One Piece Oneshots

By Ace0fSpades123

152K 2.6K 1.3K

Just a bunch of random oneshots with the OP characters. I do not own any of the characters, just the stories... More

Requests | CLOSED
!One Shots!
Sanji | Ice Tea
Crocodile | Gone
Doflamingo | Change
Shanks | Pretty
Mihawk | Friends
Law | Feeling Off
Zoro | Swords
Buggy | Rainy Days
Smoker | Still Awake
Crocodile | Burnout
Buggy | Party
Ace | Company
Eustass | A Special Gift
Law | Trypanophobia
Zoro | A New Life
Usopp | Starlit Sky
Mihawk | Getting Stronger
Shanks | Portrait
Sanji | Early Mornings
Mihawk | Welcome Home
Ace | Trouble Sleeping
Eustass | Stay With Me
Zoro | Injured
Law + Sanji + Zoro | What Happened?
Buggy | Haircut
Sabo | Relief
Usopp | Why him?
Law | Heatstroke
Zoro | Recovery
Mihawk | Newlyweds
Buggy + Shanks | A Lost Item and New Love
Law | Break
Eustass | Lost
Mihawk | A Second Love?
Killer | Privacy
Law | Exploring
Zoro | Butterfly
Law | Sick Day
!Ace | HC!
!Ace | Special Birthday Fic!
!Crocodile | HC!
!Crocodile | Special Birthday Fic!
!Eustass | HC!
!Eustass | Special Birthday Fic!
!Killer | HC!
!Killer | Special Birthday Fic!
!Luffy | HC!
!Luffy | Special Birthday Fic!
!Mihawk | HC!
!Mihawk | Special Birthday Fic!
!Nami | HC!
!Nami | Special Birthday Fic!
!Robin | HC!
!Robin | Special Birthday Fic!
!Sanji | HC!
!Sanji | Special Birthday Fic!
!Shanks | HC!
!Shanks | Special Birthday Fic!
!Smoker | HC!
!Smoker | Special Birthday Fic!
!Usopp | HC!
!Usopp | Special Birthday Fic!
!Vivi | HC!
!Vivi | Special Birthday Fic!
!Zoro | HC!
!Zoro | Special Birthday Fic!
!Special Halloween HC!
!More Special Halloween HC!
!Special Valentine's Day HC!

Crocodile | New Recruit

1K 26 6
By Ace0fSpades123


Art: Idk if anyone knows lmk

Requested by miyarusan22 hope you enjoy! <3


You groan as you finally spot an island in the distance, it had been far to long since you last saw land. As you approach the island you feel the temperature start to climb high and fast.

You step out onto the vast desert and quickly look around for some shade before you burn. You take shelter in the shadow of a large boulder planning on continuing your voyage once the sun was starting to set. You sigh and try to relax and rest to regain some energy.

You're suddenly awoken when you feel a rumble in the distance. You realize how cold it's gotten until a cold breeze passes and you begin to shiver. You get up quickly and try to figure out where the rumbling was coming from, but the sky was dark making it hard to see to far in the distance.

You start to see a cloud of dust approaching and you quickly move to the other side of the boulder. You chip off a small piece of the rock and shove it in your pocket to study later as you wait for whatever was causing the dust to pass.

As the object gets bigger you start to make out wheels and realize that the object is some sort of carriage. You quickly start to make a plan to hijack the land ship and find a town.

You start to get an odd gut feeling when the carriage starts to slow down before stopping all together. You feel your stomach drop when none other than the infamous warlord Crocodile cigars and all steps out.

You feel the sand around you shift as he looks around observing the scenery seemingly looking for something. You make yourself as small as possible as he gets closer to your hiding spot.

Using your devil fruit you create a barrier of rock around yourself trying to make it seem as part of the boulder as best you can. You hear his footsteps come around the corner and hold your breath.

He sounds confused and you hear him call for someone else, you assume a servant or someone from baroque works. You hear the sound of a stick or a rod hitting the boulder. You tense and the tapping gets louder and closer to you.

You feel the rod his your devil fruit made rock and curse to yourself as the rock crumbles. You look up and see Crocodile's figure looming over you a rod of sea stone in his hand.

"For a moment there I thought you had left." He muses tossing the rod to his servant who backs away. He looks you up and down with a smirk as you stand there shivering.

"What gave me away?" You ask with a smirk trying to quickly flip through your options Crocodile was much bigger and stronger than you are so taking him down in a fight probably wouldn't end well for you.

"I saw you sleeping here earlier and when I came back tonight there was still a spot in the sand so I knew you had just recently got up. I never thought the infamous F/n L/n would be so sloppy." He says puffing out a cloud of smoke.

"Cut me some slack. I haven't eaten in 3 days, I'm exhausted." You say glaring at him.

"Well in that case, why don't we make a deal."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well in my line of work you have quite the reputation. I can give you a job, give you food, money, anything you could ever want." He says walking towards you.

"What's the catch?" You say suspiciously stepping away from him.

"Nothing, you work for me and I pay you, purely transactional." He puffs out another cloud of smoke before tossing his cigar on the ground. "So Y/n, do we have a deal?"

"I'm not that stupid, there's always a catch. I'm not just gonna say yes to some hot guy offering me money without knowing the details."

"You find me attractive?" He says with a smirk raising an eyebrow.

"In an objective way." You say quickly thankful for the cold wind that was cooling your face down.

He studies your face for a few moments before speaking again. "What would make you agree to my offer?"

"What makes you think I'll ever agree to your offer?" You respond.

"Name your price, I'll match it. I've heard of your devil fruit, the crystal crystal fruit right? Being able to create any minerals that you've been able to study. I could offer you the opportunity to study rare and expensive minerals. We could become a powerful duo you and I." He challenges.

"Fine, I want a nice place to stay, good food provided to me everyday, a monthly net income on 1.5 million berries (they are literally worth nothing) for a yearly income of 18 million berries, payed vacation days, and 3 weeks notice if you plan to fire me. So Crocodile, do we have a deal?" You ask with a smirk.

"Such high demands, although I would be receiving such a useful asset." He mumbles to himself. He pauses for a few minutes to think over your decision and you stand shivering waiting for him to make up his mind. "Fine, but you get one month of training, you work for me with no pay just so I can evaluate your skill and determine whether your pay is deserving of your ability."

"You doubt my skillset?" You ask him offended.

"It's nothing against you personally, I just want to make sure you can follow orders the way I like before you start rolling in money. Every Baroque Works agent has had to go through this."

You pause and slowly nod agreeing with his offer. "You surprise me Crocodile, it looks like we have a deal."

He smiles victoriously and shakes your hand. "Well then in that case I look forward to working with you. Come we've already wasted too much time." He says placing an arm around your waist guiding you to the carriage.

"Where are we going."

"The casino, that will be your new place of residence for the time being so I can keep an eye on you. Sleep while we travel if you must, I won't try anything this time."

"This time?" You ask as he helps you into the coach.

"You're quite the piece of work Y/n, and now that I know that you feel the same about me, I can't help but let my thoughts wander."

"When have I agreed with you."

"I distinctly remember you saying that I was hot and rich." He says looking at you with a smirk as the coach takes off.

You roll your eyes and lean your head against the window as the exhaustion from the past few days set in. You feel your eyelids droop despite how hard you try to keep them open.

Just as you feel like you're about to drift off you feel Crocodile drape his giant coat around you. "Thank you." You murmur just barely loud enough for him to hear.

"I don't need my new investment to freeze to death on me." He responds quietly lighting a cigar. "Especially not one as pretty as you." He says the last part so softly you barely hear it.

You smile to yourself and pull the coat around yourself a little more making yourself comfortable before finally falling asleep.


Word Count: 1,248

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