Trials and Tribulations

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"Mm. Won't be long now." said Ash as he pours a couple boxes of Pokémon food in a couple bowls.

"Pika!" squealed Pikachu as he, Meeko and Rockruff were waiting.

"There!" said Ash, as a piece of the Pokémon food fell out of the first bowl. "Yeah! Here's breakfast!"

"Pikachu!" squealed Pikachu, wanting Ash to put down the bowls.

"Hey, careful!" He tells them. "I don't want to spill it, okay?"

"Pikachu! Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Eat it up." Ash finally says, putting the bowl down.

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu.

"Hayley! Are you coming down or what?" asked Ash as Pikachu and Rockruff try to head for the bowl at the same time.

"I'm coming!" said Hayley, already halfway down the ladder. "I was getting my Z-Ring. You don't have to rush me, Ash."

"Sorry. I didn't mean it." replied Ash, then suddenly his stomach starts rumbling. "Guess I'm hungry too." As Ash starts eating and Hayley finally downstairs, Kukui was reading the newspaper. "Hey! Yesterday's adventures made the paper!" exclaimed Kukui.

"May I see it, too?" asked Rotom. "The surprising actions of a young boy named Ash Ketchum and his sister, Hayley, in cooperation with the Kahuna Hala were an eye-opening sight. Both brother and sister obtained the help of the Totem Pokémon Gumshoos and its allies by battling it in a trial and successfully drove off the Rattata and Raticate, who had been causing trouble all over the city. It is further noted that Ash and Hayley will each receive a commendation certificate by Officer Jenny."

"That's awesome!" said Ash.

"Wicked." said Hayley. Just then, the doorbell rings. "Huh? I'll get it." said Ash, heading towards the door. "Coming!"

"Pika! Cario!"

"Alola! It's good to see you." said Officer Jenny.

"Hi, Officer Jenny." said Ash as he was joined by Hayley and Kukui. "You too, Gumshoos."

"Well, well, a partner?" asked an amused Kukui. "I give it a heart stamp of approval."

"Thanks to all your hard work, I was able to find a capable partner." said Officer Jenny, saluting. "Thank you so much."

"Gumshoos." said Gumshoos, saluting as well.

"Wow, good for you Gumshoos! That's really cool!" said Ash.

"It's better than cool." said Hayley, swallowing the last bit of food she had in her mouth. "That's really tremendous."

"It's obvious Gumshoos is a patient and tenacious Stakeout Pokémon." said Rotom. "I estimate compatibility with Officer Jenny to be 99.7%."

"Gumshoos." Gumshoos said, blushing.

"Pikachu?" asked Pikachu.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Ash, I understand you and Hayley will be participating in the grand trial today." said Officer Jenny.

"Right!" said Ash and Hayley.

"Wonderful. I'd like to drive both of you to Iki Town in my patrol car." said Officer Jenny, then looks over to Kukui. "May I?"

"Yes please!" said Hayley.

"That'd be great. We'd love to do that!" said Ash.

"Thanks very much." Kukui said to Officer Jenny. "You drove a long way just to give Ash and Hayley a ride."

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