Wishful Thinking Summoning Ja...

By KageNishi

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The World War II came to a close with the surrender of Japan, followed by the occupation period that marked t... More

Chapter 1 - Diplomacy with the Kingdom of Louria
Chapter 2 - Crossroads
Chapter 3 - Pride of a Great Power
Chapter 5 - Transitional Period to a New Era
Chapter 6 - New Third Civilization Area
Chapter 7 - The Rails Laid
Chapter 8 - Japan's Strategy in the New World
Chapter 9 - The World in Motion
Chapter 10 - A Gathering of Leading Countries?
Chapter 11 - Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 12 - Battle of the Folk Strait 2
Chapter 13 - Upset and Doubts
Chapter 14 - Second Half
Chapter 15 - Regret Comes Too Late
Chapter 16 - The Agony of a Country from Another World
Chapter 18 - Behind the Scenes of World Affairs
Chapter 19 - Unrest

Chapter 17 - Imminent War

199 13 0
By KageNishi

Day 15 Month 6 Year 1642 Central Calendar

Mirishial, Mu, Japan, and Agartha visited the former Leiforia's Leifor Branch Office to jointly demand that the Gra Valkas Empire withdraw from the Second Civilization Area, but it ended in failure. On the other hand, the Gra Valkas Empire demanded information about the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet, but it wasn't given.

Negotiations broke down, and the four countries agreed to continue the state of war.


Japanese Embassy, Holy Mirishial Empire

About a month after the conclusion of the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference, the Japanese embassy had become bustling as never before.

"I have come as the representative of His Excellency, Duke Beilman of the Duchy of Gillisiera. My name is Rusty."

Gillisiera is a noble territory of the Kingdom of Revizuela, located in the northern part of the Millicent continent, east of the kingdom. Rusty is one of the close aides to the monarch, Beilman, and serves as the ambassador to Mirishial.

"We have long heard rumors about your country. Destroying the mighty Kingdom of Louria on the Rodenius Continent without any losses, unilaterally defeating the once powerful Parpaldia Empire in the Third Civilization Area, and also being active in repelling the recent attack by the Gra Valkas Empire."

"Please, our actions were merely to defend ourselves. It's not as exaggerated as it's being portrayed," Kondō, serving as the ambassador to Mirishial, responded.

"You're being too modest. The achievements of your country so far are not something anyone can accomplish. Besides, you are now figures of the moment. You must confidently and proudly engage with the envoys from various countries who look up to your country, or else you may lose respect."

"Thank you for the advice, we'll keep that in mind."

With these words, Rusty's advice was brushed aside.

After the conclusion of the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference, the attending countries began to move in anticipation of the future situation. At the same time, the other countries began to engage in information warfare. For the countries caught in the aftermath of this conference, which brings together the major powers of the world, it is a crucial opportunity to assess the future direction of their own countries. Therefore, investigations are conducted through all means to determine what discussions took place.

And what became apparent from this conference was the significant presence of newly emerging countries. The Gra Valkas Empire and Japan were already a topic of discussion due to their feats of overcoming major powers. While the Third Civilization Area was undoubtedly important, even the Second Civilization Area had its attention, but the First Civilization Area hadn't paid much attention. For them, the most significant entity was the Holy Mirishial Empire, reigning at the pinnacle of the world, whose might is well-known to all. Despite their victories, they were still considered foreign to the civilization areas, not reaching the level of the Central World they comprised. Despite this belief, the battle at the Folk Strait left the Holy Mirishial Empire behind.

Initially dismissed as misinformation by many, similar information soon surfaced from multiple sources, leading to the conclusion that it was indeed true. The Gra Valkas Empire could possibly possess power surpassing even the Mirishial Empire, and it was Japan that repelled them. It was natural for other countries to rush to establish relations.

"Now, let's get down to business."

It was already tiresome to count how many times Kondō had been showered with flowery platitudes and flattery, so much so that he had started to tune out those kinds of words altogether.

"As you may already know, our principality has been focusing on military strength to counter threats from the east. As a result, we have developed military power ranking among the top in the world and have contributed to the world."

Gillisiera has been tasked with defending the Kingdom of Revizuela from attacks from the east. However, due to this role, they had to emphasize military strength, causing a delay in industrial development and leading them to rely on their military power for mercenary work. Their power, honed over many years, was genuine and highly regarded everywhere. This not only served as a deterrent to invasion against the principality but also elevated its international status as its prowess became recognized. However, it also marked the beginning of new ambitions.

"Our duchy has, until now, revered the Kingdom of Revizuela and maintained relations with Mirishial as the most important nation in the world. However, this time, we have decided to make a significant transition."

'Here we go again.'

Kondō deadpanned and waited for the next words.

"From now on, it will be your country that stands at the pinnacle of the world as the replacement for Mirishial. Our duchy recognizes that our relationship with your country is more significant than with Mirishial, and we would like to establish diplomatic relations. Here is a letter from His Excellency the Duke."

Rusty handed Kondō a letter of great gravity. It included an offer of diplomatic relations, followed by a request for full independence from the Kingdom of Revizuela and advice to limit the dispatch of mercenaries to Japan only, and finally, a proposal for marriage with influential figures in Japan.

After reading everything, Kondō remarked, "Firstly, regarding diplomatic relations, I will contact our homeland and provide a response in due course. Details will follow afterward."

"Thank you very much!"

"Next, regarding support for independence, that seems impossible."

"Why is that? We have heard that your country has supported the independence of subjugated territories suffering under the oppression of Parpaldia and has continued to provide significant assistance. We understand it's a tall request, but please, help our duchy," Rusty said with a hint of frustration.

"What do you mean by 'help'?"

"As I mentioned earlier, our duchy has been protecting the Kingdom of Revizuela from threats from the east. In other words, we have been used as a shield for the kingdom. We have managed to fend off threats so far, but with each exposure to danger, numerous tragedies have occurred. However, rather than appreciating our duchy, which has been defending them at great cost, the kingdom simply spits on us as if it's natural. Furthermore, despite the significant expenses incurred for defense, they mercilessly collect taxes, citing that it's because it's their territory. The amount is also high due to their vast territory. Under such treatment, both I and His Excellency the Duke often wonder why we continue to sacrifice so much in battle and why our people must fall victim to the enemy's blade."

'Quite the playwright.'

Japan already has all the information. The Kingdom of Revizuela has been exerting certain measures to prevent the duchy from seceding. However, these are just carrots and sticks, and if an invasion occurs from the east, the kingdom actually provides assistance in the form of supplies, sending troops, tax reductions, and reconstruction support. Moreover, the taxes originally set are relatively low. Although it was a testimony full of lies, he felt no disdain because it's understood that they were acting in pursuit of their national interests.

And Kondō, too, spoke in accordance with national interests.

"We express our deep respect for the tremendous efforts of your duchy."

"You honor us."

'Good, seems like an emotional appeal worked,' Rusty inwardly cheered for his success.

"Despite knowing it's impolite to ask, I would like to inquire nonetheless."

"What is it?"

"Even if our country were to decide to support yours, it can't be done for free. What kind of compensation are you considering?"

"It's written in the letter, but..." Rusty pointed to the letter. "Our country will prohibit the dispatch of mercenaries to any country other than yours."

"That would lead to the decline of major industries, wouldn't it? Wouldn't that put you in a more difficult position than it is now?"

"Even if that's the case, continuing to dispatch mercenaries to other countries may inadvertently aid factions hostile to your country. We cannot afford to overlook even a one-in-a-million chance. Even if the other party is considered a friendly nation to your country, we cannot know what they truly harbor in their hearts. Just like the Kingdom of Riem."

'I didn't know he knew that much!'

Kondō was impressed by the duchy's intelligence capabilities.

"Furthermore, even if we were to abandon the mercenary business, we believe that our relationship with your country will bring prosperity to our duchy. Unlike other major powers, your country desires mutual prosperity, even with smaller nations. Unfortunately, in this world, power is everything, and a friendly attitude without demonstrating strength will only demand significant sacrifices. The recklessness of Parpaldia is the greatest proof of this. Furthermore, it's lamentable that there are still fools attempting to challenge your country to war. Your country is already exhausted from endless fighting. We are well aware of how much it can drain a nation."

Rusty's words were the heartfelt thoughts of someone from the duchy who had been fighting for years.

"Therefore, our duchy will become the vanguard of your country and fight for your sake. And, all those fools who dare to oppose your country will be utterly defeated, and they will kneel before your country. As I mentioned earlier, from now on, your country will stand at the pinnacle of the world. Though we may be of little help, we earnestly hope that our principality can contribute to your great achievements."

'The usual pattern.'

They anticipate that Japan will soon begin to move to take the lead in the world and aim to jump on the bandwagon. Since Japan's existence became widely known, this has been the most common pattern presented by those who propose establishing relations.

"Also, please take a look at this."

Rusty took out a photograph and handed it to Kondō.

"Who is this?"

"The Duke's daughter, Lady Fran."

In the photograph was a young woman who appeared to be around fifteen.

"As stated in the letter, we are considering proposing a marriage between Lady Fran and someone from your country."

'There really a lot of them...'

Since the Kingdom of Esperanto, proposals for marriage with Japanese people, both official and unofficial, have flooded in. The number of citizens staying abroad has been increasing, and it's natural that deeper relationships would form with the locals as they deepen their connections. There are cases where individuals, in a rush to break free from their current situation, attempted to pick up a soldier for marriage, which led to actual marriages. These are personal relationships without any ulterior motives, and if that's the case, the Japanese government doesn't intend to intervene.

However, this is akin to a political marriage, so it was a different thing.

"This is just my personal opinion, but I believe that it would be desirable for Lady Fran to be paired with either royalty or someone like yourself from your country. Would you consider it?"

"This is purely a formality, but what position does your country hope to achieve through this marriage?"

"N-no, there's no such thing! Our duchy only wishes for friendly relations with your country. This marriage is just a gesture of friendship, and there are no other intentions. Please, don't misunderstand."

Rusty tried to cover up with a somewhat flustered demeanor.

'It's quite effective.'

Since the Japanese-Parpaldian War, Japan's diplomatic stance has been to assertiveness, even at the cost of some politeness. In a world where national powers are at odds, complementing each other, or holding each other's weaknesses, there's no such thing as equality. Although they had always pursued a stance seeking national interests, Japan's responses were considered overly polite and weak by the standards of this world, leading to many misunderstandings, and it was concluded that such perceptions led to the tragedy of the Kingdom of Fenn. As a result, particularly in matters related to national interests and international status, it's believed that even if it goes against etiquette, a more assertive attitude should be taken to establish the recognition of hierarchy.

In fact, while behaving in a manner that could potentially escalate into a diplomatic issue in the old world, in this world, one would only recognize it as their own blunder for trying to exploit Japan, jeopardizing the nation's survival, and all they could do was retract their previous statements.

"The members of the royalty are all either married or engaged. Besides, I am also married, so I cannot accept this."

"No, no, I never meant to suggest anything beyond your status. I simply hoped you might consider taking her as a concubine."

"Our country doesn't take concubines."

"W-what did you say? Seriously?"

In this world, concubines exist in all countries, including the Mirishial Empire, so Rusty asked again in disbelief.

"Yes. If you still insist on pushing through with this marriage, it will be seen as interfering with our country's legal system, and appropriate measures will have to be taken."

Rusty felt a chill run down his spine and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Please wait! Our duchy has no intention of interfering with your country's system! Please, could you consider this as a temporary misunderstanding due to a lack of understanding of your country's customs and overlook it?"

"Does that mean you are withdrawing the marriage proposal?"

"Of course, of course! I will personally convey my apologies to His Excellency the Duke! Please, forgive my rudeness."

He desperately bowed his head, almost slamming it onto the table.

"I don't think of it as rudeness. It was an inevitable situation that arose from a lack of understanding of each other's norms. It's difficult for us to proceed like this, so please raise your head."

While feeling his heart squeezed, he didn't encounter the usual arrogant attitudes or unreasonable demands. That alone significantly improved the confidence in Japan. However, there still remained a slight sense of unease and dissatisfaction.

'Why... does Japan, with such power, lack the desire to assert dominance over the world? With this, Japan seems somewhat lacking as a backer. However, siding with Gra Valkas isn't wise either. Given how aggressive they are, even if we were to surrender, we couldn't expect fair treatment from them. Moreover, our country is too close to Mirishial. The moment we wag our tails to Gra Valkas, we'll die soon. Besides, Mirishial wouldn't just sit idly by in such a situation. In that case, would it be wise for our country to cooperate with Mirishial and gain favor?'

While diplomatic relations have been established, every country felt somewhat disappointed with Japan as a partner to respond to the rapidly changing world situation. In that regard, the Mirishial Empire, with its long-standing power and achievements, was a reliable figure to lean on. Despite the intense efforts made by various countries, they ultimately returned to square one.


Day 10 Month 7

The area around Castle Albion was under tight security. Some roads were blocked, causing traffic jams on detour routes.

In the secured space, over 1.000 government officials were guiding guests who arrived one after another, impeccably dressed in splendid formal attire, along with guards standing in formation without a single thread out of place. The attendees ranged from embassy staff from various countries, accompanying military officers, influential business and corporate representatives, to members of the press. And looking up from that space, there was a terrace with a considerable layout, where key figures responsible for the core of the Mirishial Empire were gathered. They were all awaiting the arrival of a certain person.

Everyone waited nervously, and the press aimed their cameras.

After the entrance of guests had been sorted out and the commotion had died down a bit...

"Presenting His Majesty the Emperor!"

The senior officials on the terrace all turned towards the palace side simultaneously, welcoming the awaited person. And there, Emperor Mirishial VIII appeared, dressed in solemn attire, slowly walking to the tip of the terrace.


The onlookers below were about to cheer, but they were overwhelmed by the palpable, intense, and icy aura, even from a distance, and swallowed their words.

"Now, we will hear a few words from His Majesty!"

As the host announced, after a moment, the emperor began to speak.

"I... cannot contain my wrath."

The first words transmitted through the speakers made everyone present gasp.

"It is a wrath that cannot be expressed in words, even if this entire palace were to be destroyed."

It was immediately clear what the cause of his anger was.

"I will never forgive the Gra Valkas Empire, who insults not only the beloved citizens of Mirishial but the entire world while spreading destruction and slaughter."

As the speech progressed, the emperor's voice gradually grew louder.

"They claim to have come from another world, but they are underestimating this world. As the leader of Mirishial, the guiding light of the world, I have made my decision. With the full might of our empire, we will crush the Gra Valkas Empire!"

The emperor's declaration of participation in the war sent a shockwave through everyone present.

"This war is not just about repelling invaders. We will make those intruders from another world realize that this world is not an easy place for the strong to reside, and we will engrave it into the depths of their souls, so they will never again dare to commit such folly!"

The emperor, who had been displaying his anger openly, now addressed the representatives of the world who were looking at him.

"You all live in this world and have a duty to protect the people. I dare to ask, do your countries agree to submit to those invaders? No, I know very well. When faced with those who dare to trample upon you, you will bravely confront them without fear of death! Mirishial will stand up with the brave souls who have the will and courage to face formidable enemies! I hereby declare the formation of a World Union to combat the Gra Valkas Empire!"

The words from the emperor, who seemed to have no concern for his own country, moved everyone present, and unconsciously, a sense of unity beyond national borders began to take shape.

"I hereby call upon those who love this world and have the will to protect it. Volunteers are welcome, regardless of origin or status, whether from civilized nations or periphery territories, whether individuals or nations! Let us welcome those with the will to protect this world with open arms and together, let us eradicate the enemies of the world!"

The atmosphere in the room reached its peak, and a massive cheer erupted.

This speech spread throughout the world by the press, and inspired nobles, mercenaries, hunters, and frontier vigilante groups, all volunteering one after another. Mirishial embassies in various countries set up special counters for individuals to declare their participation in the war, arranging special flights to the Mirishial Empire through the magic ports. At the same time, the Mirishial government issued calls for participation to various countries, and the gathered forces boasted a scale unprecedented in history, sharpening their claws at Cartalpas.


Next day

In the grand conference room, still filled with the excitement from the previous day's speech, a council meeting was held with the purpose of discussing countermeasures against the newly recognized enemy of the world, the Gra Valkas Empire. Once the emperor took his seat, without further ado, they delved straight into the main topic.

"First, we will hear from the Ministry of Defense about the deployment of forces."

As the moderator spoke, Agra rose to his feet.

"The movement of enemy fleets poses a significant challenge in driving the Gra Valkas Empire out of the Second Civilization Area."

The Mirishial Empire had divided its strategy against Gra Barkas into two stages. The first stage is to expel the enemy from the Second Civilization Area, including the Mu Continent. This will be followed by an attack on the Gra Valkas Empire's mainland and surrounding areas. If possible, occupying their mainland.

"The enemy won't just sit idly by while we attack. They will undoubtedly deploy fleets to intercept us. So, our first priority is to repel these enemy fleets."

"Indeed. What are your plans regarding the fleet for that purpose?"

"As for that..."

When the emperor inquired, Agra turned to Kling who then stood up.

"We will form the Combined Magic Fleet by integrating the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Fleets to fight the enemy in a decisive battle."

"You plan to engage with just three fleets? What about the others?"

Mirishial's main fleets consisted of a total of seven fleets. Among them, the 1st to 3rd Fleets were responsible for the eastern sea areas centered around the Veriare Sea. The 4th to 7th Fleets were responsible for defense on the western side, including the Imperial Capital. These were repositioned significantly in response to the changing situation, allowing the deployment of forces for this campaign.

As a result, the 3rd Fleet was moved from the eastern sea areas to the west, while the 1st and 2nd Fleets continued to cover the eastern areas. Additionally, the 6th Fleet, which did not participate in this expedition, was left behind to guard against any flanking attacks from the Gra Valkan fleet, while the 7th Fleet was deployed to Runepolis as the last line of defense.

"Excuse me, but are three fleets really enough? We are facing the Gra Valkans, the ones who annihilated the 0th Magic Fleet. Wouldn't it be prudent to add another fleet to the operation?" Liage spoke in concern.

"The reason for the 0th Magic Fleet's defeat was the insufficient numbers, lack of formidable aerial cover, and the element of surprise. There was also a lack of understanding regarding the effectiveness of aerial forces within our military, which should be a lesson for us in future engagements. However, considering all these factors, we have concluded that three fleets are enough."

"Nevertheless, there's the possibility of unexpected enemy capabilities."

"Based on our calculations, two fleets would suffice. Engaging with three fleets would provide us with the flexibility to handle unforeseen circumstances. Of course, if Your Majesty commands, other fleets can also be deployed."

Though still uneasy, he decided to retreat for now.

"Now, let's move on to the situation regarding each country."

As the moderator proceeded, Peclas took his turn to stand up.

"The recent attack on Cartalpas has sent shockwaves throughout the world. Furthermore, following the annihilation of the 0th Magic Fleet Fleet, there have been discussions in various quarters about whether to throw their lot with the Gra Valkas Empire."

There was a slight stir in the room.

"However, due to their aggressiveness, many are hesitating despite considering it. Thanks to Your Majesty's speech yesterday, most countries are now leaning towards opposing the Gra Valkas Empire."

Along with a sense of relief, there was an increase in respect for the emperor.

"In response to Your Majesty's call, we expect a significant influx of forces from various countries. Although we understand that we are somewhat lacking in strength, we hope that the military will work together in unison."

"No need to worry," Schmirpao responded.

"We have already prepared plans for those countries' fleets. We will form new regional fleets, including older battleships, to accompany them. By deploying these as separate task forces, we aim to divide the enemy's forces."

Peclas nodded in agreement and changed the topic.

"By the way, is it correct to assume that we are excluding the Third Civilization Area from this battle?"

"Yes. In accordance with His Majesty's policy to eliminate the enemy as soon as possible, we have decided to exclude the Third Civilization Area, which would take too long to join forces."

Though this is the official stance, it's primarily due to their wariness toward Japan. The survivors of the magic cruisers annihilated at the Folk Strait had recovered and provided testimony, confirming Japan's undeniable strength. Despite still not fully understanding Japan's intentions, considering the increasing influence and potential impact of the upcoming battle, it was judged that allowing Japan to intervene again would lead to irreparable consequences. Additionally, the existence of the League of Nations proposed by Japan was also taken into account.

"Surely, there won't be repeated defeats, right?"

Sensing the emergence of remarks concerning Japan, the emperor preempted and spoke.

"This battle is not just against invaders from another world. Those ignorant of magic challenge us, the pinnacle of magical civilization in Mirishial! Our magical civilization is being tested. Failure is not an option!"

Everyone stood up in unison, saluting the emperor.

"May victory be with you! Glory to the Holy City!"


Two days later

The Japanese embassy continued to be bustling with activity as usual.

"...And what benefits does our country gain from this?"

"You uncivilized lots don't deserve to get more cocky than you already are! Our patience has its limits!"

"Such an attitude is uncalled for, to say the least."

"What did you say!? It's your attitude of discarding the honor of becoming relatives with our royal family and contributing to our country that is truly uncalled for!"

"Even if a marriage were to happen, your country would not receive special treatment."


"Moreover, a marriage is out of the question. Even if it were to happen, it wouldn't entail any special consideration in terms of inter-state relations. The door is over there."

"You cur, you will regret this!"

With anger on his shoulders, an emissary from a certain kingdom stormed out of the room.


Kondō sighed and stretched.

"Good work," a staff member entered as they switched shifts.

"This time was particularly intense..."

Prejudices and condescension towards countries outside the civilization areas still persisted. Nevertheless, in diplomatic circles, especially when dealing with a power that had triumphed over major powers, such behavior had never been encountered before.

"Especially with that attitude, trying to push for a marriage with the Imperial Family."

"It's an unacceptable partner for our country. We should not have diplomatic relations with them."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kondō quickly shifted his attention back to the matter at hand.

"The next one is from Mirishial."

"That's unusual."

"Maybe it's related to the GVE."

The Mirishial officials, who until now had only visited for routine matters, had pushed hard to make an appointment.

"We've prepared for every possible scenario. However, it was unexpected not to have any contact until today."

A little later...

"I've brought them in."

It was Fearm.

"Long time no see."

"Mister Kondō, it's an honor to meet you again."

The two hadn't seen each other since the Mirishial delegation's arrival in Japan. After some small talk, they got to the point.

"Did you see His Majesty's speech the other day?"

"Yes, I was there, guided by someone."

"That would make things easier."

With that, she took out an official document.

"We request your country's participation in the World Union."

Kondō read through the document.

"...Alright. The final decision rests with our country, so I can't give you an answer here, but I believe we will likely agree to participate."

"Thank you. Now, please take a look at this."

She handed over another document.

"Our empire is preparing an operation to destroy the fleets roaming around the Mu Continent in preparation for the battle against the Gra Valkas Empire. We would like your country's fleet to participate."

"Just a moment, I'll call our military officer."

After a while, Shinoda, a military officer working at the embassy, entered the room.

"...The operation is scheduled to start six months from now. Isn't that a bit too hasty?"

"We believe that taking too much time will give the enemy a chance to recover, so we need to strike before that happens. Also, due to coordination with various countries, we ask for a response within one month."

"O-one month!?"

"I understand it's a difficult request. Even if your country rejects it, it won't put you at a disadvantage. However, please consider it, even if it's just a discussion."

Shinoda looked at Kondō and shook his head.

"...Understood. I'll contact our country, but don't expect too much."

"Thank you."

Thus ended the meeting between Japan and Mirishial.

. . .

'It's regrettable, but there's no other way...'

On the way back in the car, Fearm inwardly lamented while massaging her temples.

While being cautious of Japan, she didn't want to disrupt the friendly attitude. That was the policy agreed upon between Mirishial and Emor regarding Japan. Hence, they made a superficial request for participation in the war, along with presenting conditions that made it impossible to accept. However, there would be no penalty to avoid worsening relations.

For Fearm, who wanted to build an active cooperation with Japan, this policy was painful. Yet, she was a diplomat for the Mirishial Empire and a supporter of understanding Japan. There was no escaping this pain, and the unprecedented great battle was drawing near.

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