Back To December - TK✔️

By Momo_Taegguk

13K 623 15

Complete✔️ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Maybe this is wishful thinking Probably mindless dreaming But if we loved again I swear I'... More

Dear reader
1. The Seoul University
2. The cafe
3. The apartment quest
4. A new day and new beginning
5. Literature and the siblings
6. Tangled shoelaces
7. Nothing but a Stranger
8. The flickering lights
9. Titanic Fate
10. The bus ride
11. Mrs. Kang
12. Besties love and Allergies
13. Broken Coffee Cups
14. Horror movies and warm blankets
15. To protect you
16. A friend in need is a friend indeed
17. The shopping mart
18. More than just friends Pt. 1
18. More than just friends pt. 2
19. The Bubblegum Mess
20. The Nosebleed
21. Live in the moment forever
22. The Birthday Party
23. Truth and Dare
24. Getting Drunk Was Never In The Plan
25. Overnight Cuddles
26. Jealousy At Its Peak
27. Tit for Tat
28. Sweet Night
29. Sudden Confession
30. This is not what they expected
31. Pathetic
32. The Story of Downfall
33. Take a break
34. Days of Waiting
35. Apologies
36. Mornings like this
37. Cafeteria Reunion
38. Unexpected Couple
39. Lover
40. The Basketball Match
41. The Thanksgiving Dinner
42. The Truth Untold
43. The Backstory
44. The Asylum
45. You Are Strong
Epilogue 1: The Stalking Boyfriend
Epilogue 3: Back To December
Other Books

Epilogue 2: Bribe for Jeongguk?

211 8 0
By Momo_Taegguk

Taehyung gets out of his car and walks inside the big building. The guard greets him and he smiles back, then straightaway makes his way to the receptionist, who upon noticing him smiles warmly.

"Oh Taehyung-shi! What a pleasant surprise!" She says.

"Good to see you too Ms. Haein" Taehyung smiles. "When will he get free?" He asks directly, excited.

"You did not ask him yourself?" She says, because usually Taehyung would talk to Jeongguk over the call during his work hours so that he would not disturb the other during important meetings by coming at a wrong time.

"Actually I wanted to surprise him today..." Taehyung says looking down at the box of cupcakes he brought for Jeongguk.

"Ohkayy I see..." She nods with a teasing smile. "Wait let me ask his secretary if he's free right now..." She picks the phone and places a call. "Secretary Choi, Taehyung-shi is here... mhmm... okay..." She cuts the call and looks at Taehyung.

"He is taking interviews for new employees today so he might get free in about 15-20 minutes..." Taehyung nods. He remembers Jeongguk talking about the interviews last night before sleeping.

"Okay I will wait in the lounge then... see you later..." He smiles and turns around to walk to the elevator, everyone greeting him on his way. All the people working under Jeongguk knew Taehyung and they really respected him, while the elder ones adored him like a baby.

He gets in the elevator and presses the button to Jeongguk's office's floor. And after the elevator comes to a stop, he directly makes his way to the waiting lounge. As soon as he gets inside, he sees some employees for interview also sitting there, so he silently goes and sits on one of the comfortable couches in the room with the box of cupcakes and his bag in his hands.

He could see Jeongguk's office through the transparent glass wall in between. The door was closed but then it opens with Secretary Choi stepping outside with an employee and for a split second Taehyung catches a glimpse of Jeongguk, who was busy writing something on his notepad. Then the door closes on its own.

The Secretary comes in the lounge, as the employee from earlier takes a seat beside Taehyung on the couch.

"Mr. Minseok, it's your turn now" The secretary calls for the last candidate, and then notices Taehyung sitting there, so he smiles and waves at him, before going back to Jeongguk's office. Taehyung smiles back, just then the female employee sitting beside him says, "You seem to know the secretary. It will be easy for you to get this job then..."

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows in confusion. He looks around to confirm if the girl was talking to him or not... and yeah indeed she was talking to him.

"I- huh?" He asks.

"I saw the secretary waved at you. You must know him... and you are here through recommendation right?"

"Actually I-"

"Ahh you lucky people have connections..." She sighs. "I wish I also knew people here.... Maybe Mr. Jeon... Oh he's so handsome. And his stare... it was so hot... it just melted me right then and there..." She says dreamily, as Taehyung narrows his eyes with slight jealousy.

"Seems like you had a good interview there." He says, his lips in a small pout.

"It was amazing. I hope I get this job. I just want to see Mr. Jeon everyday..." She says as Taehyung feels that her long hair and his fist would make a good combination right now.

"By the way...what did you bring in this box? For whom?" She asks and Taehyung looks at the donuts, then remembers that he was here to surprise his Gukkie.

"Uh... cupcakes for Jeongguk... actually-"

"OMG! You know people here personally plus you are going to bribe Mr. Jeon to get this job!?" She interrupts him for the nth time and says rather loudly, catching everyone's attention in the waiting room. Taehyung closes his eyes and sighs in frustration. Girl let me talk for once.

"What? That's not fair!" Another girl stands up and says. "The competition must be impartial... he shouldn't get a job like this!"

"You are right... people should not use their connections like this. Your application must be rejected!" One boy also says.


"I had a hunch as soon as I saw your clothes... who comes in a loose shirt and pants to interviews? Until and unless they are very sure about getting the job..." The first girl says.

"And in his case, he has connections so he did not put a single ounce of effort. Such a spoiled rich brat!" The other girls scoffs walking closer to Taehyung, who clenches his fist with anger building up in him. He did not want to cause any drama at his boyfriend's workplace.

"I did not come here for an interview..." He calmly says, trying to control the anger, as he stands up on his place.

"Of course... why would you? I mean why would you even care for an interview, you just came here to bribe Mr. Jeon and maybe even seduce him to get this job. Right?" She says, then looks at the donuts. "You know what..." She slaps her hand on the cupcakes box forcefully that it falls down on the floor as Taehyung widens his eyes.

"Oops I just dropped your bribe..." She says, as the people in the room watch the scene, just then few staff members come in the room to get coffee and notice the commotion caused by the few interviewees, they couldn't see Taehyung yet but still one of them goes to the office to inform Jeongguk.

"What will you do now? Call your known people here?" The first girl mocks, and Taehyung ignores her and bends down to pick up the box and the cupcakes that fell from it.

"What's happening here!?" Jeongguk's voice is heard in the room and everyone gulps.

"Uh... Mr. Jeon... we were just-"

"Bullying someone unnecessarily?" Taehyung interrupts the girl and stands up. Jeongguk notices him and furrows his eyebrows.

"Tae?" He asks concerned.

Taehyung at first looks at the girl, then looks at Jeongguk with a big pout.

"Gukkiee~~" He goes to stand near the other, taking his bicep. Jeongguk's secretary holds back a chuckle as he knew something was surely about to come...

"What happened baby?" Now Jeongguk's full attention was on his boyfriend, and everyone's was on them. The interviewees look at the couple shocked as the girl who started the drama realizes what she just did.

"I was missing you so I thought why not come and meet you... but you were busy so I sat in the waiting room... but... these people- ugh these two mean girls... they started saying very bad things to me that I just wanted to cry but I didn't because I am your strong BOYFRIEND..." Taehyung complains and points at the girls who were talking to him earlier, sniffling dramatically.

"Oh baby... what did they say?" Jeongguk takes his face in his hands and says. People present there widen their eyes a little. The boss who seemed so cold during the interview was so soft with his love. It was a sight that could swarm butterflies in anyone's stomach.

"They thought I came here for an interview by personal recommendation and when they saw the cupcake box, they assumed themselves that I was here to bribe you and... seduce you to get the job... they commented on my clothes and even dropped the cupcakes..." Taehyung pouts.

"Mr. Jeon we can expl-"

"Enough!" Jeongguk glares at the girl. "If you came here for an interview, then you must know that Jeon Enterprises never hires people through personal connections, each one of the employee here has been selected because of their own abilities. Not any recommendation! You just proved how you think of the company you are going to work at so lowly and showed your work ethics as well... I think it would be good to reject your applications because we don't hire bullies here..." He says.

"And... I am not sad about how you talked to me or what you said... I am just disappointed thinking that if it was someone else instead of me, who genuinely came here for an interview then how your words and senseless assumptions would have affected them... You know even a small act of bullying can affect someone's life and trigger them badly... so try to have a habit of listening to the other person before you assume things yourself..." Taehyung says, now seriously, feeling Jeongguk's hand on his waist comfortingly rubbing circles.

"Tae is right..." Jeongguk says pulling the other close to him.

"Sorry sir" Both the girls say in unison, hanging their head low with the thought that they messed up their interview.

"Interviews are over now. So everyone can leave. We will contact you back if you are hired" Secretary Choi says as Jeongguk walks out of the room, taking Taehyung's hand.

"You are so hot as a boss you know that?" Taehyung says, as soon as they enter Jeongguk's cabin.

"They didn't say anything more to you right?" Jeongguk, after discarding his coat, takes his face in his hand once again, caressing his cheeks.

"No Gukkie..." Taehyung pecks his lips. "I was ready to teach them a lesson myself if they said anything more... but you came so I thought why not stick to being your baby today... the one you always protect..." He giggles as Jeongguk kisses his forehead and then hugs him.

"But they dropped my cupcakes... I brought them from your favorite bakery..." Taehyung mumbles and Jeongguk knew he must be pouting.

"It's ok... they recieved their punishment. I will ask Mr. Choi to carefully reject their applications himself once again..." Jeongguk says, backing off from the hug then walking to his chair with Taehyung. He pulls him on his lap sideways after sitting, as Taehyung hugs him again, putting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"I am sorry Tae you had to see this here... I didn't know that the people were like this... because in interviews we only see their working capabilities... not how they are really..."

"Shhh... it's not your fault... you can only know enough about a person through one or two interviews Gukkie... and you yourself said how the conversation is just about work. So you cannot know anything about their nature just like that..." Taehyung says.

"Yeah... but now that I think of it... I think I should start including some questions in interviews to ensure that the working environment in my office is healthy after the said person is hired..." Jeongguk says.

"Wow that's a great way out gukkie... I am proud of you" Taehyung kisses his cheek.

Jeongguk hums, sighing in comfort and soothing feeling that came with Taehyung in his arms.

"You must be tired..." Taehyung says.

"Yeah I am... the interviews were really hectic... and after hearing same answers from every single person, I got headache..." Jeongguk says as Taehyung giggles.

"Those are some ideal answers everyone mugs up to impress the boss Gukkie... that's how interviews work nowadays..."

"I know... but as I said I would change my questions now..."

"Yeah you would... but for now close your eyes and just relax..." Taehyung runs his fingers theough the other's hairs as Jeongguk sighs in satisfaction and pulls him to his chest once again.

Taehyung smiles, just then his eyes catch a picture of him and Jeongguk on the desk. He suddenly pouts and turns the picture around so that it faces someone who would sit in front of Jeongguk.

"Why would you turn that the other way baby?" Jeongguk says.

"So that other people who visit you see it"

"But I want to be the one to see it all the time... I love that picture"

"No... you can see me in real life, I am more beautiful like that... this picture should face someone who sits in front of you in that chair so that they know who this hot and dashing CEO belongs to..." Taehyung says as Jeongguk chuckles.

"Okay as you say my prince... I will bring another two three frames from home here that will just face me"

"You can do that!" Taehyung giggles as Jeongguk connects their lips in no time. Years have passed, but the spark in their relationship is still the same. They still get butterflies in their stomach and all the fuzzy feelings whenever they see each other and crave for each other's touch again and again.

Because you can never let go of people your heart chooses.

And they have chosen each other for today, tonight, tomorrow, forever... If they were to live a thousand years, they would belong to each other in all of them and if they were to live a thousand lives... they would choose each other yet again... and again...


Epilogue 2 ✔️
It was like more of a sneak peak into their new life...
Now one last epilogue is left. I have already written it... So I will post it in 1-2 days after revising it...

Also I never thought my story would even reach 1K reads but it's gonna reach 4K now. So thank you so much everyone who read it... I seriously mean it. When I receive notifications of someone adding this book in their reading list, I cannot describe how happy I get... Thank you once again❤️❤️

Do comment and vote if you liked the chapter!!


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