More than one night

By Just_writing_a_bit

21.6K 1.4K 321

AU Story Y/n meets Wanda at a bar one night. The two of them start talking and y/n instantly feels attracted... More

Chapter 1: Meet Cute
Chapter 2: Plot twist
Chapter 3: The first time
Chapter 4: The morning after
Chapter 5: Meet me again?
Chapter 6: Let's talk
Chapter 7: Dinner and a love story
Chapter 9: A special car ride
Chapter 10: Cooperate event
Chapter 8: Double the attention
Chapter 11: Comfort and bonding
Chapter 12: Meeting
Chapter 13: Threesome
Chapter 14: In private
Chapter 15: The follow-up meeting
Chapter 16: Relaxed Saturday
Chapter 17: Surprise appointment
Chapter 18: Doubts
Chapter 20: A date with Natasha
Chapter 21: A night with Natasha
Chapter 22: Wanda's turn
Chapter 23: Happy End?
Bonus chapter 1
Bonus chapter 2

Chapter 19: The Talk

657 66 14
By Just_writing_a_bit

Pov Wanda

Y/n looks very startled when she notices us and a flash of panic shows in her eyes. Almost as if she was caught doing something she knew would mean trouble. It doesn’t though, not exactly. I’m jealous and not happy at all about her being here on a date but that doesn’t mean she’s getting into trouble. It does, however, mean we are going to talk.

“Hey.” She greets us, placing her phone on the table, the screen still on. Our chat is open, so I guess she really didn’t answer before because she was busy.

Now that I know what she was doing, I am even more disappointed she didn’t write back but I understand it. And Natasha is right, I like that y/n isn’t on the phone when spending time with us but it also means she isn’t on the phone when she spends time with other people.

She shifts in her seat, looking a little uncomfortable and it’s pretty much how I feel as well. Apart from the jealousy, this moment is kind of awkward and I am not sure how to start the conversation.

“Would you mind going for a walk with us?” Natasha offers, handling it a lot better and easier than I ever could.
Y/n nods, glancing between us. There’s a flicker of insecurity in her eyes and it makes my heart ache to see it. Why is she feeling insecure about us all of the sudden? It doesn’t fit her and I don’t want her to feel this way around us.

“I wouldn’t mind, sounds like a lovely idea.” She replies and reaches for her phone to slip it into the little purse she has with her.

I shoot Tasha a thankful look. Having this discussion in a natural environment is probably the best idea. If we had it at our house, it could feel like we are trying to use the home advantage and I don’t want y/n to feel nervous or bad about this talk.

We leave the café behind and find a nice path along the river. There are other people sitting on benches nearby and some are walking as well. With the beautiful weather and it being a Saturday, I am not surprised to see many people outside. But I would prefer a bit more privacy. Not that anyone cares about what we’re about to discuss.

“Is everything okay?” Natasha asks straight up, looking at y/n who plays with a bracelet around her wrist.
Once again, I am grateful for Nat taking the initiative. I would probably have started out asking why she was on a date, which comes across a lot more offensive than I want it to be.

Y/n stays quiet for a moment, which is answer enough.
“I…” She breaks off, fumbling with her fingers and suddenly I worry something bad has happened. Usually, she would tell us but maybe she wasn’t able to this time.
We don’t push her, allowing her to sort through her thoughts and words.

“I feel unsure about us.” She finally says and panic rises inside me. No, no, no, no. Please no!
This doesn’t sound good at all. I don’t want to lose her! Is this why she pulled back and went on a date?

“In which way?” Natasha asks, her voice steady but when I look at her, I can tell she isn’t as calm as she sounds.

“That’s difficult to explain and I am not sure if I’m in the right position to say anything.” Y/n says, pulling a face. I share another look with my wife. This sounds cryptic.

“You are always allowed to say things, no matter in which position you are. Your feelings are your feelings and they are always valid.” I assure her, not wanting her to think she can’t talk to us about this. She takes a deep breath and nods, collecting herself.

“I’m scared you don’t like spending time with me anymore.” She lets out, startling me with those words. My first impulse is to deny that, my second is to worry about what we did that gave her this impression.

“I’m scared it’s just sex and I know, we didn’t commit to anything but I want more than that. I want…” But she doesn’t tell us what she wants, she breaks off again, her words sounding pressed and her eyes are glued to the ground.
Looking at us would probably make it harder for her, which is why I don’t comment on it. I just want to hear all of it so I can react properly and assure her that everything is fine between us.

“I know you two are married and I just kind of stumbled into all of it and I don’t expect you to feel for me the same way you feel about each other. It’s just… you can share moments whenever you want and you wouldn’t need me to be happy. You got each other and I’m just there. I don’t want to be the odd one out and you didn’t make me feel like that, the thought just conjured in my mind and is kind of stuck there now.
We barely spent any time together in the last few weeks and that makes me sad and made me wonder. I thought, maybe it could be because of the piercing that you find it repelling and without the sex, it’s just not the same anymore.” Y/n says, taking a deep breath because of how fast she talked.

Her words hit me like a truck and I suddenly feel very bad for being jealous and not realizing how she felt. She didn’t communicate it before but there surely were signs that we simply missed.
It can happen but I hate that it happened to us. We are two people, we could have noticed something was going on. It’s not like y/n is hiding her emotions. Most of the time, she wears them on her sleeve and it’s easy to read her. Maybe we had too much going on to notice that.

“Let me tell you, your piercing is anything but repelling. It’s really fucking sexy and I am waiting for the moment I can play with it. It’s true, we have been careful but we just wanted to make sure it’s healing and won’t get stuck anywhere in the act. The last thing we want is for you to get harmed that way, so we were careful. Maybe we should have communicated that more openly and I have to admit, paired with the seeing you less, it can easily seem like there was a correlation but I promise, there isn’t.

"Work has just been a lot and we barley had time to hang out and we didn’t want to call you over for just an hour or so and then let you drive back home. We wanted to make sure to give you the attention you deserve. While trying to do that, we might have lost sight of the big picture.” Natasha replies, taking y/n’s hand into hers to give it a squeeze.

Y/n looks up and I’m a little shocked to see her eyes watering. Whether because of her own thoughts or because of what Natasha just said isn’t clear but I know I don’t ever want to see her cry. I don’t want her to feel so bad or sad she has to cry.

It makes me want to cradle her head against my shoulder and hug her tightly until she feels better. But right now, we are in the middle of an important conversation and I want to give her the space she may need.
So, instead of hugging her tightly, I take her other hand and give it a squeeze. That makes her look at me and I can’t stop myself from swiping a strain of hair out of her face. Suddenly, it’s not at all hard anymore to find the right words.

“You were never just there. You were always important to us and I’m sorry if we made you feel any other way. And it has never been just sex, I can promise you that. It’s so much more than that. Yes, we’ve had a lot of sex but we value the calm and romantic moments with you just as much as the ones in the bedroom.
I can also assure you, we could never get tired of spending time with you because you are so amazing and it’s true, we are married but that doesn’t mean we can’t be into you. It’s difficult and we needed a bit of time to figure this out ourselves but we want you too, y/n.” I say, coming to a stop when she does.

We reached a little platform that looks out onto the river and is currently unoccupied. Natasha leads us there, which gives us a little bit more privacy. Y/n lets go of our hands to swipe at her face before leaning her hip against the stone wall.
She twists her fingers in front of her, processing.
I wait, wanting her to have all the time she needs to process. Carrying around thoughts like that for weeks won’t just be forgotten over a few reassuring words but I really hope, they help her understand we meant everything we said since we met.

“I like you, like a lot.” She says slowly, glancing between Natasha and me. My heart starts beating faster at her words, that’s a more promising start.
“But I know, I’m not in the position to ask or request anything. It made me feel a little lost and to distract myself, I asked my friend to set me up on a date today. It’s stupid, I know, but I hoped it’d still help. It did in terms of distracting me but I knew from the beginning, I wouldn’t go on a second date because the woman wasn’t the one I wanted to date. There was no kissing or anything, just… the date.” She explains, her cheeks a little flushed now.

Hearing it from her side makes the last bit of jealousy vanish and I reach for her hand again, keeping them from fidgeting too strongly with each other. She didn’t try to be with someone else, she just wanted a distraction and if that distraction helped her understand she only wants to date Natasha and me, which I think she implied, then I can’t be mad.

“What are you not in the position to ask for?” Natasha asks, studying y/n’s face. I think we both know what she is talking about but this time, we won’t jump to conclusions and instead let her talk.
Y/n shifts on her feet and looks at me and then at Natasha. She takes a deep breath, clearly nervous.

“I’m not in the position to ask you if you want to be my girlfriends.” She says and I’m not quite sure how to feel about it.

That is what Natasha and I talked about too. But it rather felt like we were supposed to do the next step, it never occurred to me that y/n could feel like she can’t ask for this.
I am also not quite sure what to respond to that and look over to Natasha. We have a plan for this in mind but telling her would take away the surprise. If it eased her worries, that would be worth it though.

“That’s a difficult position you’re in indeed.” Nat says slowly, catching y/n’s eyes. Y/n suck in her lower lip and nods in agreement. I can feel the nerves radiating off her body and take a step closer, wrapping one arm around her.
Almost instantly, she leans into me, resting her head against my shoulder. We both watch Natasha now, who seems to struggle what to say next. Our eyes meet and I shrug with the shoulder y/n isn’t leaning against. It’s up to Natasha if she wants to ask this or not.

“You can ask that, if you want.” She says carefully and I feel y/n relaxing. “But if you give us a chance and maybe have a bit of patience, we will show you we really are serious about this.”
Y/n considers that for a moment before nodding slowly.

“We also thought it would be nice to take you out on a date or two to show you we really mean it. We aren’t afraid to show that we care about you. We are serious about this, y/n.” I say, looking at y/n.

Her eyes dart between mine. Taking her out on dates isn’t the same as asking her to be our girlfriend, I’m very aware but I would really like it if our anniversaries were on the same day. It’s gonna make things easier in the future.

“And as for the next step.” Nat says, catching both our attentions again because I have no idea what she’s going to say. We make eye contact for a second before she looks back at y/n but it’s enough for me. She wouldn’t suggest something she knows I’m not comfortable with. I trust she will make the right decision in terms of what she says next.

“Work might still be stressful and a lot but that shouldn’t keep us from spending time together. I think I speak for Wanda and me, when I say, we love having you around, no matter for what. It can be a lazy afternoon or a game night or to cook together, for anything.” She continues and I nod, totally agreeing with that and I have an idea where this is going.
But only because I know Natasha very well and know she feels a similar way as I do. Not the same, I doubt two people can feel exactly the same, but very close still.

“How about you move in temporarily. We can see how that goes and if it works for all of us. It’ll allow us to spend the evenings together and the little time we don’t spend with our jobs. It will get less busy again, but that doesn’t mean you have to move out then. This can be a test run as moving in is always a big step. If it goes well and we decide we like it, you can move in permanently, if you like. It can get stressful in the morning and there are dull moments that come with living together but trying it out could be fun.”

I bite my lip to keep myself from smiling.
Usually, you ask someone to move in after they are your partner but we never did anything conventual in this relationship. It’s messy but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. And moving in is definitely a sign we are serious about this and allows us to spend more time with y/n.

I watch y/n and wait for her reaction. This is a lot at once that we sprung onto her and definitely not an easy decision, so I understand if she needs time to-
“I’ll do it.” She says, a beam slowly spreading on her face until it reaches her eyes.

Well, that was a quick thinking-session. But I don’t have time to think about it either because the realization of her answer hits me and I hug her close to me, letting out an excited squeal. Having her around all the time will be great!
And as Nat says, it always takes some getting used to, to move in together. With calling it a test run, there is no pressure of this having to work. If it doesn’t, we can look at the issues and come up with solutions for them.

I let go of y/n so Nat can hug her too and press a kiss to her temple, smiling very brightly at me. I nod with a smile, telling her she did the absolute right thing.

“I will be patient about the next step.” Y/n says, still leaning against Natasha and looking between the two of us.

I smile and take her hand again. We will have time to plan the big day then and don’t have to worry about y/n feeling like we are just leading her on for nothing.
And with her moving in for now, we will have plenty of time to show her we truly mean what we said today and show her we never meant to make her feel the way she did.

A/n: They settled it and didn't let this come between them. I am honestly quite proud of how I managed this, it was a bit tricky.

Thank you for all the kind words at the end of the last chapter, I truly appreciate them all <3

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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