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At the Melemele airport, passengers were coming off the plane, including a certain familiar trio of passengers that we all know. "At last. The Alola region...." said Jessie.

"This great and distant land gives us a new start for both the body and mind." said James.

"Yeah, we're gonna do everything for the greatest boss in all of boss land." said Meowth.

"Wobbuffet!" said Wobbuffet.


"In the Alola region, many rare Pokémon can be found." said Giovanni.

"All right, Persian, you pompous jerk." thought Meowth. "Go ahead and enjoy sitting happily on the Boss's lap while you can. I'm gonna be number one, then you know what you can do? You can just try the floor for a change, chump!"

"Now, go and collect Pokémon the likes of which I never seen before!" Giovanni said to the trio. "Fulfill the ambitions of Team Rocket!"

"Roger!" they shouted.

[Flashback ends]

"Catching Pokémon...." said Jessie.

"And conquering Alola!" said James.

"Ha-Cha-Cha!" said Team Rocket.

Narrator: While starting their new lives in Alola, Ash and Hayley received a strangely shaped Pokedex from Professor Kukui at the Pokémon school.

Hayley: Let's be honest here. It's so....weird looking.

Meeko: Cario, Lucari.

"Now, let's activate the Pokedex..." said Kukui, as Ash and Hayley gasped. Downstairs, Kukui was at his computer with Ash and Hayley behind him. "Perfect! We're all connected!"



Lights above them started to static with electricity and Rockruff gave a puzzled yap.



"Here it comes." said Professor Kukui.

"What?" asked Ash and Hayley.

"Pi...Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucar...." said Meeko. The lights were flickering as Rockruff gets scared by the sound and Meeko gets into protective mode. "What's going on?" asked Ash.

"What's happening?" asked Hayley.

"Just watch and you'll see." said Kukui and out of the wall socket was a Rotom.

"Ah!" shouted Ash and Hayley screams.

"Pika! Lucario!" shouted Pikachu and Meeko.

"It's a Rotom!" Ash exclaimed as Rotom went around the room.

"And now we just have to wait for Rotom to go inside." said Kukui.

"Go inside? The Pokedex?" asked Ash.

"Finally!" said Hayley. "I can take a break from calling the Pokedex, Dexter."

Kukui gave her a confused look as Ash sighs in defeat. "What? Is it a bad thing?" she asked, then turns to her brother. "Ash, you know as well as I do that it's been long overdue on my part for calling the Pokedex, Dexter. I need a break!"

"That's true. It will give you a break." said Ash. Just then, Rotom stops at a wall and goes straight for the Pokedex in Ash's hands. "Oh!" said Ash.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now