Young Kiawe had a Farm

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It was early the next morning and Rockruff was yawning. Following the yawn, Hayley and Meeko yawned as well. "Pikachu!" Pikachu said to Rockruff, causing the puppy to chase after him.

Narrator: After defeating Kahuna Hala and now armed with two Z-Crystals each, Ash and Hayley are taking an advantage of time off from school with some rigorous training.

Hayley, glaring sleepily: Meh.

"Cario....Lucar." yawned Meeko, blinking blearily.

"Can we go back to bed now?" asked Hayley, rubbing her eyes. "It's too early and the sun is barely up."

"Yeah! Can we go back to bed, please?" begged Meeko.

" Hayley, you and Meeko promised that you would help me." Ash said over his shoulder at his baby sister. "Besides, the two of you need to do this too, you know." Hayley whined a little before Kukui wrapped a blanket around her.

"Thank you." Hayley said quietly, wrapping the blanket around Meeko as well.

"Okay, Pikachu, ready to go?" Ash asked.

"Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Ash, you realize you could also try that out with Rowlet, right?" Kukui pointed out.


"Remember, Rowlet knows tackle, which is a normal type move." said Kukui. "As long as you and Hayley have a Normalium Z, Rowlet and Leilani can use a Z-Move too. You see?"

"Really? Okay, let's try." said Ash. "Go, Rowlet." Rowlet hoots and trills as it was released from its Pokeball.

"This sand feels nice." mumbled Hayley as she starts to sit down with Meeko about to curl right up into Hayley's side.

"Lucario." said a tired Meeko.

"Oh, no you don't." said Kukui, pulling her back to feet. "You both are trying this after your brother, Hayley."

"You know that if I have start waking up this early every single day because of Ash's training, that means one of you is putting me to bed early every night." said Hayley.

"I know." said Kukui.

"Rowlet?" said Ash, ignoring the conversation behind him. "You're going to try using a Z-move." Rowlet gives out a hoot as Ash places the Normalium Z in his Z-Ring.

"All right, let's do it!" said Ash as he makes a Z-Move with Rowlet.

"Excellent! Rowlet surrounded itself with its Z-Power!" said Kukui.

"Yeah! All right, Rowlet, Breakneck Blitz!" shouted Ash and Rowlet starts running towards the water. "Maximum power!" Rowlet hits the ocean, parting the water around it before coming to a stop and hoots happily. "(Gasps) That's some power." said Ash.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Whoa. Lucar." said Hayley and Meeko.

"You see? Z-Moves really are your trump card." Kukui tells Ash and Hayley.

"They're amazing all right." said Ash. "Great! Come on back, Rowlet!" Rowlet tiredly flies back as the water goes back to its original state. "Rowlet, you okay?" asked Ash.

"Looks like Z-Moves drain Rowlet's energy quickly." said Rotom.

"It can drain Rowlet to use a Z-Move now, but the more you train with it, the less energy a Z-Move will take to execute. You'll see." said Kukui, then turns to Hayley.

"Right. Rowlet, take a good rest." said Ash, returning Rowlet to its Pokeball.

"Now Hayley, it's your turn." said Kukui, looking down at the yawning 8-year-old.

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