Shifters - The king of wolves...

Bởi AnnaMaria_93

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Living in a human town, Esmara has little knowledge of the seven kinds of shifters who rule the world outside... Xem Thêm

Author's note
Update 2


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Bởi AnnaMaria_93

As Egon's lips pressed against mine a sudden sharp pain shot through my body, causing me to flinch.

Instantly, Egon released me, his eyes clouded with worry. "Are you all right?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

I nodded, trying to mask the discomfort with a forced smile. "Just a bit sore," I assured him, though the throbbing ache persisted with every movement. It seemed that all my sensations had returned to my body.

Egon guided me to the nearby couch beside the crackling fireplace. "Where's that damn doctor?" Egon muttered under his breath.

I glanced up at him, furrowing my brows. "Doctor?"

Egon nodded, his gaze drifting back to me. "Yes, I want to make sure you don't have any serious injuries. I've asked Leif to fetch him, but the man is human and stays on the other side of town. I figure it might be a while before he gets here."

His gaze drifted from my eyes to my neck, his expression immediately darkened with anger. I could feel the soreness of my throat and I was sure that the brutal assault of the skinners left their mark.

I reached out to him, silently urging him to meet my gaze. "I'm okay," I reassured him, trying to ease the fury burning in his eyes.

"I will wait for the doctor's verdict if you don't mind," he remarked, casting a sceptical glance in my direction as if he seemed unconvinced by my assurance.

Suddenly, he let out a sigh, his head hanging in shame. "I'm sorry about earlier, I shouldn't have lashed out at you without knowing the full story."

I shook my head. "You had every right to be angry. I understand how serious the situation was, even if I didn't expect it to escalate like that."

"Can you tell me what happened?" Egon asked, his tone softening with concern. "I can't imagine someone would send you into that grim part of Blackbridge."

Taking a deep breath, I recounted Runelda's distress upon returning from her dinner with her father. How she confided in me about her father's plans to marry her off to an older man, and when she asked for my help, I couldn't refuse. It seemed like a harmless task, deliver a letter to a local pub and return safely to the inn.

"I suspected the letter was meant for someone Runelda cared about," I explained. "I reasoned that if I were in her position, I'd want someone to assist me in reaching you."

Egon's gaze softened with understanding. "I know. Please go on."

I described my arrival at the pub, where the bustling crowd made it difficult to spot anyone matching Runelda's description.

"But there was someone else I recognized," I explained, my heart beating faster as I recalled that moment. "It was a guard from the castle gates whom I had encountered on my first day here. His name is Thorren."

As his name left my lips, Egon's demeanour shifted, his eyes darkening once more. "What did he do?" he demanded, his voice tight with anger.

Bewildered, I looked up at Egon. Why did he react like he already knew what happened? "Do you know him?" I asked, puzzled by his anger.

Egon ran a hand through his hair before he confessed with a frustrated sigh. "Yes, I do. Rolf informed me about his disgusting behaviour towards you. I had him checked out and found out he has a history of mistreating women, touching them without consent."

I felt the blood drain from my face as a chill washed over me. He had done this before?

"He's scum," Egon continued. "And I wasn't going to let someone like him close to you again. I couldn't take matters into my own hands, as that would be against the law. But I managed to persuade Lord Blackbridge to dismiss him from his service. I suspected Lord Blackbridge was aware of his guard's actions, but he didn't have much choice as he harassed a member of my staff. The relationship he had built with me was more important to him than just some guard. So he did what I requested without complaint."

Suddenly, Egon took my hand in his, his touch offering some comfort. "I can sense something is wrong from your heartbeat. Did he... did he lay a hand on you?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

I cast my gaze downward, reliving the unsettling encounter. "He tried, but he didn't get far," I replied quietly.

Egon's deep sigh echoed in the room, indicating his struggle to rein in his emotions yet again. It was becoming apparent that when it came to matters concerning me, his temper could flare up quickly. But he seemed calm enough when he pressed a tender kiss to my forehead. "Are you alright?" he murmured.

I nodded as I raised my gaze to meet his. He looked at me with a sad smile as he inquired further, "You mentioned he tried. How did you get away from him?"

I started describing the moment when Thorren grabbed me and pinned me against the wall, only to be intervened by Gaspard before the situation could escalate.

"The man we encountered in the alley?" Egon asked. I could see the effort he was making to control his anger and frustration. His eyes blazed with intensity and his jaw was tight, but his tone remained calm as he listened to my story.

"Yes, that was him," I confirmed. "He fought off Thorren and we fled together. We stopped in a part of Blackbridge that I didn't recognize. Funny enough, he turned out to be the man I sought for Runelda. After I gave him her letter, he offered to escort me back to the inn. But then we encountered a group of skinners. Gaspard decided to go after them. I didn't want to be left alone in that unfamiliar area, so I followed him."

I looked at Egon with renewed urgency. It was crucial that he knew what we had discovered. "Egon, we found a hidden entrance that led to a massive labyrinth of tunnels under Blackbridge," I explained to him in a hurry. "This is where all the skinners are hiding. You need to find it. Maybe I can still remember where it is! I can go with you—"

"You're not going anywhere near there again," Egon stated firmly as he cut me off. "I'll find the place myself, don't worry. But first, I need to know about everything that happened."

"But they will be gone if you don't go now!" I objected.

"I'm not going anywhere until the doctor gets here." He stated stubbornly, his expression unyielding.

I was about to protest again, but Egon's plea stopped me. "Please, Esmara, I'm trying my best to stay calm, but I'm boiling inside. I need to hear the full story before I lose it."

I met his stern gaze and realized he was too stubborn to listen, so with a defeated sigh I pressed on with my narrative. I explained to him how we eavesdropped on the skinners. That the skinners from Terrassen were there and that they were discussing a camp up north and how they were developing some sort of serum. With each word I uttered, the fierce expression on Egon's face intensified, causing me to hesitate if I should continue with my story. But when I fell silent, he shot me a furious stare, making me immediately give in.

I told him I saw the skinner responsible for the murders of the shifters in Eisendal. My stomach churned at the memory of his ruthless gaze as he talked about it.

Egon's expression twisted with even more anger. "It's far worse than I thought," he muttered, his gaze filled with horror as he gently pulled me on his lap and planted another kiss on my forehead.

As much as I yearned to remain in his arms, where I felt secure and sheltered, I knew I had more information to share. Reluctantly, I extricated myself from his embrace until I could meet his gaze. "There's something else I need to tell you," I said.

Egon regarded me in tense silence, waiting for me to elaborate.

"Cyrus was there," I continued. "He looked sick, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was pale. I don't know why he was there, perhaps they're holding him against his will?"

Egon looked at me with doubt and sympathy. "Esmara," he began cautiously.

Sensing his hesitation, I interjected, "No, there must be an explanation. The Cyrus I know would never join the skinners. He may have his flaws, but he would never do something so cruel."

It was clear that Egon remained hesitant, but he let out a sigh. "Because he's your friend, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt," he began. "But I'll be honest with you, Esmara. People, even those closest to you, can surprise you. Those involved with the skinners often have no good intentions. Keep that in mind."

I nodded solemnly, but I was steadfast in my conviction. I knew Cyrus better than anyone. We were like siblings, inseparable since childhood. He wouldn't join the skinners without a reason.

"What happened next?" Egon inquired, interrupting my thoughts.

"We were caught eavesdropping, but we tried to escape," I recounted to him. "The skinners were on our heels, and although Gaspard managed to stall many of them a few managed to evade him and chase after me. I tried to get away from them, but they were fast. I was relieved when you arrived."

As I recalled that moment, my curiosity was piqued. I wondered how he knew I was in danger. After all, I had only just removed the cloak when he appeared. Though I was aware of his speed, it seemed impossible to be that swift. "How did you know where to find me, or that I was in danger in the first place?" I questioned him.

Egon sighed heavily, his expression filled with remorse. "I was in a meeting with some members of my Royal Guard," he began. "My Lycan grew restless, and I immediately knew it had something to do with you. He rarely showed himself unless it was connected to you. I asked Rolf where you were, and when he told me you were at the inn, I tried to calm myself down. I attempted to ignore my Lycan, thinking he simply missed you. I needed to focus on my duties."

His voice was strained with emotion as he continued, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air. "Suddenly, out of nowhere, my Lycan erupted with fury. The intensity of the emotion overwhelmed me. My Royal Guards looked at me in surprise, but I paid them no mind. I knew something was wrong, and I had to act. I instructed Rolf to check if you were alright, but when he told me you weren't in your room, it felt like the ground had crumbled beneath me."

I could feel the anguish in his words and the harsh reminder that I inflicted this feeling on him, cut through the air like a knife. It was as if I could sense the turmoil he experienced and I felt horrible for it.

"I rushed to Rolf, who had already awakened Leif," Egon continued. "It was a struggle to restrain my Lycan, but I managed to suppress his primal urges. Transforming in the midst of the city would only cause chaos, something I couldn't use. We searched the city, trying to find your scent, but it was as though you had vanished into thin air. When I realized your cape was missing, a wave of helplessness washed over me. I knew you were in danger, but I couldn't find you. Despite being one of the most powerful beings on this planet, I couldn't even protect my mate."

"Please don't speak of yourself in such a way," I interrupted him, my heart heavy with guilt. "You saved my life. You are more than I could have ever hoped for. It was my fault. If only I had pondered the situation more thoroughly and kept in mind what that cape could do, perhaps none of this would have happened."

Egon's expression softened, his gaze meeting mine with a hint of compassion. "No," he insisted gently. "I was too harsh on you earlier. I must remind myself that what is common in my world, might appear strange in yours. It's only natural that you didn't think about it. I need to be more considerate of that."

I offered him a smile, grateful for his understanding. "Well, that goes both ways," I replied. "I need to learn more about your world and customs and take that into consideration as well."

A faint smile played at the corners of Egon's lips as he took in my words before he resumed his narrative with a heavy sigh. "My Lycan was on the verge of destroying the entire city. He couldn't understand why I held him back. To be honest, I can't believe it either. Yet somehow, I managed to control him. But then, I caught a whiff of your scent– your familiar, sweet fragrance was tainted with the unmistakable sharpness of your fear. Everything turned red, and I shifted into my Lycan without a second thought. Fortunately, you weren't far away. When I saw you pinned against the wall by that despicable bastard, his hands around your neck–"

Egon trembled with fury, his eyes squeezed shut in an effort to contain his rage. I instinctively grasped his hand, recalling how my touch had soothed him in the past. His trembling subsided the moment my fingers made contact. Though the fire of fury still burned in his eyes, a glimmer of gratitude shone through as he met my eyes.

"I wish I could kill him all over again," he admitted bitterly. "For laying a hand on you. For causing you pain." His gaze drifted to my bruises and his expression clouded with sadness.

"What happened is done," I interject softly, my voice trembling slightly. "You were there when I needed you. That's what matters. I'm still here."

Egon's gaze softens, reflecting relief. "Yes, you are," he murmurs tenderly. "And I'll thank the moon goddess every day for her gift." He slowly leaned in, his lips a breath away from mine when a sudden knock on the door disrupted the moment.

"Seems like you'll have to wait a little longer for another one of my amazing kisses, my love," he said, a playful grin spreading across his face as he dropped his serious demeanour.

I couldn't help but laugh at his playful behaviour. Although I was indeed disappointed that I wouldn't get to enjoy his kiss after all, I was relieved that the doctor had arrived. The pain had become more noticeable, and I hoped the doctor had something to ease it.

After a quick peck on my lips, Egon called out to the doctor waiting outside. I attempted to disentangle myself from his embrace, mindful of the need for discretion regarding our bond. However, he held me tightly against his chest, refusing to let me go. "He knows," he whispered into my ear as he drew closer.

I looked at him with wide eyes, prompting a soft chuckle from Egon.

Leif entered first, followed by an older man with dark brown hair smoothly combed back. He sported a few strands of grey throughout his hair and some wrinkles started to crease his face. Perched on his prominent nose, were a pair of round reading glasses. His attire consisted of a simple white blouse, covered by a brown leather tunic. A large bag hung over his shoulder, while he clutched a compact briefcase in his hand.

Behind him stood a middle-aged woman with her light brown hair tied back in a neat braid. She wore a modest dress covered by a white apron. A pouch, adorned with an array of glass jars and vials, was fastened around her waist,

The man bore a friendly expression, and despite being unmistakably human, he seemed anything but fearful of being accompanied by a shifter. He also didn't seem surprised by the intimate position in which Egon and I were in. I wondered why the doctor was informed with such details.

"Luna, it is a great honour to meet you. My name is Pepin Cyrelle," the man remarked, bowing deeply as he introduced himself.

He shifted his attention to Egon and gestured towards the woman behind him. "I hope you don't mind that I brought my assistant along, Alpha King. Given the circumstances, it seemed appropriate."

"Of course, she's welcome. Thank you both for coming so quickly," Egon acknowledged with a nod.

The woman followed Pepin into the room, mirroring his respectful bow. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Luna Esmara. I'm Ida Greenwich."

I gazed at Egon in surprise. Leif and Rolf had always addressed me as Luna too. I knew I was the mate of an Alpha, which meant I would eventually bear that title. But being addressed like this already, and so frequently, surprised me. I had wanted to ask Egon about it, but the right moment hadn't come up yet.

"Please, just call me Esmara," I said to Pepin and Ida.

Ida looked startled at my request, but Pepin broke into friendly laughter, "Oh no, that would be extremely disrespectful, Luna."

Not wanting to offend them, I decided to keep quiet about it. I would inquire about it later with Egon when the opportunity arose.

Pepin's expression shifted from friendly to remorseful as he assessed my condition. "I can see you're quite injured, Luna. I'm truly sorry to hear that. I was startled when Gamma Leif woke me up from my sleep."

"I'm sorry for any trouble," I quickly apologized as I felt guilty for inconveniencing him.

"Nonsense," Pepin dismissed my apology. "Although I would have preferred to meet you under different circumstances, it's an honour that you and your mate trust me with this important task." He offered me another friendly smile before he continued. "But enough talking. It's time for me to assess the severity of the situation, isn't it?"

He directed his attention to Egon. "Alpha, if you'd be so kind as to give us some space?" Pepin requested politely.

Egon rose from his seat, pulling me up with him, before setting me down on the ground. However, he didn't move and remained standing right beside me. His gaze was fixed on the doctors as he patiently waited for them to proceed.

"Alpha, remember our conversations, what I mentioned to you," Pepin urged, visibly uncomfortable.

Egon's expression hardened at his remark. "If you think I'm leaving my mate alone at this moment, you're mistaken," he responded grumpily in a sullen tone.

Pepin remained showing an uncomfortable expression, but he didn't seem fazed by Egon's attitude, which surprised me. Most shifters were easily impressed by Egon, let alone humans. But Pepin seemed almost unaffected.

I didn't quite understand what was going on, what Pepin was asking of him, and why Egon was being so resistant. "What's going on?" I asked, hoping for some clarification.

Pepin turned his attention back to me. "To determine how serious your injuries are, Luna, I'll need to remove your dress," he explained kindly to me. "I highly doubt you'd want your mate present for that."

I blushed at the thought. Undressing in front of Egon, left standing in nothing but my underwear? No, I definitely didn't want Egon here. I shook my head vigorously and looked at Egon with pleading eyes.

Egon still glared at the doctor, but his expression softened when he saw my pleading gaze. "Esmara," he said reluctantly.

"Please, Egon" I begged him. "Can't you just wait outside for a moment?"

"But I don't want to leave you alone for this. I need to know what's wrong with you. I can't listen in from the hallway inside this castle. The walls are too resilient here," Egon protested.

Refusing to yield, I continued to plead with him. "You can come right back in as soon as I'm dressed. But please, wait outside for now."

Egon looked torn but eventually relented. "Fine," he sighed before turning his attention back to the doctor. "But if there's anything serious with her, I want you to come get me immediately, understood?"

"Of course, Alpha," Pepin complied with an affirmative nod.

After giving me a quick kiss, Egon left the room.

Pepin chuckled. "He's quite protective, isn't he? But then again, it's to be expected."

He shifted his focus to Ida, who had been patiently standing by. "Could you help the Luna out of her dress? Then we can begin with our examination."

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