Healing Your Heart of Thorns...

By AmariannaRose

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++++New to the GoT world but decided to try my hand at writing a story anyway.... while I watch the show itse... More

Meeting The 'Bastards' They Can't Live Without
more about the twins 'made up' last name and Tyrion's nickname
The Bastard, The Imp And The Queen
What Stands Between You And Happiness
It's Snowing At Castle Black
Here's Where We Say Goodbye For Now
You Don't Know How It Feels To Be Me
A Lannister Always Pays His Debts
One Should Die By The Hands Of A Friend Right!?!
Entering The Lions Den
The Secret Keeper
A Heart Full Of Hate Cannot Love
Can I Get A Little Respect Around Here!?
βš”οΈπŸΊOur First PrisonerπŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ¦°
A Whole New Monster
The Walls We Built We Must Defend
War Has Come To Our Gates
Scarred Souls
A Rayder With A Mance
How To Snær A Snow
Forgotten Table Manners
We Are All Truly F**ked
A Blessing In Disguise
Every Life Matters To Someone
Do You Take Me For A Fool!?
A War Of A Different Kind
You Have My Sword And You Have My Bow And My Axe
A Bittersweet Reunion
Trial By Combat Of Words
If Only We All Could Live Happier Lives
πŸ’‹Kissed By Fire πŸ”₯Is The Best Way To Get Burned❀️‍πŸ”₯
He's Willing To Pay Freedom's High Price For His Family
Just Standing Here Wasting Time
A Dwarven Jesus And A Red Priestess Walk Into A Brothel

F**k My Sideways

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By AmariannaRose

Lysithea and Jon ride straight to Castle Black and are let in when the Night Watchmen recognize them Sam and a Steward named Pypar that everyone calls Pyp rush over to meet them and they were put straight to work.... after washing the Wildling stench off them, changing their clothes back to black and having supper they both get news about the death of Robb and Catelyn "I told you we should have stayed!"  Jon whispers to Lysithea who whispers back in her normal nectarous tone "so we could die too!?! not only was it was your choice to come and be a member of the Nights Watch but we have no idea where we'd be if we had stayed, in Winterfell protecting and dying for Bran and Rickon, in King's Landing you dead and me being raped a hundred times over because I'm "pretty", as members of Robb's army who died with them on that day and with the way Catelyn felt about me she would have done her damndest to separate us by making us both go to different places for she believed she had that kind of power I mean she did with you but not with me but since you made this choice we are where we're meant to be for as long as we're meant to be here, because of your choice we are stuck"  he frowns for he knows what she says is the truth "you're not  pretty you're beautiful! the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my life!"  he whispers "let me ask you this then Snow, if you were into men would you fuck me!?"  she whispers back in her baritone male voice he chuckles then whispers with a smile "yes"  she whispers back in her normal nectarous voice "then I am definitely pretty!"  he laughs.... the next day Lysithea hears Jon talk about Robb to Sam "the last time I saw him, he was in the courtyard in Winterfell he said "next time I see you, you'll be all in black" I was jealous of Robb my whole life the way my father looked at him, I wanted that he was better than me at everything.... fighting, and hunting, and riding, and girls gods the girls loved him, well all but one, the one that wanted me, I could never understand  why she wanted me and not Robb every guy in Winterfell was jealous of me because that girl wanted me even Robb but still I wanted to hate him, but I never could I had always figured the girl I love would have loved him after I left but I should have known better she's too loyal and they didn't really get along that well it was almost like she avoided him and I never understood why she did"  Sam says "sometimes I want to hate you"  Jon turns to face him "well you're better than me at everything except reading"  Lysithea chuckles softly as does Jon "they're.... they're um ready for you and Snær"  Sam says "he's wanted to hang us for awhile now's his chance"  Jon replies as he walks over to Sam who hands him his sword "no one's going to hang you you've done nothing wrong"  Sam says.... "that's not true in their eyes not only did he kill Halfhand for no reason but we both joined the Wildlings and in turn betrayed the Nights Watch"  Sam and Jon hear Lysithea say in her baritone male voice they look in the direction it came and see her standing by the door "how long have you been there!?"  Jon asks "long enough to hear you speak of your secret love affair with Robb"  she replies in her baritone male voice he chuckles with a smile then walks over to her and they head to where they have been summoned to well I suppose we'll call it court where a giddy Alliser tried his best to get them banished "so you admit you murdered Qhorin Halfhand?"  Alliser asks "at least he saw the sword coming!"  Lysithea whispers sarcastically in her baritone male voice Jon who was the only one who heard her hides a chuckle and a smile for he recalls the reason why she joked like that.... the story Halfhand had told about his men falling into a crevasse because they didn't see it.... "I didn't murder him, no"  Jon says to Alliser who replies "no? you put your sword through a brother of the Night's Watch what do you call that?"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice "what I'd like to know is what happened to the ones who "put a sword through" Jeor and so many of their brothers!? after all they're still here and don't seem to have been punished in any way"  Alliser replies "we're here about your misconduct not theirs"  she says in her baritone male voice "so nothing then!? figures! they betray their own brothers for reasons unknown and get away with it we do what Halfhand told us to do and get put on trial Halfhand knew he had to die so that the Wildlings..... who seem to prefer to be called "Free Folk" but are not anymore free than we are would believe we had betrayed the Nights Watch so we could learn what their plan is it isn't our fault he's smarter than you!"  Alliser growls as she continues in her baritone male voice "after all because of the ones who killed more than one brother you have even less men to help you with what's to come"  Alliser asks "and what's that!?"  she replies in her baritone male voice "the "King Beyond the Wall" and his army of 100,000 men and a Spear Wife and I hope you're the first to die!"  before Alliser could speak Jon says "he's united the Thenns, the Hornfoots, the Ice River Clans he has Giants fighting for him"  Janos Slynt says "giants?"  Jon asks "have you ever been beyond the Wall, Ser?"  Slynt replies "I commanded the City Watch of King's Landing, boy"  Jon says "and now you're here you must have not been very good at your job"  Slynt stands in in anger and growls "how dare you!"  Jon says "there's a band of Wildlings south of the Wall already led by Tormund Giantsbane Snær killed their Warg and we both killed a few others and if it wasn't for her wounding their archer we both would have been shot full of arrows their orders are to attack Castle Black from the south when Mance hits it from the north the signal for the attack will be a bonfire Mance said it would be the greatest fire the north has ever seen that's the truth all the truth"  Slynt sits back down in his chair "do you intend to execute us or are we free to go?"  Jon asks "none of us are free we're men of the Nights Watch but we won't be taking either of your heads today, Jon Snow go on"  Aemon replies Lysithea bows with a smile at the man she knows can't see either Jon bows his head at that very same man then they both walk out of the building....


After using her "walk through water" portal ability that her and her sister has yet to take the time to name Lysianassa ends up in a woods she does not recognize.... she need to get out of King's Landing for awhile and didn't really have destination in mind so her ability took her to a place it figured she might be needed.... she hears dogs barking and a girl crying with a pained frightened tone and rushes over to where she hears the girl and the dogs which calm down as she approaches the girl who has a arrow shot through her upper leg stares at her in fear "it's alright now love you're going to be just fine"  Lysianassa says with a soft soothing tone she slowly walks towards the girl then kneels before her and says with the same tone as before "let's take care of that leg shall we!?"  she picks up a nearby stick and places it next to the girls lips then says "unfortunately I didn't bring anything to dull the pain and this is going to hurt so I need you to bite down on this as I pull out the arrow near your ass"  the girls eyes widen "ok, but just to warn you your scream will invite whoever is hunting you closer sooner"  Lysianassa tells her the girl bites on the stick then feels the arrow leave her leg and a cooling sensation take it's place "my grandmother was a healer she taught me all about different sort of herbs that are used to help her heal all sorts of wounds what you felt will stop the bleeding"  she says to the girl "now I'm going to ask them to bark again but they and their master will not hurt you not while I'm here and I will not leave you"  she says the girl jumps in fright as the dogs above them bark then three people rush over two with bows and one that looked beaten and tortured "who are you!?"  the boy with the bow asks when he sees Lysianassa who replies as she draws a bow of her own with a arrow already docked and points it at him  "Lysianassa Lannister and this girl is now under my protection so if you know what's good for you you might want to head back to your castle and forget she ever existed"  the boy chuckles then says with a smirk "that's not going to happen!"  she moves her bow so that it now points at the girl standing behind him lowers it so that the arrow is aimed at her leg then shoots the arrow so that it makes itself at home in the same place the girl she stands before had hers "did I forget to mention I'm also a Warg!?"  Lysianassa asks she looks at one of the dogs who turns his attention to his master then barks and growls at him then rushes towards him and bites him in the center before he could shoot him with a arrow for he was paying more attention to Lysianassa and his ex-sex slave "I don't think you'll be using that for awhile be grateful he didn't bite it completely off"  Lysianassa says to the boy who is now holding his "precious" cock and he growls at her "what part shall he taste next!? oh I know HERS!"  Lysianassa says the other dog growls at the girl standing behind the boy then rushes towards her Lysianassa shoots another arrow at the bow in the girls hand and the bow the girl was holding falls to the ground as the dog stops just as he reaches her and sits in front of her "now this lovely lady and I will be leaving and you will not be following for if you do I will kill you myself!"  Lysianassa says then she helps the girl behind her stand and they start to walk away "what's your name!?"  Lysianassa asks the girl she saved as they walk "Tansy"  the girl replies "oh dear that won't do!"  Lysianassa says the girl looks at her "that is the name you had while you worked under him you're free from him now you need a new name"  Lysianassa says "I don't know any other names"  Tansy replies "how about Ilamayil!? from what I gather it means young peacock"  Lysianassa asks Tansy chuckles then nods and says "that will do"  they stop at the same area where Lysianassa appeared and Tansy well Ilamayil looks at her curiously "you're just going to have to trust me"  Lysianassa says and though she was frighted Ilamayil nods then they walk into the water and walk out of Lysianassa and Tyrion's bathtub and Ilamayil looks around her in shock.... hearing the familiar splash of water Tyrion opens the door to his bathroom and sees his wife standing with a woman he did not know who was staring at everything with a awed expression on her face "Týr my love I'd like you to meet Ilamayil formerly known as Tansy we have quite the adventure to tell you about"  Lysianassa says Ilamayil looks at Tyrion with wide eyes "Ilamayil I'd like you to meet my husband Tyrion Lannister"  Lysianassa says to the pretty blonde woman who stands beside her "she's going to need a healer"  Lysianassa says as Tyrion helps her out of the bathtub he looks at the girl from head to toe and sees the blood on her dress then says as he helps the girl out of the bathtub "so I see I'll have Podrick call for one".... a few minutes later while Ilamayil was at the healers Lysianassa was telling her husband about the "adventure" he knew she wanted a few moments away from King's Landing and had grated her permission to leave "I had never ordered a animal to do anything before but this boy seemed to love torturing people and since I had one bite his center I knew he would have killed both so I had them run away before he and the girl he was with who also seemed to enjoy torturing others had a chance to"  she tells him he cups his hand over hers.... a few hours later Tyrion, Podrick and Lysianassa walk towards the area where Joffrey's breakfast celebration before his wedding is being held and they meet Varys who seemed to be waiting for them "Lord Varys, breakfasting with the King?"  Tyrion asks when he sees him "I'm afraid foreigners aren't welcome at such exclusive affairs"  Varys replies "I'm a foreigner and I was welcomed"  Lysianassa says with a smile "you are the wife of his uncle that is why you were welcomed"  Varys replies with a smile "lucky me!"  she says Tyrion looks at her she smiles and says "I'm the luckiest woman alive to have married you I'm not so lucky to be the only foreigner invited to your nephews breakfast"  he smiles then feels her kiss his lips and his smile grows....

Varys and Tyrion walk away from Lysianassa and Podrick and Varys tells Tyrion that one of Sansa's maids had claimed to see him with Shea and told his sister that they looked rather lovey dovey together and that Shae had called him "her Lion" during that time as she watched them strip one another of their clothes or some other falsehood Tyrion smiles at the fact that the maid lied about Shea calling him her Lion for that proved that he was right about the reason his wife started calling him "White Lion" in front of very specific people in very specific places and though he will miss those times when she stops the thought of being called a lion now kind of makes him sick in the stomach because of what Varys told him "I'm guessing there's a reason you're smiling"  Varys says "my brilliant wife had called me her "White Lion" a few times and I'm guessing the lie about Shea's pet name for me was inspired by that"  Tyrion replies "she is quite clever"  Varys says with a smile "indeed, Shae must have gained the maids trust and or friendship and talked her into creating said lie to tell Cersei which we both know my father will hear about though I doubt my father will believe it"  Tyrion replies "and why not!?"  Varys asks "how much do you know about my wife's family!?"  Tyrion asks Varys looks at him "my brilliant wife has predicted that my father wants us to stay together for her family carries magic within them and hopes that if we ever have children that they will also have magic within them which would add to the power my family already has.... though he's going to be sadly disappointed when he finds out that not only did my wife say she would not have my children till we're free from King's Landing but only the females in her family carry magic plus she has proven her loyalty to me and only me time and time again in more ways than anyone might expect someone as beautiful as her would ever do with someone like me"  Tyrion tells him Varys smiles then asks "so you're not worried!?"  Tyrion replies "no I am not worried she is well beloved in this city by almost everyone in it not to mention we're rarely ever not seen together so I would have very little time and few chances to have a soiree with a whore one that you well know was paid to separate us and my wife and I have only seen no more than three maybe four times since we've been in Kings Landing I would NEVER cheat on my wife and not just because she would probably threaten to chop off my head if I ever did but I love her too much and can't nor will I ever imagine myself with someone else"  after a pause he asks "where did this so called meeting happen!?"  Varys replies "in your Chambers"  Tyrion says "then it most certainly is a lie for quite a few reasons one that is the one place my wife and I are ALWAYS together in, two my wife has a way to lock the door from the inside that makes it so that no one but the two of us can open it for she has taught me how to do so so unless the whore was so desperate to fuck me that she climbed the wall under the balcony there is no way she could ever enter without getting mine or my wife's permission first and neither of us would ever do that"  Varys smiles then bows and walks away and Tyrion returns to his wife's side and they along with Podrick continue on their way to the breakfast "how do I do this Týr!?!"  Lysianassa asks softly with a worried tone Tyrion looks at her curiously "it's a royal breakfast and you know I never eat anything I don't make myself not only that but I can't eat large portions and I don't want to make you look....!"  she says softly he takes her hand in his and replies "don't worry about...."  she says "I've told you what I do reflects on you and what you do reflects on me so if Joffery sees me eating small portions he'll attempt to pick on me which will piss me off and I will threaten to cut out his tongue and feed it to the ravens or maybe his wife or mother"  he chuckles then becomes sad for it's true just like her sister she can't eat a full meal in one sitting especially a large one and with what happened to her parents before she was even born she's always been afraid of someone poisoning her food so she only eats what she cooks herself if she were to kill anything she would never use poison her hands, her sword, her bow and arrow but never poison "maybe we can talk one of the servers into giving me a smaller plate that way my meal looks bigger than it is I mean it isn't like I have to go on a diet.... do I!?"  she says he chuckles then replies with a smile "of course not my love! you are gorgeous just the way you are"  she says "I wonder if Varys already talked to the servers in our stead"  he chuckle then replies with a smile "it wouldn't surprise me at all if he did that or perhaps he has one of his "little birds" masquerading as one for that very purpose"  she smiles then kisses his lips and his smile grows.... Tyrion and Lysianassa sit by Joffery at the table and as soon as Cersei who sits next to her father sees Shea walk over and set a plate of grapes in front of Sansa who sits next to Lysianassa with her husband at her side she tells her father "she's the whore I told you about the dark haired one"  Tywin chuckles then says "yes I've been told Lysianassa told you who she is for she was on her list, that whore failed when I paid her so I doubt she's succeeded like your servant said for Tyrion would be a fool to be disloyal to a woman like his wife"  Cersei scowls

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