Woso Oneshots

By strange_person001

93.7K 1.4K 167

what the title says. I've got a few ideas and i need to get them down so here we are. mase. :) More

The goonies, Alessia Russo.
Dare, Esme Morgan.
Really?, Leah Williamson.
Scary, Alessia Russo.
Annoyed, Kyra Cooney-Cross.
Flying, Vivianne Miedema.
Trouble, Leah Williamson.
Mr froggy, Alessia Russo.
Numb, Beth Mead.
Focus, Vivianne Meidema.
Good enough, Georgia Stanway.
Truth or dare, Lotte Wubben-Moy.
Fighter, Kyra Cooney-Cross.
Broken nose, Alessia Russo.
Crash, Lucy Bronze.
Movie day, Leah Williamson.
Music, Katie McCabe.
Restless, Georgia Stanway.
plot ideas?
Oh Fuck, Esme Morgan.
Kid, Leah Williamson.
Split up, Kyra Cooney-Cross.
Thank you, Katrina Gorry.
What have I done, Vivianne Meidema.
Talking, Alessia Russo.
COYG ❤️❤️
Back to before, Vivianne Meidema.
My old self, Katie McCabe.
Tension, Lotte Wubben-Moy.
Scars, Steph Catley.
Interrogated, Leah Williamson.
My bracelet, Esme Morgan.
Edits, Leah Williamson.
Comfort, Alessia Russo.
I have an idea.
Sea-side, Leah Williamson.
Kill the Director, Kyra Cooney-Cross.
Well, that's not good, Keira Walsh.
Worm, Ella Toone.
Jealous, Kim Little.
Blind, Emily Fox.

Messed up, Kristie Mewis.

2K 30 0
By strange_person001

Thought I'd write about someone different.


Y/n's pov.

I'm either messed up or I have messed up. Either way, someone's gonna kill me.

I don't know what goes on in my head, but something inside there told me it was a good idea to piss off the entire USWNT. Including my girlfriend, Kristie.

I may or may not have said some stuff. I really couldn't stop myself.

'Still not talking to you, ey?' My best mate, Georgia asks.

'No, and it's not very good seeing as though we play them tomorrow. I'm so glad I can't play. They'd skin me alive.' I shudder, my mind bringing my thoughts to life. She chuckles at my answer and sits down next to me.

'Imagine being ignored by your girlfriend.' Beth teases, messing up my hair from behind.

'Fucking bitch!' I exclaim, getting up and going after her, pulling her into a headlock.

'Okay, okay. Let me go.' She laughs, wriggling out of my grip. 'You're violent today.'

'When is she not?' Leah buts in, bearly through the door.

'What is this, bully y/n day.' I huff, sinking into my seat.

'It's always bylly y/n day.' Gerogia grins, flicking through netflix. Only to put some fucking dog film on.

Now, when it comes to films, I only have a few rules, no dogs, no rom-coms, and no films I've been told are sad.

Mainly for the purpose of not crying, although the rom-coms one is just cause they're shit.

What can I say, I'm a sensitive soul. Have you ever watched the postman pat film? Made me ball my eyes out for hours. It was so sad.

I leave the room as they start watching that, deciding to go back to mine, and Alessia's hotel room. I'd much rather be on my own watching a decent film than be with them. That's just how I am.

Anyway, it'll be easier to get Kristie to talk to me without them lot being twats.


Please talk to me love, you know I can't help myself.

I can't cope with you ignoring me. Even if all you do is yell, I'm used to it anyway.

Okay, it wasn't even that bad. I was only joking. It was funny anyway.

Just leave me alone y/n.

Don't be like that. I say stuff all the time that I don't mean. You're not normally this bothered.

Have they been brainwashing you. Honestly, I only just got you to agree that shameless UK is better, and now this.

This has got nothing to do with shameless UK.

It's got everything to do with it.

No, it's not. You said something offensive and I'm mad at you for it.

Now go away.

I groan, throwing my phone at the wall in anger. It's okay, I do it a lot. I think Kristie secretly dipped it in some indestructible stuff while I was sleeping because it isn't even scratched.

I thing I just made the situation worse but, hey, at least she actually messaged back.

To be fair, I don't even think what I said was that bad. Everyone is just over reacting.

And when I see the US squad tomorrow, I'll be making sure to remind them that. Before they kill me, of course.

(Tell me why me and my mate have just been lost on our bikes for four fucking hours. I can't move. And my fucking tire popped about a mile from home.)

'She replied yet.' Ella shouts as she bursts through the door, Alessia following closely behind her.

'Yes, actually.' I sass back, leaving out the part where I get told to go away.

'So you're out of the bad books then?' Ella distracts me, taking my attention away from Alessia sneaking my phone off of the floor.

'Not at all, all sorted.' I lie, smiling innocently at the two.

'So what's all this about then.' Lessi gives me a disapproving look, showing me the conversation I had with my girlfriend only ten minutes ago.

'Why are you even looking at my messages. It's private.' I huff, snatching my phone off of her and heading to the gym.

This is all too much. Like, I know it's all my fault, but still. To many thoughts innit. And the only way I can get rid of those thoughts is running. With music blasting through my ears.

The thing is, I never know when to stop running, so I normally just go until I'm exhausted. Again, good job, I ain't playing tomorrow.

Running and music just stop all of my thoughts. It's great.

That is until someone literally rips me away from the fucking treadmill.

I take my headphones off and turn to see who it is, completely in disbelief.

'Are you fucking mad, I'm trying to do sommat and you just come in and interup me.' I frown, looking at Lucy.

'You've been running for two hours straight.' She says, almost as if she doesn't believe what she's saying.

'And, I've run for way longer before, I think I'll be fine.' I scoff, attempting to walk off.

It doesn't work. My knees just buckle, and I end up face first on the floor.

'Yeah, sure, absolutely fine.' Georgia states, a slight chuckle in her voice.

Mate, I didn't even see that she was here. How irrelevant can one person be.

'Oh fuck off man.' I sigh as Lucy helps me up.

Once I'm back in my feet, I shove past them and go back to my room. As soon as my head hits that pillow, I'm out like a light.

Next thing I know, Alessia is violently shaking me awake.

'Come on y/n, get up. We need to go in like ten minutes.' She says, panicked.

'Less, it's fine. That gives me two more minutes to sleep, seven minutes to get ready, and a minute to get to the bus. Loads of time.' Honestly, she's overreacting.

'Just get up.' She sighs, ripping the covers off of me.


'Whatever, man. I'm up.' I groggily say, practically crawling out of bed. It's too early for this shit I swear.

After I get ready, Alessia practically drags me to the bus, and I go to the back corner, quickly putting my headphones on so no one bothers me, not that they would. I think they are scared of me in the mornings.

This is kind of exciting. I love pissing people off. The only thing that's playing with my mind is my girlfriend.

Normally, she gets when I'm trying to have a joke, but this seemed to really upset her. See, I thought she finally got my sense of humour, but I guess not. Must've gone back to her American ways.

Oh well, if I die today, I've had a good life, I suppose.

After however long, I wasn't really paying attention, and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep, we pull up to the stadium.

(Can't be bothered to decide where they're playing, so it's just a stadium. Make it up or sommat.)

Well, here goes nothing.

Throughout the match, I make eye contact with mostly all of the US squad. Kristie not being one of them. They all give me that same look and shake thei4 head a little. So either all Americans are the same, or they practised this or they are all robots. Does that mean I'm dating a robot. Well, she ain't looked at me yet, so maybe she's the only normal one. What if they are actually brainwashing her like I said they were? Fucking hell. It all makes sense now.

'Y/n, they are not robots and they are not brainwashing Kristie. You upset them and after this you're going to apologise.' Lucy gives me a pointed look. Why does she have to be one of the injured ones. Not even someone good like Georgia or Lessi.

'Wait, I said that out loud?' Didn't even realise.

'Yep, and it was an extremely stupid idea.' Leah buts in. Honestly, the most boring people you will ever meet.

We end up winning the match 2-1, get in man.

'Right, come on you. It's time to say sorry.' Lucy pats me on the back as we make our way onto the pitch.

I'm telling you now, everyone is overreacting. I bet everyone agrees with me secretly, on my team anyway.

'Alright.' I greet a very angry looking American squad, half of which can't even look me in the eye and the other half. Well, if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under man.

It's okay though, I'm not laughing just yet. Just a very big smirk. I can't help but find this all a bit over the top.

(I feel like this is all over the place, but let's blame it on the fact I can't think straight cause both me ears are blocked.)

My greeting dosse earn me a smack from Lucy and Leah, though. At least I get Georgia and Hempo to chuckle along with a few others.

'Y/n has something to say.' Lucy announces.

'Woah, hang on. You don't expect me to actually say sorry, right? We all know you agree with me, really.' She just glares at me. 'Oh, so you go around just saying the S word then.' I tut, making Millie burst out laughing. 'Funny that because, I've never heard you actually say it. Why don't you give us an example.' I suggest, she won't do it, I know she won't.

The entire England squad grimace at the thought.

'Fine. Easy.' She scoffs, mentally preparing herself.

'Right, you lot better be watching this shit.' I say, looking at my girlfriends team.

It's funny this because we're still out on the pitch and there are still some people here, fuck knows why but they are so they are just seeing this whole thing play out.

'S-So, Soc, Soc.' She let's out a frustrated breath. 'Fuck I can't.'

I start slow clapping, that smirk still plastered across my face.

'And there we have it ladies. My point proven. It's called football.' And that does it for me and G. We both look at eachother and break out into laughter.

We roll around on the floor, tears forming in our eyes. Mate, I've got the best, best friend I swear.

'I'm just too good, G.' I let out through my laughing fit.

None of the US team has said anything. Either because I'm obviously right or because they are extremely mad. I think it might be both.

Once we recover, we stand back up, disting ourselves off and wiping away our tears.

'I can't even fucking argue, Mewis, your girl is insane.' Tobin admits, I'm guessing it was a compliment because she comes over to shake my hand.

After a few more minutes of me joking around and getting stared at and slapped  everyone leaves me and Kristie alone to talk.

Probably a bad idea because she's the only one that might aswell kill me. Although, I hope the ground swallows me up first.

My smirk turns into a nervous smile and I suddenly find the floor to be incredibly interesting.

'Tobin's, right, you are insane.' She scoffs slightly.

I can't tell if that's a good thing or not but, oh well.

'Look, I'm sorry but, you know I'm extremely against the word. I just thought it'd be funny to post about it. I mean, it was funny, but if I actually upset you, it's slightly less funny.' She giggles at my was of an apology, still not able to let go of my ideas.

'You've got a lot of making up to do.' She tells me, giving me a fake stern look.

'Yeah, whatever you want, love.' Probably not my best move but, I want to not be on the sofa for the rest of my life.

'Okay, make a video of yourself saying soccer.' She smirks.

'Fucking no chance. I'd rather chew glass then shove it into my eyeballs. How dare you ask such a thing of me.' I huff, frowning at her.

'Yeah, please don't do that. I like your eyes.' She pouts.

Well, they won't be a thing for much longer if that's what she wants me to do.

Eh, I feel like it felt a but broken up but I've been writing it for about a week so that's probably it.

Anyway, sorry about not posting owt for about a year on any of my books.

Don't worry tho, I have some ideas for this one and I've got a few parts in the making so if you come back in about two years you might find one.

Jokes, a week tops, promise.

Mase. :)

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