TMNT 2012: Y/n Hamato

By KBPeanutGirl24578377

29.9K 1K 446

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the house, dudes! Y/n Hamato is the younger human sister of Leo, Donnie, Rap... More

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Rise of the Turtles part 2
Turtle Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman
Monkey Brains
Never Say Xever
The Gauntlet
Panic in the Sewers
Mousers Attack!
It Came From the Depths
I, Monster
New Girl in Town
The Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer
Cockroach Terminator
Baxter's Gambit
Enemy of My Enemy
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Operation: Break Out
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Showdown Part 2
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The Manhattan Project part 2
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The Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman
Pizza Face
The Wrath of Tiger Claw
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Plan 10
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A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion part 1
The Invasion part 2
Within the Woods
A Foot Too Big
Buried Secrets
The Croaking
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Race with the Demon!
Eyes of the Chimera
Vision Quest
Return to New York
The Pig and The Rhino
Battle of New York part 1
Battle of New York part 2
Casey Jones vs The Underworld
The Noxious Avenger
The Clash of the Mutanimals
Meet Mondo Gecko
Turtles in Time
Tale of the Yokai
The Creeping Doom
Dinosaur Seen in Sewers
Annihilation: Earth part 1
Annihilation: Earth part 2
Beyond the Known Universe
The Moons of Thalos
The Weird World of Wyrm
The Outlaw Armaggon
Riddle of the Ancient Aeons
Meeting Artemis
Journey to the Center of Mikey's Mind
The Arena of Carnage
The War for Dimension X
The Cosmic Ocean
Trans-Dimensional Turtles
Revenge of the Triceratons
The Evil of Dregg
The Ever-Burning Fire
Earth's Final Stand
Insecta Trifecta
Mutant Gangland

Attack of the Mega Shredder

172 5 11
By KBPeanutGirl24578377

I don't own this picture! 


Me, Leo, Raph and Donnie are in Donnie's lab. 

"I say full frontal assault. We bash our way in. Take no prisoners!" Raph stated. 

"Remember last time, Raph? We couldn't even get through the front door!" I stated. 

"All we need is better stealth! Which leads me to present my latest invention." Donnie stated. 

Donnie had made himself a dumpster machine which should be a stealth vehicle.

"What's with the mess?" Leo asked. 

"That's my latest invention. The Mark X-1 Experimental All-Terrain Urban Stealth Vehicle." Donnie said. 

"You invented a dumpster?" Raph asked. 

"That's the point, Raph. It's supposed to blend in perfectly with.. um the other trash littering New York City. Come on, let's test it out!" Donnie said. 

"I thought you were fixing the Turtle Mech. How's this thing gonna help us?" Leo asked. 

"Look, if we wanna break into Shredder's lair, I think the thing to use, not a giant lumbering robot they can see coming from a mile away. The Foot will never see us. It's perfect." I stated.  

Later outside, we are inside the dumpster.

"Worst. Invention. Ever." Leo stated. 

"Ugh, and I thought this thing smelled bad on the outside." Raph stated. 

"Okay, guys. Let's do this." I stated. 

We began to pedal together as the dumpster began to move slowly.

"Remember the plan. We break into Shredder's lair, steal those brain worms. Donnie reverse-engineers them and then we take Shredder down." I stated.  

"Doesn't sound too hard." Mikey stated. 

"Any slower and this thing would be going in reverse." Raph stated as it starts getting heavier. 

"Is it me, or is this thing getting heavier the more we peddle?" Leo asked. 

"Mikey, check the periscope." Donnie stated. 

"Aye, aye, captain." Mikey said. 


"Uh, we got a stowaway, Cap'n. He's eating a Choco-log. I love Choco-logs." Mikey stated.  

"What? Give me that!" Donnie exclaimed. 

Donnie began to use it to trip the man out. Later, they sneak to the church.

"Firing sausage cannon." I stated as I shot a sausage as a distraction. 

"Here they come, dude." Mikey said 

The toilet spits water at it, causing the robot to get electrified.

"Here comes number two." I said. 

"I got this one." Leo said. 

The dumpster releases a few tricks and destroys the bots as we escape. 

"You see? No fuss, no muss. The perfect city stealth vehicle." Donnie stated. 

"Now let's head for Stockman's lab and capture the Brain Worms. Stealth only, ninjas." Leo stated as Mikey trips and he apologized. 

Donnie picked up the door's lock and then we begin to enter inside the lair by using stealth.

"Almost to the lab." I stated. 

"We're gonna make it this time." Mikey said. 

Suddenly, Raph got knocked by Bebop's laser. 

"Oh, dang! We got some trespassing' Turtles and neko up in here!" Bebop exclaimed. 

"Surprise, Turtle freaks! This time we squashes you heads like blueberries!" Rocksteady exclaimed. 

"Four turtles and one neko warrior versus two complete morons. We got this." Leo stated. 

"I wouldn't count your eggs before they hatch, Leo." I said. 

"The neko girl is correct. Well, well, well. I see the gathering has just begun." Tiger Claw. 

We all charge, taking on different opponents. Me and Leo take on Tiger Claw. 

"Leonardo, I am going to savor tearing the shell off of your body." Tiger Claw stated. 

"You can try, cat-man." Leo stated. 

"And Y/n, Master Shredder has been waiting for you." Tiger Claw stated. 

"Well then, he's gonna have to wait a little longer, pussycat." I stated as he growled. 

Mikey is fighting Bebop. 

"You wanna take on my sweet moves, Bebop? Bring it on!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"Ninja, please." Bebop said. 

Mikey gets shot. Raph and Donnie dodged Rocksteady's aim.

"Anyone ever tell you rhinos have terrible aim?" Raph asked. 

Rocksteady roars as the two turtles climb higher.

"You just had to tick him off!" Donnie exclaimed. 

Raph throws ninja stars but Rocksteady disarms it. The Lobster, Shrimp and Crab arrive. 

"Oh, not these freaks again." Raph said. 

"Guys, there's too many of them. Get out of here!" Leo exclaimed. 

"Retreat?" Raph asked. 

"Tactical retreat." Donnie stated. 

"Block the doors. Do not let them escape!" Tiger Claw exclaimed. 

Rocksteady knocked Raph down.

"Raph! Raph." I exclaimed as I helped him up and Mikey used a smoke bomb. 

"Booyakashaaa!" Mikey exclaimed as we escaped. 

April is tending the boys in the lair..

"Hold still, Raph. I think it's sprained. You're gonna have to stay off your feet for a while and heal up." April said as she wrapped his leg. 

"I'll heal later. Right now, I'm down for a little sweet revenge." Raph stated. 

"You proved your foolishness once, there is no need to prove it again." Otōsan stated. 

"Sensei, we have to get one of those brain control worms. It's the only way Donnie can create a cure for any of us, especially Y/n and Karai." Leo stated. 

"I appreciate the effort. But you must remember your lives are just as important to me, my sons. And because of that, no missions until Raphael's leg heals." Otōsan stated. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Not again." Mikey whined. 

"Don't sideline the rest of the team cause I'm down, Sensei!" Raph stated. 

"I have made my decision. Rest and get well, my son." Otōsan stated. 

"Sorry, guys." Raph stated. 

"Don't worry about it, Raph. We can't rely on technology to get us in there." I stated. 

"So what are you proposing then, Y/n?" Donnie asked. 

"There were too many of us. I need to go alone without tech. Solo." I stated. 

"Solo?" Leo and Donnie asked. 

"Are you crazy? You could get hurt!" Raph exclaimed. 

"It doesn't matter, I've endured this monster long enough and now it's time to end it. I'll get those worms and be back here before my parents or Otōsan even know I'm gone." I stated as I left for my room before they could respond. 

Later that night, I gets into my all black ninja outfit and leaves. 

After I leave the lair, I get to the rooftop close enough to Shredder's lair that I could see it, but not close enough, I could get spotted. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and then I pinned whoever it was to the floor with my katana at their throat and then I realized who it was. 

"Karai, what are you doing here?" I asked as I put my hood and mask back up. 

"Giving you some back up, that's what sisters do." Karai said as I look at her with a raised eyebrow. 

"Alright, I wanna help. I want revenge against the Shredder as much as you do." Karai confessed. 

"It's too dangerous. It's better if I go alone. Go back to the lair." I stated.  

"I snuck up on you and you didn't hear me. I don't care what you say, I'm going to help you and maybe enact my revenge while I'm at it." Karai stated. 

"Shredder is after you more me, it's too dangerous and I'm not here to enact revenge. I'm here to get Donnie those brain worms and I'll be back to the lair before sunrise." I stated. 

"Come on, you don't know Shredder's lair like I do. Let me help you; besides we're sisters remember? We float together or we sink together." Karai stated. 

"That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard from you. All right then. Let's capture some brain worms." I stated. 

We sneak into the lab, where everyone is sleeping. We sneak into the lab where we see the jar of brain worms.

"There they are." I whispered. 

I carefully grab the jar until Bebop and Rocksteady appear.

"Caught ya, suckers! I've been losing a lot of beauty sleep cause of you and your turtle bothers." Bebop stated. 

"Da! Shredder making us keep the eye out 24/7. Is no fun! Is boring!" Rocksteady exclaimed. 

"Easy, fellas. Look, we're putting our hands up." I stated. 

"I say we make the turtle borscht when they come looking for the girls." Rocksteady stated. 

"Best idea I heard all day. Do your dealio, Steranko." Bebop stated. 

"Wait. I thinking maybe mutagen soup instead." Rocksteady stated. 

"I love that idea, G." Bebop stated. 

They laugh as me and Karai look at each other. 

The next thing I know, me and Karai are in a cage dangling over a mutagen vat.

"You're gonna make one freaky two-headed mutant. I can't wait to see this." Bebop stated as he laughed. 

"What, you just wanna make a mutant? That's boring. Why not throw more stuff in the mutagen? Create a super mutant." I stated. 

"Hmm, I like that idea. Let's add something to spice up the mix. Like shrimpy over there." Bebop stated as he pointed to Mini Shredder. 

"Why not add more?" I asked. 

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Karai asked. 

"Stalling for time." I stated as I took out a kunai from behind my back. 

"Maybe up ante? We make turtle, shrimp, crab, and lobster mutant!" Rocksteady stated. 

Bebop pulled out some sardines.

"Come here, little buddies. It's dinner time, freaks!" Bebop shouted. 

He tosses it into the vat and the three mutants jump into the mutagen.

"Oh, we creates the five-star mega mutant, da!" Rocksteady exclaimed. 

All of a sudden, everything started to shake. Bebop and Rocksteady grew confused and concerned. Me and Karai grab onto the sides of the cage from falling in just as a massive burst splashed mutagen everywhere.

"You messed up big time, Steranko! I blame you. It was a stupid idea! AAHH!" Bebop screamed. 

He runs away. I picks up the lock and freed us just as the mutant bursts out.

"Let's go." I stated as me and Karai made our escape. 

Later on the street, the massive titan mutant emerged, revealing to be a pink, nasty, gross monster mutant with so many faces, tentacles, armored spikes on its back and claws.

"It's some kind of Mega-Shredder!" Karai and I exclaimed in unison. 

The creature opened its mouth to reveal a human wake destroying the place. On the street, all of the people run for their lives.

"We got to distract it away from the people." I stated. 

We dodged an incoming car before the both of us charge at the kaiju.

"You're going down, Mega Shredder!" I exclaimed. 

"Booyaka-booyaka-sha!" Karai exclaimed. 

Karai gets grabbed and came to face to face with the titan and it eats her.

"KARAI! That's my sister! You monster!" I screamed. 

I take out my katanas and charges using my grappling hook and hitting the limbs. I get into their faces and hits him and uses two more the monster grabbed him and opened its mouth to eat him until something made it fall, dropping Leo..

"Yes! Way more awesome than video games." Casey stated, 

The monster gets up and turns to them, I escape as the monster roars.

"Readying more explosives. Fire!" Donnie exclaimed. 

They fire an explosive as I watches from the roof. I looked at Karai's grappling hook. I knew she was alive. I could hear her inside the monster. 

"Arming missile launchers." Raph stated. 

The Mech fired a acid barrel at the monster. The impact started make Karai fall.

"I need something to hold onto." Karai said. 

A massive tentacle grabbed her.

"Not what I meant." Karai said. 

"Incoming!" Casey exclaimed. 

"Donnie, how do we stop that thing? What do we do?" April asked. 

"I don't know. Press more buttons." Donnie stated. 

They spin out of control and crash as the monster is about to eat them. The human Shredder started to attack.

"Get this thing moving. Now!" Casey exclaimed. 

"Let's see how he likes a hot mouth." Raph stated. 

He used the flamethrower on the beast. Karai gets herself free and grabs onto its gut using her katana so he won't fall into the acid. The Mech crashes to the ground. The human shredder had its head on fire and the head blew it out for him.

"It's the tongue, Y/n. The brain is the tongue." Donnie stated. 

"I'm on it." I stated. 

Leo began to restrain the tongue and pinned him down. The Turtle mech pinned it down making the heads roar.

"Now it's worse." April stated. 

We leap off as the monster started to chase us.

"How do we stop this thing?" Raph asked. 

"How am I supposed to know?" Donnie asked. 

The tongue started to battle the mech as I got trapped in its grasp. The Mech grabs me and struggles to pull me.

"Karai's the kaiju fan. Where is she?" Donnie asked. 

"Let's finish this!" Karai exclaimed. 

"Karai!" I shouted. 

"Let go of my sister!" Karai exclaimed. 

She jumped down and sliced down the tongue, making the monster roar in pain.

"Now's our chance to finish this thing. Fire!" Raph exclaimed. 

They fire the acid can inside and the monster explodes. Mega Shredder is now dead.

"Pretty awesome, guys." April stated. 

"And we even captured the brain worms. Not a bad day after all." I stated. 

"N/n! Are you okay? You weren't at the lair and I thought something had happened to you." Casey said as he hugged me tight. 

"I'm okay, Case, like I could escape you in the first place. You're like a puppy, you know that?" I asked. 

"Says the one who literally has cat ears and a tail." Casey stated. 

"Says the one who got scared for someone who's stronger than you." I retorted. 

"Says the one who's about to get her but beat by her otōsan when she gets back to lair." Casey retorted back. 

"I'll...give you that one...oh boy, I'm so grounded." I stated. 

"At least we'll be grounded together, right sister?" Karai asked. 

"Right. We float together or we sink together." I stated. 




Hey, my little ninjas!

I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to be having a very busy week with EOC's and Marching Band Auditions, but my next chapter of MLP EG is still coming out tomorrow, but I will have to delay The Creeping Doom until Tuesday. 

And tomorrow they are announcing if we made leadership or not. It's 50-50 chance between me and one other friend of mine, so wish me luck! 

I love you guys so much! 


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