Wishful Thinking Summoning Ja...

By KageNishi

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The World War II came to a close with the surrender of Japan, followed by the occupation period that marked t... More

Chapter 1 - Diplomacy with the Kingdom of Louria
Chapter 2 - Crossroads
Chapter 3 - Pride of a Great Power
Chapter 5 - Transitional Period to a New Era
Chapter 6 - New Third Civilization Area
Chapter 7 - The Rails Laid
Chapter 8 - Japan's Strategy in the New World
Chapter 9 - The World in Motion
Chapter 10 - A Gathering of Leading Countries?
Chapter 11 - Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 12 - Battle of the Folk Strait 2
Chapter 13 - Upset and Doubts
Chapter 14 - Second Half
Chapter 15 - Regret Comes Too Late
Chapter 16 - The Agony of a Country from Another World
Chapter 17 - Imminent War
Chapter 18 - Behind the Scenes of World Affairs

Chapter 19 - Unrest

248 14 0
By KageNishi

I received a zero rating because I set the requirement for comments when giving evaluations, which left a bad impression. I reported it as a guideline violation.

- Ishiwara


Day 1 Month 12 Year 1642 Central Calendar

Japan announces its support for the war against GVE to Mu. Later, the First Fleet and the 2nd Expeditionary Force are dispatched as an advance party.

Day 14 Month 1 Year 1643 Central Calendar

Under the orders of Mirishial VIII, two Pal Chimera flying battleships sortie from Area 48. On the same day, Japanese surveillance satellites detect the Pal Chimeras, and the Japanese government acknowledges their existence.

Day 5 Month 2

The Battle of Baltica occurs in the sea area west of the Mu Continent. Both sides suffer immense losses, and the naval battle concludes due to ammunition shortages. The World Union Fleet retreats, and the control of the region is secured by the Gra Valkas Empire.


Month 2

This month became a month of great upheaval worldwide. The daring attack of the World Union Fleet, led by the Holy Mirishial Empire, ended in failure. Though the enemy wasn't unscathed either, the strategic goal of repelling the Gra Valkas Empire from the Second Civilization Area wasn't achieved.

On the contrary, despite deploying two Pal Chimera flying battleships, relics of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, one was shot down, and the regular fleet lost over half its strength, exposing a humiliating defeat. No matter how much damage they inflicted on the enemy, tactically, it's hard to claim victory under these circumstances. Despite standing at the pinnacle of magical civilization and possessing actual weapons spoken of in legend, the Mirishial Empire, even when serious, suffered defeat.

The situation for forces other than the Mirishial fleet was even more dire; three-quarters of the participating ships were sunk, and the wyvern riders, who had gathered the air power of the Second Civilization Area, were annihilated. This outcome brought fear and despair to the entire world, leading nations to surrender to the Gra Valkas Empire without a fight.

. . .

Ministry of Defense, Holy Mirishial Empire

"This... can't be..."

Information regarding the Battle of Baltica reached the Military Affairs Bureau. From that moment, the entire room descended into chaos.

"What...? This can't be happening!"

"Could it be misinformation? Such a massive fleet being repelled...?"

"To be defeated by a civilization ignorant of magic...? This must be some mistake!"

Despite mobilizing an unprecedented military force and risking everything in a major naval battle, they suffered defeat. And to add insult to injury, they were defeated even after deploying ancient weapons.

"Surely... something like this couldn't have happened..."

Among them, Admiral Kling is the most shaken. The estimation of the Gra Valkan fleet's strength was centered around him, and the deployment of forces was based on his assumptions. While there was some confusion due to information about weapons from Japan, they made up for it, believing they were fully prepared and confident in victory. But it turned out to be an unexpected defeat.

"Admiral Kling, Secretary Agra requests your presence."

Startled by the secretary's call, his face turned pale at this timing of summoning.

"I'll show you the way. Please follow me," a staff member beside the secretary said, not bothering to hide his contemptuous expression.

'What... has happened...'

He became convinced that his carefully built career was crumbling and followed with uncertain steps.

"The admiral has been brought, Secretary."

"Let him in."

A voice clearly displeased emanated from the secretary's office.

"I apologize for the intrusion."

"No need for formalities, you may take a seat."

"Yes, sir."

The staff member saluted and hurriedly exited the room.

"Now... well, have a seat."

"Yes, sir."

They both sat on the guest sofas, but despite their luxurious appearance, the seats were uncomfortably stiff.



Since they had cleared the room beforehand, there were only the two of them present. For a while, neither of them spoke a word, and a heavy silence filled the air.


As Agra spoke, Kling's shoulders jumped, and his shirt was soaked with cold sweat.

"You're aware of the outcome of the battle with the GVE's fleet, aren't you?"


"You assured us that two fleets would be enough, and that three fleets would win the battle."

Due to the influence of his recommendation for military reorganization to the emperor, the evaluation of the Gra Valkas Empire fleet's strength and fleet formation had been centered around him.

"I emphasized it multiple times. Not just me, even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs voiced concerns. Despite all those opinions, you insisted we would surely win."

Each word from Agra pierced Kling's chest.

"On what grounds did you claim we would win?"

Despite his nervousness, Kring managed to speak.

"W-well, first, regarding the analysis of enemy ship combat capabilities, based on the results from the Magdola Archipelago and the Folk Strait, we assessed them to be roughly equivalent to our own. It was clear that against such opponents, a single fleet wouldn't suffice, so we judged that a larger fleet should be formed."

"...And then?"

"Next, regarding the enemy's strength... they lost more than one fleet's worth of ships at once due to the Japanese military. Suffering such losses not only affects the number of ships but also significantly undermines troop morale. Therefore, we concluded that if our estimated forces were correct, two fleets would be sufficient against the enemy, and even if they had unexpected forces, three fleets would be enough."


Agra's desk slamming echoed in the room.

"You sacrificed the lives of many soldiers with such vague reasons!? You underestimated the enemy without even knowing their exact numbers!?"

While specific information about military strength had been provided by Japan, there had been confirmed movements of large-scale ship production by the Gra Valkas Empire. Additionally, due to frequent troop movements and the retirement of some ships, the accurate numbers were not known.

"And that's not all! Did you underestimate them after witnessing their humiliating defeat against the Japanese fleet!?"

Hit right on the mark, Kling trembled.

The evaluation of the Gra Valkas Empire's military strength, centered around him, had been based on the results of the Battle of the Folk Strait. However, they had underestimated the combat capabilities of the Gra Valkan ships based on the dire situation of the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet. Furthermore, the information provided by Japan regarding torpedo weapons had been relayed to the fleet without proper consideration by the navy, resulting in a surprise attack by the submarine fleet and adversely affecting the subsequent fleet battle.

"Such a humiliating defeat. With this, our country will likely fall from its position as the world's strongest..." Agra glared.

"B-but the enemy also suffered heavy losses! It is true that the Gra Valkas Empire has far more forces than we anticipated, but our country has proven that we can stand up to them through this naval battle."

"How stupid can you be!? We deployed even the Ancient Sorcerous Empire's superweapons and one of them ended up destroyed and we lost over half of the fleet! Moreover, you haven't even achieved the initial objective of liberating the Second Civilization Area! Do you intend to claim this disgraceful outcome as a draw!?"

The superweapon referred to is the flying battleship Pal Chimera. It was a weapon of the Ravernal Empire mentioned in legends, literally a flying battleship with a diameter of up to 260 meters.

"First of all, our country has been able to lead the world as the strongest great power because we had overwhelming strength compared to other nations! Do you think we can maintain our position as before while suffering failures that force us to retreat!?"

In this world where hegemonism is the norm, strength, especially military strength, directly determines a nation's international status.

Before the emergence of Japan and the GVE, the Mirishial Empire had such overwhelming power that not even other great powers united couldn't measure to and an actual undefeated record, which is why it could reign as the top great power. However, Agra accurately predicted that the result of this battle would lead to the recognition of the Gra Valkas Empire as a force surpassing Mirishial in the world.

"The world has changed... for the worse. I won't escape responsibility either," he said, handing a document to Kling.

As Kling read through it, he turned pale.

"As you can see, it's an order. You are relieved of your duty as the Commander of the Western Fleet and transferred to a regional command."

It was, effectively, a demotion.


With nothing more to say, he turned his back, leaving it at that. Kling left the room with his shoulders slumped.


Central Kingdom

This country, belonging to the First Civilization Area, does not have a clear national name. It is a nation that boasts a large number of highly skilled magicians, to the extent that they are called upon by the Mirishial Empire to analyze the ruins of the Sorcerous Empire. Their expertise is also reflected in their military power; although they appear to have a conventional military force, they possess attack methods reminiscent of science fiction.

On the other hand, due to their pursuit of the quality of individual magic, their size is relatively small. The forces dispatched to the World Union Fleet were also limited to just two ships for fear of the depletion of their forces.

"It's about time we knew the outcome of the naval battle..." King Arendelle VI muttered in his chamber.

Gathered below him were the country's dignitaries. For the past few days, they had been anxiously awaiting the outcome of the naval battle.

"It would be good if our military also achieved results..." a young cabinet member expressed concern.

"What are you saying? We sent in our best. There's no way we could lose," an elderly minister reacted.

"No, winning is a given. However, our country has only dispatched two ships. This time, the entire world has gathered its elite forces. If other countries were to destroy the enemy before us and our military couldn't contribute at all, it wouldn't be favorable diplomatically."

"Ah, I see."

Everyone in the room frowned slightly.

"Indeed, perhaps we were too stingy with our contribution. It was a scale unprecedented for us. Not only Mirishial but even Mu has deployed its main forces. It's highly unlikely that we'll achieve any significant results. However, since we've already dispatched our forces, there's nothing we can do but look to regain our standing through diplomacy after the naval battle."

As the king spoke, everyone nodded.

"In that case, it's fortunate that we've preserved our forces. Even if our military is small-scale, if we dispatch a fleet to maintain control of the sea after the naval battle, we'll have an excuse."

"It would be even better if we achieved some results in this naval battle..."

"If the enemy is indeed more formidable than expected, Admiral Faltas' Ixion Laser will surely come into play. In that case, the enemy may not emerge unscathed."

"That's quite formidable indeed."

As they leisurely conversed, the Foreign Minister, who had been stationed at the manacomm office, returned.

"I apologize for the interruption. I have come to report on the naval battle against the Gra Valkas Empire."

"Ahh, it's finally here!"

The Foreign Minister's face was tense, but it also seemed to reflect a sense of joy.

"So, what about the outcome of the battle?"

"Well, it's... It's almost a complete annihilation..."

He paused.

"So, did the enemy fleet really get wiped out?"

"Naturally. The entire world was serious about this attack. Even though the enemy destroyed Leifor, it's impossible for one country to stand against the world."

There was laughter, but the Foreign Minister interrupted the flow.

"No, the World Union Fleet suffered near-complete destruction and retreated..."

The room fell silent in shock at the stunning news.

"In addition, Mirishial's fleet suffered losses of nearly half its ships and retreated..."

"Even Mirishial!?"

"That's... unbelievable! How could a country that powerful exist outside the known civilization areas!?"

There was intense consternation, but the Foreign Minister's report was not finished yet.

"Even the Muish suffered one-sided damage against the Gra Valkan Fleet. The United Second Civilization Area Wyvern Riders were wiped out, the Mirishial fleet was pushed into a corner, and it's reported that their country deployed the relic of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, the flying battleship Pal Chimera."

"The legendary weapon!"

"Indeed, to think it actually existed!"

"If they have ancient superweapons as their arsenal, it doesn't matter how strong Gra Valkas is, they won't stand a chance!"

Despite the significant losses, they were confident in victory with the Sorcerous Empire's superweapon.

With conviction, they cheered.

"The flying battleship is extremely powerful and sank many enemy ships. The report states that over half of the enemy ships were sunk by the flying battleship..."

As his voice began to tremble, he took a moment to compose himself before continuing.

"While the information's accuracy is uncertain... it's reported that they were shot down by an enemy super battleship."

Once again, the room fell silent.

"T-that's ridiculous..."

Amid the stunned silence, the king spoke up.

"What kind of ship is this super battleship?"

"According to reports, it's... the Grade Atlastar..."

"That's impossible! The Grade Atlastar was captured by the Japanese forces!"

"It seems that Grade Atlastar is being mass-produced, and its sister ship was present in the naval battle."

"No way..."

To mass-produce Grade Atlastars. The sheer magnitude of the technology, effort, and resources required to build even one ship was unimaginable. It wasn't just in direct combat; their magnitude was awe-inspiring.

"Then, what happened to our fleet?"

Amidst the shock, they almost forgot their most pressing concern and inquired about it.

"We haven't received any communication from the fleet, so the information comes from a third party... Both ships were sunk shortly after the start of the battle by bombs dropped from enemy flying machines, and they didn't have a chance to retaliate... This is... unconfirmed information..."

"Unbelievable... Admiral Faltas didn't even get a chance to retaliate..."

"I never thought... the Gra Valkas Empire would be this terrible...!"

All hope was dashed, leaving only despair.

"Grrr, what can we do to counter this!?"

No matter how much they thought about it, no effective strategy came to mind. However, they had no intention of being ruled by the Gra Valkas Empire. Following that, discussions continued for days, but no conclusions were reached.


Day 6 Month 2

The capital of Mu, Otaheit, was bustling with festivities.

"Is that the Japanese fleet?"

"They only have a few cannons, can they really fight with that?"

"Don't underestimate them. Despite appearances, they have power surpassing even Mirishial."

The Japanese government dispatched reinforcements for Mu's support, arriving on Day 30 Month 1. Although the dispatch to the World Union forces didn't make it in time, given the Gra Valkas Empire's clear objective being Mu, they sent reinforcements to Mu concurrently with the Battle of Baltica.

Currently, the First Fleet (carrier strike group) is anchored in Otaheit, while the Sixth Fleet (surface strike group) is in Mykal. Although Mykal was designated as the reception site for the Japanese fleet, King La Mu himself offered to host the Japanese military, leading to the First Fleet making a formal visit to Otaheit.

"What a grand welcome."

Commander of the First Fleet, Hata, said with a troubled expression.

"Which means our job is going to be quite tough," his second-in-command, Baba, commented.

As they walked down the gangway, ceremonial guards in full dress uniforms lined up at equal intervals to greet them, while a military band played elegant music.

Hata and the First Fleet staff proceeded.

"Present arms!"

As they descended from the gangway, the command echoed. They saluted and advanced towards a group of limousines and suited individuals.

"Welcome, esteemed guests."

A man who appeared to be the oldest among them spoke.

"I am Melt, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. We wholeheartedly welcome your visit."

He bowed deeply.

"Please, raise your head. We are allies. It's only natural for us to help each other in times of crisis," Hata replied.

"Not at all. We are well aware of the might of your country. Regrettably, we were unable to respond to this crisis on our own and had no choice but to rely on your country. We deeply, deeply appreciate your hand extended to our nation, which finds itself in a position to be unilaterally assisted."

He bowed again.

Chucking at his demeanor, Hata spoke. "Since the transference, our country has been in dire straits. Your country has extended its hand to us multiple times for us newcomers in this world. This is simply returning the favor. Therefore, do not be daunted. Let us overcome this crisis together."

"Thank you for your gracious words. Let's not stand on ceremony any longer. Please, get in."

They got into the limousine and headed towards the royal palace.

"This car is the latest model developed with advice from your country. It boasts performance that sets it apart from anything before. Although, it still doesn't match up to your country's cars."

"We can't afford to be complacent. If we do, we'll quickly be surpassed."

As they engaged in light conversation, they arrived at the palace. Many journalists were gathered around, and as they emerged from the car, flashes erupted all around.

"Then, this way," Melt said, leading them along the red carpet until they stopped in front of the entrance to the royal palace.

"Welcome. I am La Mu, the King of Mu."

"We are grateful for Your Majesty's personal welcome," Hata responded, surprised by the unexpected appearance but offering the utmost respect.

"The preparations for your reception are already in place. Come, let's go inside."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Once inside, the press was shut out and greeted with applause from the many bureaucrats. Hata's company was stiffened by the fact that they were being treated as guests of honor.

"As far as I can guide you, it's only up to here. I wanted to personally show you around the palace if possible, but unfortunately, I've been stopped," La Mu explained.

"It's quite alright," Hata bowed slightly, feeling relieved that it wasn't anything serious.

"Your Majesty," an attendant approached, urging them forward.

"Well then, until later."

They parted ways, and the guide official stepped forward.

"From here, I'll be your guide," he said, leading them to the reception room, where they were briefed on the upcoming schedule.

"...That's all. It's going to be a very busy day, but please bear with us."

"Thank you very much."

"Well then, when it's time, I'll come and get you. Until then, please relax. If you need anything, just call for assistance," the official said before leaving the room.

"He's quite fond of our country," Hata muttered as he stretched.

"I was surprised that the king personally welcomed us," Baba added, also stretching his legs.

"Well, it's a fleeting moment, but let's enjoy this peaceful time."

However, the peaceful time was short-lived. Shortly after, a bureaucrat brought a report from the fleet. The report stated that the Gra Valkan fleet was advancing towards Otaheit and Mykal, and they were about a day's distance away. Upon receiving this report, the welcoming ceremony was temporarily suspended, and the First Fleet was dispatched to intercept.


Day 15 Month 2

At the Gra Valkas Empire's Intelligence Bureau, not only the top officials of the agency but also prominent figures from the military were gathered.

"The Empire suffered considerable losses in this naval battle, as you know," said Caesar, the Eastern Fleet Commander.

He had participated in the Battle of Baltica and had returned to the intelligence agency to share his insights.

"The World Union Fleet consisted mainly of outdated forces and was not a match for our military. At most, their sheer numbers caused us inconvenience by depleting our ammunition," he explained, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"The only exception was Mirishial. However, even that was consistent with the intelligence bureau's prior analysis. Although they avoided losses, they weren't unbeatable opponents. But..."

The expressions of the military personnel suddenly turned grave.

"The enemy deployed monsters like those flying battleships."

"Flying battleships?"

The intelligence bureau staff couldn't comprehend the meaning of the words.

"Literally battleships hovering in the air. Believe it or not, such ridiculous weapons are there, deployed by the enemy. As far as we could confirm, there were only two of them, but most of the damage to our fleet was caused by these two."

Despite the incredibility of it all, they decided to believe him, given Caesar's reputation as a military genius.

"It seems that what Alkaid mentioned about secret weapons was referring to this. If they had such weapons hidden, it makes sense why the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet was defeated."

The intelligence bureau staff grimaced. Since the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference, the intelligence bureau has been under increasing pressure. This revelation could be the final straw.

"...Just to be clear, I didn't bring up this matter to accuse you," Caesar said, observing their reactions. "I know from your past performance that you are all capable. I want you to gather more information on Mirishial's weapons. How many more flying battleships do they have? What are the detailed specifics? And are there any other unusual weapons besides flying battleships? We were saved this time by the Vera Ruben's miraculous gunfire, but we can't rely on miracles every time."

Vera Ruben was the second ship of the Grade Atlastar-class.

"We must explore concrete countermeasures as a military, but for that, we need detailed information on enemy weapons. Can I count on you?"

"Understood. This is an extremely important matter."

The intelligence bureau members replied, to which Kaiser nodded deeply.

"Those in the parliament may not fully understand, but if we continue repeating the same mistakes, our military strength will soon be depleted. If that happens, dreams of world conquest will be shattered, and we won't be able to face His Majesty. To avoid that, your role is crucial. I'm counting on you."

The military personnel adjusted their military caps and stood up. As they were about to leave the room, Caesar turned back.

"Oh, by the way..."


"I received a report on our way here. While we were fighting in the Baltica region, our homeland fleet ventured out to attack the eastern coast of Mu, but they lost contact."

Everyone in the room looked at each other in grimace at the mention of the unit. The homeland fleet includes regional units intended for activities in colonies, but they have gathered men with personality disorders to suppress rebellions and instill fear, causing them to be loathed by personnel from all departments.

"They can die for all I care, but that's a bit concerning. Could you look into it while you're at it?"

"Understood. I'll contact you as soon as I have any solid information."

With firm information in hand, the intelligence bureau found themselves overwhelmed by even more busyness.

. . .

Nivrus Palace

"Your Highness, I beg you to reconsider."

"What annoyance! What's the point of being a member of the imperial family if we don't act at times like these!?"

Crown Prince Gra Cabal dismissed the servant's desperate plea.

Since pushing through front-line visits under his princely authority, those responsible for Cabal's safety had been trembling with fear. They wanted to stop Cabal somehow, but he wasn't the type to listen to reason.

Then, as they stood there at a loss, the results of the Battle of Baltica were reported. Despite the shock of their own forces suffering heavy losses, they saw this as an opportunity to persuade him.

"Your Highness, as you can see, our military has suffered heavy losses that resulted in immense sacrifices. This is the reality of the front lines. While our military is formidable, it is not invincible."

"I've said it many times before. That's why I should go! Even though we've won, I must comfort the soldiers who have suffered so much tragedy and inspire them to return to the battlefield!"

"Your Highness, the enemy possesses unexpectedly powerful forces. If they were to launch an attack while you're visiting, your safety cannot be guaranteed."

"It's only natural for the front lines to be dangerous! It's by exposing myself to that danger that I can show the dignity of the royal family!"

"Please reconsider. Even with thorough security measures, nothing is absolute. If anything were to happen to Your Highness, His Majesty would not be able to face it."

"Indeed, there's no absolute safety. But I believe! The Empire's military will overcome any difficulty! As a member of the imperial family, my presence will inspire the soldiers even more, and we'll easily repel any sneaky enemy ambushes!"

'Aah... How can we persuade the Crown Prince...?'

If anything happened to Cabal, the servants could literally lose their heads. Desperate persuasion continued, but he remained unyielding.


This time, the content ended up being quite thin.

- Ishiwar

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