Lulled to La-La Land!

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Near a stream of water, Ash takes out some tent poles from a bag. "Yeah! Like this?" he asked.

"That's the way it's done." said Sophocles, reading the directions. "Now there are only 11 more to good." Ash groans as he looks over at Sophocles. Hayley was doing a cartwheel with Meeko not far behind Lillie while Lana and Mallow were setting up the food station.

Narrator: Ash, Hayley and their schoolmates are camping out. And the first order of business looks like they're pitching their tents.

Hayley: The boys are. I would help, but you know how stubborn Ash is.

On one end of the table, Mallow chops up some carrots while Steenee places them in a bowl. "Thanks a lot, Steenee." said Mallow.

"Steenee!" said Steenee. Lillie looks around for a moment, trying to figure out how to start a fire when Litten and Meeko walk up.

"Hm? Oh! Great!" said Lillie, seeing both fire type Pokémon walk up. "Would either of you mind lighting the fire for me, please?"

"Litten!" said Litten, starting the fire for her.

"Litten, thank you so much." Lillie said, praising the cat when Snowy decided to put it out.

"Vul!" said Snowy, dowsing the fire.

"Wow." said Hayley, staring at their makeshift stove as she walks up behind Lillie. "I don't know how to respond to Snowy's feelings about this."

"Vul!" said Snowy, looking up at Lillie.

"Snowy! What will I do with you?" she asked.

"Lucar." sighed Meeko as Lillie turns to face Hayley.

"Who are you talking to just a moment ago?" Lillie asked, catching Jordan off guard, causing the young girl to laugh nervously.

"Um...." said Hayley, as she looks up at the sky before sighing. "Nobody....I was talking to Meeko. Right, Meeko?"

"Lucario." said Meeko, nodding her head vigorously and points to herself. "Cario, Lucar."

"All right!" shouted Ash as he, Sophocles and Kiawe finally sets up the tents. "Now that's the way it's done!"

"It looks perfect." said Rotom.

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu added as he, Hayley, Rotom, Meeko, Rockruff and Togedemaru ran inside the tent.

"It's the lap of luxury." said Rotom.

"Thanks for setting up the tents, boys." said Hayley.

"Pop! Pop! Pop!" said Popplio, clapping.

"And the curry's almost ready too." said Mallow.

"Yeah." said Ash with stars in his eyes.

"I can hardly wait." said Sophocles, smelling the food in the air.

"Do you all know?" Lana asked the others.

"Huh?" they said, facing her.

"This forest has a scary history." Lana continued with a flashlight shining on her face, causing all but Hayley to scream.

"What kind of history?" asked Ash.

"People who enter this forest....fall asleep for no good reason at all and they have no idea that it's happening." explained Lana. "And when they wake up..."

"Wake up? Then what happens?" they asked as Lana screams hysterically, in which most of them shrieked.

"They're just skin and bones, like they haven't eaten in forever." Lana finished.

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