The Forgotten Paladin

By ARazzleDazzle

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Y/N has been trapped inside a cell her entire life, once she escapes she starts her search for for her family... More

Prologue: I'm free?
Chapter 1: An unexpected meeting
Chapter 2: an abyss of red
Chapter 3: Who are you?
Chapter 4: Understanding
Chapter 5: Visions
Chapter 6: Betrayals
Chapter 7: Liberation and Lost memories
Chapter 8: Prisoners no longer
Chapter 9: Part of the team
Chapter 10: Unveiled secrets
Chapter 11: Corruption, mind and castle
Chapter 12: A second goodbye
Chapter 13: Crossroads
Chapter 14: Secrets unkept
Chapter 15: An old nightmare
Chapter 16: Dark secrets
Chapter 17: The black Paladin
Chapter 18: Flood gates
Chapter 19: A new foe, or friend?
Chapter 20: Quick goodbye
Chapter 21: Grief
Chapter 22: an awakening
Chapter 23: An awakening part 2
Chapter 24: Trapped
Chapter 25: Mistrust
Chapter 26: The lost are found
Chapter 27: Provoking Danger
Chapter 28: The truth resolved
Chapter 29: An intermission
Chapter 30: Space pirates
Chapter 31: The blade of Marmora
Chapter 32: Trials of Marmora
Chapter 33: Ultimate Plan
Chapter 34: Near Escape
Chapter 35: Best laid Plans
Chapter 36: Best laid plans 2
Chapter 37: Black Out
Chapter 38: Lost and Found
Chapter 39: Conflictions
Chapter 40: New foes
Chapter 41: Disorder
Chapter 42: A new encounter
Chapter 43: A glimpse of the past
Chapter 44: A haunted reunion
Chapter 45: Lost ends meet
Chapter 46: Tailing a Comet
Chapter 47: The Legend Begins
Chapter 48: Code of Honor
Chapter 49: Farewells
Chapter 50: Uncovered Truths
Chapter 51: Merging
Chapter 52: Begin the Blitz
Chapter 53: Thunderstorm
Chapter 54: Old Conversations
Chapter 55: A calling
Chapter 56: A tyrants end
Chapter 57: Unsettling Feelings
Chapter 58: Kral Zera
Chapter 59: Bloodlines
Chapter 60: Razor's Edge
Chapter 61: New findings
Chapter 62: Fearful Vengeance
Chapter 64: A new lion

Chapter 63: Cosmic chase

56 1 0
By ARazzleDazzle

Keith and I run into the black lion, speeding out from the castle towards the pod edging away from our grasp. 

Y/N: "Keith, are we sure this is a good idea?" I lean against his chair, watching his arms tense as he leads us towards the pod. 

KEITH: "Whether that's Shiro or not, he has Lotor, we have to find them." His voice is shaky, but his heart is set on this, whether his intentions are for Lotor or Shiro. He opens up a transmission, his hands shaking, "Shiro, it's Keith! Shiro, it's gonna be okay. We just have to-" Then the line goes dead, 'Shiro' ended the transmission. 

Y/N: "It's okay, Keith. We'll get him back." I open up the comms with the other paladins, their worried voices crying out. 

HUNK: "I can't shake them! Help!" 

PIDGE: "Keith!" Instead of chasing the pod, he pushes the thrusters and we rush to help the troubled paladins. We arrive just in time, Pidge inches away from being blasted by one of Lotor's ships, the black lion shoots a countering blast, deflecting the ray from hitting the green lion. 

KEITH: "Guys, we're no match for them in our lions. Form Voltron!" Voltron stares down at the three comet- born ships, standing ominously amongst the debris of planet daibaazal. 

Explosion erupt throughout the galaxy as Voltron is chased through the many stars, blasts from Lotor's ships echoing through the empty chambers of space.  Voltron continues chasing after the pod, with Lotor's generals following in pursuit. Keith pushes on the thrusters as we spin through blasts, dodging and twisting between each one. Suddenly, the three ships fly in front of us, firing their blasts into one concentrated beam directly at Voltron. Our shield deflects it, but the pressure pushes us into the debris, we land on an asteroid orbiting the remains of Zarkon's planet. 

CORAN: "I'm headed your way."

KEITH: "Coran, no! The castle of lions barely survived the first time we fought one of those ships. You'll only--" Keith grunts as the pressure from the blast slowly seeps through Voltron. 

ALLURA: "Keith is right, Coran, the ship's defences will never hold!" The bright, purple blast slowly pushes us further against the asteroid, our shield shaking beneath the pressure. 

PIDGE: "We can't take this much longer!"
LANCE: "Do you guys have any ideas?!" Everyone's voices are shaky, the immense pressure of the blast pushing against us like the weight of a star. 

Y/N: "Coran, fire just below our position."

CORAN: "What?"

Y/N: "Destroy the rock we're pinned against. Now!" I yell through the chaos of lights. A blast from the castle fires just below us, giving us the leeway to escape the pressure. 

KEITH: "Lance! Pidge! I need you to get us some cover." 

LANCE: "Right!"
PIDGE: "On it!" 

They fire all around us, destroying the debris and causing explosions, as Voltron continues flying forward, desperate to find that pod. 

KEITH: "Who's got eyes on Shiro?" Suddenly, the ships fire some kind of lazer at us, keeping us from moving any further, restricting Voltron's arms and legs, like we're tangled in a net. They pull us backwards, finally letting go, but only so we hit hard against an asteroid, Voltron crashing against it, sending waves of dust everywhere. 

PIDGE: "What just happened?" I keep my grasp firm on Keith's chair, trying to keep standing through all the shaking and falling we went through. "Is that?" We all look up to see a large, purple circle in the distance. 

LANCE: "A wormhole?"

KEITH: "They're trying to escape."

ALURRA: "Haggar." Her voice is filled with dread and hatred. "It has to be Haggar. She must have gained the ability, but how?"

KEITH: "We can't worry about that... We have to make sure we get Shiro back."

HUNK: "But Shiro's not Shiro anymore." 

Y/N: "Well Shiro was never Shiro."

KEITH: "I know, but something is wrong. The Galra or Lotor have to be behind it. You all know he would never give up on us. We can't give up on him." Voltron shakily rises from the rubble of the asteroid, each movement a struggle. The thrusters boost us upwards, quickly chasing after the escaping pod and ships. We hurry through the field of rubble, twisting and turning, "Guys, one of my thrusters is down. Can you compensate?" 

PIDGE: "Those beams torched our power core. I've never seen anything like it." 

HUNK: "We've got maybe 30 seconds of over clocked burn time." 

KEITH: "Hit it!" We boost forwards, every inch of Voltron's power being used. 

HUNK: "We're halfway through our burn." 

LANCE: "We're not going to make it!" 

PIDGE: "We're too heavy!" The wormhole slowly begins to close. I watch as the portal becomes smaller and smaller. I hold my hands against the wall, summoning as much energy as I can, lightning rippling through my body and veins. 

Y/N: "Disband!" 


Y/N: "My powers can create enough thrust to push the black lion through!" 

ALLURA: "But you'll be the only lion on the other side!" 

Y/N: "Not necessarily. Just do it!" The lions disband, lightning surrounding the black lion as it lunges towards the wormhole, in the last second, I realised something, all my visions had a silver lining to it, a hidden meaning. A second layer. Every vision there was a small, white lion hiding among the chaos. My lion. The one I can create. Using my powers. The black lion just makes it through the wormhole, leaving the lions quietly waiting on the other side. When we make it out, there are hundreds of Galra fleets, waiting patiently for our arrival. 

KEITH: "All right, we gotta play this smart." He flies through the blasts from all the cruisers, quickly heading towards the pod and the three ships. The atmosphere thick with anxiety and tension.  

Y/N: "Keith, look!" One of the three ships veers off from the rest, heading straight for us. Keith pushes the thrusters, dodging the blasts coming from all directions and now the singular ship. As the ship begins to lock onto us, Keith pulls the controls back, sending the black lion backwards, he grabs onto the ship, blasting it, sending the ship rolling backwards. Keith continues on the course of the pod, hurrying towards another cruiser. He blasts down the bay doors, revealing the pod and the other two ships.

KEITH: "There's Shiro... and Lotor." Then alarms start blaring, Keith pulls away from the hole in the cruiser, barely dodging the incoming blasts from the ship outside. "Think. Think. How are we going to get in there?"

Y/N: "Look! The pod!" He looks towards the cruiser, the pod exiting as we are pursued by the ship. 

KEITH: "Shiro. Shiro, come in. I know you're there!" He chases after the escaping pod, closely pursued by one of Lotor's ships. "I don't know what's wrong, but I know we can fix this. Let me help you."

Y/N: "We'll figure this out Keith, don't worry." I place my hand on his shoulder, his face tense with worry. 

KEITH: "I hope so." Lotor's ship veers off of our course, heading back to the cruiser. Keith looks at the screen from his lion, it's vitals not looking the best. "I know you're hurting. We just need to keep it together a little longer." We continue silently on the course of the pod, worry filling the atmosphere. 

After a while of flying, space appears grey and glum, a strange asteroid floating just above a fog like planet below. Keith drives the black lion towards the asteroid, following the pod. We approach the surface, finding the pod empty, the black lion lands on the dusty surface, our surroundings dim and blurry. We step out onto the surface, following the trail of Shiro's footprints. 

Y/N: "Keith, I have a bad feeling about all this." I look out over the asteroid, glimpses of visions flooding my head. 

KEITH: "Don't worry, whatever is going on here, we'll fix it, together." He holds my hand as we continue walking forward, every rustle of wind making me flinch, my chest tense with worry. After what felt like hours of walking through the desolate surface of the asteroid, we followed his footprints into a shallow cave, with edges shaped like monster's teeth as they lashed out from the ceiling. 

Y/N: "Keith, look. It's Galran..." We reached the end of the tunnel, to find a small galra door, leading to who knows where. 

KEITH: "Stay near me." He takes out his sword as we walk towards the door, stepping into a dimly lit, grey elevator. Keith's expression is stern, covering up his worry, I squeeze his hand gently. He takes a deep breath as a bright, white light illuminates our faces through the tiny gaps in the elevator, it stops with a loud crash, then the door opens. We look out onto a large facility, a strange, weapon shaped object hanging above as we walk towards the edge, looking out below over hundreds of small pods. 

Y/N: "Keith..." He looks at me, seeing the fear in my eyes. 

KEITH: "What is it?" 

Y/N: "I've seen this before, this room..." 

KEITH: "In a vision?" I nod, shakily, "It's okay, stay by me." We make it down to the lower level, the small pods covered in layers of dust. My heart quickens with every step we take. Walking across a bridge, everything is foggy, like nothing has been here for years, every light switched off, revealing a dark, lonely glow. Keith walks over to one of the pods, pressing his hand against it. It lights up. An ominous, violet. We gasp. As I see what lies inside the pods, my heart drops, everything makes sense. 

Y/N: "Project Kurone..." A clone version of Shiro lies silently inside the pod, an eery atmosphere descends on us like a thick layer of fog, clouding our senses with fear. Another pod lights up behind us, we gasp, turning around, I hold Keith's hand tighter in fear. The other pods begin to light up. One. By. One. 

SHIRO: "Hello, Y/N, Keith." His voice is thick with evil, corrupted. 

KEITH: "Huh?" We turn around, our eyes widen as we see Shiro, his eyes glowing the same ominous violet as everything else here. He slowly walks towards us, every step's sound ricocheting around us like death's drums. "Shiro, it's gonna be okay."

SHIRO: "Yes, I know."

KEITH: "We just have to get back to the castle." I let go of Keith's hand, summoning lightning instead. 

SHIRO: "We are not going anywhere!" Suddenly, he bolts forwards, running straight for us. Using his glowing, galra hand, he slashes down on Keith, who blocks it with his shield. Keith rolls backwards, just in time to block the next hit before his shield disperses. He crashes against the wall, Shiro smashing his fist into the wall, hitting a button as he does, before rushing after Keith. Each light in the pods begins to go off, Keith and Shiro still fighting. I grab Shiro's arm, desperately trying to pull him away from Keith, but he throws me back, I crash into one of the pods, the surface cracking. Shiro punches Keith, causing him to fall over the edge onto another platform, Shiro follows. I slowly get off the floor, only to see a strange fog descend from each of the pods. 

Each glass pane of the pod slowly cracks, I stand in the centre of the facility, turning as more panes crack, cascading with an ominous fog. Suddenly, clones of Shiro step out, their eyes as violet as the next. 

SHIRO: "Hello, Y/N." Each clone repeats the phrase, every syllable dripping with evil intentions. I grab my blade, it extends outwards into a sword. 

Y/N: "You don't have to do this." 

SHIRO: "We were given orders for your termination. We only do what we're told." Every voice like an echo amongst the chaos. 

Y/N: "By whom?" Before they can answer, they lunge for me, I stagger away from each punch, stepping away from the clones. I summon lightning, feeling thunder through my veins. 

SHIRO: "You think your petty storm can help you?" Each clone laughs, the same corrupted chuckle that echoes through my mind. I stare at the seal on my stomach, each line and rune shining a golden red. I summon as much power into my hand as I can, then crash it onto the seal, feeling a rush of power through me. The seal breaks. Unleashing a storm a hundred times what I have ever felt before, rushing through my veins. 

Y/N: "No, but this one can." I watch as thunder rolls above, crashing loudly as I dodge more attacks. Bolts of crimson lightning strike down, some clones fall, fire encasing them. I close my eyes, feeling the presence of the clones, feeling lightning wrap around my blade. I slash, hitting a few clones, I hear them crash onto the hard surface. I lean backwards, staggering away from their attacks. I hear lightning strike, letting them go up in flames. Until, only one remained before me. 

SHIRO: "you can't kill me, I'm Shiro, we're friends." 

Y/N: "You're not Shiro. The Shiro I knew, he was my family. You... are dead to me!" I lunge forwards, plunging my sword into it's mechanical heart, it's eyes going dark.

SHIRO: "Y/N..." It's voice breaks, a low beeping sound suddenly sounds from each clone. 

Y/N: "Bombs, they're all bombs!" I run away from the scene, towards Keith, who's standing a few platforms away. I rush across platforms, barley making the large gaps. I make it to the platform, Keith and Shiro's blades crashing against one another, thunder still rolling above us. Shiro punches Keith, his helmet flying upwards. Keith barley dodges another crash from Shiro's arm. They jump over the edge, Shiro grabbing Keith as they fall. I quickly follow, lightning wrapping around my arms. Shiro crashes onto the ground, Keith swinging down, kicking Shiro, so he falls onto the next platform. I watch as Keith's blade crashes against Shiro, who's pressed against the edge. Keith's eyes are glowing a galran yellow, his teeth sharp and bared. 

SHIRO: "That's the Keith I remember." Shiro whacks Keith's blade away. Keith dodges, running for his sword, he grabs it, I run towards Keith as Shiro slices the edge of a structure, I push Keith backwards away from the falling metal. 

KEITH: "Shiro, I know you're in there." His voice is shaky as he gets his breath back, "You made a promise once. You told me you'd never give up on me." 

SHIRO: "And I should've abandoned you just like your parents did. They saw that you were broken. I should have seen it too. Both of you, weak and worthless." 

KEITH: "We're not leaving here without you."

SHIRO: "Actually, none of us are leaving." A bright, red light emerges from behind Shiro, suddenly, every light begins to glow that same red. A corrupted version of crimson. Shiro's arm begins to develop that same  electrifying red. He groans in pain as he falls to the ground

KEITH: "Shiro!" The ground where Shiro's arm is resting begins to glow, a beam of light coming for us. 

Y/N: "Keith, watch out!" I push him away as we roll across the hard ground to avoid our demise. The beam cuts through the structure above us, causing everything to collapse. Shiro stand before us, more corroded than before. He hold his arm out, a beam charging, Keith grabs me, jumping over the edge to doge it. We land roughly on another platform, falling quickly downwards. We look up to see Shiro pointing his arm at us again, another deathly beam charging. Keith and I jump to doge it, landing further down the platform. We run as the rest of it begins to fall away. A beam cuts off the platform ahead, we stagger backwards as everything begins to fall. We slide down the platform, jumping off of it before we fall, barely dodging the falling debris. Keith and I manage to grab onto the edge of a falling platform, hauling ourselves on to it. Every muscle in me is aching, Keith desperately tries to reach his blade, but his energy is all depleted. Shiro lands before us, a blade emerging from his galra hand. I get up, stumbling towards Keith, trying to protect him, Shiro plunges his blade into me, I gasp at the pain, my stomach writhing. 

KEITH: "No!" I fall down beside him as Shiro readies another attack, Keith manages to block it, his eyes filling with tears as my vision fades slowly. I use the last of my energy to stay awake. 

KEITH: "Shiro... please... You're my brother." His voice quakes with pain and sorrow as Shiro presses his blade against Keith's. "I love you." 

SHIRO: "Just let go, Keith. You don't have to fight anymore. The girl you love is gone, by now, the team's already gone. I saw to it myself." Keith's eyes are filled with pain, he grunts, his eyes a galran yellow once more, a red scare burning across his cheek, suddenly, the black bayard is in his hands, extending into a sword, he cuts Shiro's galran arm off. The source of his corruption. Shiro falls to his knees.  

SHIRO: "Keith..." His eyes are no longer violet. Everything begins to explode, crashing down with us, my life is slowly flickering away as we begin to fall. Keith, grabs me and Shiro before we descend into space, holding onto the edge with all his strength. His strength gives up and we begin to fall. I use the last of my power, to do what I was always meant to. Something I should have done long ago. Create something that can help save the universe. 

The white lion. 

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry this took so long to come out! I've been so busy with school and being ill. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter, who knows what will happen next? 

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