Fated To The Dragon King

By NiallFictionx

1.3M 49.5K 4.3K

Lilly found an egg on a hiking trip. Nothing abnormal on that, right? Except the egg was four times bigger th... More

Author's note:
1. Adulting Sucks
2. How It Started
3. How It's Going
4. Introducing The Little Shit
5. My Son At Last
6. The Dragon Realm
7. The King Of Rabies
8. The Unpleasant Pleasant Feeling Of A Bite
9. To Lose Someone
10. Unwell
11. Healing
12. My Baby, but Also Not My Baby
13. Acceptance
14. Freedom
15. Fuck etiquette
16. Dining with the King
17. Dressed To Impress
18. Human Babies Are Useless
19. A Beast and Its Desires
20. To Avoid A Dragon King
21. To Reject Someone
22. Learning About Dragons
23. Brax's Cousin
24. What Is This That I Feel?
25. This Is My Home Now
26. Bad Idea
27. Like A Fucking Dog In Heat
28. I Yield To My Wants
29. Be Mine
30. I am yours
31. Cockblocker
32. Setup
33. Dirty Work
34. The Uncertainty of Tomorrow
35. Traitor
36. A Fever To Kill
37. Damn You Ex
38. The Threat
39. Into The Unknown
40. Chanting To The Gods
41. My Very Own Beast
42. His Beast
43. I love you
44. Flap Those Wings
45. A Pain In The Ass
46. A Sibling?
47. Pink and Blue Surprises
48. Sensitive Matters
49. In Danger
50. Following Her Tracks
51. I'm Out Of This
52. Anything To Protect My Family
53. Trying Not To Lose My Mate
Choose my next story!
54. My Baby Daddy
55. The Past Knocking At The Door
56. Redemption
57. A Relationship To Build
58. Two legs Instead Of Four
59. Relationships On Trial
60. My Gold
61. Homesick
62. Facing My Family
63. Defending My Queen
64. Dealing With It
65. One Down, Four More To Go
66. Granpa's Time
67. My Siblings
68. Everything Happening
70. Fixing A Bond
71. My One & Only
72. Coronation & More
73. The Egg At Last
Author's Note!
Bonus Chapter!
Not A Chapter But An Idea!

69. My Mother-In-Law

7.7K 357 36
By NiallFictionx


I was fuming, and I almost crashed the damn orb. 

That entitled human! How dare she demand for Lilly's presence? After hurting her so much? No. Fuck no. I didn't trust her, I didn't want to give her the time of day after how she behaved, and by the look Lilly was giving me, I was not gonna like what she was about to say.

"No," I growled when she opened her mouth, stopping her from saying anything. 


"No" I insisted, turning around, not wanting to see her resolve faltering. "She hurt you, Lilly! She insulted and disrespected you. She made you cry, she belittled you, and I would be damned if I let her hurt you again."

I turn around to face her, shaking. Fuck. My job was to protect her and I failed. I know that I said that Lilly's family was hers to deal with and her battle, but I can't stay in the background anymore.

Seeing Lilly cry and stressed made my heart clench painfully. It's been a while since I felt so helpless and useless. Unable to take her pain away.

"Please, Lilly. Don't put yourself in that position again," I pleaded.

She bit her lip, hesitating.

"Phoenix... I know. I'm mad at her, I'm not about to forgive her, but..." she sighed, defeated. "I always imagined having my family on my wedding day and... I wish to have that. I want to hear what she has to say, and if she is not sorry and hurts me again, I'd be done with her for real. She will be a lost cause..." 

I opened my mouth to protest but she added quickly. "You know my dad wouldn't ask me to come if he knew my mom was planning to hurt me again. I trust him."

I swear and curse under my breath, pacing, knowing damn well that I can't say no to her. Her mind knew what her mother did was wrong, and she hated her for it, but her heart longed for her mother. It was an instinct. 

She grew up in a family, she learned that family was important and the base structure of her life. Lilly didn't know a life without her mother in her life. She was used to having her mother around for the important moments, and Lilly was scared about what might entail not having her mother on her wedding day, and in her life. It was a battle she had never had to fight before, and she was going at it blind.

But she was no longer alone. She has more family now. I will be always there for her. I will take her hand and guide her and support her in case of a fallout.

"Fine," I grumbled, annoyed. 

I fold my arms and look away, pissed at myself for my weak resolve.

I feel her warmth enveloping me, her belly pushing against mine and I groan. I fucking loved when she pressed her bump against me.

She bit my arms which were still folded against my chest and I hissed at her. She simply giggled and settled against my chest, biting my chest now, and with a grunt, I enveloped her frame with my arms.

"So annoying..." I whispered.

The brat laughed.

"I can get away with anything because you love me, and you know it" she insisted, kissing my neck.

"Yeah, and I will be the one stuck with the body," I teased and she snorted.

We stayed there in silence, enjoying each other's presence, when I heard her sigh.

"I know this is difficult for you, Phon, but thank you, nonetheless. It means a lot to know you'll have my back no matter what." 

She looked up at me and I returned her gaze.

"No matter what," I whispered back, before pressing my lips against hers.

So soft... so sweet...

"So... Angry sex?"

I pull my head back to laugh out loud.


Before, I would hoist her up over my shoulder and throw her on the bed, but now with her bump, I had to be more careful. I lifted her up in my arms and laid her on the bed.

She is quick to get undressed, and I do the same. Her swelled breast bounced and my mouth started to water. The same with her belly, I couldn't stop touching her full breasts, bouncing them in my hands, squishing them, savoring their warmth and weight. Damn, I wake up and I immediately get a hard-on at the sight of them.

"Eat them up, my king," she taunted and I pulled my lip back, growling hungrily.

"All fucking mine."

I pounced, my mouth landing on her right breast, while I played with the other one. Lilly's moans only made me hungrier.

"So..." she sighed, laying back. "When I shift during the pregnancy... Do I..." she groaned when I bit her nipple, not stopping my pursuit while she tried to talk. "Do I have to spend the whole month... abstinent?"

I stop at that. I raised so I was looking at her. A smirk grew on my face, and she widened her eyes.

"Well, not if you want to try new things," I said suggestively, wiggling my brows. 

She turned red at my words.

"You mean..." she stuttered, and I held in a laugh.


"Like... with our beast?"

Now her whole face was red and it was adorable.

"Yeah. Dragon shifters do it from time to time," I explained. After all, our beasts would like to connect as well.

"Damn, your dick must be gigantic!" she voiced shocked.

And I couldn't help it. I laugh and then laugh some more. And I cannot seem to stop.

"Phoenix!" she scolded embarrassed, but I continued to laugh, my eyes stinging with tears.

"Damn it, love. You are hilarious," I bent down to kiss her, and mid-kiss I started chuckling again.

"Just fuck me already," she said irritated, rolling her eyes at me.

I just couldn't stop teasing her about it. Damn it. But she was right, though...

We opened a portal outside Lilly's parents, and now I was waiting for Lilly to knock at the door and I'll continue waiting for her until she was ready. I could hear her heart racing in her chest, doubt, and anxiety present in our bond.

Her hands were sweaty and she attempted a few times to take her hand off my hold but I didn't let her. I didn't mind, I only wanted her to know I was there to support her.

I decided to shift the attention off her anxiety.

"So you see that car over there?" I pointed to a low and long car next door. She shifted her gaze and nodded, not saying anything. "Well, my..."

She gasped realizing what I was referring to and her face turned red.

"Phoenix! Oh my God!" she shrieked, slapping my shoulder over and over again. "Not here!" she scolded and I chuckled, noticing a small smile gracing her lips. Good.

Not gonna lie, my beast really wanted to experience that. I've done it a few times and the experience is completely different. Is primal and carnal and doing it with your mate is something out of this world. Not that I would know, but I heard it was amazing.

When I explained to her what it entailed I could smell her arousal, curious about it. I knew she was nervous. She confessed it felt wrong, due to her beliefs when she was a human. But she was no longer a human, and as a dragon shifter, it was normal.

We both tensed when we heard footsteps nearing the door, and this opened revealing her father. 

"Oh! I knew I heard something. What are you doing out here? Come!"

Carlos greeted us, hugging Lilly reassuringly. "I'm on your side, pumpkin," he whispered to her before breaking the hug.

Lilly smiled softly at him and forced herself to walk into the living room where her mother was waiting.

Part of me was hoping she would screw up so I could snatch Lilly away and take her home where she would be surrounded by the people that loved her, but I knew that was unfair and selfish of me. So instead I stayed quiet next to Lilly, offering her silent support.

Now let's see if my mother-in-law was really sorry.


I'm so sorry it took me longer to update. With work I have been more lazy and more selfish with my free time, lol. And yesterday it snowed to the power went off and had no wifi nor internet, and today I have a headache that came out of nowhere and I tend to stay away from screen when that happens but I owed you a chapter so her it is. It is shorter so I could deliver, sorry!

Oh, and I don't know if you follow me on tiktok, but idk, I'd like to interact with you. I posted a video not related to this but don't know, we could connect! Just if you are up for it. As I have said before, I am not much into social media nor know the hell to get popular so I just use tiktok to storage my memories.

tiktok: insatiable_author

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