With Love (BoyxBoy)

By _AshyKat_

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Kyle and Micheal are deaply in love and wouldn't have it any other way More

Halloween :(
Party Time
Make out
Kissing Games
School part 2
Idiotic madness
Idiotic Madness 2
Kitty Cat
Its a going away party?
Finding Home
Critical exceptions
Did you call it Fun?
Soda and Pop
Your dead to me
Im Back

With Love (BoyxBoy)

897 13 5
By _AshyKat_

His lips were pressed to mine while his tongue ravished my mouth "Micheal I love you" he whispered as he nibbled on my ear I moaned and was about to lay back and rest when he grabbed me I whimpered "Kyle" he sat me on his lap and continued to kiss me aggressively "Kyle I can't " I whimpered "Micheal please" he begged still kissing me , I got up Kyle pulled me back down and kissed me again "Kyle, I have to pee!" I said "can I come? Pwease"he begged again "Kyle!" I warned and got up and ran to the bathroom . What am I going to do with him? I looked in the mirror and saw kiss blisters on my lips I yelped I think a little too loud "are you ok?" Kyle said with concern in his voice "no,you gave me fucking kiss blisters!" I snapped at him. He walked in and slammed against me pushing me to the counter "stop being such a baby an get out I have to-" I cut him off "I don't want to hear it." And I walked out, I can just imagine what people are going to say tomorrow at work.

My friend who works at Hot Topic too grabbed my face and looked at my lips "now how in hell did this happen?" He asked "Kyle" I replied he rolled his eyes and I know what he's thinking.

-2hours later-

My shift was over and I walked outside hoping to find my brother instead of Kyle but I was wrong Kyle started waving at me like a retard I just laughed and walked towards the car.he kissed me smiled but it was more like a smirk. "Kyle!" I screamed as he started to tickle me "Payback bitch!" He screamed as I squirmed around. He stopped and smiled at me "tomorrow's Halloween, and you know what that means" oh crap I just remembered Kyle has his friends over Darren,Sam,Christian,and Johnny. They play stupid games and play strip games and make out but I've never done it but this year I promised Kyle I would. The thing is they're all gay and fond over Kyle. "Micheal" Kyle screamed "huh?" I asked "um...you were spaced out.is it really that bad to hang out with me?" He said with hurt in his voice . I kissed him aggressively "what?,no I love hanging out with you." He smiled and drove to the house. Oh crap he just played me he tricked me.

______________________________Sorry for the short crapy first chapter comment if you like it or vote because I know you read it but I don't know if you really like it the next chapter will be a lot better

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