Wishful Thinking Summoning Ja...

By KageNishi

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The World War II came to a close with the surrender of Japan, followed by the occupation period that marked t... More

Chapter 1 - Diplomacy with the Kingdom of Louria
Chapter 2 - Crossroads
Chapter 3 - Pride of a Great Power
Chapter 5 - Transitional Period to a New Era
Chapter 6 - New Third Civilization Area
Chapter 7 - The Rails Laid
Chapter 8 - Japan's Strategy in the New World
Chapter 9 - The World in Motion
Chapter 10 - A Gathering of Leading Countries?
Chapter 11 - Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 12 - Battle of the Folk Strait 2
Chapter 13 - Upset and Doubts
Chapter 14 - Second Half
Chapter 15 - Regret Comes Too Late
Chapter 17 - Imminent War
Chapter 18 - Behind the Scenes of World Affairs
Chapter 19 - Unrest

Chapter 16 - The Agony of a Country from Another World

215 12 1
By KageNishi

I was just digesting a stack of games and before I knew it, it was February.

- Ishiwara


Day 30 Month 4 Year 1642 Central Calendar

The captured Gra Valkan ships are brought from Cartalpas by the Japanese fleet. On the same day, information on the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet's liaison plane is brought to Gra Valkan mainland.


Day 5 Month 5 Year 1642 Central Calendar

Despite being midday, Ragna was shrouded in darkness due to heavy rain and constant emissions of soot from factories. The Imperial Palace, the heart of it all, maintained its brightness through electricity as a symbol of modern civilization. However, the air inside was as dark as the sky outside.

"Report the details of the matter," Emperor Gra Lux growled as he scanned his gathered subordinates.

"Y-yes, Your Majesty. Let me begin the report," Xand Pastal responded.

The Gra Valkas Empire conducted military operations with the aim of conquering the entire world. In pursuit of more efficient conquest, they launched an attack on Cartalpas during this gathering of major world powers. However, they suddenly lost contact with the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet dispatched for the assault. The entire military fell into chaos wondering what had happened. It was only after several days that reports came through a liaison plane.

The report detailed the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet's complete destruction and the events leading up to it. The failure of the first step of their full-scale conquest had significant repercussions, leading immediately to a council meeting.

"That concludes the report from Commander Alkaid."


As Xand Pastal finished speaking, there was a sound of the table being struck.

"What idiocy is this, are you underestimating the enemy's strength!? Our nation has already declared war and antagonized the entire world! Do you think an apology for underestimating the enemy's strength will suffice now!? To commit such a blunder in a situation concerning the survival of our nation, is the military slacking off!?"

The one yelling was Kurtz, the Office of the Sovereign's leader.

"The military is not slacking off. Doesn't the Office of the Sovereign remember? You've deemed everything in this world unworthy and have been urging invasions everywhere."

Not only the Office of the Sovereign, but since the incident with Leifor, there was a widespread perception that "this world is significantly behind the old one," and many people think that they should quickly send their armies and conquer it. Especially since the Office of the Sovereign held much greater influence than other governmental bodies, its pressure couldn't be ignored by the military.

"Fine... then tell me, what kind of magic did the enemy use to repel our forces?"

Prompted to continue, Xand Pastal schooled his expression and posture.

"According to Commander Alkaid, the attack that decimated the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet was presumed to be of Mirishial make."

"On what grounds? Both Mu and Japan would have been considered potential adversaries, wouldn't they?"

"The basis lies in the technological levels of both countries. Given that both nations utilize the same technological system as ours, it's possible to fairly accurately gauge the level of weaponry they possess. Even if they were to possess weapons surpassing our expectations, it's believed that the damage inflicted would not be enough to annihilate the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet to such an extent. This conclusion is drawn by Commander Alkaid, and the military shares the same view."

The Mirishial Empire was perceived to possess forces capable of competing against the Gra Valkas Empire. Mu and Japan were considered to be impossible to defeat them, though certain losses against them may be anticipated. In the event that either of them possesses more formidable forces than currently known, there is no need for debate on which poses the greater threat.

"Furthermore, there's speculation that the 0th Magic Fleet that was heavily promoted by Mirishial might have been a disguise to conceal their true strength."

"So, the Intelligence fell for the bait hook, line, and sinker."

The focus of the room shifted to the intelligence officials present.

"Is this a time for passing blame?" Lux's cold voice interjected, freezing the men. "You rely on the information provided by the Intelligence, yet claim no responsibility? If you're going to say such things now, you should have suspected a formidable enemy from the start."

He continued amidst an awkward silence.

"Have there been any significant updates?"


With that response, Lux fell silent, and Kurtz took over the conversation.

"Let's discuss our next steps."

In response, Xand Pastal spoke up.

"In the future, our priority will be to gradually diminish the enemy's strength. Specifically, we will avoid direct confrontation with the formidable Mirishial and focus on conquering other territories swiftly. This will enable us to concentrate our forces on the conflict against Mirishial in due course."

"You fool! Things won't go as smoothly as you think! Do you believe the enemy will patiently wait for our actions!?"

Kurtz shouted, to which Xand Pastal calmly replied.

"Of course, we anticipate enemy counterattacks, but we believe we are adequately prepared to counter them."

"Why do you say that?"

"Strangely enough, while Mirishial possesses formidable power, they seem to lack the desire to rule the world themselves. What they desire is to lead the world from a dominant position. Therefore, any counterattacks against us would likely be coordinated with other nations worldwide. Consequently, it will take considerable time for them to unify their intentions and concentrate their forces. During this period, our military will have sufficient time to prepare. To avoid repeating the failure at Cartalpas, we will mobilize our entire military force to defend against them."

"And you believe this strategy will lead to victory?"

Upon Lux's inquiry, Xand Pastal broke into a cold sweat.

"At present, there are many uncertainties, and I cannot assert anything with certainty."

Kurtz was visibly enraged, but Lux intervened to rein him in.

"However, it's undeniable that this will be a decisive battle for the survival of our nation. While I cannot assert victory, failing to overcome this would lead our nation to taste the savagery of Paganda's atrocities once again."

The room was filled with expressions of anguish and anger. The Kingdom of Paganda, which had executed a member of the imperial family, had aroused the Gra Valkas Empire's rage. This incident was remembered bitterly even by Lux.

'We must not allow our citizens to become prey for the indigenous people again... This is a world of savages where such atrocities are tolerated. We must do everything in our power to bring it under our dominion and prevent another tragedy from happening again.'

"Fortunately... or unfortunately, the information received at the cost of Commander Alkaid's life indicates that our forces would hold the advantage against the enemy's conventional forces. Furthermore, it has been proven that forces other than Mirishial pose almost negligible threats. In summary, if our military mobilizes its full strength for a counterattack, the enemy will suffer significant losses. Mirisihal's reputation as a world leader will be tarnished, and others will suffer such heavy blows that threaten the nation's survival. While the existence of secret weapons remains uncertain, our military must prepare for significant losses. However, the enemy will not emerge unscathed either way. Overcoming this hurdle will enable us to conduct future conquests more smoothly."

With that said, Xand Pastal paused for a moment.

"These predictions were made possible by the sacrifices of the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet. I urge you all to honor their sacrifice and trust our military to protect the empire."

As people loyal to their nation, no one in the room dared to dissent.

Then Lux stood up and addressed them. "In accordance with Xand Pastal's words, we must not squander the sacrifices of our brave soldiers. I command you all in my name. Return to your posts and prepare for the imminent enemy attack!"

Everyone rose, their expressions changing, and saluted. With that, the meeting concluded, and they began to leave one by one.

When he was alone in the room, Lux bowed his head and muttered quietly.

"What does this world demand of us?"

He covered his face with his trembling hands, rage burning in his eyes.

"Does it seek us to threaten the world and make us play the role of the defeated clown?"

As one burdened with a nation, he couldn't accept such absurdity. With a firm resolve, he glared down at whoever or whatever might have been responsible for teleporting the empire.


Day 11 Month 5 Year 1642 Central Calendar

Standing on the bridge of the Betelgeuse, Cielia was in a terrible state of depression. Having confidently attended the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference expecting victory, she had demanded subjugation from the entire world, but now there was nothing to show for it.

However, she wasn't alone in this sentiment. The once magnificent Eastern Expeditionary Fleet was nowhere to be seen, with only six ships remaining. And these six ships were not heading towards the Gra Valkas Empire they belonged to. Instead, they were constantly shadowed by feeble-looking Japanese ships, which bore no resemblance to the formidable battleships. This sight was the ultimate proof that they had fallen into captivity.

"Did we really lose to these people?" Alkaid murmured repeatedly, leaning against the window.

The Japanese ships within visual range looked exactly like the ones shown in the photos from their homeland.

"I want to believe it's some mistake. That our fleet was defeated by such feeble ships..." the adjutant beside him lamented with a tinge of regret.

"It's the Foreign Ministry's responsibility for not knowing whatever trump card they had..."

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Lady Cielia. Even if we had accurate information, no one would have taken it seriously. I would have laughed at them too," Alkaid spoke, ridiculing his past self for deducing that the Mirishial Empire possessed secret weapons.

They had been temporarily detained aboard the flagship of the Japanese fleet after surrendering to undergo various interrogations. It was during this time that they realized how the Japanese ships were different. From their immaculate cleanliness and comfort that defied a mere ship to the quality of the steel and various inexplicable tools and materials apparent throughout, it was evident that the standards exceeded those of the empire. However, this alone couldn't be the decisive factor surpassing the empire's technology, as concluded by the analysis back home. Despite the high-quality steel, the lack of armor made the ships vulnerable, with thin steel plates that seemed to dent with a slight push. Though hinting at high performance, there was only a single small-caliber gun on each ship, insufficient for their large size.

'Clearly not designed for artillery duels. What could have been done to create a design choice that baffling? Not just the carriers, but even the cruisers. At this rate, the information about not possessing battleships might also be true... I still don't understand! What kind of weapons do they possess!?'

"Land sighted at twelve o'clock!"

As Alkaid grumbled about his own stubbornness, he heard the lookout's voice.

"I'm totally amazed at how big this world is."

It had been a two-month journey since departing from their homeland.

"Now, let's determine the true nature of this country."

"The sky looks clear... doesn't seem to be much development," he observed, considering Japan undeveloped based on their standards, exposed to severe air pollution suffered by the Gra Valkas Empire as the price of development.

"...Or perhaps it's just my eyes, but doesn't the harbor and the surrounding ships seem unusually large?"

Alkaid rubbed his eyes several times before asking those around him.

"It seems my eyes are playing tricks on me too..." the adjutant responded.

"This is... Japan?" Cielia muttered in astonishment at the sight of a harbor lined with huge cranes, numerous buildings towering over, and a three-dimensional road network.

"At this level of development, and it's just a provincial city? What kind of joke is this?"

She blinked in disbelief, comparing it to the development approaching Ragna.

"Then, how big is the capital of this country?"

"Damn it all... We completely underestimated Japan..."

Regret surged as they realized they had misjudged their opponent, picking a fight with someone they shouldn't have. Everyone found bleak prospects for the future of their homeland, their expressions darkening.

. . .

"Woohoo, quite spectacular, isn't it?"

"Are we really seeing active battleships in this day and age of the 21st century..."

The city of Sasebo was in a festive uproar. Citizens flocked to the harbor to catch a glimpse of the battleship, while news helicopters hovered overhead at a distance. Several naval personnel from the Sasebo Base observed the scene, including the commotion.

"Even though we're busy as shit, we've been dragged into this nuisance..."

"From equipment development to restructuring, patrols, coordination with the Coast Guard, and goodwill voyages... Plus, handling prisoners."

"And on top of that, our defense perimeter has expanded too much, and we're short on manpower."

Japan, now the leader of the Third Civilization Area, has been compelled to significantly strengthen its military presence.

Originally, Japan's military strength was built on the premise of defending the surrounding areas plus a little extra, with added capabilities to mount a counterattack. However, Japan now stands as the suzerain of many subordinates, carrying the obligation to protect them. Simultaneously, these territories serve as a buffer zone between Japan and neighboring powers, enhancing Japan's homeland defense. However, Japan has no intention to maintain a large-scale military presence overseas like the US military of the old world. Despite efforts to reduce its own burden, the defense responsibilities are still vast, exceeding the existing military capabilities.

"We'll be crushed if the local forces don't become useful soon."

"That's what the new equipment is for. Well, that's why we're so damn busy."

As part of its efforts to reduce its own burden, Japan has been developing export equipment. The anticipated hostile forces are typically local nations with, at best, early modern-level technology, leaving Japan as the only viable responder in dire situations. To mitigate this, various equipment is being developed to equip local forces with a certain standard. However, this initiative raises concerns about potentially ambitious factions emerging independently and the possibility of smuggling equipment to third parties. To prevent such scenarios and achieve unified military control under Japan, preparations are underway for the establishment of a large-scale multinational military organization similar to NATO. This organization will establish provisions to prohibit anticipated situations from occurring, along with pre-prepared penalties for countries that violate these provisions. Additionally, obtaining Japanese-made equipment will be conditional on joining this organization.

"Well, anyway, let's enjoy the sightseeing and have some fun."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's make the most of it and enjoy the view."

. . .

Prime Minister's Office, Tokyo

While the reception progressed in Sasebo, the passenger ship carrying the delegation arrived in Yokosuka, and the Foreign Minister returned to Tokyo ahead of the others. Upon arrival, the Prime Minister promptly convened a cabinet meeting with the ministers.

"Foreign Minister, first of all, thank you for your hard work. I'm glad you all returned safely without any casualties," the Prime Minister said on behalf of everyone.

"It's an honor," the Foreign Minister replied.

"Now, things have taken a serious turn, but we can't afford to create a vacuum. Let's clarify how we'll proceed from here."

First, the Defense Minister spoke up.

"The GVE has declared war on the entire world. The biggest issue now is the situation in the Second Civilization Area. It's certain that the next target will be Mu."

"Can Mu defend against the GVE's invasion?"

"Unfortunately, that is impossible. Mu's military capability is mostly at the level of the Russo-Japanese War, at best the First World War. There is no way they can match the GVE's Second World War-level weaponry and a quantity similar to the Americans at that time."

"We must prevent Mu from being conquered by the GVE at all costs. If such a situation were to occur, our country would be in crisis again," the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry added, leaning forward.

After escaping from the brink of destruction due to various problems, including resources, Japan recovered relatively quickly, mainly for two reasons. The first reason is resource supply. The abundant resources from the Principality of Qua-Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila halted Japan's collapse, and fortunately for Japan, resource prices were low, around 10 yen per liter of crude oil, and other resources were also supplied at unthinkably low prices. Moreover, many resources were of no use to the local civilization, allowing Japan to develop almost exclusively.

The second reason is the relations with Mu. Despite being a country with significant domestic demand, Japan's economy would suffer a severe blow without adequate trading partners. To correct this, Japan has gathered the Third Civilization Area and forged diplomatic ties with many countries. However, despite being the leader of both continents, Japan found that the economic scale of the small pre-modern nations was insufficient. To address this situation, Japan turned to Mu. As a modern nation with appropriate national power, Mu's trade volume with Japan far surpassed that of other countries. Additionally, there were other important reasons to consider.

"Mu is not just a valued customer for our country. We've been conducting renovations that allow our ships and aircraft to use their infrastructure, with Mu bearing eighty percent of the cost. Furthermore, Mu covers the majority of the expenses for the airports and harbors they maintain in various countries. Additionally, they've set extremely low fees for using these facilities, making Mu indispensable in the New World's trade."

Furthermore, whether it's for exports or renovations, Mu has largely accepted Japan's terms without objection, and the business community and public opinion overwhelmingly support assisting Mu.

Following the Minister of Economy, the Minister of Justice took his turn.

"Economically speaking, Mu falls under the classification of Category White countries. While we acknowledge having established particularly strong trust relations with them, allowing other nations to trample over them silently could cast a significant shadow over our future international relations."

The Japanese government classifies powers it recognizes as states into multiple categories:

Category White: This class comprises nations deemed the most reliable and important partners. Considerations include relaxing some aspects of technology export control laws, weapon exports, technology transfers, as well as streamlining various procedures and enjoying preferential treatment in terms of tariffs.

Category Blue: This class includes nations deemed important partners. Weapon exports are considered. Moreover, only countries classified as Blue or White are eligible for Japan to establish overseas bases.

Category Green: This class includes nations deemed to have established friendly relations. To be classified above Green, establishing diplomatic relations with Japan is a prerequisite.

Category Yellow: This class includes generally recognized countries. Newly established or recognized nations are classified under this category until their true nature is ascertained. Restrictions are imposed on trade and other exchanges.

Category Orange: This class includes nations requiring caution. Various restrictions apply in terms of economy, diplomacy, and other aspects, with various sanctions also being considered. In this class, caution advisories are issued by the government, making it difficult to establish diplomatic relations. However, the Kingdom of Fenn and the Kingdom of Riem are exceptions.

Category Red: This class includes nations requiring significant caution. Essentially, it's deemed impossible to establish relations, and travel bans may be imposed. The pre-war Parpaldia Empire was classified under this category.

Category Black: This class includes nations classified as hostile. Nations in a state of conflict or those where conflict is imminent fall into this category. Unauthorized contact with individuals from these countries is subject to penalties if done without government permission or orders.

"That may be so, but considering it's 20.000 kilometers away, the burden on our end will be quite substantial," the Finance Minister said with a distant look.

"Finance Minister, if we don't act now, that burden will only double," the Defense Minister countered.

"The GVE possesses numerous submarines, which they will undoubtedly use for commerce raiding. If that happens, we'll have to respond, or else we'll end up repeating the same mistakes as in that great war."

During World War II, the former navy was so obsessed with fleet decisive battles that they neglected the protection of shipping routes, resulting in the collapse of Japan's maritime transport capacity and hastening its defeat. Submarines were also used during that time, and the old navy's equipment, which underestimated anti-submarine capabilities, was not effective in countering them.

"After the war, the Maritime Defense Force focused heavily on improving anti-submarine capabilities and developed forces for safeguarding sea lanes. So even if the GVE attacks, there's no need to worry. However, just conducting patrols alone will be quite a burden."

The troublesome aspect of submarines is that once submerged, they cannot be directly sighted. In addition to their stealth capabilities, one has to detect objects that amount to minuscule dots in the vast ocean. No matter how the enemy is just WWII level, this is no easy task.

"And this isn't limited to just the waters near Japan. With Japanese-flagged vessels operating worldwide, if we don't protect all the sea areas from our country to Mu, it will result in significant casualties for our nationals."

Unlike the United States, Japan does not possess a military presence that can be deployed globally. Forcing such a presence would inevitably lead to a breakdown within a few years.

"Moreover, if this situation persists, it will cast a significant shadow over the world economy and adversely affect our finances. To prevent that, we need to act now!"

"I understand. I'm not opposed to deployment, so please calm down."

The air around the Finance Minister, who responded thus, changed.

"However, we won't allow unrestricted deployments, will we? Since we're using taxpayers' money, we expect you to exercise restraint."

As the custodian of national finances, a figure who could be likened to the final boss for all government officials, the pressure from the Finance Minister was tremendous.

"Of course, I know that. But, as I mentioned the other day, emergency production of ammunition must be approved at all costs. Otherwise, it will become a problem even before the deployment."

"Rest assured, I understand that aspect."

As the discussion settled, the Prime Minister murmured, "Nevertheless, I'm sick with how aggressive this world is... No matter how many we topple, more and more keep coming."

"It's fortunate that our country has technological superiority. Without it, we might have perished during the Japanese-Parpaldian War."

The old world was once a similar world, but for this generation, it was just a recent historical event. Being reminded of their arrival in a different world, they couldn't determine whether it was a stroke of luck or misfortune.

"The biggest problem is that many within the government fail to accurately recognize this situation. This tendency is particularly prominent among the younger generation."

The Foreign Minister recalled the harassment that occurred within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before the conference delegation was dispatched.

"Our country has experienced turmoil even after the war, but fewer people from that generation are left..."

"While it's good that the tense situation hasn't persisted, if those in charge of governing the country become complacent..."

After experiencing a state close to civil war post-war, Japan hadn't faced a situation critical enough to determine the fate of the nation since the last crisis in the Far East. Many years have passed since then, and the working-age generation comprised mostly those who were unaware of that time.

"Well, well... Problems both inside and outside the country seem to never disappear."

"You're lucky to be able to say that. If the country were to disappear, you wouldn't even be able to worry about such things."

While problems persisted, the situation surrounding Japan was recognized only to the extent of some tension. For the sake of the nation's interests, they faced the rough seas of the international community with composure.


Technical Department of the Intelligence Bureau, Leifor Branch Office, Gra Valkas Empire

Since the incident in Cartalpas, the Intelligence Bureau has been extremely busy. The defeat should have been impossible according to the information gathered in advance. More unusually, there's not a single ship that returned.

Based on the last report of the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet before losing contact, the cause was believed to be the Mirishial Empire. Urgent demands for information on Mirishial came from all directions.

"Hey, what's the situation over there?"

"...No good, there's no fresh information."

"Tsk, seems like they're a really secretive bunch..."

"If that's the case, mere espionage won't cut it. We'll have to infiltrate directly."

It was impossible to keep secrets from everyone. Even if it was a secret weapon or something else, if it had circulated as rumors in the streets in some form, there would be some trace of it. But there was nothing, and they marveled at the high level of counterintelligence.

"We've been trying infiltration elsewhere, but so far, no results."

"If we don't find something soon, the backlash against us will only get stronger."

"I know that, but even if they ask us to produce something, if we don't have it, WE DON'T HAVE IT!"

The Intelligence Bureau had been protected by Gra Lux in the last meeting, but the dissatisfaction of not obtaining the necessary information was growing, evident in various places.

"Ah, fuck! We wouldn't be in this mess if the military had won in the first place. They're the ones who eat budget the most every year, fucking slackers!"

"If you have time to yap, then do something! You'll get criticized again!"

While venting complaints, there was nothing they could do but continue gathering information.

"...Did Mirishial really defeat the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet?"

Buried under the influx of information, Naguano, an Intelligence Bureau officer who was a bit removed from other staff, muttered. Amidst countless pieces of information, he began to feel doubtful about the analysis that Mirishial was the greatest threat. It was just a gut feeling, but his years of experience in dealing with information warned him that there might be another significant threat.


Naguano carefully surveyed his surroundings, confirming that no one was paying attention to him, then issued new orders to the intelligence operatives under his discretion.

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