A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4

By tanishatribe1118

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Ash and Hayley Ketchum are continuing their journey in following Ash's Dream in becoming a Pokemon Master. As... More

Alola to New Adventure
The Guardian's Challenge
Loading the Dex!
First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style
Yo, ho, ho! Go, Popplio!
A Shocking Grocery Run!
That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!
Lillie's Egg-xhilirating Challenge!
To Top a Totem
Trials and Tribulations
Young Kiawe had a Farm
The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair
Racing to a Big Event!
Getting to Know You!
Rocking Clawmark Hill
They Might Not Be Giants!
Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!
A Seasoned Search!
A Guardian Rematch
Partner Promises!
One Journey Ends, Another Begins...
A Shivering Shovel Search!
Getting the Band Back Together!
Alolan Open House!
A Team-on-Team Tussle!
So Long, Sophocles!
A Glaring Rivalry!
Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!
Lulled to La-La Land!
The Ol' Raise and Switch!
The Island Whisperer!
Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!
Big Sky, Small Fry!
A Crowning Moment of Truth
Trials and Determinations
Rising from the Ruins
Mimikyu Unmasked
Mallow and the Forest Teacher
Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence
Mounting an Electrifying Charge
Alola, Kanto
When Regions Collide
A Dream Encounter
Now You See Them, Now You Don't!
Deceiving Appearances
A Masked Warning!
Night of a Thousand Poses
Mission: Total Recall!
Faba's Revenge
Family Determination
Revealing the Stuff of Legend
Rescuing the Unwilling
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight
The Professors' New Adventure

Currying Favor and Flavor

38 0 0
By tanishatribe1118

"All right, then. The grand trial between Olivia, Ash and Hayley the challenging Trainers, is now about to get underway!" said Professor Kukui.

"And I just can't wait." said Ash.

"Me either." said Hayley.

"Okay and I expect you both to hit me with your best shots." said Olivia.

"We will." said Ash. "All right, Litten, I choose you."

Just as he throws Litten's Pokeball, Litten didn't come out. "Huh? What's going on? Come on, Litten. Please come out."

"Oh boy." said Hayley.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"Guess not today." said Ash, then switches out Litten's Pokeball for another. "All right, then, Rowlet, I choose you."

"Pikachu." said Pikachu as he went over to Rowlet.

"Whats going on here?" Ash asked as he picks up Rowlet. "Hey, what's up? Come out, please. Come on. Huh!" Suddenly, the Pokeball in his hand became bigger and turned into a Voltorb.

"Voltorb. Voltorb!" it said, facing Ash.

"A Voltorb?" asked Ash. Ash screams, waking up from his nightmare, hitting his head on the top bunk which caused Sophocles to be awaken.

"Oh, my head!" said Ash, his hands went to the injured area.

"What was that all about?" asked Kiawe.

"I guess.....it was just a dream." said Ash.

"Man, quit scaring us like that." said Sophocles.

"Yeah, Ash. Thanks for waking everybody up." said Kiawe. "I bet even Hayley heard that next door." Ash chuckles nervously as Pikachu hops into his shoulder and licks his face.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Thanks, Pikachu." he said, scratching his head before looking down at his Z-Ring.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"Right." said Ash. "Today's the day Hayley and I are about to challenge the Island Kahuna to a Grand Trial."

"Pika, Pika!" said Pikachu.

Narrator: Our heroes are enjoying their Akala Island field trip under the watchful eye of Olivia, the island kahuna, with new adventures to experience every day.

Hayley: I wonder what kind of adventure today will bring.

Narrator: Let's find out.

Meeko: Cario.

"Turtonator." said Turtonator, causing the kids to look behind them.

"Maro!" said Marowak

"Turt!" growled Turtonator.

"(Sighs) Come on. Stop fighting." said Kiawe.

"Maro. Maro." Marowak tells Kiawe.

"Turtonator." said Turtonator when suddenly Marowak knocks Turtonator hard to the ground. Kiawe sighs and looks over at Hayley with a pleading look on his face.

"Don't worry. I got this, Kiawe." said Hayley as she and Meeko went up to the two Pokémon. "Listen you two, there's no need to fight in the Pokémon center."

"Turtonator." said Turtonator, knowing better than to fight in a Pokémon Center.

"Wak!" grumbled Marowak crossing its arms.

"Excuse me?" said Hayley, her voice becoming dangerously low. "What was that, Marowak?"

"Maro, Marowak, Maro." said Marowak, taunting her.

"You know, I outta take your bone away from you and keep it for a week." said Hayley, helping Turtonator up.

"Marowak!" exclaimed Marowak, bringing its bone closer to its body.

"Cario, Cari, Lucario." Meeko told Marowak, who glared in response.

"Marowak!" said Marowak before knocking down Turtonator again.

"What do I do with you?" asked Kiawe, taking out their Pokéballs and recalled them. "Thanks for trying, Hayley."

"Anytime. I'm more than ready to take Marowak's bone away if you want me to." said Hayley.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"I'll keep that in mind." said Kiawe as Olivia and Kukui walked up to them.

"Good. I'm glad that all of you are here." said Kukui.

"Now it's time to reveal what today's activities are all about." said Olivia.

"Oh, I can't wait." said Mallow.

"Me neither." said Lillie.

"Me! Me, me, me!" said Ash and Hayley.

"Whats on your mind?" asked Kukui.

"You see, Hayley and I really, really want to learn how to use a new Z-Move right away." said Ash.

"On top of that, I would like to see what other Z-Move I could learn with my Pokémon." said Hayley.

"So, Olivia, can we have our grand trial as soon as possible?" asked Ash.

"Well, why not? No time like the present." said Olivia and starts to walk away, causing both siblings to gasp. "Mm, kidding! You're not ready for a grand trail just yet."

"I knew that." said Hayley.

"Man, I was so psyched." said Ash.

"Now, Ash, as you and Hayley already know, there are other trials you need to pass before the grand trial to see if you're ready to compete." Kukui reminded him.

"We'll do them all." said Ash and Hayley. "We're so ready and we're going to pass every single one."

"Don't get ahead of yourselves." said Olivia as Ash's cheeks puffed up. "Now, this way."

As she heads out, a set of swinging wooden doors opened and hit Olivia, knocking her to the floor, causing everyone to sigh. "Here's what we're doing today, learning how to make Akala Curry, Akala Island's famous dish." said Olivia, leading them into the kitchen.

"(Chuckling) I've always wanted to make that." said Mallow.

"That looks yummy." said Hayley.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"That's it? I'm already a master chef." said Ash.

"What? Master Chef?" asked Rotom.

"You saw the croquette sandwich I made, right?" He said.

"Um...." said Hayley.

"Cario..." said Meeko.

"Sticking a croquette between bread is not cooking!" said Rotom.

"I love you and all, but after what happened last time, I don't trust your cooking." added Hayley.

"Here we go." said Sophocles. "I'm the worst cook in the world."

"And I've got to get better at measuring all my ingredients." said Lillie.

"Cooking's not exactly rocket science." said Kiawe.

"Does that mean you know how to cook?" asked Lana.

"Of course I do." said Kiawe.

"I was learning the basics at home and learned some recipes on our travels." said Hayley.

"How many times have you made Akala Curry?" Sophocles asked Kiawe.

"None." he tells them as they sighed.

"Aw!" said the older students.

"So it is rocket science." said Ash.

"In our family kitchen, I take care of a whole lot of things." said Kiawe.

"I remember once looking at a recipe for Akala Curry and I think it had some ingredients I've never seen before." said Mallow.

"That's the point." said Olivia.

"Today's lesson isn't just about cooking, you see?" said Kukui. "You have to find the ingredients."

"First off, we're going to have you all split you into three teams. Are you ready?" asked Olivia.

"Here are the ingredients each team needs to find." said Kukui.

"Kiawe and Lillie will find these." said Olivia, handing three cards over to Kiawe and Lillie. "Sophocles and Lana, these. And these are for Ash, Hayley and Mallow."

"Let's see." said Ash, looking at the pictures given to them by Olivia. "A Mago berry, Revival Herbs and a miracle seed?"

"That it. I remember!" said Mallow, looking over Ash's shoulder. "Miracle Seeds are so rare that they're nearly impossible to locate."

"Yeah?" asked Ash. "Looking at all this stuff....I'm so stoked."

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"I can't wait to try Akala Curry." said Hayley.

"Sounds yummy!" said Meeko, licking her lips as she rubbed her hands on her stomach.

"I've made up some simple maps." said Olivia, handing out the maps.

"We marked places they can likely be found." Kukui said to the kids. "That should make things a little bit easier."

"But if one ingredient is missing, no curry! Got it?" Olivia asked.

"Got it!" the kids shouted.

"Okay. Let's go." said Ash as he, Mallow and Hayley take off.

"Ash, make sure Hayley doesn't get lost out there." Kukui called out after him.

"I won't." Ash said over his shoulder.

"Mallow, Hayley, a quick word." said Olivia.

"Uh? Huh?" said both girls, turning to face Olivia. Once outside, Mallow and Hayley caught up with Ash. "Mallow, which one's the closest?" Ash asked.

"Let's see...the Mago Berries." said Mallow, looking at the map. "Uh, they're up on a hill."

"A hill?" asked Ash, looking around at their surroundings. "That one maybe. Huh? Whats that?"

"Could be veggies." said Mallow.

"If they're veggies, then they're interesting looking ones." said Hayley as Meeko sniffs one.

"Not at all. They're Pokémon." said Rotom.



"Fomantis. The Sickle Grass Pokémon. A Grass type." said Rotom. "Fomantis sleep with their leaves spread to get sunlight for photosynthesis."

"Wow, Fomantis." said Ash.

"They're so cute." said Hayley.

"They all look so peaceful taking a nap." said Mallow.

"Pika, Pika." said Pikachu as he gets a closer look.

"Let's see." said Ash, walking towards one.

"Wait. You'll wake them up." said Mallow.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." said Ash. "Where could those Mago Berries be? Huh?"

"I think those are it." said Hayley, pointing to the bush behind them.

"There they are!" shouted Ash, suddenly causing the Fomantis to wake up angrily at his outburst.

"They're using Leafage. Run." said Rotom.

"You don't have to tell me." said Hayley, already running ahead of them with Meeko in tow.

"Cario!" said Meeko.

"Wait up, Hayley!" shouted Mallow, following her.

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu.

"Hey, you didn't have to attack us like that!" said Ash, angrily.

"Ash, one great joy for Fomantis is collecting sunlight while they nap." said Rotom. "So, of course they get annoyed if someone interferes with that."

"And you did interrupt their nap." added Hayley.

"You couldn't have told me earlier." said Ash, glaring at Rotom.

"What do we do? We can't give up." said Mallow.

"Hm. Hey, I know." said Ash.

"You were thinking that Meeko could use Psychic on you, to help get the berries?" asked Hayley with jazz hands out.

"Lucar." asked Meeko.

"No, I wasn't thinking that." said Ash, taking off his backpack and unzipping it "Rowlet. Wake up. Its rise and shine."

"Worth suggesting anyway." said Hayley.

"(Trills)" said Rowlet, blinking its bleary eyes at Ash.

"Do you see the tree with the Mago Berries up on that hill?" Ash asked, pointing at the top of the hill.

"(Trills)" Rowlet said, looking at the top of the hill.

"Now, I want you to be real quiet." Ash said to Rowlet. "Fly up and get one for us."

Rowlet nodded as Ash's instructions. "Great. All right, hit it!" said Ash and Rowlet was about to take off towards the top of the hill when it decided that it would rather just go back to sleep.

"Hey! Wake up!" whispered Ash, causing Rowlet to be startled and hoot. Ash then points to the picture, hoping that Rowlet would get the message. "Fly up and grab one of these berries quietly. You got it? Got it?"

"Rowlet." said Rowlet, as though telling Ash that it gets the point and starts flying towards the top of the hill.

"Do you really think it could handle it?" asked Mallow.

"No doubt." said Ash. "Rowlet always comes through in a pinch."

"I bet Rowlet will fall back asleep at the top of the hill." said Hayley.

"Knowing Rowlet, you'll win that bet." said Mallow.

"Cario." said Meeko.

"Flying without a sound and getting unexpectedly close to people are two of Rowlet's specialties." said Rotom.

"That's it. Now we get a Mago berry." said Ash as Rowlet walks up to the tree and falls asleep, causing them to groan.

"I knew we should've used Meeko." said Hayley. "But no, my own brother shot down the idea."

"Yeah." said Rotom.

"Why am I not surprised?" asked Mallow.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Because he's Ash." said Hayley.

"It's time to come up with plan B." said Ash.

"And plan B is? What? You running and screaming past Fomantis?" asked Hayley.

"Pika!" said Pikachu, gaining both brother's and sister's attention.


"Pikachu." said Pikachu, walking up the hill quietly, closely watching the Fomantis.

"Uh! That's it. I can do that, too." said Ash and the small group tip toes past the sleeping Fomantis.

"This is aggravating. I'm going on ahead." said Rotom. As they were making their way to the top, Ash steps on a twig, causing him, Hayley and Mallow to gasp softly. They watched to see if any of the Fomantis woke up, only to sigh in relief that they didn't. Suddenly in a somewhat underground bush up ahead, a Parasect pops up. "Oh!" said Ash.

"Oh no." said Hayley. "It's not going to do what I think it is, right?"

"Hope not." said Mallow.

"Lucario, Lucario, Cario." Meeko tries to tell Parasect.

"Parasect." said Parasect, releasing its Stun Spore, causing the trio to cough.

"Ah....Ah....Ah....Ah...." they all said, trying not to sneeze.

"Steen." squealed Steenee when suddenly all of the Fomantis turned around and glared at them. Ash, Pikachu, Hayley and Meeko tried to get Mallow and Steenee to not make a sound.

"Stee...." groaned Steenee.

"Oh!" said Ash and Hayley as they and their Pokémon covered their mouths.

"Stee!" said Steenee, taking a breather with Mallow, only to cover her mouth again. "Steenee....Stee. Stee. Stee. Stee. Steenee....Stee. Stee..."

Ash makes a motion to Hayley and Mallow to walk over towards the tree. "Quick. Hurry up." said Rotom, rushing them as Rowlet continued sleeping. Suddenly, Ash trips and starts to fall forward, landing on his head "That's got to hurt really badly." said Hayley before she and Mallow start laughing with Ash, causing Fomantis to turn around in anger.

"They're attacking." said Mallow.

"I'll get one." said Ash, grabbing a Mago berry off the tree and grabs Rowlet from the ground. "Mallow, you and Hayley go on ahead."

"What about you?" asked Mallow.

"I'm not leaving you behind, Ash." said Hayley.

"Just do it." said Ash.

"Good luck." said Rotom as he and Mallow left, leaving Hayley with Ash.

"Hayley, get out of here." he tells his sister.

"Not without you. We're in this together." said Hayley, standing with her brother as Fomantis growled and roared at them.

"Quick, counter their Leafage move with yours." Ash said to Rowlet.

"(Trills)" said Rowlet, sending out its Leafage.

"Whoa, oh no." said Ash. "There are too many! Ah!"

"Pikachu! Ash! Lucario!" shouted Pikachu, Hayley and Meeko as they ran after Ash downhill.

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu as Fomantis launched another attack.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" screamed Ash.

"I blame you for waking them up!" screamed Hayley.

"Yeah, Ash! We blame you for this!" screamed Meeko. Just then, Fomantis' attack caused an explosion behind the siblings and their Pokémon, causing them to fly into the air, landing in front of Mallow. "Ash, Hayley, are you guys alright?" asked Mallow.

"That depends on if I landed right." groaned Hayley as she sits up.

"I'm just fine. I just caught the Mago Berry." said Ash. Behind them, Olivia peeks out from behind the rock. "What's next?" asked both siblings asked.

"The next closest spot is a rocky ridge with Revival Herbs." said Mallow.

"Whoa." said Ash, once they arrived. "It'll take forever to search this whole place."

"More like eternity." said Hayley.

"They might even be found in the crevices between the rocks." said Mallow as Pikachu ran towards the small opening.

"Huh? Hey, Pikachu. Meeko." said Ash.

"Pik...." said Pikachu, sniffing the air.

"Lucar?" asked Meeko.

"Pika." said Pikachu, running inside. Ash grunts as he and the others tried to squeeze by some rocks.

"Pi. Pikachu." said Pikachu, finding their next ingredient.

"Hey, aren't those Revival Herbs?" asked Ash as he, Mallow and Steenee struggled to get in.

"Do you guys need Meeko to pull you both out?" asked Hayley. "So that you both don't get stuck in there?"

"Cario?" asked Meeko.

"Finally, the miracle seed." said Ash, once they got the Revival Herbs.

"It looks like it's on the other side of this cave." said Mallow.

"Great. Let's move." said Ash. "Hayley, hold my hand while we're in there."

"Got it." she replied, and the trio headed inside. By then, they came across a fork in the cave. "Which way are we supposed to go?" asked Mallow.

"I calculate a 50% chance of success for this tunnel, and a 50% chance for this tunnel." said Rotom.

"Hmm." said Hayley.

"So which one is best?" asked Mallow.

"This has a 50% chance and that has a...." said Rotom but was cut off by Ash.

"This way." he tells the girls.

"Are you sure, Ash?" asked Hayley.

"Yep." he replied and starts walking down the tunnel to their right until they came across a problem. "What?"

"Another fork." said Mallow.

"Have you gotten us lost, Ash?" asked Hayley.

"This one has....."

"Okay, this way." said Ash, walking into the left tunnel.

"You seem pretty sure of yourself, Ash." said Mallow.

"If we don't make a choice, we'll never get anywhere." replied Ash.

"Right. Good thinking." said Mallow.

"Really? I'm not the kind of guy who likes to stand around and do nothing, see?" said Ash.

"Ash, stop!" said Mallow, grabbing Hayley's arm.

"Like I said, I don't like....." said Ash, falling to a hole in front of him.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Ash?" asked Hayley.

"Lucario?" asked Meeko.

"Ash!" exclaimed Mallow.

"That's why I told you to stop, see?" asked Mallow.

"Hm...." said Hayley. "I wonder if that knock some sense into his head of him watching where he's going."

"He's done this before?" asked Mallow.

"Yes...yes he has." said Hayley.

"Cario." said Meeko, shaking her head.

"Diglett!" said Diglett, popping out from under Ash.

"Huh! A Diglett!" said Ash.

"Dig! Dig! Dig! Dig! Dig! Dig!" Diglett said angrily as it sends out Mud Slap from its mouth, causing them to scream and stumble backwards.

"I didn't mean to land on you." said Ash. "I'm really sorry."

"Dig! Dig! Dig! Dig!" said Diglett, popping up with its friend, sending another round of Mud Slap.

"Ah!" screamed Ash as he and the girls ran out.

"Retreat!" screamed Mallow until they finally came to a stop, panting as they catched their breath.

"I guess we're safe now." said Ash.

"This cave is actually a Diglett nest. I estimate more than a 100." said Rotom.

"That means we have to get through them without disturbing them." said Mallow.

"What have you gotten us into, Ash?" asked Hayley.

"Yeah. Huh?" said Ash, seeing something that caught his eye. "Whats that?"

"It's a Diglett whisker." said Rotom, showing Ash the top of the Alolan Diglett's head on his screen.

"I got it." said Ash.

"What? What kind of idea do you have?" asked Hayley.

"Rockruff, I choose you!" shouted Ash, throwing Rockruff's Pokeball into the air.

"Ruff!" barked Rockruff.

"Let me know when you smell this scent." said Ash, holding out the Diglett's whisker. Rockruff sniffs the whisker and then at both tunnels, before yapping at the trio.

"Yes. That means there aren't any Diglett this way. Great." said Ash.

"Ash, you're a genius." said Hayley as they went left.

"Steenee! Lucario!" said Steenee and Meeko. Rockruff starts barking at the left tunnel.

"This way then." said Ash as they went right. They ran through the tunnel until they saw light overhead. "Huh?"

"Air." said Hayley, taking a deep breath of the forest air.

"We're finally outside." said Ash as he helps Hayley out. "Great, Rockruff. Thanks a lot."

There within the tree top, was the Totem Pokémon. Waiting for Ash and Hayley to come to it. "There's got to be a Miracle seed somewhere." said Ash, looking down at the card, showing him a yellow seed.

"Right." said Mallow as Hayley starts to look around.

"Cario." said Meeko.

"Pika." said Pikachu, when suddenly Pikachu runs up a tree stump.

"Huh? Pikachu. Find something?" asked Ash.

"Pika." said Pikachu, looking inside the tree stump and sees a whole lot of berries.

"Look at all the berries." said Ash.

"Berries? What berries?" asked Hayley as she and Meeko ran over to them.

"Huh? Pikachu!" said Ash and Pikachu as Pikachu picks up a berry.

"Hey! Put that down!" said Hayley as Ash picks up a seed. "You don't know if these berries belong to a wild Pokémon or not, Pikachu."

"Pika, Pika." said Pikachu and starts eating berry he was holding.

"Lucario." said Meeko, smacking herself in the head as Ash looks at the seed he picked up and the card he was holding.

"I found it." said Ash.

"Huh. That was totally amazing." said Mallow, rushing over. "What are the odds of that?"

"Great job, Pikachu." said Ash as Pikachu squeals and smirks at Hayley.

"You win this round, mister." grumbled Hayley, crossing her arms.

"You're very lucky, brother." said Meeko, glaring at Pikachu.

"Right." said Ash, ignoring them and chuckled a bit. "Like catching Pokémon, we caught all the ingredients." Suddenly the Totem Pokémon appeared behind them. The trio gasped and screamed as they see the Pokémon. "Lurantis!" bellowed the Totem Pokémon.

"Steen." whimpered Steenee.

"Who's that?" asked Ash.

"Pika! Cario!" said Pikachu and Meeko.

"Lurantis. The Bloom Sickle Pokémon. A grass type and the evolved form of Fomantis." said Rotom. "Lurantis use their flower like appearance and aroma to lure in opponents and defeat them. But this Lurantis is at least twice the size of a normal one."

"It can't be...." said Hayley.

"For sure. Its huge." said Ash. "Do you think it could be.....a Totem Pokémon?"

"I think it is." said Hayley. "Remember how big that Gumshoos was?"

"Oh yeah, I remember." said Ash.

"Cario, Lucar, Lucario." said Meeko. Lurantis grunted and roared as it raised its arms above its head, creating pink petals around its body. "It's using Petal Blizzard. Run!" screamed Rotom as Ash, Hayley and Mallow ran while Pikachu and Meeko held on.

"Pika!" squealed Pikachu.

"Lucar!" squealed Meeko.

"Ha! If it's a battle you want, you've got it." said Ash as Hayley joined him at his side. "Lurantis is a grass type. So, we should counter it with a Fire type. Litten, I choose you."

"Litten!" shouted Litten.

"Rogue, come on out!" said Hayley.

"Salandit!" shouted Rogue.

"Use Ember!" Ash called out to Litten.

"Litten!" hissed Litten, sending out Ember at Lurantis, hitting it in the face.

"Rogue, use Will-O-Wisp!" shouted Hayley.

"Salan.....dit!" shouted Rogue, releasing a bluish white flame from his mouth and hits Lurantis' left arm.

"That was super effective." said Rotom.

"So awesome." said Ash and Hayley. Lurantis stretched out its arms again, gathering sunlight. "Huh? Whats it doing?" asked Ash.

"I'd calculated a 99% chance its preparing to use Solar Blade." explained Rotom.

"Solar Blade?" asked Hayley.

"We'll beat it by moving first, right Hayley?" Ash asked.

"Right." said Hayley.

"Fire Fang, let's go!" shouted Ash.

"Litten! Ha!" meowed Litten as fire appeared on its fangs. Litten then bites Lurantis' arm, causing it to fling it back.

"Flamethrower, let's go!" shouted Hayley.

"Salan!" hissed Rogue as he releases Flamethrower from his mouth right at Lurantis' feet, only to be kicked in the head by Lurantis.

"Rogue!" Hayley called out.

"Look out!" screamed Mallow as Lurantis gathered more strength for its next attack.

"Steenee!" squealed a frightened Steenee.

"Lurantis!" roared Lurantis as it swings its arm to use Solar Blade. "Lurantis!"

"Litten, Rogue, dodge it!" shouted Ash.

"Landit!" shouted Rogue as he and Litten jumps out of the way and Lurantis' arm makes contact with the ground.

"It's so strong." said Mallow.

"Yeah, but we're fine as long as it doesn't it." said Ash.

"Luran." Lurantis grunted loudly as a Castform floats down, squealing.

"I think it called its ally for help." said Rotom.


"Yeah....it's very cute....ally." said Hayley, backing up.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Who's that Pokémon?" asked Mallow.

"Castform. The weather Pokémon. A Normal type." explained Rotom. "Castform has learned to use the power of nature to protect its small body."

Castform calls out as it harnesses the power of the sun. "Hey Rotom, what's going on?" asked Ash.

"Castform's using Sunny Day." said Rotom.

"Uh, I think it's evolving." said Mallow.

"Not exactly. That's its Sunny Form." Rotom tells her. "Castform changes its appearance and type depending on the weather."

"Wow." said Hayley.

"Looks like it's trying to use Solar Blade again." said Ash. "That means it needs time to build up power. Quick. Litten, use....uh?"

"Lurantis!" shouted Lurantis.

"That's too fast." said Ash.

"Ya think?" asked Hayley.

"Rantis!" bellowed Lurantis, causing Litten and Rogue to jump back again.

"Litten. Salandit." said both Pokémon.

"It didn't need to build up power with this bright sunlight." said Rotom. Suddenly, Castform blasts water out of its mouth right at Litten, causing the fire cat to be soaked to the skin. "Salan!" said Rogue, seeing Litten deflated a bit before glaring at Castform.

"It also seems to be able to use Water Gun." said Rotom.

"Now I'm worried." said Hayley.

"We're up against two Pokémon, so we'll both use two." said Ash, picking up his backpack. "Now, Rowlet I choose you!" Soon as the flap to Ash's backpack opened, there once again was a sleeping Rowlet.

"I knew it." said Rotom.

"Hayley..." said Ash.

"Don't look at me! Rowlet's your Pokémon, not mine." she tells him.

"Wake up!" yelled Ash, causing a scared Rowlet to hoot.

"Leilani, come on out!" shouted Hayley.

"Use Peck on Lurantis, go!" shouted Ash.

"Pikipek!" screeched Leilani as Rowlet trills, both of them heading towards Lurantis at full speed to Peck.

"Great. And Litten, you use Ember!" Ash called out.

"Rogue, surround Lurantis with Will-o-Wisp to keep it in place." said Hayley.

"Salandit!" hissed Rogue, aiming his Will-o-Wisp at Lurantis' feet.

"Litten!" shouted Litten, sending another round of Ember, hitting Lurantis right in the chest. Unaffected, Lurantis then starts to gather energy from the sun once again. "Huh?" said Ash and Hayley.

"Whats going on?" asked Mallow.

"It's using Synthesis in the bright sunlight to recover health." said Rotom.

"No way!" said Ash. Castform squeals before tackling Rowlet and Leilani while Lurantis used another round of Solar Blade on Litten and Rogue, who were then knocked back.

"Litten! Rogue!" shouted Ash and Hayley.

"Oh, no!" cried Mallow. "If it keeps up, you're going to lose."

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu.

"Lucario!" said Meeko.

"Then we'll defeat Castform first. Quick, Rowlet, grab Litten." said Ash.

"(Trills)" said Rowlet as it grabs Litten.

"Litten." said Litten.

"Okay Rowlet, use Peck! Litten, scratch!" shouted Ash and both Pokémon knocks Castform out of the sky.

"Lurantis!" bellowed Lurantis as it started Petal Blizzard, knocking Litten back.

"Litten, are you okay?" asked Ash.

"Litten's on the verge of collapse." said Rotom.

"Litten, hang in there." said Ash as Hayley took her turn.

"Leilani, use Peck. Rogue, use Dragon Claw!" shouted Hayley.

"Pikipek! Salandit!" said Leilani and Rogue, heading towards Lurantis. Rogue's claws sharpened as he slashes Lurantis, who throws him off. Castform sends another powerful round of Water gun.

"Litten, Rogue, dodge it, quick!" shouted the brother and sister. Rogue jumps back a little while Litten tries to roll away when Castform uses Water Gun again.

"Oh, no!" shouted Ash and Hayley. Suddenly, Rowlet and Leilani blocked the Water Gun from making contact with Litten and Rogue. "Rowlet!" said Ash.

"Leilani!" said Hayley.

"Pika, Pika!"

"Lucar, Lucar!"

"Wow, Rowlet, you and Leilani shielded Litten and Rogue." said Ash once Castform stopped using Water Gun. Soon enough, Rowlet and Leilani shakes off the water from their bodies. "Rowlet, you and Leilani are the best. Use Tackle." said Ash.

"Leilani, use Drill Peck!" said Hayley.

"Piki!" said Leilani as she starts spinning in a direction from above. Once she made contact, Rowlet knocks Castform back onto the forest ground, fainting. "Now we deal with Lurantis." said Ash.

"Yep." said Hayley.

"There's less sunlight." said Rotom. "This maybe your chance."

"Let's do it, Litten." said Ash.

"You too, Rogue." said Hayley. Both siblings started their Z-moves, combining their energies with Litten and Rogue. "Alright. Here we go at full power now!" they both shouted and both Pokémon ran towards Lurantis. "Breakneck Blitz, Go!"

"Litten! Salandit!" shouted Litten and Rogue, knocking Lurantis back hard.

"Lurantis...." groaned Lurantis.

"We did it!" said Ash, hugging Hayley as Rogue and Litten laid on the ground.

"Pika! Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Lucario!" said Meeko.

"We really won this battle. Awesome." said Ash.


"I'm glad we got more Revival Herb than we actually needed." said Mallow, pulling some out of her backpack. Litten and Rogue made a face as they tasted the herb while Steenee fed some to Castform. "Stee...." chuckled Steenee.

"Now that's more like it." said Ash as Lurantis ate some Revival Herb.

"Yeah, thank goodness." said Mallow.

"Feeling better?" asked Hayley.

"Lurantis." it said nodding.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"Huh?" said the trio as Castform squeaks at Lurantis.

"Lurantis." Lurantis said to Castform. Lurantis then hands Ash and Hayley two Z-Crystals, one green and one purple. "Hm?" asked the brother and sister.

"Pika? Lucar?" asked Pikachu and Meeko.

"Huh? What's that?" asked Ash and Hayley.

"That one's a Grass type Z-Crystal and the other is a Poison Type Z-Crystal." said Mallow.

"Yeah? This is for us?" they both asked.

"Lurantis." Lurantis said, nodding.

"Thank you." said Hayley, hugging the Totem Pokémon.

"Thank you so much." said Ash. "Hey, I just got a Grassium Z!"

"And I got a Poisonium Z!" said Hayley.

"Pika! Pika!" shouted Pikachu.

"Lucario!" shouted Meeko.

"Huh? Wait a minute." said Ash, looking back at Lurantis. "Does this mean you really are the Totem Pokémon?"

"Exactly." said Olivia, coming up behind them.

"Huh? Olivia." said Ash.

"Yay. Hi. You did it." she said, hopping out of the bushes and hugging the siblings. "Ash, Pikachu, Hayley and Meeko, you were amazing." She then goes over to Lurantis.

"And you two....you battled so wonderfully. Thank you. Mwah! Mwah!" said Olivia, kissing Lurantis and Castform before going over to Rowlet, Litten, Leilani and Rogue. "And you four? Excellent. Well done! Mwah! Well done. Mwah!"

"Oh my." said Hayley.

"Uh, what's going on?" asked Ash, feeling confused.

"Actually....the process of collecting the ingredients you needed was one of the trials for you and your sister, Ash." Olivia explained.

"Uh? But Mallow, Hayley and I did all of this together." said Ash. "Wait. Mallow, Hayley, were you in on this also?"

"(Chuckles) Sorry, Ash." said Mallow.

"Um....." said Hayley, slightly turning red.

"I simply asked Mallow to stand by and observe, no matter what happened. Kukui and I bribed your sister with a reward based on her battling with Lurantis." Olivia clarified.

"Well, what do you know?" asked Ash.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"I got to see first-hand all the effort and hard work you and your Pokémon put in and as Akala Island's kahuna, I confirm you both passed the trials. Congratulations." said Olivia.

"So does that mean Hayley and I will be able to have our grand trial?" asked Ash.

"Of course it does." said Olivia.

"All right!" said Ash.

"And Hayley, you will get your reward after the trial." said Olivia.

"Awesome." she said.

"Lucario!" Meeko said, smiling.

"To commemorate the moment, say cheese." said Rotom.

"Ta-da. It's all ready." said Olivia once they were back at the Pokémon center.

"I hope everybody's got an appetite." said Professor Kukui.

"That's right. We sure do." said everyone.

"What about you?" Kukui asked the Pokémon and sees that they were eating. "Oh, I see."

"This is so good." said Kiawe soon as he took a bite.

"And how." said Sophocles.

"Delicious." said Mallow.

"Sure is." said Lillie.

"(Chomps) There's plenty more!" said Olivia.

"Oh. Hot, my tongue!" said Ash as he takes Kukui chuckles at him.

"Hm..." said Hayley, taking a small bite of the curry.

"Steenee!" said Steenee.

"Vul! Vul!" said Snowy.

"Yummy!" said Meeko.

"I heard the good news." Kiawe said to Ash and Hayley.

"About the trials." said Sophocles.

"Nice work." said Lana.

"Congrats, Ash and Hayley." said Mallow.

"Yes, congratulations." said Lillie.

"Thanks, everyone." said Ash and Hayley.

"It's a sunny day, huh?" asked Kukui.

"Now, Ash, Hayley, you know I'll be tough." said Olivia.

"Of course. That's just what I want." said Ash, then looks over at their Pokemon. "That's what you want too, right?" Pikachu and the others cheered in agreement.

"Being tough is my middle name." said Hayley, taking another small bite.

"Really?" asked Mallow, looking at Ash.

"No, her middle name is actually really....." Ash started to say when Hayley cuts him off.

"I'll give you the rest of my curry if you don't repeat it aloud." she tells him, to which he gladly does.

Narrator: Now that Ash, Hayley and their Pokémon have passed the preliminary Akala Island trials. Their next step is the grand trial with Olivia, the island Kahuna, but I am curious though.

Hayley: What do you mean?

Meeko: Lucar?

Narrator: What's the reward you're getting for passing the preliminary trials?

Hayley, sharing a smile with Meeko: You'll just have to wait and see in the next chapter.

Meeko, smirking and giggling: Lucario.

Narrator: As the journey continues.

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