A Seasoned Search!

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Narrator: This is Mallow's family restaurant, owned by Mallow's father. Say, it looks like the gang's all here! I wonder what's going on. Do you know, Hayley? Meeko?

Hayley: We're being taste testers for a dish Mallow's making. What kind of dish, she didn't say.

Meeko, patting her stomach: Lucar!

Narrator: Sounds delicious.

"Man, I can't wait." said Ash with his elbows on the table. "Wonder what we're going to get?"

"Pikachu! Lucario!" said Pikachu and Meeko.

"Hi, guys!" said Mallow, entering the dining room. "Thanks for coming over and sampling something from our brand-new menu!"

"So, is it ready yet?" asked Kiawe.

"Now, calm down. It'll be ready in no time." Mallow tells him. "Just relax."

Suddenly, Sophocles' stomach starts rumbling loudly. "I even skipped lunch to be part of this. I'm so hungry!" said Sophocles, causing everyone to laugh.

"Bounsweet." panted Bounsweet, carrying a glass of water to Ash.

"Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Hey, thanks, Bounsweet." said Ash.

"Helping out at work, huh." said Lillie. "What a sweet Pokémon."

"Bounsweet!" squealed Bounsweet, releasing Sweet Scent. Rowlet trills sleepily and smells Sweet Scent, getting close to Bounsweet.

"Bounsweet! Hm!" said Bounsweet, knocking Rowlet down.

"Bounsweet's working, so stay out of the way." Ash said to Rowlet, who trills.

"Oh! That smells so good." said Sophocles.

"Guess that Sweet Scent affected Sophocles too." said Lana.

"No way!" said Sophocles. "I wasn't talking about Bounsweet!"

"That's from the kitchen." said Kiawe.

"Yeah, youre right." said Ash.

"I can't wait anymore!" said Hayley, holding her Pokémon egg close to her stomach as they all smell the delicious food Mallow was making. "That smells so good that I want to eat it all."

"Lucar, Lucario!" squealed Meeko, sighing in delight. Pikachu walks into the kitchen, following the smell when Mallow picks him up.

"Pikachu. Pika?" said Pikachu.

"Hey, Pikachu! Would you mind helping me?" she asked.

"Pika?" Pikachu asked as Mallow picks him up.

"Mm." said Ash, daydreaming about the dish when suddenly Pikachu's thunderbolt flashed through the window. "What's going on in there?" Everyone gasped as Mallow comes out, singed from Pikachu's thunderbolt.

"Oh my." said Hayley as Mallow whimpers.

"Mallow! You're all burnt!" said Lana.

"Are you all right?" asked Lillie.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Here!" Mallow said, chuckling as she held out a bowl. "My legendary Alolan stew is ready!"

"It's legendary?" asked Kiawe.

"I could eat it all!" said Sophocles and Hayley.

"Whoa! It looks so good." said Ash.

"It's a little bit burnt." said Kiawe.

"And I made this one for you!" said Mallow, setting down two bowls for the Pokémon. "My special Pokémon food recipe!"

"Wow, Mallow, thanks!" they all said, then digs into their food. "Mm!" After one bite, they suddenly screamed as they feel the thunderbolt in their food. "What happened?" asked Rotom.

A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now