
Trinity of Entanglement Nine
Trinity of Entanglement Ten
Trinity of Entanglement Eleven
Trinity of Entanglement Twelve
Trinity of Entanglement Thirteen
Trinity of Entanglement Fourteen
Trinity of Entanglement Fifteen
Trinity of Entanglement Sixteen
Trinity of Entanglement Seventeen
Trinity Of Entanglement Chapter Eighteen
Trinity Of Entanglement Chapter Nineteen
Trinity Of Entanglement Chapter Twenty
Trinity Of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-One
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Two
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Three
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Four
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Five
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Six
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Seven
Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Eight
Series Epilogue

Trinity of Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Nine

109 6 0
By SapphirianJ82


In an instant, a mesmerizing light floods the area, captivating my senses. It shimmers with neon rainbow hues, casting a spellbinding glow that engulfs the space. The once-present ceiling has vanished, merging the radiance of the full moon with the vibrant colors. Struggling to shield my eyes from the blinding brilliance, I blink several times. My gaze shifts to my three motionless companions, frozen in time.

A radiant angel materializes before me, its ethereal presence evoking vivid memories of the visions my grandmother, Selene, had shared with me. Conflicting emotions surge within me, unsure whether to be enraged by the angel’s unexpected appearance or bewildered by its purpose. Part of me yearns for a reality where Selene had kept the truth hidden, shielding me from this current disdain I harbor towards the celestial being standing before me.

She’s breathtaking, capturing my attention. Her vibrant, long curly golden-red tresses cascade down past her butt, their silky texture a delight to behold. Standing at an impressive height of around ten feet, her well-defined yet lean muscles speak of strength and grace. Her eyes, they shine with a crisp silver glow, captivating and illuminating the surrounding space.

I can’t help but envy her perfect complexion, stressing her exquisite facial features. It’s clear that she is the divine offspring of God, the creator of all things, and Selene, the creator of all shifters. But what steals my breath away are her wings, almost translucent yet radiating with neon hues. They span several yards in each direction, reaching above her head and cascading down to her ankles, a mesmerizing sight that leaves me in awe.

Her garments, minimal yet elegant, catch the light with a subtle shimmer, their delicate white fabric adorned with intricate silver detailing. The matching skirt molds to her curves, falling to a modest mid-thigh length. As I observe her, I can’t help but notice the faint sound of metal clinking, as the massive sword she carries along brushes against her leg. Its weight and size seem almost inconceivable, yet she carries it with ease. I am left pondering why she bears such a formidable weapon.

In her presence, it feels as though I am transported to a world where beauty and divinity intertwine, overwhelming my senses with the sights, sounds, and the subtle scent of celestial grace.

“Tameal,” I mutter through clenched teeth, the corners of my mouth turning downwards into a scowl. The room feels heavy with tension as I confront her. The air is thick, filled with bitterness and resentment.

“Why are you here?” I ask, my voice laced with disdain. My brows furrow, creating deep lines on my forehead as I search for answers. I can feel the weight of my anger, a knot tightening in the pit of my stomach.

“Not satisfied with how you ruined my life before,” I continue, my voice dripping with contempt. I scoff at her, the sound echoing in the room. The taste of bitterness fills my mouth, mirroring the bitterness in my heart.

“You know, like making me put my brother into a coma,” I accuse. The memory of that fateful day plays in my mind like a broken record. My body trembles with a mix of rage and regret.

“While we’re on that subject,” I continue, the words forced out through gritted teeth. My voice trembles with a mixture of anger and disgust. “You took over my body and made me sleep with my brother, of all people,” I say, the words heavy with a sense of violation. The image of those nights-haunts my thoughts.

“And turned me into a common sex-driven whore,” I spit out, the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. The room feels suffocating, as if it holds all the shame and guilt.

“Because not only did I sleep with my brother, but with Zane and Xillon as well,” I say, my voice above a whisper. The room feels colder, as if the truth has turned the air icy.

“Don’t get me started on how you had me thinking my cousin was also my mate,” I add. The room feels suffocating, as if it holds all the confusion and betrayal that I’ve experienced. My heart feels heavy, burdened by the lies and deceit.

I amble over to her and glare up into her silver eyes and wish I could punch that poker face off of her. “Because of you! They bullied me and treated me like dog shit stuck on the bottom of someone’s shoe! You need to leave right now! I don’t want you here!”

“From the moment our souls came into existence, we’ve gained a reputation for our hot tempers,” she confesses, smiling and displaying her brilliant white teeth before shaking her head. “We were like two peas in a pod, you and I - both youngest daughters among countless brothers and sisters.”

I can’t help but roll my eyes in frustration as I take a few steps back, glaring at her. “That’s all you have to say? No apology whatsoever,” I say, crossing my arms against my chest. I close my eyes, trying to calm myself down, but her words confuse me even more. “And to top it off, I have no clue what you’re talking about. I don’t even know you!”

“I regret to inform you, this occurs when one departs from the celestial realm. All memories of their past lives on various planets, including the life they led there, fade away. However, through meditation, one might regain these memories. It requires strong willpower and mental stability. I apologize for the consequences of my first mission, which was entrusted to me by my mother and carried high stakes. There was no other option. As for manipulating your actions and making you believe you had four mates, I have no excuse. All I can do is offer my apologies. Zane and Dante are my twin souls, and Jarek is a soulmate of mine. My emotional state became unhinged, as it had been a millennium since I last saw Dante or Zane. It feels strange to refer to them by those names when I know their true soul-given names, but my mother has instructed me to keep those details concealed. Xillon has always been your true fated mate. That’s why I retreated deep into your consciousness during your marking and mating rituals.”

“Well, thank you for the apology, Tameal. But it’s going to take more than that for me to trust you ever. You are crashing my mating ceremony. This is supposed to be the best moment of my entire life and you are ruining it. Do me a kindness and wipe my memory of this altercation. I want to forget I ever saw you.”

As tears flow from her eyes, she bows her head in shame. “Very well,” she says, placing her huge hand over my head. A faint silver glow engulfs my body, causing my eyes to close.


Alpha Maxamillian strides into the clearing, his brawny arm linked with Annalise’s delicate elbow. The sound of their footsteps reverberates in the air, as if announcing their entrance. My heart races, my senses heightened, as I struggle to contain Xavier’s wild energy.

Goddess, she is stunning. Every inch of her is a masterpiece, tonight more so than ever. I can’t help but wonder if she stands before me, naked, her long tresses cascading and covering her body. Surely, Alpha Max insisted on her modesty. My mischievous and alluring mate.

A playful glint dances in her eyes as she winks at me. In one swift motion, she flings her luscious locks over her shoulder, revealing a glimpse of her flawless skin, her dress not leaving much to the imagination. Alpha Max growls possessively, his dominance asserting itself. 

As vertigo engulfs me, every ounce of blood rushes to my groin, causing it to stiffen. The mere sight of Annalise entering the area, adorned with what looks like a bikini, is captivating. The skirt she wears, reaching mid-thigh, is the only thing preventing such an assumption. Her voluptuous breasts overflow from the sides and center of her criss-cross top, tempting my senses with their alluring display.

‘MINE! MY MATE!’ Xavier growls as he fights me to take control.

‘As much as I want to claim her here and now, you need to chill the fuck out. The blood bonding ceremony must take place first.’

Alpha Max lifts a brow, then narrows his eyes at me as he places Annalise’s hands in mine, then gives me a side hug, winking as he leaves us to stand before us. His eyes glaze over as he sends out a mind link. Soon all our mothers arrive on the scene carrying our ceremonial robes.

‘It doesn’t matter to me how much you spent on this garb you’re wearing, Xillon. I’m ripping it to shreds as soon as the ceremony is over,’ Xavier commands as his tongue hangs out and he prances around inside my head.

‘That makes two of us, Xavier. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass about the damn tuxedo. I’m ready for us to mark what’s ours. Waiting has been excruciatingly painful.’

Pushing Xavier out of my mind so I can concentrate, I glance up at Annalise and she smirks. She knows full well Xavier and I have a back-and-forth conversation going on here.

Once we secure our robes, the rich crimson fabric brushing against my fingertips, Alpha Max’s firm grip clutches an ornate urn filled with deep red wine. The ceremonial knife, adorned with shimmering diamonds and jewels, reflects prisms of light from the full moon above, casting a mesmerizing glow. Alpha Gabriel joins him, their presence commanding and powerful, as they place the objects on a polished wooden table. The air is thick with anticipation as the sound of their rhythmic chanting reverberates through the surroundings, echoing their devotion to the moon goddess. The collective prayers, filled with hope and reverence, mingle with the night breeze and spread across the entire pack, reaching every soul. 

Once they have completed that task, Alpha Gabriel picks up the knife and I stretch my palm forward. “Do you, Xillon take Annalise as your fated mate? To protect and guide her as you both become Alpha King and Queen to rule over all werewolf shifters.”

“Yes, Alpha. For as long as we live and into eternity.”

“Do you, Annalise, take Xillon as your fated mate? To protect and guide him as you both become Alpha Queen and King to rule over all werewolf shifters.”

“Yes, Alpha. For as long as we live and into eternity,” Annalise says, stretching her palm forward.

Alpha Gabriel slices open our palms, and the metallic scent of blood fills the air as it spills into the ornate urn. The sharp sting of the knife gives way to a warm, pulsating sensation as the crimson liquid seeps into the vessel. With deliberate precision, he repeats the ritual with his own hand and that of Alpha Max.

As time passes, our wounds heal, and the rhythmic drip of blood subsides. Alpha Gabriel takes the knife once more, swirling the mixture within the urn. The scraping sound echoes in the night's stillness.

Lifting the urn towards the moon, its silvery glow bathes the sacred liquid. Alpha Gabriel and Alpha Max’s voices intertwine in a haunting chant, their words vibrating through the air. The combined aroma of earthy herbs and incense wafts around us, heightening the mystical ambiance.

Annalise receives the urn, her hands trembling as she takes several deliberate gulps. The taste of iron and ancient magic lingers on her lips as she passes the vessel back to Alpha Gabriel. With a steady hand, he offers it to me, and I too partake in the potent elixir.

As the last drops of the mixture touch the two Alpha’s lips, a shared sense of strength and unity courses through us all. The profoundness of the ritual hangs in the air, leaving an indelible mark on our souls.

“Now that you have become fated Alpha Mates over the Blood Moon Howler Pack and rulers of all shifter wolves in the Northern hemisphere, it is time for you to mark and mate with your fated mate. Run, Annalise,” Alpha Gabriel commands, chuckling as Annalise flings her robe up on the table and dashes off.

“Well son. What are you waiting for?” Alpha Max chides, chuckling, as I scramble to get the robe off, chuck it on the table and take off after my mate.

After maneuvering through the bustling crowd, ensuring no harm to anyone, Xavier takes complete command, shifting into his animal form. With graceful agility, he soars through the air, landing several yards away on all four paws. The faint scent of Annalise fills his nostrils, propelling him deeper into the woods. A soft chuckle escapes me as Xavier realizes that Annalise and Larissa have devised a challenge for us. Evidence of their mischievous game emerges, with remnants of Annalise’s dress adorning low branches in every direction, creating a whimsical trail to follow.

He unleashes a piercing howl into the moonlit night, his voice echoing through the darkness. In an instant, his senses sharpen, honing into his heightened hearing, capturing every sound that surrounds him. A low growl rumbles deep within his chest as he detects the thunderous crash of her paws against the earth. Howling once more, he darts forward, an unstoppable force fueled by anticipating reuniting with his mate. A powerful gust carries her scent, assaulting our senses and causing Xavier to halt, freezing his body in place. His searching gaze scans the area, while his nose sniffs the air, seeking any traces she may have left behind.

‘She’s here, but I don’t see her anywhere, Xillon.’

‘This is a game she used to play with Alpha Max when she was younger. She’s hiding. We just need to find her.’

He sniffs the earthy scent of the surrounding foliage and glances around, his eyes darting behind massive shrubs and trees. The crisp air carries the distant chirping of birds, creating a symphony of nature. Then, without warning, Larissa bursts out from her hiding spot and dashes off with a burst of energy. Xavier’s heart races with anticipation as he takes off after her, the thrill of the chase fueling his determination. 

After zigzagging through the field for several moments, Xavier propels himself into the air, colliding with Larissa’s side. The impact sends us crashing to the ground with a thud. As we land, the unmistakable scent of Larissa’s potent pheromones fills the air, betraying her arousal. Xavier asserts his dominance, mounting her and gripping her shoulder with his teeth, demanding her submission. Larissa growls in protest, her attempts to break free met with futile resistance.

‘Mine.’ Xavier growls, holding Larissa tighter within his paws, teasing her cunt with his massive erection. ‘Submit to me, mate.’

Larissa whimpers, and her head pulls to the side as she submits. ‘I have waited so long for this, Xavier. You have always and will forever be mine, and I am yours. Mine. My fated mate,’ she says, backing her haunches into Xavier so his length glides into her heat.

Xavier frees Larissa’s shoulder and lets out a primal howl, his passion clear as he relentlessly thrusts into her. Larissa joins in, her own howls mingling with him as his knot fills her. They harmonize in a symphony of pleasure as he pounds her, his knot locked within, and he bites down on her mate mark, claiming her as his own. With a surge of ecstasy, he releases his essence while savoring the taste of her sweet, intoxicating blood. 

‘Mine! My queen, my king!’ They scream inside our minds in unison as Larissa howls at the moon.

Surrounded by a brilliant, blinding white light, I find myself immersed in the ethereal realm of Xavier’s mind. The gentle whispers of the wind caress my ears, as the enchanting scent of moonflowers fills the air. The radiant moon goddess descends, her touch as soft as a feather, brushing against my chin. Her voice, a melodic symphony, urges me to protect her precious granddaughter. And just as swiftly as she appeared, she fades away, leaving me with a profound sense of responsibility. 

‘I can’t wait to mark you in human form, sweetness. Did the moon goddess come to you? She was here for a split second and disappeared.’ I mindlink Annalise as we waited for them to complete their coupling.

‘You have absolutely no idea how excited I am for us to mark each other. No, but I was in a coma for eight months. That’s all the time I needed with her to get answers and bond with her.’

After Xavier broke free from inside her heat, Larissa sinks her teeth into Xavier’s mate mark, and the sharp sting of her bite sends a shiver down his spine. Once the marking was complete, they dash off towards Annalise’s cave, their footsteps echoing against the earth. After arriving, they give us control, letting us shift into our human forms, tones of bones reshaping and muscles stretching, filling the air.

Scooping Annalise into my arms, I stroll inside, the coolness of the cave enveloping us. I lay her down on the plush makeshift bed I made for us a few days ago. I hung and turned on battery-powered twinkling star lights on the walls of the cave hours before our ceremony. Their gentle flickering creates a warm, ethereal glow, casting a magical ambiance. The whiff of roses fills the air as Annalise picks up handfuls of the rose petals I had strewn all over, their velvety texture slipping through her fingers. She flings them into the air, the petals dancing and twirling in a kaleidoscope of colors, her laughter echoing in the cave. Then she sits up on the bed and flings herself back into my arms, crashing her lips to mine, the taste of her love and excitement electrifying our connection.

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