My Personal Trainer《BTS JIMIN...

By misshobie

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Please read the authors note (^ω^) Especially if you're Jimin biased~ Most impressive ranking #9 in btsjiminf... More

Author's Note
Chap. 1: Jumped
Chap. 2: Personal Trainer
Chap. 3: First Battle
Chap. 4: The New Jimin
Chap. 5: Truce
Chap. 6: Feelings ╮(╯3╰)╭
Chap. 7: Backfire!
Chap. 8: I'm Over It
Chap. 9: Open Your Eyes
Chap. 10: I Quit
Chap. 11: You what?
Chap. 12: And The Winner Is...
Chap. 13: Same Old Ex
Chap. 14: Paralyzed
Chap. 15: On The Contrary
Chap. 17: Give Us A Try
Chap. 18: Power Couple
Chap. 19: My Name Is.. ㅠ.ㅠ
Chap. 20: Build Up
Chap. 21: Distracted
Chap. 22: Say That Again?...
Chap. 23: No Bond Whatsoever
Chap. 24: Rematch
Chap. 25: Bullet Wound
Chap. 26: Fading Away
Chap. 27: Almost Broken
Chap. 28: A New Hyung
Chap. 29: A Tall Stranger?
Chap. 30: Mine Forever
Chap. 31: Hidden Secrets
Chap. 32: Truth Revealed
Chap. 33: Wicked Witch
Chap. 34: Heart
Chap. 35: 22nd Anniversary
Chap. 36: 미안해
Chap. 37: Dance Like We're Making Love
Chap. 38: Wrong One
Chap. 39: Missing
Chap. 40: ¡FOUND!
Chap. 41: Shot Down
FINAL CHAPTER: A Second Chance

Chap. 16: I'm Back

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By misshobie

-Jina POV-

Since Serena ruined my chances to try getting back on my feet, I had to post pone it. Jungkook and Jimin encouraged me to continue my treatment. Which is the best idea yet.

Every now and then they leave to the gym to train and what not. Meanwhile I stay home, but they never leave me alone. His mom heard what happened and she willingly comes home early from work to take care of me. She's like the mother I lost...

Mrs. Park has been nothing but such a down to earth friend. She stays with me in Jimin's room and talks about many things. Such as when Jimin was a baby and stories of his childhood. How he grew up and some embarrassing moments here and there.

She's even tooken out photo albums for me, Jimin was the cutest baby ever. His lips were always pouty, so cute!

Mrs. Park said Jimin was always the little quiet sensitive kinda boy. But since I came into his life, he's changed so much. For the better.

I couldn't agree more.

Mrs. Park walked in with a tray of food.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Park." I said warmly.

"Good afternoon, Jina." She smiled and set the tray at the night stand.

"What's for lunch?" I asked.

"tteokbokki!" She cheered.

I clapped. "Yes!"

She giggled as she set the bed table on me and handed me my plate of tteokbokki.

I sniffed. "Ahhhh~ smells delicious!"

"It's a little spicy, I hope you don't mind." She said.

"I don't mind at all! I love spicy foods."

She laughed light heartedly.

I grabbed a spoon and ate joyfully.

This is soooo good~

"Jimin tells me your treatment is going well." She said.

I swallowed. "It is..I just hope it's all worth it.."

"It will be, I know you're a very strong girl and you'll overcome this obstacle."

I smiled. "Gamsahabnida."

She nodded and continued to eat.


"You know.." I began.

She looked at me.

"My mom always believed in me...sure I had very little time living with her but..I bet if she were here now, she wouldn't know how to express her gratitude towards you." I smiled. "For taking my brother and I in with open doors. Thank you again, I don't know how I'll ever repay you." I said.

She smiled. "Your mother was my best friend."

\ (' ・ Д ・ ) 」

My eyes widen slightly.

She cleared her throat. "I didn't were her daughter until Jimin shared your story with me one night. I cried for hours. Your mother and I were roommates in college, since then we became..practically sisters. I remember when she told me about your father.."

I held her hand. "Please...tell me what she was like when she was young and beautiful."

She smiled warmly. "Your mother was always beautiful, honey."

I was so happy and intrigued when Mrs. Park began to tell me what my mother was like. I laughed and smiled. My mother was always fun and bright, full of hope. She was like me, very helpful and athletic. My heart spiraled when she began to tell me how my parents met.

It was so romantic~

My mom had the biggest crush on my dad, he was sorta a jock. When my mom realized how much of a jerk he really was she said 'Forget about it'. Then my dad grew sick of her too, they ended up hating each other.

Almost similar to Jimin and I...

One night my mom got stuck with my dad in the middle of no where. My dad tried taking her out on a date to make it up to her but it failed miserably. However, they gave up and decided to walk home. My mother was completely disappointed since she was ruining her new shoes. Haha.

So my dad being the gentleman, gave her a piggy back ride. Which I thought was ADORABLE!

Then suddenly some creepy old drunk men snuck up on them. My dad went from gentleman to an ultimate fighter. That was the night he stole my moms heart, and since then they were inseparable.

A tear streamed down my cheek, they really were inseparable..they were together until the end.

"Hey.." Mrs. Park whispered.

I look at her with watery eyes.

Her eyes got watery as well. "I miss her too.."

I cried silently.

"The night she passed with your father.. I was supposed to finally meet you and Jungkook. See...when reality strikes.. you hardly see your best friends. All you care about at the moment is your family. She had called me a week earlier and I was thrilled to have finally got in touch with her. We told each other about our babies and of course we wanted to reunite." She giggled.

I chuckled with her.

She sighed. "My little Jimin was really looking forward to spending Christmas Eve with your family. He was new to it all."

I smiled lightly.

So regardless, I was destined to meet Jimin.


"But..when we.." she wiped a tear away from her cheek. I bit my lip. "It was too late when I arrived...I saw fire trucks.. ambulances.. police"

"Stop.." I whispered.

We locked eyes.

She embraced me and we both cried together.

I never thought I'd ever meet someone who knows exactly how I feel.

I pulled away and sniffled.

"I tried to find you. Believe me I really did try. But...I...I heard you guys died..too.." she covered her mouth and cried hysterically.

I continued to cry and embraced her.

"I'm so sorry I didn't try hard enough...I'm sorry I believed the lies. I should've continued to search for you two anyway.. I'm so sorry.." she cried.

" isn't your fault."

She pulled away and wiped away her uncontrollable tears. "I'm just so astonished to know that you two are alive. And after hearing what you two went through...I couldn't have felt more regretful."

"No...Mrs. Park, it isn't your fault. Sure Jungkook and I went through a lot but it made us who we are today. Like I said my mother wouldn't know how to express her gratitude towards you for taking us in." I smiled.

She smiled warmly and hugged me once more.

I pulled away. "Thank you for sharing this with me..really. It's answered many questions."

She nodded. "Your welcome, Jina."

With that she took my tray and proceeded to the kitchen.

I smiled to myself.

I cannot give up this soon, my destiny isn't to stay paralyzed forever. This isn't stopping me.

Without thinking twice about it, I held both arm supporters from my wheelchair.

Okay, just stay focused.

With all my strength I began to lift myself up, slowly. You can do it, Jina. Believe in yourself.

My legs suddenly began to move, my eyes widen, yes! I'm doing it! Carefully I stood on both feet, I haven't walked in a while so I have to take my time, at least I got myself to stand up. I took a deep breath.

Alright, let's do this.

I took one step. Okay. Good. Now..

I took another step.

"Yes!" I said.

Slowly and carefully I began to take more steps as I head towards the door. I was crying tears of joy and smiling excessively! Because I overcame this obstacle.

The door opened and I lost my balance.

I fell into someone's arms.

"Oh my god!"

I looked up and locked eyes with Jimin.

He smiled. "You walked on your own didn't you!"

I nodded as he held me carefully. "I can walk again..I'm not gonna be paralyzed forever!" I cheered.

He cheered and picked me up and spun me around as we both laughed. I held him tightly around his neck as he put me down.

We stared into each others eyes.

"I'm so proud of you.." he said.

My heart throbbed.

I smiled warmly.

-Jungkook and Mrs. Park walk in-

Jungkook: *gasp* NOONA!

Jimin released me and I walked over to my brother and embraced him.

Jungkook: You're walking again! You're walking again!

I chuckled. "I know!"

Mom: *smiling excessively*

I smiled at Mrs. Park.

Jungkook pulled away from the hug.

Jungkook: So this means you can get back to the gym! ^o^

Jimin: Whoa slow down there dude. She just got back on her feet. Let her adjust a bit.


He cares...

Mom: I'll go call the doctor and let him know you're treatment payed off.

I smiled as she left the room and looked at the boys.

"Guys..thank you. For everything. Really."

Jungkook: Your welcome ^-^

Jimin: I know it was rough...but I'm sincerely sorry for what happened..I don't know how I'll ever make it up to you.

I smiled. "You already did. I mean you gave up your room to me..and you've been more helpful..your parents treat me and Jungkook like their own. And I'm back on my're already forgiven."

He smiled and hugged me.

Jungkook: Hey, I gave you massages and let you beat me at those racing games sometimes...

I chuckled and kissed his cheek. "You know I'm always thankful to have you by my side."

He smiled cutely.

Even though Jimin said I should adjust, he's right..but I can't wait to get back in the gym. I'm going to work harder than I ever did.


Like Jina said, she took her time to adjust walking and running again. As soon as she felt comfortable enough Jimin and Jungkook allowed her back in the gym. She's burned off all the 'fat' she gained during her time of recovery and got back her muscles. Jina vowed to never give up regaining her strength. The gym was were she was 24/7. She didn't want to head back to school just yet, she wasn't ready and on top of that, she was a bit afraid.

Once she regained all her muscles, Jimin gladly trained her. It was pretty weird at first, because Jina was Jimin's trainer at first. Now it's the opposite, but the two didn't mind. Jina was impressed how much Jimin learned.

She was struggling at first and so Jimin took it slow. He showed her the basic moves again and from there they worked up to the more difficult and professional moves.

Jina has developed a lot more stronger and more skilled, if anything. She's 100x better AND stronger than she was before.

This time, NOTHING is bringing her down.


Jungkook: Come on sis! Keep up with him!

Sparring with Jimin has gotten a lot more harder since day 1. He did say it was going to get a lot more difficult. I guess he really meant it. He isn't going easy.

Jimin rear kicked me in the leg I fell.

I grunted.

Jungkook: aishhh...

Jimin: You ight?

I took a few deep breaths.

Jimin: Come on get up. If this was a real fight I'd grapple you.

I got up and got into position.

Jungkook: This isn't kick boxing anymore, it's mixed now. Remember that. You learned more moves. UFC moves to be exact. Come on, Jina!

"Okay I get it shut up!" I yelled.

Jimin: *chuckles* are you getting mad?

"Shut up. Hit me."

Jimin: Heheh. Get mad..

My eyes narrowed.



Jimin was about to knock me down with another kick but I blocked it and front kicked him he fell backwards.

The moment he fell was enough time for me to get him in an arm lock.

Jungkook: wooh!!

Jimin groaned in pain.

"Tap you little bitch~" I teased.

My comment seemed to have pissed him off he managed to break out of my grip. I was startled and he reversed the move on me.

I screamed. "Stop!"

Jimin: Tap!

I groaned. "No!"

Jungkook: Don't tap! You can break out of it!

Sometimes I think they forget I'm a girl.

But it isn't their fault, I've fought men before. They know that.

Jimin pulled harder.

With all my force I broke out of the lock and rose to my feet immediately.

Jimin: Impressive.

I smirked. "That's the best you got.?"

And we were at it again. Until I got him in a leg lock, Jimin couldn't hold up anymore and tapped.

Jungkook jumped into the ring and put me over his shoulders.

Jungkook: Woooh! And the winner iss.. JIIINNNAAA!

I laughed and raised my arms. "YES!" I cheered.

Jimin got up and laughed.

Jimin: I let you win ㄴ.ㄴ

I chuckled as Jungkook put me down. "You wish, I beat your ass. Face it guys. I'm back~"


A/N: Hey babes~

Ok so I need your help, I'm starting a BTS Suga fanfic.

I already have a storyline thought out but I won't publish it just yet. However, I need you guys to give me some girl names I could use. It can be your name, your sisters, your cousins, your moms, your best friend even or whoever. I'll pick two names, because there will be two girls. Lol I'll announce which names I've chosen.

1, 2, 3, go!

misshobie o(^-^)o

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