Duty Of Blood | Peter Parker

By Kat17wild

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"This is the beginning of a long journey for you and me." "For our people to be the strongest in our Galaxy... More



134 7 6
By Kat17wild



With her friends still stuck in class, unable to answer her calls, Mira had no one to speak to about what was going on until they finished for the day. Hence why she refused to glance away from her homework as she perched at her desk in the corner of her room, trying to force her mind to focus on something other than the argument that had occurred upstairs.

She had heard Steve rush out about 20 minutes ago, he had even popped his head into her room to tell her he had to go to London so wouldn't be back till tomorrow before leaving The Compound.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened which sent Steve rushing out of the country. All Mira had to do to figure out why Steve was in such a panic was turn on the news on her TV.

Margaret Carter's death was everywhere.

She was an important figure in the world, one of the first women ever in charge of a major political organisation, so the news of her death spread like wildfire.

Mira had always wanted to meet the woman.

In another life, had she been raised around Tony who had known Peggy his entire life maybe that would have been possible, but she had never met Peggy, she had no place at the funeral.

Hearing the door to her room open, Mira let out a relieved breath as she spotted her mother step into the purple-painted room which was littered with photos and glow-in-the-dark stars, coloured balls hanging from strings off the ceiling matching the design of every planet in their galaxy which Rhodey had helped her hang up.

"I tried to get back in time." Quinn assured her daughter as she dragged the chair opposite the TV over to the desk so that she was seated beside her daughter, the stress lines across Mira's forehead as clear as day to her "Pepper was using the jet and every flight I had was on diversion. I tried M, I promise."

The hands cupping her cheeks caused a weak smile to break through "It's okay. It was just...these accords are a lot. Why didn't you tell me-"

"I didn't want my involvement with your deal to affect your opinion." Quinn admitted as her thumbs softly stroked over Mira's chubby cheeks. While she had agreed to make a deal, if Mira didn't want to sign the accords, she was fully prepared for the two of them to run like hell. Ever since the truth about Marcus had been revealed she had been forming a backup plan in case anyone found how about their connection to him.

She had helped the King of Wakanda 10 years ago when he had been severely sick and needed someone with her knowledge about genetics to help him.

Ever since Quinn had stayed in contact with the Queen of the country. Ramonda had understood how hard it was to be married to a man constantly throwing himself into danger, had understood how intense the expectations on an heir could be so had offered her a home if she ever needed it. The second the reveal that Marcus had been planning on killing everyone who got in the way of his mission came out, she offered her and Mira sanctuary at their palace.

If Mira said no to this, despite the fact the King and heir of Wakanda had already agreed to the accords, Ramonda had assured her that a jet would be waiting to bring them to Wakanda before the governments of this world could lay a hand on Mira.

"If you don't want to sign, you don't have to." Quinn assured her "I can get us somewhere safe if you don't want to say yes."

It would break her heart to abandon her friends here, but her daughter came above everything else. No matter what. Whatever it took to ensure Mira had an actual life she would do.

Mira let out a shaky breath, her pen dropping from her palm as she pressed her elbows into the wooden table, hunching over as she buried her face into her hands, two different possible lives flashing through her mind. All of the pros and cons were taunting her, all of the risks with saying no and the repercussions of saying yes screaming in her ears.

If she said no, it was also condemning her mother to a life on the run, having to give up decades of work building her career, forcing her to abandon her friendships with Rhodey and Tony who were the only family she had left given her parents and Glenn were all dead.

If she said yes, she was signing herself up for an uncertain future as a possible weapon to be thrown at any alien force that came for this planet.

Both options sucked for Mira Rohan.

"I don't want to do this...be an Avenger." She whispered, her hands muffling her words slightly but Quinn heard them as loud as day, her heart cracking as she was brought back to that moment five years ago, the day Mira had received her strength and been terrified out of her mind as the planned future Marcus had made started to come to flourishen "I never did."

She had literally recreated a scene from Lilo and Stick because the prospect of being a hero made her so miserable when she was nine.

"I can't do it."

All of the blood splashing onto her face flushing through her mind, the innocent screams echoing through her ears torturing her mind. All of the people she had failed to save during St Louis, the terrified adults and children killed because of her father's actions. Her father's choices were a massive reason behind The Accords. He had shaken the boat and this was the collateral damage he had left behind.

Left for her to deal with as he escaped, hiding in deep space.

She was stuck in the headlights, the ground shaking under her. The world was like Hollywood right now. Everyone waiting for her to give some speech about how she fought against The Blue Bullet; how she managed to survive when the Avengers had been knocked down. The fact that she had yet to reveal to the world who she was made them accuse her of stalling, accusing her of actually being in co-hoots with The Blue Bullet.

The longer she waited to say at least something, the quicker the world would see her as a villain given the power she possessed.

A one-trick pony who had only saved St Louis to make herself look good. Just like Marcus had with every Avengers mission he went on.

"Look at what happened in St Louis. I saved 5,000 people... Dad killed 25,000."

She had even died that day, but unlike those destroyed by the destruction she had been reunited with her mother and friends. Survivor's guilt was a powerful thing and it had been consuming her since she woke up in that hospital bed.

Quinn inhaled sharply at the reminder, her own guilt for not spotting Marcus's intentions earlier flooding through her as she wrapped an arm around her daughter. Her little girl who had only just for the first time had a taste of freedom to control her path only for the government to rip it away from her barely two months later.

Mira had so much pain in her she was trying to hide to not upset people.

Quinn knew Mira got that from her given she had tried to hide how bad things had gotten back home once Glenn raced off to America the minute, he turned 18. She had been 4 at the time and it had taken her 10 years to admit to him just how bad the situation back in China was.

Yet, despite that pain, Mira had a kind soul.

Mira was gifted, Quinn had known it since she was a little girl. Mira could survive whatever path she chose right now. She could survive signing or not signing The Accords. That wasn't the issue. Quinn knew that deep down, Mira's biggest hesitation about signing the accords was the fact that it would mean she would have to become an Avenger on an official level. Despite the number of people Mira had saved over the years, because Marcus had forced her into the hero's life, her daughter couldn't connect to it completely. Being a hero, being an Avenger would always be tainted because it was part of Marcus's plan for her life.

A constant reminder that what she wanted had never mattered.

"Mira, the hardest thing about this job is that you can't save everyone. Your options are limited right now but if there is one thing I don't doubt. When it comes to being a hero? You can do it despite the doubts in your head."

Mira didn't know if she believed that given how many people had died because she couldn't bring her father to his knees sooner. He had beaten her bloody, her confidence to stop him not flickering in completely until he almost killed the Avengers. She had tried but deep down, she knew she had been holding back during the fight until she dragged her father away from the city.

She had always been holding back.

"You think I should sign."

Quinn sighed as Mira rested her head against her shoulder, that simple sound making it crystal clear that while she did have a contingency plan in case she said no to the accords, her mother deep down wanted her to say yes.

"Mira, I think the world is a cruel place and people are scared after what your father did."

Renterion was the word on everyone's mind right now.

"They want me to pick a name."

Quinn snorted slightly at the reveal as she perched her chin on top of her daughter's head "You've had a few."

Mira matched her snort almost exactly "None I liked."

"I liked one." Quinn admitted as her fingers softly moved through Mira's dark hair which was her newest attempt to separate herself from anything associated with her father. While the dark locks suited Mira, she missed the natural dirty blonde that made her daughter appear light a shining ball of sunlight. She hoped that one day once Mira came to peace with everything that happened she would let her roots grow out again, taking back that part of her "Do you remember the nickname Glenn gave you when you were little?"

Quinn had never missed her big brother more than the day of the St Louis Incident when the past 20 years of her life completely fell apart.

Mira just furrowed her brows in confusion at the question, given how drawn out Glenn's death had been and the toll it had taken on her mom, his name was very rarely ever uttered when they were together.

Glenn had died when she was 11, there was only one nickname she could remember him using "Little Moon?"

A faint smile appeared on Quinn's lips at the familiar title, one that had originally belonged to her before Glenn passed it down to Mira "Not that one. When you were younger, before you got your powers, he called you a different nickname. Didn't make it official in his list of nicknames until the day you used your powers to turn all of the food in his apartment into junk food during his dieting attempt."

Mira remembered that moment. It was when Glenn had gone on that diet that involved no carbs, salt or sugar meaning that all of the good food had vanished from his house overnight. The instant she had turned his kale smoothie into a salted caramel milkshake he had laughed.

He had called her trouble and then muttered another under his breath...

"Little Rogue."

Quinn grinned, happy tears brimming her eyes as she stared up at the glowing stars placed on the ceiling

"Yep. He called you a rouge kid proudly during every baseball game."

Glenn had attended every practice, every game since the moment she had made her first team at six years old. Years of games and championships, yet despite his work he had attended every single event, never showing up even a minute late.

While the memory helped give her some idea, Mira couldn't help but crinkle up her nose as she fiddled with the sleeves of her uncle's old jacket "Rogue?... It doesn't feel right. That was his, I don't want anyone other than Uncle Glenn to call me that."

"I figured. The name I saw last year, the one I liked was two syllables. Rogue was the second. The fact that it is often mixed up with Rouge which is technically a shade of pink makes me like it even more. M, what is the nickname Tony has for you? His favourite one?"

"Tiny Atom..." Mira answered the question in an instant only to freeze up as the article from St Louis over a year ago started to spin from her mind. Most of the names she had been given in the press have been from New York, but there was one she specifically remembered from an article in a paper from St Louis.

It had been her personal favourite at the time because the paper her Uncle used to work with as a photographer had been the one to use it.

"Atom Rogue."

Quinn grinned planting a soft kiss on the top of her head as she pulled her daughter closer "Yep. That was my favourite. Queen Peach was a close second though." Mira lightly tapped her shoulder causing a bubble of laughter to escape the scientist before she refocused "M, I get you never wanted a name. But, at least this one is your choice. Not something your father or the government picked. Plus, it's connected to your two favourite uncles."

Mira furrowed her brows "What about Rhodey?"

"Do you really want your name to be kiddo?"

A small wince escaped her at that "Far dos."

Atom Rogue.

It always had been her favourite.


Mira missed school.

She missed having that constant distraction as the time continued to click down on her timeline to decide if she wanted to sign the accords. As much as she wanted to talk to Sammy or Peter about how to move forward, after her talk with her mother last night, all she truly found herself capable of doing was sleeping. The whole day had been beyond exhausting and a part of her wasn't ready yet to talk about all the drastic changes the accords would make to her life.

Somehow, picking a name had made her feel a little worse.

She had thought it would lift some of the weight off her shoulders, but it hadn't, if anything the decision she was being forced to make somehow felt even more real. The fact that Wanda and Pietro seemed to be undecided when she had spoken to them at breakfast hadn't made it easier. They were the three people that would be the most affected by The Accords yet none of them were too sure about what path to follow right now.

To sign or not to sign.

Mira had read every inch of the accords, cover to cover at least five times as Ross's words from yesterday continued to echo through her brain. Thoughts of the damage her father had caused, the damage she would be capable of in a few years as her strength continued to grow and her ability to control atoms developed.

Focusing on the TV in front of her, she couldn't help but swallow as she continued to force herself to replay the battle of St Louis. Watched as her father destroyed everything and everyone in his path to get her to follow him and agree with their Renterian Heritage.

Her father had once told her that she might have to do things she didn't want to do and that it was okay to doubt herself. That just by having these abilities it would mean sacrifice.

Did giving up some small part of the control she had only just grasped over her life have to be the sacrifice for these powers?

Yet, her mother had also told her that it was up to her what kind of hero she wanted to be, if she signed the accords, that would no longer be her choice.

Either way, whatever she did, she would lose some semblance of control. While it wouldn't be as oblivious if she signed the accords as long as Ross kept to the agreement he had with Tony, it wouldn't mean that she didn't have a thumb constantly pressing into the back of her neck, ready to use her at any moment. Something she wouldn't be able to get out of. If her father returned before she was 18 there was no way they wouldn't drag her out of school and toss her right out of him.

Just because her father had seemed to have an existential crisis after he almost killed her and then declared he loved her before vanishing, they had no way of knowing what he was doing right now. For all they knew he could be back on Renterion trying to force any human weakness out of his mind so that he could come back and destroy them.

"I tried to the best of my ability."

Mira jumped slightly on her bed at the sudden voice, eyes moving away from the accords only to freeze as she spotted Rhodey standing in the doorway with a plate of food in his hands. The smell was familiar, reminding her of something her grandfather had made during her first visit to China when she was barely four. Yet, it also smelt slightly burnt.

Rhodey glanced down at the plate in shame before approaching her, cautiously placing it in front of her sheepishly "This was better than my first batch and just a reminder, the Air Force doesn't teach you how to bake."

Three freshly baked Shaobings were in front of her.

They smelled savoury which meant he had probably asked her mom what she liked before he attempted the complicated layered flatbread. She had always liked it filled with either red bean paste or beef instead of something a bit sweeter.

A smile slowly formed on her face as she reached out and took one of the burnt Shaobings, her heart too busy being touched by the effort he had put into these just to make her smile to notice the fact that he had clearly overcooked them. Shaobing was not an easy dish to make especially from scratch but given she could see flour all over his trousers, it was crystal clear that Rhodey had tried to take the challenge. It warmed her heart so much that despite the hell going on in her head right now she couldn't stop smiling as she took a bite.

-It was soooo overcooked.

Yet she didn't let her face reveal how much he had messed up, instead she forced herself to swallow it before shooting him a massive smile which automatically had his shoulders relaxing in relief "Uncle Rhodey, they are great."

She was such a little liar.

"Oh thank god." Rhodey breathed in relief as he leaned back into the chair opposite her bed rubbing his flour-covered hands over his face "Your grandfather's recipe was in Cantonese, Google Translate wasn't much of a help so it was a massive guessing game. It kept telling me to add Cheetos M!"

The fact that he hadn't just asked FRIDAY proved how much work he had put into the plate of snacks in front of her and it had tears itching around her eyes.

At that moment, she made the choice to never let him know how bad they tasted given how proud and relieved he looked right now.

Forcing herself to finish off the shaobing in her hands, she offered him one last reassuring smile before finally approaching the elephant in the room.

"What's up?"

Rhodey sighed at the question, letting his eyes jump to the empty doorway for a moment to make sure no one was lingering outside before he focused back on the girl in front of him who had been annotating her copy of the accords all night. The bags under her eyes made it clear that while she had slept, it hadn't been for long or pleasant. He could only imagine that the accords and all the memories of her father were taunting her, slipping into her mind everything she drifted off hard enough to start dreaming.

"Don't let Ross get to you."

The number of concerns that had been raised yesterday about her becoming just like her father would be affecting her. Even if she denied it, he knew Mira, he knew how much she wanted to be nothing like Marcus. The fact the governments of the world were worried about her becoming just like him had to be terrifying for her.

Mira flinched slightly, clutching her stuffed dragon to her chest for a moment "Rhodey-"

"Mira." He took her hand squeezing it softly before placing his thumb under her jaw lightly forcing her gaze up so that their eyes met "I see this spark in you and it's amazing."

He had known Mira was extradentary since the second he met her, and she spent the whole time criticizing the Army's sense of fashion.

"So...just keep going and remember where you come from. No matter who tries to control you. You are the one with the power. That 13-year-old kid I met almost two years ago, who ranted about my suit colours, that's who you are. No one, no accords, no government, not even your father can take that from you. So, remember who you are. Hold onto that part of you no matter what choice you make. If you sign or don't...remember you are so loved M, please remember that...and don't get lost in what everyone says about your father."

Mira would live in the shadow of her father for the rest of her life.

Always compared to him with every little mistake she made. No matter how small. She could snap a pencil in half and if the world knew the truth they would compare the action to her father snapping a man's neck without remorse in St Louis.

Always just Marcus Rohan's daughter.

Stuck with the whispers, the world always believing she was destined to become her father's daughter.

Mira was a pure soul; one the world would ruin if they ever found out who she was related to. Hence why she needed to sign, but Rhodey refused to make her. Not after how much of her life had already been out of her control.

This needed to be her choice.

She needed to have the opportunity to choose her path... for once.

"Don't lose yourself, because you are so much better than Marcus." He lightly tapped his finger against her chest right above where her heart was beating as tears started to fall down her cheeks "Your heart is so amazing. So remember that, remember you. Your father did a lot of horrible things, but the one thing he didn't mess up...was you. You are the best thing your father ever brought to this world. His greatest creation despite what his Renterian heritage told him. You are Mira Wei Rohan...you are gonna change the world one day. I believe that."


"Atom Rogue."

Tony hummed slightly as he took in the name, letting it play on a loop in his brain for a few minutes as he and Mira stood in his lab, holograms in front of them, all of the old designs of the suit they had been working on which had long been abandoned since St Louis. Tapping his fingers against the table as he contemplated if he liked the name or not, he tossed a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth before finally...he nodded in approval.

He liked it.

It was unique compared to the other heroes around them, it related to her powers and also contained a nickname he had given her.

"I like it." He finally admitted as he swiped through the endless numbers of designs he had made for Mira's suit, each one more advanced with more protection protocols than the previous one. Still to this day, despite the fact that she didn't need him to make one thanks to her powers, he wanted to. He wanted her to wear a suit that he had a link to so he could ensure she was safe every time she was forced to go out on patrol. A way to be in constant contact with her given he knew she ignored his calls when she was messing around with Spiderman. In this suit, she wouldn't be able to do that, he would be able to watch over her.

Keeping her safe without being as overbearing as Marcus had been.

"Love that I inspired it even more, tiny atom."

Mira threw a few pieces of popcorn at him rolling her eyes softly before focusing back on her history report which she was supposed to send to Peter in a few hours so he could hand it in for her tomorrow morning, covering for her absence by stating she had a family emergency. Given the school thought her father had recently passed away, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch.

"Only half..." She hummed, a green sparkly pen moving with her fingers across the lined pages as she continued to write notes about the Battle of Hastings in 1066 "...Mainly a tribute to Uncle Glenn. You were an unhappy accident."

Tony just grinned down at her knowing that she was lying, a part of her had chosen Atom for a reason. She could have just gone by Rogue or used Atomic Rogue, but she had chosen Atom, something he had been calling her for almost three years "Man, I miss Glenn, he was the only one ever willing to race me when I would get a new car... Do you miss him?"

She was wearing the jacket he had seen Glenn wear every day since they had met 25 years ago. While he knew she wore that jacket all the time, her wearing it the same day she finally revealed her chosen name, one which linked not only to him but Glenn had him thinking about his old friend.

Mira swallowed, fingers twitching around her pen "Every day."

Tony remembered the day he met Glenn like it was yesterday.

Given that the man was almost 15 years older than him, Rhodey and Quinn, he had originally been so scared when Glenn had shown up at the frat party they were at. However, he had been left in a state of shock as instead of yelling at them all for underage drinking, he had carried their drunk forms out, stuffing them all with water and carbs then taking care of them the next morning when they were all dead to the world. Glenn even had the balls to call Howard Stark and lie, saying that Tony had been the sober one out of the trio and had helped him get Quinn and Rhodey out of that house.

Glenn Jung was technically the reason that Howard Stark had said he was proud of Tony for the first time in almost a decade.

When Glenn had been diagnosed with heart cancer in 2007, he had fought like a champ for years, going through chemo that Tony secretly paid for given his insurance didn't cover it.

Yet, after years in and out of remission...one day Glenn's heart just finally gave up.

Mira reminded him so much of Glenn.

While she looked just like Quinn, her overthinking attitude about every little thing was all Glenn. The way she picked at her cuticles when she was unsure was all Glenn.

"You know I was with him in his last moments before the cancer...I was the one in the room."

Mira froze, the pen quickly falling from her hand as her eyes jumped up to meet his, shock vibrating through her at the reveal "No, I didn't know." She had been 11 when Glenn died and hadn't even found out till after the hospital had pronounced his time of death. The most she remembered about the day Glenn died was that her mother hadn't stopped sobbing when she got home "My um...my Dad pulled me out of school that day but I never saw him after."

She had never gotten to say goodbye to Glenn.

Her mother had taken her to visit her the day before and they had sneakily ordered pizza to the hospital, then 24 hours later he was just gone.

It had been the first death she had truly experienced. Her first time trying to understand the pain associated with grief and loss.

Tony shot her a weak smile as he finally shifted his gaze off the holograms, focusing on the girl in front of him, the girl he had unknowingly promised to protect when Glenn was on his death bed "He asked me in our last conversation to look out for his little Rogue Solider." For so long he had thought Glenn was talking about Quinn but that had changed the second Marcus Rohan had dragged them to his home in St Louis for the very first time, introducing him to a little girl who had been building an atom out of legos. The realisation had hit him like a speeding bullet the second those soft chocolate eyes focused on him as she smiled nervously at him.

"No idea what he was talking about back then, thought the chemo was making him hallucinate given he only ever called Quinney Little Moon. Everything became clear when I met you."

The 12-year-old kid with big innocent eyes and sparkly pink fingers; able to change the world with just a twist of her wrist.

"There was a photo of you and Glenn in your living room back in St Louis, that was the second I knew he was talking about you, not Quinn. He was wearing a baseball jersey and instead of Rohan printed on the front- "

"It said Little Rogue." Mira finished for him, tears blurring her eyes as old memories spun through her mind, the memory of the day she had received the jacket on her shoulders consuming her brain. In her last conversation with her Uncle before his death he had given her this jacket, passing over a part of his soul to her.

Tony grinned at her words before reaching into his jacket and pulling out the photo he had stolen from Quinn a few months ago. A photo of Mira and Glenn right after the girl's very first baseball game. Placing it on the table, he turned it around so that it was faced in front of her letting her see the printed nickname in white on her uncle's specially-made jersey.

"Printed proudly in white in a jersey I ironically paid for." He commented with a laugh thinking back to when he asked Glenn if he wanted a trip to Vegas for his 45th birthday only to be told he only wanted a specially made baseball jersey.

Mira let her fingers stoke against the image of her Uncle, the fact that the camera she had given to Peter for his birthday was hanging around his neck in the photo had her smiling softly. She missed him so much and unlike her father who had hated her friend, she knew Glenn would have loved Peter.

He would have been at every decathlon practice, every baseball game in New York, every single art display showing her sketches and every recital where she played the music, he had been the one to introduce her to.

"So, Atom Rogue, you need a suit to wear when we announce you after the summit, do you want to keep the old one?"

The navy and pink suit she had replicated when fighting her father appeared on screen.

Mira clenched her jaw as her eyes jumped back and forth between the photo of Glenn and the hologram of the suit she hadn't replicated since St Louis. The white Glenn had used on his jersey was twisting through her mind as she eyed the suit closely. Her name was a dedication to her uncles and she didn't want a single link to her father being forced onto her skin when she started to get sent out onto the streets to improve her skills.

She had always hated the navy blue.

That dark navy was the whole reason it had taken so long to even get a final design of her suit put together. The Renterian navy hadn't clicked with her soul, she hadn't been able to connect with it because it was her father's colour. This was her suit now. While she was still not thrilled about the prospect of doing this full-time...this was her suit.

No final approval from her Dad needed. It could just be hers.

Every part of it would be something she agreed to not something she was forced to just nod at as her father dictated every single seam.

She let her eyes linger on the white imprint on her uncle's jersey again with a single word printed in white across the front.

"Replace it with white."

Tony furrowed his brows in confusion at the sudden request, eyes jumping from the hologram of her last suit to Mira only for a small smile to start breaking through as she purposely pointed at the photo of Glenn, finger pressing against the white writing across his chest.

"Any touch of Renterian navy...replace it was white."

Without hesitation, Tony moved his fingers against the holographic keyboard before slowly the navy suit with pink thorn-like vines twisting down its arms and around the waist shifted in front of them. The navy quickly vanished replaced by an ivory white which just made the dark pink working around the suit all the more vibrant.

"Needs a bit more colour." As much as it killed a small part of him, Tony shot her a smirk before waving his hand causing colour to flood the hologram in front of them.

God, he hated the pink so much, but it made her smile.

The whole chest was covered in a dark pink, tendrils of the same colour twisting around the arms and legs leaving thorn-like strands on the material as a white hood, the inside completely pink also appeared.

Silence spread between the pair.

Mira could do nothing but stare with an open mouth at the white and pink suit.

"I love it." She whispered for the first time being completely honest about one of his designs. While she had liked the ideas, the navy had always thrown her off but this? This was her suit. Not anyone else's, not her father's and not one that belonged to a Renterian soldier.

Pressing the print button that would get the machine in the corner of the room to start creating the new suit, Tony threw an arm over her shoulder, placing a quick kiss on the top of her head before gesturing to her soon-to-be new suit "M, I know these accords aren't ideal for you. But know, I am always going to look out for you. I will always be there for you. I will always root for you. We all try to get everything we want, but that's not possible most of the time, but I will do my best to make sure you get to choose your own path despite the accords. Wherever go from here, even if I don't give you the right advice, just know that I want you to keep going."

The heart-warming confession was cut short by the digital voice flooding through the room, taking complete control over the TV which was one moment playing a music channel only to switch to CNN.

"Miss Rohan, Mr Stark there is something you need to hear."

FRIDAY'S voice echoed off the walls as the pair turned both of their eyes widening as they spotted the segment the A.I. had brought to their attention.

"A Bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured, and at least 12 are dead including Wakanda's King T'chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, The Winter Soldier. The infamous HYDRA agent linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassination."

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