A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4

By tanishatribe1118

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Ash and Hayley Ketchum are continuing their journey in following Ash's Dream in becoming a Pokemon Master. As... More

Alola to New Adventure
The Guardian's Challenge
Loading the Dex!
First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style
Yo, ho, ho! Go, Popplio!
A Shocking Grocery Run!
That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!
Lillie's Egg-xhilirating Challenge!
To Top a Totem
Trials and Tribulations
Young Kiawe had a Farm
The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair
Racing to a Big Event!
Getting to Know You!
Rocking Clawmark Hill
They Might Not Be Giants!
Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!
A Seasoned Search!
A Guardian Rematch
Partner Promises!
One Journey Ends, Another Begins...
A Shivering Shovel Search!
Getting the Band Back Together!
Alolan Open House!
A Team-on-Team Tussle!
So Long, Sophocles!
A Glaring Rivalry!
Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!
Lulled to La-La Land!
The Ol' Raise and Switch!
The Island Whisperer!
Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!
Big Sky, Small Fry!
A Crowning Moment of Truth
Currying Favor and Flavor
Trials and Determinations
Mimikyu Unmasked
Mallow and the Forest Teacher
Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence
Mounting an Electrifying Charge
Alola, Kanto
When Regions Collide
A Dream Encounter
Now You See Them, Now You Don't!
Deceiving Appearances
A Masked Warning!
Night of a Thousand Poses
Mission: Total Recall!
Faba's Revenge
Family Determination
Revealing the Stuff of Legend
Rescuing the Unwilling
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight
The Professors' New Adventure

Rising from the Ruins

41 0 0
By tanishatribe1118

The moon shines brightly over the Akala Pokémon center as everyone sleeps in their rooms.

Narrator: Following Ash and Hayley's trial with Olivia, the Island Kahuna, our heroes are sound asleep, resting up before their trip back home tomorrow.

The door opens and Meeko appears, looking at a snoring Ash and a sleeping Pikachu.

Narrator: How's Hayley doing tonight?

Meeko, looking up at the Narrator: Lucar, Lucario.

On the couch, Rowlet snores away next to Pikachu as Rockruff couldn't fall asleep. It was thinking about the grand trial and how it hurt Rowlet by pushing it into the ground.


"Rowlet, Rowlet!" said Ash, picking up Rowlet as it trills softly.

[Flashback ends]

Rockruff then looks over at Rowlet, who slept away. It then jumps off the couch, trying to open the door when Pikachu wakes up to its barking. "Pika?" asked a sleepy Pikachu, taking a look at the other end of the couch. "Pika?"

Pikachu runs over to Ash. "Pika! Pika!" said Pikachu, shaking him awake.

"Hey, Pikachu. Whats up?" asked Ash.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu, pointing over to the couch as Ash grunts and wipes the sleep away.

"Huh?" said Ash, bleary eyed.

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu tells him, letting him know that Rockruff was gone.

"Huh? Rockruff?" Ash asked.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu, pointing out the door.

"Rockruff!" said Ash, now scared for his Pokémon. Out under the moon lit sky, Tapu Lele started to trill until she heard something below her. Rockruff was on its own, aiming its Rock Throw at the side of a cliff, creating rocks to be thrown at itself to practice with.

Tape Lele laughs at Rockruff's training and head towards it. Just as Rockruff was about to send out another Rock Throw, it gave a puzzled bark when rocks fell from the forest line.

Tapu Lele squeals as it gets closer to Rockruff, chuckling that it was training all by itself without Ash. Rockruff whines as it backs way from the Akala Island guardian. Tapu Lele trills as it uses Psychic Terrain around their battle field, causing Rockruff to become angry and growl at the Island Guardian. Tapu Lele laughs, thinking that its growl is cute.

Rockruff jumps up towards Tapu Lele, who dodges the attack and raised its hand to deflect the puppy. Tapu Lele dodges Rockruff again, laughing as she does so. Rockruff uses Rock Throw on Tapu Lele, who giggles before surrounding herself with a glow. It takes in Rock Throw, causing Tapu Lele to attack in full strength at Rockruff.

Rockruff struggles to get up as Tapu Lele laughs at its pain while attacking. "Rockruff! Come here!" Ash shouted into the night.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Rockruff, where are you!" shouted Hayley.

"Lucario!" said Meeko.

"Rockruff!" shouted Ash and Hayley.

"Huh?" said Tapu Lele then disappears into the night.

"Rockruff! Where are you?" shouted Ash as he and Hayley ran up.

"Ash." said Hayley, pointing to the puppy in front of them.

"Huh? Oh, no!" he said and runs over to pick it up. "Rockruff! Are you okay? You're scratched all over!"

As Ash tries to pick it up, Rockruff jumps away and growls at him. "Rockruff...." said Hayley, causing it to growl at her too.




"Rockruff, you've got to get to a Pokémon center." Ash tells it. "You need help from Nurse Joy."

Rockruff shakes its head as it barks and howls into the night. "Rockruff," said Hayley, reaching for the puppy. "you need to go to the Pokémon center right now! No exceptions."

"Rockruff!" barked Rockruff and bites Hayley hard in her hand.

"Ah!" Hayley cried out in pain, pulling her hand back. "That hurts!"

"Cario!" said Meeko, rushing over to Hayley.

"Rockruff." said Ash, holding Hayley against him.

"Pika." said Pikachu when scales floated down. "Pi? Pika? Pika!"

"Ash?" said Hayley, looking at the scales that fell from the sky.

"Wait, could this be....huh?" said Ash with his hand out. "Where do you think you're going?" Rockruff growls and barks at Ash before tackling him to the ground.

"Ah!" said Ash as both trainer and Pokémon rolled around until Rockruff bites Ash in the arm. Ash screams and Rockruff whines, realizing that it has done it again. It looked over at Hayley, who was holding her hand and sniffling a bit. Meeko was at her side, rubbing her face against her trainer's.

"Lucar..." said Meeko.

Ash groans as Rockruff walks out of his arms. "Hey Rockruff!" Ash called out after it went into the bushes.

"Pika! Cario!" said Pikachu and Meeko as they and their trainers went after Rockruff. The next day as the sun shines over the ocean, everyone was looking for Ash and Hayley. "Find them?" Mallow asked Lana.

"Uh-uh." said Lana shaking her head.

"Nothing?" asked Lillie.

"Gone without a trace!" said Rotom.

"I checked all over Paniola Town, but I didn't have any luck." said Kiawe.

"So where could they have gotten off to?" Sophocles asked about the siblings. Rowlet trills and Litten meows as they worried about the siblings as Kukui and Olivia walked up to the group. "Professor?" asked Mallow as he sighs and shakes his head.

"Oh, Ash! Hayley!" said Olivia as she looks behind them.

"Where?" asked Kukui.

"Huh?" said the others. They see Ash and Hayley walk up with the youngest grumbling and muttering. "Pikachu! Lucario!" said Pikachu and Meeko, both looking like their trainers.

"I am never doing something like this ever again." Hayley tells Ash.

"You mean we, right?" he asked, looking at his sister.

"You got it. You know me so well, Ash." said Hayley, looking up at her brother as he gave her a tired smile.

"Pika. Cario." said Pikachu and Meeko as the siblings groaned and fell to the ground.

"Look! Wandering off in the middle of the night is inexcusable!" Kukui said to the siblings.

"Uh, yeah, Professor. You're right. We're sorry. Rowlet." said Ash as Hayley starts to nod off. "Rockruff disappeared and I was really worried, so I woke Hayley to go after it."

"Huh?" they all said.

"Please don't lecture us right now." said Hayley, opening her half bleary eyes. "There's two of us who are already tired and cranky as it is. I'm not even in the mood to argue at this point."

"Don't start, Professor Kukui..." said Meeko in a warning tone.

"We finally did find it, but it ran away." said Ash, letting Hayley lean against him as he looked up at the professor and Olivia. "Do you think it has anything to do with Rockruff evolving?"

"You know, maybe...." said Olivia as Kukui walks over to pick up Hayley and Meeko. "Lycanroc suddenly disappeared on me just before it evolved. It finally came back, but only after its evolution was complete."

"It was all scratched and lying there passed out." explained Ash.


"It's true." said a sleepy Hayley. "Rockruff's hurt."

"Keep looking. This time over a wider area." said Lillie.

"Come on, Popplio." said Lana.

"Pop." said Popplio.

"You too, Steenee." said Mallow.


"I'll climb on Charizard and search from the air." said Kiawe.

"All right. Now...I'll run a simulation and see where Rockruff might go." said Sophocles.

"Togede!" said Togedemaru.

"You guys, thanks so much." said Ash and Hayley.

"Pika! Pika." Pikachu said to Rowlet and Litten.

"Litten." replied Litten as Rowlet trilled. Lycanroc walks over to the bushes and looks over its shoulders, knowing exactly where Rockruff was hiding. On a path somewhere on the island, Rockruff whimpers as it walked when suddenly, it growled into the air. Gladion's Lycanroc heard Rockruff's howl. "What's up, Lycanroc?" asked Gladion.

"Roc." it grunted and takes off towards the direction of Rockruff.

"Be back by nightfall. Hm." said Gladion, seeing that it had business to take care of. He and Umbreon then walked over to the cave entrance and heads inside. Gladion held up a white Pokeball and releases the Pokémon inside. The Pokémon grunts and pants, before growling and shakes its head, wanting to take off its protective head gear.

"It's all right. We're safe in here." Gladion tells it. Once again, the Pokémon wants to take off the protective head gear and stomps its foot.

"You can't go outside. The sun's up." said Gladion, calming it down. "There'll be even more trouble if anyone sees you."

It then growls again in frustration. "If we can just get this thing off, I'm certain it'll make things much easier." said Gladion, taking a closer look. Outside of the cave, Rockruff starts walking past a waterfall, still in pain from its battle with Tapu Lele.

Suddenly, Rockruff hears squawking from above. "Huh?" said Rockruff, then jumps back and yelps as a Fearow passes by, causing Rockruff to squeal and fall into the water below.

"Nothing here either." said Mallow as she and Steenee looked inside a bush.

"Steenee." said Steenee.

"Rockruff!" Lillie called out.

"Where are you?" said Lana. In the air, Charizard growls as it and Kiawe looked for Rockruff. "Ma!" said Togedemaru as she and Sophocles looked under a table.

"Hey, Rockruff! Where are you?" Ash called out as Rowlet trills behind him.

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu calls out.

"Lucar! Lucario!" said Meeko.

"Litten!" said Litten.

"Rockruff, please?" said Ash.

"Gove us your location." said Rotom.


"Pika! Lucar!"

Out of the river, Rockruff was on dry land still with scratches on its body. Both Midday and Midnight forms of Lycanroc appeared, concerned for Rockruff as they both growled at each other. Soon enough, Midday Lycanroc gave a puzzled growl when its Midnight counterpart picked up Rockruff. Midnight Lycanroc grunts at its Midday counterpart, as though telling it that they both needed to take Rockruff to Tapu Lele.

"Lele! Tapu Lele! Tapu Lele!" said Tapu Lele as she flies around the ruins. "Tapu Lele! Tapu! Tapu Lele! Lele. Tapu Lele." As Tapu Lele spreads her scales, an injured Gumshoos walks under her. "Gumshoos." it said as scales landed on it and smiles. "Gumshoos! Gum!"

"Tapu Lele!" giggled the Akala island guardian as both Lycanroc came out of the bushes with Rockruff.

"Lycan." said Midnight Lycanroc.

"Tapu." said Tapu Lele, facing them.

"Lycan. Roc. Lycan!" Midnight Lycanroc tells the island Guardian. Tapu Lele became angry by what it told her and threw the Midnight form back. "Lycan." groaned the Midnight form.

"Lele." said Tapu Lele as she sprinkles her scales. Midday Lycanroc brings Rockruff forward so it could be healed. "Lycan! Roc! Roc!" begged Midday Lycanroc.

"Tapu." squealed Tapu Lele, recognizing that this Lycanroc belonged to the Island Kahuna, who then sees Rockruff's injures. "Tap...." Tapu Lele thinks back to when she was fighting Rockruff and giggles about it. "Tapu Lele!" giggled Tapu Lele as she releases some scales on Rockruff, hoping that its scratches would disappear. "Lele!"

Her healing scales didn't help Rockruff's injures. "Lele." giggled an angry Tapu Lele as she glowed, causing Midday Lycanroc to jump in and be thrown back as well. Midnight Lycanroc growled at Tapu Lele for what she did. "Lycan! Roc!" it growled at her as its Midday form joined it.

"Lele." Tapu Lele giggled at both Lycanrocs.

"Rockruff. Where are you?" Ash called out again.

"Rockruff." said Kukui.

"Reply if you can hear us." said Rotom as Rowlet and Litten called out.

"Pikachu? Lucario?" Pikachu and Meeko called out.

"Litten." said Litten.

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu called out and suddenly collides with Litten.



"Cario!" said Meeko.

"So, Ash, Hayley, any idea where Rockruff might be?" Olivia asked. "Any idea at all?"

"I don't have a clue." said Ash.

"Me either." said Hayley.

"Gumshoos!" said Gumshoos, popping out of the bushes.

"Whats that?" asked Ash.

"Huh?" said Olivia and Kukui.

"Pi? Pika! Pika!" said Pikachu, reaching for the scales.

"Huh?" said Ash as he and Hayley looked over at Pikachu, then remember what happened.


"Pika. Pi? Pika. Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Ash?" said Hayley, looking at the scales that fell from the sky.

"Could this be?" Ash asked with his hand out.

[Flashback ends]

"Tapu Lele. It's around here somewhere." said Ash.

"No way." said Hayley.

"Tapu Lele? What makes you say that?" asked Kukui.

"Professor, I think Rockruff must have gone to see Tapu Lele." said Ash.

"That isn't good." said Olivia.

"What do you mean?" Kukui asked.

"Tapu Lele's glowing scales can heal Pokémon, but Tapu Lele can also act rather unpleasant, although she doesn't mean to." Olivia explained. "She thinks she's being playful, when in fact she's being cruel."

"Oh no." said Hayley.

"Hayley? Meeko?" said Ash.

"Too late. I'm already envisioning what I'm seeing and I'm not liking it at all." said Hayley, shuddering at her imagination of what Tapu Lele could do to Rockruff.

"Lucario....Cario!" said Meeko, covering her eyes at what she was imagining as well.

"Oh!" said Ash.

"And Tapu Lele has no idea? That data does not compute." said Rotom.

"It's true." said Olivia. "Tapu Lele loves to play during Pokémon battles. But she's strong. In fact, she's so strong, she doesn't realize she could leave her opponents badly injured during one of her playful battles."

"Oh!" said Ash and Hayley as they take off.

"Pika! Lucar!" said Pikachu and Meeko.

"Ash! Hayley!" Kukui called out after them.

"Listen, you two!" said Olivia. "Tapu Lele has been seen around the Ruins of Life."

"Rockruff was covered in scratches. Did it battle with Tapu Lele and got hurt?" thought Ash.

"If Rockruff battled Tapu Lele, did she ever try to heal it?" thought Hayley. The sun was setting as the small group climbed to the Ruins of Life. Out on the battlefield, Ash and Hayley see Rockruff laying on the ground, still covered in scratches while both forms of Lycanroc battled Tapu Lele.

"Pika! Cario!" said Pikachu and Meeko as they exited the bushes.

"No, don't!" said Ash as he and Hayley got in front Lycanroc and Rockruff.

"Please stop, Tapu Lele." said Hayley.

"Tapu." said Tapu Lele, anger disappearing from her eyes.

"Uh!" said Ash as both Midday and Midnight forms of Lycanroc growled at Tapu Lele.

"Tapu!" cooed Tapu Lele as the glow from her body disappeared, giggling as she heads towards them.

"No!" said Ash, running towards Rockruff to protect it.

"Lycan." said Midnight Lycanroc as it and its counterpart went over to protect Ash.

"Tapu Lele." said Tapu Lele.

"Lyc." said Midnight Lycanroc as Tapu Lele kissed it on the cheek, causing it to fall to the ground. "Can."

"Lele. Tapu." said Tapu Lele, doing the same thing to Midday Lycanroc.

"Lycanroc." said Ash.

"Hey, Ash." said Professor Kukui as he and Olivia finally caught up to the siblings.

"Pika. Lucar." said Pikachu and Meeko.

"Hold on." said Olivia.


"Tapu." said Tapu Lele, kissing Ash on the cheek and lets him fall to the ground.

"Ash!" screamed Hayley, tears falling down her face as Tapu Lele picks her up and places her in front of Olivia and Kukui.

"Lele." said Tapu Lele, giggling as she flies up into the air and raises her arms, glowing as she tries to heal Rockruff.

"No way." said Hayley.

"Unbelievable." said Olivia. "Tapu Lele's healing Rockruff."

Rockruff's body starts to glow and its injures fade away. "Of course. That's Draining Kiss." said Kukui.

"Hm." said Olivia.

"Are you sure? That's a fairy type move that allows someone to drain an opponent's energy." said Rotom.

"Right. Tapu Lele is taking energy she drained from Ash and both Lycanroc and then giving it back to Rockruff." said Kukui.

"Why didn't Tapu Lele drain my energy?" asked Hayley.

"I don't know." Kukui tells her.





Just then, Rockruff opens its eyes, whimpering as it looks up to see Ash by its side and starts licking its face. Then Ash opened his eyes to see Rockruff moving around. "Hey, Rockruff. You're all right." said Ash.

Both Lycanrocs start to get up along with Ash. "Tapu Lele." giggled Tapu Lele as her scales drifted down and soars across the cliff's edge. "Lele! Lele! Tapu Lele. Lele!"

Rockruff walks over to the battlefield's edge, watching the sun set as Hayley runs over to her brother, whimpering. "Rockruff." said Ash and Hayley as Rockruff steps up with its two front paws.

Just as the sun was finally setting, a green light appears. "Wow, check out the sun." said Ash.

"Pretty." said Hayley.

"That glow." said Olivia.

"Is that the green flash?" asked Kukui, when Rockruff starts to howl.

"Rockruff." said Ash. Both Lycanrocs howled alongside Rockruff as it starts to glow, screech and evolve. "It's evolving." said Ash and Hayley as they see that Rockruff evolved into a Lycanroc. "Uh! Lycanroc."

"Tapu Lele! Lele! Lele! Lele!" said Tapu Lele, smiling as she leaves the Ruins of Life.

All three Lycanroc howled at the sunset. "No data. No data. It's not the Midday form or the Midnight form." said Rotom. "It's evolved into an unknown form of Lycanroc."

"Yeah and you're doing the gender of your Lycanroc." said Hayley.

"Smart move, sis." said Ash as he shakes with excitement. "Wow. Ha! So cool, Lycanroc."

"Roc." barked Lycanroc.

"Pika! Lucar!" said Pikachu and Meeko as they, Hayley, Litten and Rowlet ran over to them.

"The fact that it evolved this way may have been the result of the green flash." said Kukui.

"Whats the green flash?" asked the siblings.

"Remember how the sun's light was green for an instant?" Kukui asked. "That's called the green flash. It's a rare natural phenomenon that can only been seen when only the sun rises or sets."

"The green flash is something that is hardly ever seen." said Olivia with tears streaming down her face. "Legend says, those who have witnessed the green flash are given a bit of extraordinary good luck. And now, along with your Lycanroc...."

"Awesome!" said Hayley.

"Lucario!" said Meeko.

"Hey, Olivia, you sure you're all right?" asked Ash.

"What she needs is a hug, the Hayley way!" said Hayley, jumping onto Olivia's back. "My hugs are always one of a kind."

"You never gave me a Hayley hug." said Kukui, pouting a bit.

"You more than welcome to get one, Professor Kukui." said Hayley, knowing full well that he was teasing her. "All you gotta do is ask."

"I'll give you a hug, Professor Kukui. I'll give you the Meeko hug!" said Meeko, giving the man a hug.

"Huh?" said Ash, looking at his Lycanroc's eyes. "Lycanroc's eyes are green like the sunlight a while ago."

"Since Lycanroc evolved at sunset, we should probably call it a Dusk Form Lycanroc, right?" asked Kukui.

"I agree." said Hayley.

"Lycanroc, you evolved into a Dusk Form!" exclaimed Ash as Rowlet trilled, rocking back and forth on Lycanroc's back, nuzzling its fur while Lycanroc howled into the night.

The next day as they sailed away from Akala Island, Hayley was cuddled up with Emma, her newly named Lycanroc. "Lycanroc's really cool." said Lana.

"And just yesterday it was a tiny little Rockruff." said Mallow.

"That's an evolutionary form I havent read about in any book." said Lillie.

"A form that nobody could have predicted." said Kiawe.

"And it's called the Dusk Form." added Sophocles.

"Hey Rotom? How do you deal with any data you don't already have?" asked Ash.

"First, I do what I just did and update my photographic database." said Rotom. "Next, I come up with a way to describe it and that way, all newly discovered Pokémon would be available to be downloaded by varies other Pokedexes."

"Good for you." said Ash.

"Very good." said Hayley, sleepily as Emma takes her and Meeko to the top of the boat.

"That's a wonderful idea." said Lillie.

"Guess that means Rotom Dexes evolve too." said Sophocles.

"You know, I'm a Pokémon professor, but even I'm surprised at their mysteries." said Kukui.

"Your students are pretty surprising mysteries, too, especially when they show how mature they are." said Olivia in agreement, causing Kukui to chuckle.

"Aw, Akala Island was so much fun, and now it's getting farther and farther away." said Mallow, looking back at the island.

"Well, you don't have to be strangers." Olivia told Mallow. "Let me know, I'll bring my boat anytime, okay?"

"Okay!" said the others.

"O.....kay." yawned Hayley as she arrived where Olivia and Kukui were.

"Lucar...Cario." Meeko yawned as well.

"(Grunts) Lets come back here soon." Ash said to Lycanroc. "After all, this is where you evolved."

"Roc!" said Lycanroc.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Litten!" said Litten.

"(Trills)" said Rowlet.

Narrator: We saw the Midday and Midnight forms of Lycanroc, but Ash's Lycanroc didn't evolve into either one of them.

Hayley, rubbing her eyes: I say it evolved somewhere in the middle.

Meeko: Lucario.

Narrator: Right. Just how the Dusk Form Lycanroc learns and grows is still a mystery but our heroes can't wait to find out, as our journey continues.

Hayley: And I'm taking a nap. I didn't get my hours of sleep last night.

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