Mimikyu Unmasked

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Narrator: By winning the Akala Island grand trial, Ash and Hayley have both earned their Rockium Z.

Hayley: And I was given a new Pokémon, a Midnight form Lycanroc, named Emma.

Narrator: That's right and let's not forget that Leilani evolved too.

Hayley: Yep.

Meeko: Lucario!

Narrator: With Pikachu and his newly evolved Lycanroc, our heroes now head to the Pokémon school in high spirits!

"So, what do you say we try out a rock-type Z-Move together?" asked Ash.

"Lycan." said Lycanroc.

"I would like to see that, too!" said Rotom.

"I'm bursting at the seams." said Hayley.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Alola, Ash and Hayley!" Mallow called out.

"Hm? Mallow! Alola!" said Ash.

"Alola!" said Rotom and Hayley. Just then, Kiawe appears with his Charizard.

"Alola, Kiawe." said Ash and Hayley.

"Alola, Charizard." said Hayley, smiling.

"Alola." said Mallow.

"Alola! You're kind of early today." said Kiawe as Charizard gently roars at Hayley and Meeko.

"(Chuckles) Since Olivia gave Hayley and I a Rockium Z each, we both wanted to try it out right away." said Ash.

"Well, let's get to it." said Kiawe as a couple of shadows appears behind Pikachu and Meeko.

"Pika." said Pikachu as a glass orb picks him up.

"Lucario!" screamed Meeko as the other picks her up.

"Pikachu!" shouted Ash.

"Meeko!" shouted Hayley.

"Pika! Lucar!" said Pikachu and Meeko as they flew over to Team Rocket.

"And another picture-perfect flight." said Meowth.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucari." said Meeko.

"Like taking candy from a Twerp." said Jessie.

"Watching the Alolan sunrise made it all bearable." said James.

"Team Rocket!" said Ash and Hayley.

"Pi! Pika!" shouted Pikachu as he tries to use thunderbolt.

"You dopes never learn." said Jessie and James.

"Wobbuffet." said Wobbuffet.

"Lucario, Cario." said Meeko.

"You want to go first, Ash?" asked Hayley.

"You bet. All right." said Ash. "I'll just try out a Rock-Type Z-Move right now. Lycanroc!"

"Lycan!" growled Lycanroc.

"Excuse me? Luggage rack?" asked Jessie.

"Get your ears cleaned." said Meowth. "It's Lycanroc."

"Hm. Wait. It's different." said James, looking through his Alolan handbook and lands on the Lycanroc page. "There! See? My illustrated reference guide proves it."

"Do tell." said Meowth.

"It's as rare as finding a Twerp with a whole brain." said Jessie. "And we all know that rare means money. Perfect timing."

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