Currying Favor and Flavor

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"All right, then. The grand trial between Olivia, Ash and Hayley the challenging Trainers, is now about to get underway!" said Professor Kukui.

"And I just can't wait." said Ash.

"Me either." said Hayley.

"Okay and I expect you both to hit me with your best shots." said Olivia.

"We will." said Ash. "All right, Litten, I choose you."

Just as he throws Litten's Pokeball, Litten didn't come out. "Huh? What's going on? Come on, Litten. Please come out."

"Oh boy." said Hayley.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"Guess not today." said Ash, then switches out Litten's Pokeball for another. "All right, then, Rowlet, I choose you."

"Pikachu." said Pikachu as he went over to Rowlet.

"Whats going on here?" Ash asked as he picks up Rowlet. "Hey, what's up? Come out, please. Come on. Huh!" Suddenly, the Pokeball in his hand became bigger and turned into a Voltorb.

"Voltorb. Voltorb!" it said, facing Ash.

"A Voltorb?" asked Ash. Ash screams, waking up from his nightmare, hitting his head on the top bunk which caused Sophocles to be awaken.

"Oh, my head!" said Ash, his hands went to the injured area.

"What was that all about?" asked Kiawe.

"I was just a dream." said Ash.

"Man, quit scaring us like that." said Sophocles.

"Yeah, Ash. Thanks for waking everybody up." said Kiawe. "I bet even Hayley heard that next door." Ash chuckles nervously as Pikachu hops into his shoulder and licks his face.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Thanks, Pikachu." he said, scratching his head before looking down at his Z-Ring.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"Right." said Ash. "Today's the day Hayley and I are about to challenge the Island Kahuna to a Grand Trial."

"Pika, Pika!" said Pikachu.

Narrator: Our heroes are enjoying their Akala Island field trip under the watchful eye of Olivia, the island kahuna, with new adventures to experience every day.

Hayley: I wonder what kind of adventure today will bring.

Narrator: Let's find out.

Meeko: Cario.

"Turtonator." said Turtonator, causing the kids to look behind them.

"Maro!" said Marowak

"Turt!" growled Turtonator.

"(Sighs) Come on. Stop fighting." said Kiawe.

"Maro. Maro." Marowak tells Kiawe.

"Turtonator." said Turtonator when suddenly Marowak knocks Turtonator hard to the ground. Kiawe sighs and looks over at Hayley with a pleading look on his face.

"Don't worry. I got this, Kiawe." said Hayley as she and Meeko went up to the two Pokémon. "Listen you two, there's no need to fight in the Pokémon center."

"Turtonator." said Turtonator, knowing better than to fight in a Pokémon Center.

"Wak!" grumbled Marowak crossing its arms.

"Excuse me?" said Hayley, her voice becoming dangerously low. "What was that, Marowak?"

"Maro, Marowak, Maro." said Marowak, taunting her.

A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now