Wishful Thinking Summoning Ja...

By KageNishi

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The World War II came to a close with the surrender of Japan, followed by the occupation period that marked t... More

Chapter 1 - Diplomacy with the Kingdom of Louria
Chapter 2 - Crossroads
Chapter 3 - Pride of a Great Power
Chapter 5 - Transitional Period to a New Era
Chapter 6 - New Third Civilization Area
Chapter 7 - The Rails Laid
Chapter 8 - Japan's Strategy in the New World
Chapter 9 - The World in Motion
Chapter 10 - A Gathering of Leading Countries?
Chapter 11 - Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 12 - Battle of the Folk Strait 2
Chapter 13 - Upset and Doubts
Chapter 15 - Regret Comes Too Late
Chapter 16 - The Agony of a Country from Another World
Chapter 17 - Imminent War
Chapter 18 - Behind the Scenes of World Affairs
Chapter 19 - Unrest

Chapter 14 - Second Half

185 15 1
By KageNishi

I managed to get it into shape. It is difficult to tell a story involving multiple countries...

- Ishiwara


Day 25 Month 4 Year 1642 Central Calendar

A liaison plane from the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet ran out of fuel and crash-landed 2.000 km west of the Magdola Archipelago. A distress call was sent out in advance, and the plane was rescued by a submarine operating in the vicinity.


Day 27 Month 4

"Wow... Did those guys from Gra Valkas really manage to have such an impressive fleet!"

"Still, it was the Japanese fleet that took them down... They might look weak, but they're a bunch of formidable folks."

At the surveillance post set up at the entrance of the Folk Strait, one could see the triumphant Japanese fleet and the captured Gra Valkan ships being towed. Among the ships that survived the naval battle and were captured were four battleships, including the Grade Atlastar, and two aircraft carriers that were not targeted in the initial assault. After rescuing drifting survivors from the sunken ships, all crew members became prisoners of war.

To prevent any unforeseen events, helicopters equipped with machine guns were constantly circling overhead, with even wyverns stationed further up. Furthermore, the diplomatic delegation that participated in the fleet staff meeting has been transferred to the Aoba, where various interrogations are being conducted.

"I wonder if they'll hand over that ship to our country?"

"Well... had it any other nation, they might hand it over right away, but this is Japan we're talking about, right?"


Having witnessed the battle firsthand, they understood that Japan's power surpassed even Mirishial, and they were aware that their homeland's position was wavering. Meanwhile, the citizens of Cartalpas, unaware of this, continued cheerfully discussing how the Mirishial Empire was secure while sipping their drinks.

"Well, even if we report something like this, no one will believe us, huh..."

"Yeah, probably. Rather than being treated as lunatics, maybe we should just keep our mouths shut."

. . .


The Cartalpas Imperial Cultural Center was once again bustling with activity.

No, it wasn't just bustling; one could even say it was ablaze with excitement.

Five days ago, they witnessed the arrival of the Grade Atlastar in the harbor, and although they spoke bravely three days ago, inwardly, they were filled with unease.

One's country lacks the technology to construct such massive vessels. The power that single-handedly destroyed Leifor was undeniable. How far could they resist?

Just as they were pondering this, the news of victory arrived.

It was a report delivered under the immense pressure of representing a nation while having their dignity trampled upon. Suppressing the urge to jump for joy, they vented their feelings through diplomatic conversations.

"My, my, the Grade Atlastar was indeed an impressive ship, but it was ultimately from a civilization on the periphery. It wasn't really suitable for this gathering of the world's major powers, was it?"

"Exactly. If our wyvern carrier fleet were engaged, it would have been child's play to deal with one or two ships operated by uncivilized nations."

"And our armored battle fleet is no pushover either, you know? Our nation's hybrid engineering is on par with the non-magical civilization."

"Hahaha, both strongest nations, strong as they are, naturally played their parts. But of course, it should be remembered that our magical fleet also contributed alongside yours."

"Don't worry, all the nations present here are formidable. If any had weak and idle militaries, they wouldn't have been invited to this gathering."

"That's true. Well, I'm looking forward to the battle reports."

"Haha, indeed."

"Oh, it's time already. Well then, everyone, let's go."

Having whiled away their time in the lobby, they realized the time was near and proceeded into the meeting room.



Kondō and Inoue awkwardly followed along after watching from some distance away.

A while later in the conference room, along with representatives from various countries, there were also commanders of each fleet present alongside ministerial-level officials.

"The meeting is now in session," declared Liage from the chairman's position.

Given the recent victory, although silence prevailed, there was an excitement that couldn't be contained.

"As you all know, the barbaric nation from outside the Second Civilization Area, the Gra Valkas Empire, had sent its fleet to target Cartalpas. Fortunately, with everyone's cooperation, we successfully repelled the enemy and have convened this meeting again. First, let us report on the progress of the battle."

With that said, Arpana stepped forward.

"My name is Arpana, Deputy Minister of Military Affairs for the Holy Mirishial Empire. Allow me to explain the sequence of events."

While vague about specific attack methods, the progression of the battle was explained.

How did their fleet perform, and how did they capitalize on that?

Everyone pondered, and the tension and excitement quickly escalated. However, as the explanation progressed, their thoughts came to a halt.

"What...? Huh...?"

The representative of the Kingdom of Torquia stood there, mouth half-open in disbelief.

"Impossible... our Fleet-Class Grand Flash Magic was useless...?"

The representative of the Kingdom of Agartha was shocked that their highly confident secret weapon hadn't even been called upon.

"That's a lie... It can't be true!"

The representative of the Nigrat Union was furious, unable to accept the fact that their own fleet had been entirely ineffective.

"To think... that our hybrid engineering... there's such a stark difference..."

The representative of the Magicaraich Community was devastated by the fact that their diligently developed technology had completely failed to deliver.

"So their analysis wasn't wrong, after all..."

The Muish representative felt a mixture of relief and disappointment that their homeland's speculations, which they had hoped would be wrong, turned out to be correct.

"Indeed... Japan is truly formidable..."

The representative of the Great Magearchy of Pandora, with a strained expression, reluctantly acknowledged Japan's military achievements.

"What in the world... Where did they hide such power?"

Moriaul grew increasingly uneasy at the magnitude of Japan's strength, surpassing what they had heard from the Dragon Riders.

"It was surprising to hear them speak so honestly."

"Yes, considering they had been covering up the clash at the Magdola Archipelago, I had expected we'd need to correct them again this time."

Kondō and Inoue who were discussing suddenly realized that everyone in the room was now focused on them.

"...That concludes the progress up until the surrender of the enemy fleet. Thank you for your attention."

Arpana bowed and stepped back.

"Hey, was that just now true?"

"Are they exaggerating things?"

"Grr, enough! Are you going to say something!? Are you just going to let this blatant manipulation of information slide!?"

The representatives, confronting the silent military officials nearby, attempted to refute the recent report on the battle situation. But with no one saying anything, their expressions spoke volumes, affirming the truth of the report. Even those who couldn't accept it eventually fell silent, and as time passed, the commotion died down.

Seizing the moment, Liage spoke up once more. "As you've heard, the Japanese fleet successfully captured part of the Gra Valkan fleet and even took prisoners."

With those words, everyone present understood the implications of the initial agenda, their eyes gleaming.

"First, we will ask the Japanese representatives to publicly disclose the details."

'Oh, dammit!'

In this setting, the technological prowess of the Gra Valkas Empire surpassed all forces except Japan. With the capture of their warships, the desire to obtain them by any means necessary was apparent. While normally Japan, as the actual captor, could claim ownership, it was brought up as an issue in this international conference to prevent that.

Understanding this, Kondō was seething.

"I am not an expert in military matters, so it would be better to hear the details from someone who actually commanded the operation."

With that said, Liage turned his gaze towards Fujimoto, who was present.

"Allow me to introduce him. This is Rear Admiral Fujimoto, who commands the Fifth Fleet."

Standing up, Fujimoto bowed.

"Hmm, quite a rugged look you have there."

"I don't see the appearance of a seasoned veteran..."

Exposed to the condescending gazes directed at him, Fujimoto felt uncomfortable.

Given the microphone by Kondō, Fujimoto began his explanation.

"My name is Fujimoto, and I'll proceed with the explanation. The Gra Valkan ships that surrendered to us consisted of four battleships and two aircraft carriers. Among them, three of the battleships are referred to as the Orion-class and are classified as fast battleships within the Gra Empire. The remaining battleship is the Grade Atlastar."

The room erupted into a stir.

"R-really, is that...?"

"Are you kidding me!? The Grade Atlastar that single-handedly annihilated Leifor!?"

"Even if they're at the bottom, capturing the legendary ship that not even the great powers could contend with?"

"Order!" Liage raised his voice, silencing the room. "Mister Fujimoto, please."

"Next are the aircraft carriers, known as the Pegasus-class, and they are classified as regular aircraft carriers within the GVE. Next, I will provide the currently known performance specifications of each ship."

Information gathered from prisoners of war was supplemented with specs from the closest ships in the former navy where unknown.

"Did... did they really have such capabilities...? Our country should... someday..."

The representative of Mu accurately recognized the imminent threat before them and found hope in the potential for scientific and technological advancement.

'Hm... even just looking at their speed performance, it's almost on par with the wind dragons... We must keep a close eye on their movements.'

Growing more uneasy about Japan, Moriaul raised his hand.

"Representative of the Kingdom of Emor, permission granted to speak."

Liage granted permission, and Moriaul stood up.

"By this outrageous act, it has become clear that the Gra Valkas Empire as an enemy stands at the same low as the abomination that is the Ravernal Empire. Gra Valkas should be considered a great enemy disrupting the world. This will serve as a preliminary battle leading up to the future war against Ravernal. As I mentioned before, all nations should cease unnecessary disputes and cooperate around the world to address this."

Everyone nodded in agreement, clearly expressing their willingness to cooperate.

"Therefore, we must first learn about the enemy. The captured ships will be temporarily stored here in Cartalpas, and each country should dispatch technicians for investigation and analysis. At the same time, we must thoroughly extract various information from the prisoners of war."

Almost everyone's demeanor changed, and eager agreement was shown.

'Alright, if we manage and store the captured ships in our country, we can control the situation from here,' Liage inwardly grinned.

Next, Kondō raised his hand.

"We propose that our country keep the captured ships stored within our borders. The Gra Valkas Empire's vessels utilize nonmagical technology, and, with all due respect, appropriate storage facilities outside our country would be impossible."

"Please wait! While it's true that our country is not as advanced in nonmagical civilization, we do have sufficient facilities capable of accommodating the Grade Atlastar, and our technicians are also highly skilled. We can handle it adequately in our country as well."

'As expected, Japan is being meddlesome... This couldn't be more frustrating.'

The Mirishial delegation glanced around, assessing whether everyone was aligning with Japan or Mirishial.

"Knowledge and technology required in the two methods are different. Moreover, there was a time in our country when we operated vessels similar to those of the Gra Valkas, so we can respond immediately."

Upon hearing this, everyone was shaken.

"What? Japan was constructing massive ships? But, the fleet they're bringing along..."

"Preposterous. Why then are they only operating such feeble ships?"

"True, while Japan does operate mechanical ships, they are still... I mean, even so..."

As the specific details of the combat were not disclosed, except for some, most nations believed that the Gra Valkan fleet was significantly weakened by the Mirishial forces, and Japan merely delivered the finishing blow. The reactions of various nations were skeptical, creating an atmosphere somewhat advantageous to Mirishial.

'It would be troublesome if this were to turn into a majority vote.'

Kondō changed the subject.

"Furthermore, I'd like to ask the Emorian Representative about the interrogation methods and treatment of prisoners. What are your thoughts?"

'What does he want to say?'

Perplexed, Moriaul stood up.

"We should use all methods to obtain information effectively during interrogations."

"Does that include torture?"

"Of course. No compromises are allowed to eliminate enemies of the world. The treatment of prisoners should be similarly harsh. If they cooperate with us, then appropriate treatment should be considered, but if they choose to oppose us and threaten the world, there should be no mercy."

Looking around, representatives of various countries seemed to agree with this stance.

"What specifically do you propose?"

"It would be advisable to use harsh treatment as a demonstration to break the enemy's morale significantly, benefiting us."

'Break their morale!? Doing that would only enrage the enemy and prompt them to resist more fiercely! No, even before that, it's a matter of principle!'

"Allow me to speak."

The Foreign Minister stood up and took over from Kondō.

"To be honest, I must say that harsh treatment of prisoners is a poor decision."

"What are you saying!?"

"Are you telling us to be kind to these bastards!?"

"Take that back!"

Amidst the protests, they silenced one by one under his glare. Unlike initially, Japan's influence had significantly increased throughout the naval battles.

"What do you propose then?" Moriaul inquired.

"I propose the enactment of an international treaty prohibiting mistreatment of prisoners and atrocities such as the slaughter and looting of civilians."

Concerned about the ethical implications of the Japanese-Parpaldian War, the Japanese government saw the establishment of wartime conventions applicable worldwide as one of the objectives of this conference. Furthermore, if a full-scale war broke out with the Gra Valkas Empire, the Foreign Minister felt considerable urgency, considering the enormous risk of untold tragedies unfolding both within and outside the Second Civilization Area.

'If that were to happen, we might be seen as ruthless invaders. It's certain that we would incur the intense resentment of the local population, leading to frequent terrorist attacks and partisan warfare. Considering their values, they'd likely opt for suppression... They might even resort to genocide like Parpaldia.'

"You're too soft! That's an unbelievably naïve argument. We must thoroughly crush the enemy and firmly suppress them to prevent them from getting uppity again! Otherwise, they'll undoubtedly repeat their foolishness!"


"We mustn't allow the enemy to get arrogant!"

Moriaul vehemently countered, eliciting successive expressions of agreement.

"Now, I'd like to ask: why did the Parpaldia Empire lose most of its territory?"

"What is he blathering about?"

"It's because they were defeated by Japan, of course."

This time, everyone was perplexed.

"Our nation only targeted military forces and installations; we didn't directly occupy any territories or demand territorial concessions in post-war negotiations."

"Wait, what?"

"Why wouldn't they desire territory after such a resounding victory?"

"Why would they forego an opportunity for expansion like that...?"

In this world's standards, possessing vast territories was a mark of a great power, and Japan's choice seemed like a braindead deviation from that.

"Nevertheless, they lost all territories outside their homeland due to different factors: local rebellions."

"Feh, so they're unable to control even the indigenous people... It seems they deserved their downfall."

Whether it was right or wrong, the representatives at the conference were determined to maintain a certain level of order, forbidding rebellions by the local population.

"And the reason for that is precisely the harsh treatment you advocate. Moreover, the treatment after the conquest was extremely poor. The harsh exploitation and oppression fueled people's resentment, which eventually exploded with the outbreak of war against us. Many prisoners have families and loved ones back home. How do you think they would feel if they were used as examples?"

"Their unjust invasion of the Second Civilization Area brings numerous tragedies! They slaughtered many families and friends! Such barbarians should either pay with their lives or be made to work like beasts for the world's reconstruction!"



'They're like goldfish waste.'

As representatives of other major powers opposed Japan, exploiting this, other delegates began to speak up one after another with contemptuous glances.

"Now, let me ask: are there any nations, among those gathered here as well as from around the world, that have never invaded or conquered another country?"

Those who had been heckling suddenly fell silent.

"Our country has never done such a thing, but what are you implying?" Moriaul asked back.

"You mentioned earlier that our true enemy is the Sorcerous Empire. What actions has this Sorcerous Empire taken against the world in the past?"

"Do you not even know that? The light-winged ones launched invasion after invasion, treated other races like livestock, and earned the hatred and anger of the entire world! As a result, they even incurred the wrath of the gods and were forced to flee with their home entirely. And the few light-winged ones left behind faced revenge from all of mankind as a consequence of their past actions."

"They invaded neighboring countries, treated the local population harshly, incurred intense resentment and anger, and suffered rebellion, much like what happened to Parpaldia."

Moriaul flinched when this was pointed out.

"If you intend to oppose the Sorcerous Empire and truly save all humanity, shouldn't you first rectify such behavior? Our investigations have revealed that similar actions are being undertaken to some extent all over the world. Do you truly have the right to criticize others under such circumstances?"

What humanity is doing now isn't much different from what the Sorcerous Empire did. Upon the Foreign Minister's remarks, some turned red-faced while others visibly tensed up. However, with Moriaul, who had been rebutting Japan, rendered speechless, no one dared to heckle.

"May I interject for a moment?"

The Mirishial representative raised their hand.

"All the nations gathered here wield considerable influence worldwide. If we were to allow arbitrary behavior akin to that of the Sorcerous Empire, the world would already be engulfed in chaos. Your statement is an insult to the efforts of various countries striving to make the world a better and more orderly place. We're well aware that your nation was forced into unwanted warfare by the Parpaldia Empire's declaration of war. While we understand the turmoil you must be going through, we urge you to refrain from making overblown statements."

"Your country recognized the Parpaldia Empire as a major power and acknowledged its international status, didn't it? Doesn't that imply that your country acknowledged the Parpaldia Empire's efforts as building a better order?"

This critique, including Liage's Mirishial associates, caused quite a stir.

"Currently, our nation is making efforts for the reconstruction and development of the Third Civilization Area, but the situation on the ground is far from orderly. Children were resorting to theft and murder just to survive."

The former territories were practically all turned into slums. While the administrative structures and military installations were reasonably maintained, it was for the benefit of the Parpaldians stationed there, with no benefits returned to the local population who were left to fend for themselves. While the overwhelming military power ensured relatively low visible crime rates due to fear, every act to survive became commonplace.

"Is this the scene that lies beyond the pursuit of a better order?"

"We're getting off-tangent! I'd like to return to the original agenda, but with various arguments, it seems impossible to regain control. Therefore, I'd like to adjourn today's meeting!" Liage hastily interjected, and the meeting was adjourned to reconvene in two days.

. . .

The participants, who had been lively upon entering, now left with a somber atmosphere prevailing.


Silent and with grim expressions, they walked with their hearts in turmoil. Representing the entire world and dominated by the five great powers, they sought to showcase their nation's existence and gain further status. However, their mission was sidelined by the arrival of newcomers.

Despite defeating the great powers and swiftly becoming the talk of the world, they still stood outside the civilization areas. They were newcomers from the periphery, outsiders who had come from beyond the highly civilized and prosperous center of the world, which had long been the hub of advanced civilization. No matter how many achievements they amassed, the perception of most civilized nations towards non-civilized countries remained unchanged. Regardless of the power they wielded, newcomers from non-civilized countries should remain quiet and obedient. Such a trivial presence, in the eyes of the civilized nations, should not be allowed the privilege of leading the discussions, let alone challenging the world's mightiest, the Holy Mirishial Empire.

Although everyone had thought they were the ones who could do it, all they ended up doing was heckling from behind the great powers. Their misery overflowed from within, and their pride was deeply wounded. Now, the old norms no longer applied, and they were at a loss for what to do. Until the resumption of the meeting, they continued to vent their grievances against the newcomers: Japan and the Gra Valkas Empire.

. . .

That night, while various discussions were taking place among the delegations in the hotel provided by the Mirishial government, Liage and Moriaul met in a room at the Imperial Cultural Center.

"This is a grave situation... Japan is steadily increasing its influence."

Moriaul's sense of crisis had heightened significantly due to Japan's growing influence.

"And it's all because we honestly revealed the truth about that naval battle. Since then, the perception of Japan has clearly changed."

Until then, various countries' perceptions of Japan had not been filtered through the lens of non-civilized nations, resulting in some interest but also some disdain. Moreover, by being the sole opponent to the formation of the ad hoc coalition forces, they had incurred significant resentment, further swaying in favor of Mirishial. While it was an ideal flow for both countries, they criticized themselves for cutting it off.

"You speak the truth, but there's the example of the Magdola Archipelago. Furthermore, they were directly involved in the naval battle this time. Even if they tell a poor lie, it would only worsen the impression, and the truth would be revealed on the spot. If that happens, all countries may harbor suspicions against us."


Moriaul faltered in the face of Liage's sound reasoning.

"First, let's analyze what they are seeking."

"True, but we know next to nothing about their country."

"I heard you were serving as the ambassador to Japan. Aren't you knowledgeable about Japan?"

"No, I was dispatched to Japan to find the key to opposing the Sorcerous Empire. Therefore, I know very little about Japan itself."

Liage looked at Moriaul with disbelief, but after regaining composure, continued.

"...Anyway, we must prepare for the day after tomorrow. We must consider the handling of the captured enemy ships and prisoners, as well as the wartime treaty they proposed."

"Handling the enemy ships and prisoners should indeed be managed by your country. At the meeting the day after tomorrow, we should collaborate to suppress Japan's opinions."

Riage nodded and discussed specific procedures.

"Now, regarding the wartime treaty."

"I don't think such a complicated procedure is necessary. Above all, there's no need to consider the enemy's wishes."

"No, it's necessary. Otherwise, we might become the invaders ourselves."

"That's going too far."

Moriaul scowled, but Liage looked on bitterly.

"Lord Moriaul, do you know what situations have been caused by the wars that have occurred in the world? War isn't just about armies killing each other. Those who have walked through a sea of blood and witnessed countless deaths adapt their behavior to that environment, making destruction and looting commonplace. Innocent civilians become prey, and casualties in the tens of thousands are not uncommon."

"It's natural when invading enemy territory."

"Don't you realize that such atrocities are unacceptable?"

"The dragonfolk have a strong sense of discrimination against other races and are fierce towards enemies, but we do not tolerate disrespect towards civilians who have nothing to do with it."

"Efforts are made by each country to restrain them as much as possible without considering ethnic cleansing. However, due to supply issues and the need for soldiers to rest, it becomes unavoidable."

"Wait, I want to hear the detailed reasons why it's unavoidable. And ethnic cleansing? There are idiots like that in this world!?"

"Unfortunately, records of atrocities like exterminating entire ethnic groups exist all over the world. And Japan also received a declaration of extermination from the Parpaldia Empire. If they had been defeated, the Japanese would have been wiped out from this world."

Moriaul held his head in pain.

"If the world continues to fight against the Gra Valkas Empire in the Second Civilization Area, it's almost certain that the local population will suffer significant casualties from the invading forces."


"To be honest, it's something I hesitate to even speak about."

'Dammit... This will end up just as Japan predicted!'

Their intention to liberate from invaders would ironically turn them into unjust aggressors, becoming successors of the Sorcerous Empire. Since there were recent examples of this, there was no way to refute it.

"By showing support in this matter, it will also signal our willingness to cooperate with Japan. We cannot let them run wild, but at the same time, we must be careful not to overtly suppress them and provoke too much resentment. We should strengthen our relationship as allies who fight together."

"Even though we proposed it ourselves, it's a difficult situation."

"But we must do it. If we fail, this world will once again be dominated by despair."

. . .

With renewed determination, they faced the challenge ahead, but their attempt would soon stumble, for they were not the only ones preparing for the meeting two days later.

On the Japanese side, they were also coordinating opinions with various countries in collaboration with Mu. As a result, it was decided that Japan would manage the captured ships and prisoners. Furthermore, when it came to the wartime treaty, they had originally intended to express support, but Japan proposed further suggestions.

Namely, "Why not participate in an international organization operated by the Third Civilization Area?"

As a result, this matter was taken back for further consideration, and the decision was left to individual discretion. The situation was completely led by Japan, and even the existence of an international organization that could replace the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference was hinted at, leaving both countries merely manipulated. The tumultuous meeting ended with a strong impression of the collapse of the existing world order and the rising presence of emerging countries that had pushed back existing strong nations.


The next chapter will cover the international organization mentioned.

- Ishiwara

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