I Found You (G!P)

By CrzyMooMoo

75.4K 2.5K 349

Moonbyul was born in a rich family, her life is what everyone's want to have. Luxurious cars, clothes, mansio... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 42- Finale

197 8 5
By CrzyMooMoo

Byul spent her Friday resting at Yongsun's house, where yongsun was incredibly attentive in caring for both byul and their son. As she woke up, greeted by the sight of her beloved and their son preparing breakfast, Sky rushed over to his dad and gently placed his hand on her forehead.

"Are you okay, Dada?" Sky's innocence brought a smile to both of them.

"Dada's all better, thanks to you and your mom," Byul said with a smile, gently patting her son's head.

"Do you feel better now?" Yongsun asked, and Byul responded with a nod. "You should still rest for the day," she insisted gently.

"I will, ma'am. I don't want you to get mad. Let's have breakfast together," Byul said warmly, acknowledging Yongsun's concern.

The day passed in blissful togetherness as they watched movies with their son, shared meals, and engaged in heartfelt conversations. They exuded the aura of a content and harmonious family, brimming with happiness and love.

"Dada, can't you just stay here every day? My friend's dad and mom are staying in one house. Why aren't we like that?" Sky asked innocently, looking up at Yongsun with hopeful eyes.

Yongsun and Byul exchanged uncertain glances, pondering how to respond to Sky's innocent question.

Byul could gently respond to Sky, "Well, little guy, every family is different. We have our own way of doing things that work best for us. But what matters most is that we love each other very much, no matter where we are but son, I promise you, that day will eventually come," Byul assured Sky with a soft smile.

"Really?! I can't wait for that day, Dada!" Sky exclaimed excitedly, his face lighting up with joy at the thought of his family being together all the time.

As they watched Sky's favorite movie, Byul's hand instinctively reached for Yongsun's, gently squeezing it. Yongsun glanced at her, and Byul responded with a tender smile. It was a simple gesture, yet it meant everything to her. In that moment, she realized that she would give up anything just to have this simple act of connection happen every day.

Sky had fallen asleep in Byul's lap, and Yongsun had also dozed off, resting his head on Byul's shoulder. Byul watched them both with a heart full of happiness, cherishing the peaceful moment. Just as she leaned in to kiss Yongsun's forehead, she suddenly woke up, locking eyes with Byul in a moment of shared affection and warmth.

They were both lost in each other's eyes, a silent exchange of love and understanding passing between them. Byul's hands gently cupped Yongsun's cheeks, and Yongsun instinctively leaned into her touch, her eyes closing as she savored the warmth of Byul's hands against her skin. It was the touch she had longed for, a connection that spoke volumes without a single word.

Byul leaned in closer to Yongsun, their noses touching, their breaths mingling in the intimate space between them. With a mix of nervousness and longing, Byul pressed a tender kiss to Yongsun's forehead, her heart pounding with anticipation. However, she sensed a tinge of disappointment in Yongsun's reaction, unsure of what it meant for their relationship.

"Sky is already sleeping. I'll just take him to his room," Byul said softly, breaking the moment as she gently shifted to attend to their son.

"I'll do it. You should just rest," Yongsun insisted, not giving Byul a chance to respond as she carefully lifted Sky and carried him to his room. Byul watched her go, feeling a mix of emotions, she can sense that yongsun is frustrated at her. 

Byul couldn't stay still, her nerves getting the best of her as she anxiously waited for Yongsun to come out of their son's room. She couldn't shake the image of his disappointed expression earlier, fearing that she might be angry with her. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as she hoped for some reassurance from her.

Yongsun finally returned, and Byul's heart skipped a beat as she braced herself for his reaction. "Why are you still here? I told you to rest," Yongsun said, her tone gentle but firm, as she noticed Byul fidgeting in the living room. Byul tried to hide her unease behind the pretense of organizing the room, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of tension between them.

"Yong, are you mad?" Byul asked, her gaze earnest as she searched her eyes for any hint of anger or disappointment.

"Why would I?" Yongsun responded, still not meeting Byul's gaze. 

"Then you're not mad, right?" Byul said softly as she approached Yongsun. "I'm just worried that you might be upset because I almost kissed you." Her words carried a mix of vulnerability and apprehension as she awaited his response.

Yongsun's sudden outburst caught Byul off guard, her tone sharp and defensive. "What?! Of course I am! Why would you dare to kiss me?!" she exclaimed, her words tinged with surprise and discomfort. 

"R-really? I'm sorry, I was really out of line," Byul apologized, her voice tinged with disappointment and sadness. She couldn't shake off the feeling of regret for misreading the situation and causing Yongsun discomfort.

Yongsun was taken aback by Byul's reaction as she started to walk away, sensing the hurt in her demeanor. "W-why did you have to do that? If you were going to kiss me, then just kiss me!" she blurted out, unable to meet Byul's gaze as she struggled with her own emotions.


"Are you really the Byulyi that I knew before?! Gosh, you are so dumb," she said sharply, her tone laced with frustration and confusion. 

Byul remained silent, her gaze locked on Yongsun as she struggled to find the right words to respond. Emotions churned within her, but she couldn't bring herself to speak, feeling a mixture of  confusion, and longing.

"Damn it!" Yongsun exclaimed before impulsively kissing Byul's lips, his hands gently cradling her nape. Byul was frozen at first, but as their lips met, a flood of emotions rushed through her. They both savored the moment, memories flooding back and reigniting the intense feelings they had shared before.

Yongsun, frustrated by Byul's initial reaction, pulled away from the kiss and rolled her eyes, ready to walk away. But before she could take a step, Byul grabbed her arm and pulled her back, her own frustration fueling a newfound determination. This time, Byul initiated the kiss with a passion that took Yongsun by surprise. Their lips met in a fiery embrace, igniting a wave of longing and desire between them as they surrendered to the intensity of their shared emotions.

As they kissed, Yongsun's tears fell freely from her eyes, mingling with the intensity of their embrace. She never imagined that Byul would come back to her, and the realization overwhelmed her with a flood of emotions. For months, she had endured uncertainty, waiting to see if Byul was truly determined to come back to her. Now, as they shared this passionate moment, all the doubts and fears melted away, replaced by a profound sense of relief and joy.

As Byul felt Yongsun's tears, she gently pulled away and wiped them away with her thumb, concern etched on her face. "Why are you crying?" she asked softly, her voice filled with tenderness and a hint of worry.

"I missed you," Yongsun finally confessed, her voice trembling with raw emotion. It was a simple yet profound statement that encapsulated all the longing and heartache she had endured during their time apart.

"I missed you too, Yong," Byul replied, her gaze filled with sincerity and love. "Don't cry. I will never leave your side again," she promised, her words carrying a vow of unwavering commitment and devotion to Yongsun.

Yongsun leaned in, her lips meeting Byul's in a tender and heartfelt kiss. In that moment, as their lips melded together, it was as if all the pain and longing of their time apart melted away, replaced by the warmth and reassurance of their love for each other.

Byul wrapped her arms around Yongsun's waist, pulling her close as they shared a passionate kiss. With each step, they moved towards the bedroom, their lips still locked together in a tender embrace. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the love and connection they shared, a bond that had endured through every trial and hardship.

Their night was indeed filled with love and longing, every touch and caress a testament to the depth of their affection for each other. In the warmth of their embrace, they found solace and renewal, their hearts entwined as they rediscovered the joy of being together once more.


Yongsun's heart raced with anxiety as she woke up, her hands instinctively searching for Byul beside her, only to find the bed empty. Panic rising within her, she sat up quickly and began to look around the room, calling out for Byul. "BYULAH?!" she shouted, her voice tinged with worry. In that moment, Sky rushed into the room, sensing his mother's distress.

"Mom, what happened?" Sky asked, concern evident in his voice as he approached Yongsun, his eyes wide with worry.

"Where's your dada?" Yongsun asked, her voice trembling slightly as she searched Sky's face for an answer, her worry growing with each passing moment without Byul by her side.

"Dada? She—" Sky's words were cut short as Yongsun hastily rushed out of the room, her heart pounding with fear and uncertainty.

Yongsun's heart sank as she reached the kitchen and found it empty, Byul nowhere in sight. Her anxiety intensified, and she frantically scanned the room, her mind racing with worry. Sensing her distress, Sky followed closely behind, his confusion mirroring his mother's frantic behavior.

Yongsun's tears fell freely as anxiety gripped her tightly, her heart pounding with fear for Byul'. "BYULAH!" she shouted once again, her voice filled with desperation and anguish as she prayed for Byul to answer her.

"Yong!" Byul exclaimed as she spotted Yongsun sitting on the ground, her heart lurching with concern. Quickly, she rushed over and knelt beside Yongsun, wrapping her arms around her in a comforting embrace. "Why are you crying?" Byul asked softly, her voice filled with love and reassurance as she wiped away Yongsun's tears.

Yongsun's embrace tightened around Byul, her relief palpable as she held her close. "Where were you?!" she sobbed, her voice trembling with emotion. "I thought you left me again!" Her fear and vulnerability poured out in her words, the pain of their past separation still raw in her heart.

"I- I'm sorry. I would never leave you again, I promise you that," Byul whispered, her voice filled with sincerity and remorse. She held Yongsun tighter, wanting to reassure her of her unwavering commitment. Feeling their son's embrace as well, a wave of warmth washed over them, reminding them of the love and strength they found in each other's arms.


Byul made it her priority to reassure Yongsun every day, offering her unwavering support and affection to help her heal from the pain of the past. Her sweetness and tenderness only grew stronger with each passing day, and she made sure to remind Yongsun of her love at every opportunity, even calling her during work just to check in and say "I love you." Byul's gestures of love and devotion became a source of comfort and strength for Yongsun, helping her to rebuild their relationship on a foundation of trust and understanding.

Today is byul's birthday. Byul's heart swelled with joy and gratitude as she entered Irene's restaurant, greeted by the warm smiles of her friends and Yongsun's family. The sight of everyone gathered together to celebrate her birthday filled her with overwhelming happiness. As she made her way through the crowd, hugs and well-wishes surrounded her, making her feel cherished and loved. It wasn't just an ordinary birthday; it was a celebration of the love and bond shared between her and those closest to her.

As they enjoyed a meal together, laughter and conversation filled the air, reminiscing about the good times they shared. Byul was overwhelmed with gratitude as she received numerous gifts from her friends and loved ones, each one a thoughtful gesture of affection. However, it was her son's gift that truly touched her heart. With eager anticipation, she unwrapped the present, revealing a handmade card filled with colorful drawings and heartfelt words expressing Sky's love for her. Tears welled up in Byul's eyes as she hugged her son tightly, feeling the depth of his love in every stroke of his crayon and every word he wrote. It was a gift that she would treasure forever, a reminder of the pure and unconditional love that filled her life.

"Our Sky is really sweet!" Wheein exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration as she watched the tender moment between Byul and her son. 

"I'm sure he got it from Yongsun!" Hani laughed teasingly, her words drawing playful laughter from the group as they enjoyed the light-hearted moment. Byul blushed at the teasing but couldn't hide her smile, feeling grateful for the love and laughter shared among friends and family on her special day.

"Nope, he got it from his dada," Yongsun chimed in, her voice filled with affection as she joined in the banter. The playful exchange brought smiles to everyone's faces, highlighting the bond between Byul, Yongsun, and their son as they celebrated together.

Byul discreetly gave a signal to Hyejin, indicating that it was time for a special surprise. With a knowing nod, Hyejin stepped forward, with a mic on her hand.  "Now that we're done eating, let's hear some words from our very own birthday celebrant! Moon Byulyi!" Hyejin announced, prompting cheers and applause from the gathered group. Byul felt a rush of emotions as all eyes turned to her, grateful for the love and support surrounding her on this special day. Taking a deep breath, she stood up, ready to share her heartfelt gratitude with her friends and loved ones.

Byul took the mic, her heart overflowing with gratitude as she looked around at the smiling faces of her friends and family. "Thank you everyone for coming, and thank you for the surprise!" she began, her voice filled with emotion. "It's the very first time in years that I've experienced a birthday like this, surrounded by so much love and happiness." She paused, feeling a lump form in her throat as she tried to compose herself.

"Dont cry!" Seulgi shouted. 

Byul chuckled through her tears at Seulgi's exclamation. "I'm not!" she responded, her voice wavering with emotion. Taking a deep breath, she continued, "I just want to say how grateful I am for each and every one of you. Your presence here today means the world to me, and I feel truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family in my life. Thank you for making this birthday one that I'll never forget."

"And Yongsunssi... and to my son Sky..." Byul walked towards them, her heart brimming with love and sincerity. She gently took Yongsun's hand in hers, her gaze soft and earnest. "I am sorry for everything I did. I will forever make up for that."

As she spoke, Sky handed her a little box, and everyone's excitement filled the air.

Byul's heartfelt gesture left Yongsun stunned, tears streaming down her cheeks as she gazed at the ring she had longed to see for years. Byul's words touched her soul, filling her with a sense of hope and renewal. Feeling Byul kneel before her, Yongsun's heart swelled with emotion, her hand trembling as Byul squeezed it gently.

"When I first met you, I didn't know that you would bring so much happiness into my life and turn my world upside down," Byul confessed, her voice filled with sincerity and emotion. "I know how much I hurt you and how much you suffered because of me..."

Her words trailed off momentarily as she gathered her thoughts, her heart heavy with remorse for the pain she had caused. But then, with unwavering determination, she continued, "I will forever make you happy until you forget all of those pains. I promise you that."

Yongsun's breath caught in her throat as she listened to Byul's heartfelt vow. The question that followed took her by surprise, her heart skipping a beat at the realization of what was happening.

"Yongsun you are the light on my dark world... Will you marry me?"

Overwhelmed with emotion, Yongsun nodded fervently, tears of joy streaming down her face. "Yes, Byul. Yes, I will marry you," she whispered, her voice filled with love and gratitude as she pulled Byul into a tender embrace, sealing their promise of love and forgiveness with a kiss.

The struggles, the longing, the missing, and the darkness they experienced indeed brought immense growth to both Byul and Yongsun. Through every trial and hardship, their love only deepened and flourished, becoming a beacon of hope in the midst of their darkest moments. The darkness they faced was not just despair; it was also a catalyst for their profound connection and understanding of each other.

In the depths of their struggles, they found solace in each other's arms, their love serving as a guiding light through the storm. Every challenge they overcame together strengthened their bond, shaping them into stronger, more resilient individuals. By facing their demons head-on and supporting each other unconditionally, Byul and Yongsun emerged from the darkness with a love that was even more profound and enduring.

Their journey was not without its difficulties, but through it all, they discovered that love has the power to conquer even the deepest shadows. Byul and Yongsun's love story was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of love, proving that even in the darkest of times, there is always light to be found in the embrace of a loved one.


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