Wishful Thinking Summoning Ja...

By KageNishi

4.8K 246 25

The World War II came to a close with the surrender of Japan, followed by the occupation period that marked t... More

Chapter 1 - Diplomacy with the Kingdom of Louria
Chapter 2 - Crossroads
Chapter 3 - Pride of a Great Power
Chapter 5 - Transitional Period to a New Era
Chapter 6 - New Third Civilization Area
Chapter 7 - The Rails Laid
Chapter 8 - Japan's Strategy in the New World
Chapter 9 - The World in Motion
Chapter 10 - A Gathering of Leading Countries?
Chapter 12 - Battle of the Folk Strait 2
Chapter 13 - Upset and Doubts
Chapter 14 - Second Half
Chapter 15 - Regret Comes Too Late
Chapter 16 - The Agony of a Country from Another World
Chapter 17 - Imminent War
Chapter 18 - Behind the Scenes of World Affairs
Chapter 19 - Unrest

Chapter 11 - Battle of the Folk Strait

260 15 2
By KageNishi

I'm not good at writing battles.

- Ishiwara


Day 23 Month 4 Year 1642 Central Calendar

The invasion of the Gra Valkas Empire's Eastern Expeditionary Fleet triggered the Battle of the Magdola Archipelago. The Holy Mirishial Empire's 0th Magic Fleet is annihilated. After the battle, the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet heads for Cartalpas.


Day 25 Month 4

Bronto was busy moving around with his subordinates.

"The Magicaraich Community's Armored Battle Fleet is moving out!"

"The Agarthan Magic Ship Fleet is moving out!"

"The Nigratian Wyvern Carrier Fleet is moving out!"

One after another, fleets from various countries set sail from the Port of Cartalpas to intercept the Gra Valkan fleet.

"Next, hurry!"

"The Muish Mobile Task Force is setting sail."

'What is this!? To go this far other than the Sorcerous Empire...'

He initially suspected it was some kind of joke when he heard about the situation from Navy personnel. It was true that the Grade Atlastar was an astonishing ship beyond rumors, but the Holy Mirishial Empire was not so weak as to be destroyed by just one ship like Leifor. On the contrary, even if they brought a large fleet, the 0th Magic Fleet waiting in the Magdola Archipelago would likely turn the tables on them. He thought this might be some kind of demonstration or ritual to demonstrate cooperation against the GVE.

However, when he looked up at the sky, combat-type floating ships of the heavens began to form formations and stick to the fleet's airspace. No matter how one thought about it, the situation had become more serious than a mere demonstration, and he couldn't help but admit that.

"The Japanese Fifth Fleet is setting sail!"

With the departure of the Japanese fleet, which was the last to depart, the bustling port authority finally took a breath.

"Sir, what on earth happened?" A subordinate who returned to the room asked while handing him tea.

"Well... this is unheard of, but our country's power is undoubtedly the strongest in the world. No matter what happens, there's no need to worry."

As Bronto elegantly sipped the tea handed to him, his inner self, which seemed calm, harbored a slight sense of unease.

. . .

Japanese Fifth Fleet

"Right from the start..." Rear Admiral Fujimoto complained on the cruiser Aoba's bridge.

"In this world, our country is a newcomer. It can't be helped," a staff officer said.

At the same time, an emergency briefing was convened in Runepolis to assess the strength of the Gra Valkan forces. As a result, the temporary coalition forces considered that, apart from the Japanese and Muish fleets, the other fleets were not even worth mentioning in terms of strength. The Fifth Fleet had a similar assessment. Therefore, instead of coordinating with the others from the start and becoming a hindrance, they planned to deploy independently at a speed that the other fleets couldn't catch up with. However, when it came down to it, the Fifth Fleet was placed last in the order of departure, forcing them to overtake each fleet in the narrow strait first.

"The Taihō reports that the early warning aircraft launch preparation has been completed."

Upon hearing this, they switched on the manacomm provided by Mirishial.

"Warning from the Japanese Fleet. We will launch early warning aircraft from the carrier. Be mindful of misidentifications and collisions from here on."

. . .

Muish Mobile Task Force

"What's an early warning aircraft?"

Brendas, the commander of the Muish fleet, tilted his head at the warning that came through the manacomm.

"Um, let's see... I believe... it's this," his adjutant, standing beside him, said, spreading out the documents provided by the mainland. "Japan operates twin-engine aircraft from carriers. If our country can do the same, we might be able to carry bombers as well."

While they shared the recognition that battleships were the strongest, they were constantly exploring various means of attack.

"That sounds interesting. However, to deploy bombers, air superiority is essential. Even if the opponent is wyverns, they are a threat to lumbering bombers."

While Mu's air power boasted fighters that overwhelmed wyverns in performance, this had only been achieved recently. Overall, they still remained at a level where they couldn't completely overcome wyverns.

"Well, that's true... it's not that simple. But this time, we have Mirishial providing air cover. That's why Japan can confidently deploy aircraft other than fighters. But getting back to the point, what are early warning aircraft used for?"

"According to the documents, they are deployed with giant radars on their upper surfaces to monitor the surrounding area for hundreds of kilometers."


Unable to believe such unbelievable information, a dumbfounded voice escaped his lips.

".........Something that ridiculous exists?"

Taking a full ten seconds to comprehend, that's all he said.

Brendas not only looked skeptically at Japan but also didn't like the fact that as a military officer of the second-ranked major power, he had to seek cooperation from a peripheral country. Being told such absurd stories only made his skeptical gaze even worse.

. . .

Holy Mirishial Empire Regional Force

"That thing..."

On the bridge of the flagship Gáe Dearg of the Southern Regional Fleet of the Mirishial Navy, Commander Pattes murmured while looking up at the sky.

"I'm surprised. To be able to operate such a large aircraft at sea," the Gáe Dearg's captain Nium commented, similarly gazing skyward.

They had heard from the Ministry of Defense that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs treated Japan as a country equivalent to Mu. Upon further inquiry, it was even analyzed that not only were they constructing nonmagical ships, but they also possessed technology that surpassed parts of Mu. They had scoffed at the idea that a mere periphery nation could do such a thing, but upon seeing the real thing and understanding it as fact, they broke out in a cold sweat.

"We're not quite sure of its purpose, but it's clearly not for air defense."

"Given its name 'early warning,' it seems to be used for monitoring enemy approaches from fleet airspace. The structure on the upper part of the aircraft is likely some sort of observation tower."

"If they have time to build something like that, they could've developed magical detection radar... No, Japanese people don't have magic, do they?"

"Yes. Probably because of that, magical detection technology didn't develop. It's said that Japan only began to interact with the world a few years ago, so until then, they may not have even known about the existence of magic."

Momentarily furrowing his brows at Nium's incredible analysis, Pattes quickly composed himself and issued instructions.

"Issue orders to Elpacio 3s on standby in the airspace. Assign a squad to escort the Japanese aircraft."

"But that would mean a reduction in firepower."

"Of course, if enemy aircraft approach, they'll intercept immediately. It's just to pose as protecting allies."

Having understood Pattes' explanation, orders were issued to the airspace above.

. . .

Holy Mirishial Empire Air Group

"Understood... 4th Section, assigned to escort the Japanese aircraft. The Japanese aircraft is not equipped with manacomm. Exercise extreme caution."


'What a pointless bullshit they're putting us through...!'

Flight Leader Sylvester was fuming at the sudden order given. They hadn't even considered the possibility of losing, but despite preparing to risk their lives in battle, they couldn't tolerate being dragged into political performances.

'But really, this is so annoying.'

The climbing Japanese aircraft was exceptionally large, and it was clearly not intended for combat purposes. Moreover, the most conspicuous circular structure was obviously prominent. This meant it was disadvantageous for reconnaissance, increasing the risk of allowing enemy preemptive attacks.


As they pondered such matters while observing the Japanese aircraft, they noticed something odd.

"Wait a minute, we can't catch up!"

"This is stupid, it's surpassing the Elpacio's maximum speed!?"

"4th Section to Flight Lead, we're unable to catch up, I repeat, we're unable to catch up."

'Impossible... that's impossible! This is the latest Elpacio 3! How can we not catch up to a mere periphery country's flying machine, it isn't even a combat fighter...!?'

Faced with this unbelievable reality, the air group continued to panic through the manacomm.

. . .

Magicaraich Community Armored Battle Fleet

"The Japanese and Muish fleets are overtaking us!"

The lookout on the flagship Magi shouted.

"To think such a gigantic ship could achieve such speed... That must be the power of the major powers who have mastered the machines."

On the bridge, Commander Gireis lamented with frustration. The Magicaraich Community specializes in developing a combination of aspects from both magical and nonmagical technologies. As a result, while their national power may be inferior to Leifor's, the quality of their individual components surpasses Leifor's.

Their armored ship, the pinnacle of that technology, is a paddle steamer utilizing steam engines, boasting a speed superior to other civilizations reliant on the Tears of the Wind God. Thus, immediately after departure, they were positioned second only to the Mirishial fleet. However, they had just been overtaken by the later departing Japanese and Muish fleets.

Amidst feelings of powerlessness, a manacomm transmission from Japan arrived.

. . .

Japanese Fifth Fleet

"Unidentified formation detected approximately 250 kilometers southwest of the Folk Strait. Approximately 200 units. Currently advancing towards the fleet. Presumed to be Gra Valkan forces."

Symbols of the aircraft squadrons appeared on the CIC screen through the data link. Fujimoto immediately pressed the manacomm switch.

"Japanese Fleet to all ships, we have detected an unidentified formation presumed to be Gra Valkan aerial formation. Approximately 250 kilometers southwest. 200 units. Commencing interception. To avoid friendly fire, refrain from intruding directly above the fleet and approaching the enemy formation."

After releasing the switch, he promptly issued orders.

"Prepare for anti-air combat!"

The fleet busied themselves with the command.

"Mirishial Regional Force to the Japanese Fleet. Just to confirm, are you commencing an interception of enemy aerial units?"

Though seeming a bit annoyed, Fujimoto pressed the switch.

"Japanese Fleet to Mirishial Regional Force, I say again, we are commencing interception by the fleet. To avoid friendly fire, refrain from intruding directly above the fleet and approaching the enemy formation."

"You can't intercept things from 250 kilometers. Commencing interception by aerial units."

The transmission ended.

Shortly after, the Elpacio 3s, which had been hovering overhead, began descending southward.

"Bah... Maintain anti-air combat readiness for the fleet."


A sigh escaped involuntarily at the expected development.

"Well, if they do their best, we can save some missiles," Fujimoto quipped, then sank deep into his chair.

"Gra Valkan fleet detected 400 kilometers southwest of Folk Strait and one ship detected approaching the strait."

Among the symbols newly displayed on the screen, one clearly stood out.

"Just one ship?"

"Judging from the size of the response, it's likely a battleship, still heading north."

"Most likely the Grade Atlastar. Are they intending to trap us in the strait?"

He turned on the manacomm switch.

"Japanese Fleet to all ships, enemy fleet detected 400 kilometers southwest of current location. Also, one battleship was detected approaching the strait. Presumed to be the Grade Atlastar."

"Torquian Fleet to Japanese Fleet, pardon the intrusion, but are you sure your information is not wrong?"

With a flurry of remote information being issued, inquiries questioning the accuracy of the information came in one after another.

"Inform the Taihō to issue orders for the attack group to prepare. Target: enemy fleet. Launch immediately once we escaped the strait."

Delegating the response to inquiries to his subordinates, Fujimoto issued orders to respond to the new enemy.

. . .

Holy Mirishial Empire Regional Force

"What do these backwater bastards know about modern warfare...!? Barbarians who can't distinguish between fantasy and reality then calling itself a superpower is laughable!"

After the exchange with the Japanese fleet, Pattes was downright furious. The Holy Mirishial Empire boasted the most advanced technology in the world and possessed the strongest military power.

Even Mirishial, with all its advancements, had a range of only 30 km for naval guns. Moreover, that was just for the main guns unsuitable for anti-aircraft purposes, and for anti-aircraft guns, it was not even 10 km. On the other hand, Japan, unlike other civilized nations mainly reliant on sailing ships, owned numerous nonmagical vessels, but they were all weak ships with only one small-caliber gun, inferior even to Mu.

Who could claim they could intercept with such capabilities?


The screams of the communication officer interrupted his thoughts.

"We lost contact with the aerial units! The Naval Aviation's Anti-Air Surveillance Station's magical detector lost contact with them as well!"

"Wait, what!?"

"No way... Even if they are inferior in numbers, how could they be so easily wiped out by mere flying machines from outside the civilized world..."

As he panicked, another transmission came through.

"Japanese Fleet to Mirishial Regional Force, we have confirmed the total destruction of the aerial units from our end. We will commence interception on our part."

"What does this mean? How are they able to find out the situation so quickly!?"

The resentment Pattes held towards the Japanese fleet for their inexplicably fast dissemination of information was beginning to turn into an eerie feeling.

. . .

Emorian Dragon Riders


"What's the matter?"

The Unit Commander, Wuji, was surprised when his mount suddenly changed course. Other wind dragons also abruptly altered their routes.

"The light emanating from the Japanese fleet is intensifying."


He looked ahead at the approaching Japanese ships.

"I don't see anything?"

"Indeed, it's light invisible to your kind's eyes. It resembles the light we use to search for objects beyond our eyes or communicate with distant comrades."

"A mysterious light... I feel like I've heard a similar thing somewhere before!"

"It's probably the Ancient Sorcerous Empire's magical electromagnetic radar. Indeed, its function seems identical."

Wuji's face turned pale in an instant.

"In other words, you're saying that Japan is in possession of magical electromagnetic radar?"

"That seems to be the case. Moreover, the light they emit is much stronger than what we use. We are going to hurt our heads continuing on this path."

Given that, they had no choice but to agree to change course. Making a significant detour would result in time loss. Feeling somewhat irritated, they witnessed several columns of smoke rising rapidly into the sky from the Japanese fleet.

"What, an accident!?"

That thought was short-lived as multiple flying objects zoomed past them at super-high speeds.

"W-what was that just now?"

While Wuji was puzzled, the wind dragon narrowed its eyes.

"Those objects moved in accordance with the converging light... They didn't seem to have people on them, but they adjusted their course and flew away on their own."

Upon hearing that, Wuji considered one possibility.

"No... no, nonononono... guided magic bullets!?"

"Most likely."

Wuji clenched his communication device and immediately inquired with the Japanese fleet about the recent attack. Upon discovering that it was indeed a weapon similar to the guided magic bullets using nonmagical technology, he hurriedly contacted Moriaul.

. . .

Gra Valkas Imperial Navy Air Force

"Hmph, is this all the so-called strongest great power can muster?"

Sart, the squadron leader commanding Antares, sneered.

Just moments ago, they engaged in combat with the Mirishial fighters that came to intercept. Though they had numerical superiority, given that they had to escort the attackers, they should have been at a disadvantage. However, to their surprise, the enemy was easily wiped out. While the enemy fighters were the toughest they had faced so far, their performance still couldn't match Antares, and neither the skill nor the tactics of the pilots were worth mentioning.

While they did lose 7 planes, the enemy, despite deploying 40, was completely annihilated. They knew all too well what would happen if they lost air superiority, especially with ground and naval forces. Moreover, the majority of their opponents were wooden sailing ships.

"Maybe strafing them is enough. It'd be a waste to use bombs or torpedoes."

As he laughed at the absurdity of the enemy, his consciousness suddenly went blank.

"What!? What happened!?"

"The squadron in front suddenly exploded! Possibly under attack!"

"An attack!? What kind of attack!?"

The attacking squadron, flying towards the Folk Strait, was thrown into chaos by the sudden tragedy.

Without any warning, 12 planes exploded out of nowhere. From the nature of the explosions, it was clear that external factors were at play, so they concluded that they had been attacked. However, they had no idea what kind of attack it was.

"They all blew up without a trace. Could it have been a direct hit from anti-aircraft guns?"

"That's dumb. Who could even kill 12 planes with pinpoint accuracy!? Without a single miss, no less!?"

"Then, did they collide mid-air?"

"There's no way 12 planes would collide simultaneously! And besides, we're the mighty navy air force!"

As futile debates continued, the tragedy escalated further.

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

One by one, more aircraft exploded, and amidst the turmoil, over seventy percent turned into wreckage at the bottom of the sea.

"No, we can't... we mustn't proceed any further! We need to get out of this airspace!"

Someone shouted, and the survivors turned back, jettisoning their payload.

However, the tragedy did not spare them.

"No, NOOOO—!"

"Help us! Please, do something!"

"We need reinforcements! Send the fleet over here immediately! We'll be wiped out at this rate..."

Their pleas for mercy, requests for help, prayers...

Everything was swallowed up, and the attack squadron was completely annihilated.

. . .

Holy Mirishial Empire Regional Force

"Japanese Fleet to all ships, we have annihilated the approaching enemy air squadron."

The atmosphere on the bridge of the Gáe Dearg was somber.

Immediately after the complete destruction of their aerial units, they received a manacomm transmission from the Japanese fleet informing them of the interception, and shortly after, something launched from the Japanese ships passed through the sky. One after another, the objects flying away were not of a size capable of carrying people, yet they clearly moved autonomously.

"What do you think?" Pattes inquired.


Nium, when asked, couldn't offer any response.

In Pattes' mind, as he pondered over and over again, the same conclusion kept emerging repeatedly.

'Is it possible they're using the Sorcerous Empire's guided magic bullets that can change their course and heading towards the enemy for an attack? No, that couldn't be! Perhaps, at most, they're remotely controlled bombs with propulsion systems attached. But how could they hit targets so far away? Could it be guided magic light bullets... No, that's impossible!'

"Commander, we will soon reach the entrance to the strait!"

Pattes, who had been endlessly cycling through thoughts in his mind, was brought back to reality.

. . .

Gra Valkas Empire Eastern Expeditionary Fleet

The situation was grim on the bridge of the fleet flagship Betelgeuse.

After annihilating the 0th Magic Fleet off the Magdola Archipelago, they had sent the heavily damaged ships back, merged with the ships from the rear, and their force now consisted of 3 battleships, 6 aircraft carriers, 4 heavy cruisers, 2 light cruisers, and 12 destroyers. Then, they dispatched an attack group of 200 aircraft to attack the Coalition in the Folk Strait. However, after receiving what sounded like screams over communication for an extremely short period, they fell silent.

"Has communication been restored with the attack group?" Alkaid, the fleet commander, asked.

While understanding that restoration was unlikely, there was a lingering hope in him.

"We have yet to restore communication. There's also the possibility of this planet's magnetic storm occurring..."

As the staff responded, many averted their faces, their expressions twisted. Facing such incomprehensible phenomena, there was no one to criticize even the slightest hint of hopeful speculation.

"While such a possibility cannot be ruled out..."

Even Alkaid could offer no more than an ambiguous response, unable to make a decisive decision.


A murmuring from one person set everyone's mind spinning.

Magic, still not fully understood in its principles, was a series of inexplicable occurrences. Even a mere arrow could have a range physically impossible, wyverns could fly effortlessly despite their size, and even wizards from stories seemed to exist. Though none of them posed a significant threat compared to the Empire, which could overwhelm them, the Holy Mirishial Empire, utilizing such magic, possessed the power to sink battleships. However, even the famed 0th Magic Fleet had been annihilated with a small force deliberately separated.

'No, wait. Even though they touted it as the latest, would they flaunt their trump card so easily? If that fleet was just a bluff...'

"T-this is bad! Evacuate the Grade Atlastar immediately! The planes may have fallen victim to Mirishial's secret weapon!"

At Alkaid's abrupt order, the others were bewildered.

"What do you mean by 'secret weapon'?"

"Hell if I know, but Mirishial is the most likely force capable of annihilating the air group! We have no idea what kind of magic they'll use literally!"

"You must have overthought this. We just destroyed a few Mirishial fighters a few minutes ago."

"DO NOT be fooled by the bluff! Common sense dictates that one must keep their real trump card hidden until the time comes!"

While flaunting one's own equipment is equivalent to revealing one's hand, in the case of something that could truly be a trump card, it would be kept under strict secrecy. This is no exception even for the Gra Valkas Empire, which was overwhelming both in the old and new worlds.

"But isn't there a possibility that Mu or Japan possesses some unexpected weapon?"

"Mu and Japan are also civilizations like our own. They don't create phenomena as irrational as magic; we can accurately predict what will happen. Consider this: Mu and Japan may be outstanding in this world, but compared to our country, they're too weak."

Mu is where all equipment was decades behind the Empire's standards, and Japan, although it surpasses the Empire in some aspects, only had small-caliber guns and a small force.

"While there's indeed a possibility they possess weapons we're unaware of, because they belong to the same kind of civilization as us, we can accurately assess their threat level. We might suffer some damage, but we can take both of them. The only real threat here is Mirishial."

Despite having annihilated them, even battleships were sunk by mere displays. So, if they truly had a trump card, what kind of magic bullshit would they invoke?

"Perhaps they'll fire a beam that evaporates the fleet in an instant?"

"You've got to be kidding me..."

Though he tried to deny it, he had little evidence.

"Even if it's a joke, the fact remains that they possess a means capable of annihilating the entire formation of 200 aircraft in a short time. If that were directed at the ships, what would happen even to the Grade Atlastar..."

With Alkaid's explanation, a sense of crisis was finally shared, and everyone paled.

"But, but sir, then the initial strategy would be ruined!"

The Grade Atlastar had been deployed to blockade the Folk Strait, and according to the plan, they should have reached the entrance by now.

"Then, we must inform the Grade Atlastar immediately about the situation! Also, send out air support!"

Following that order, they immediately tried to contact the Grade Atlastar, but there was no response.

. . .

Muish Mobile Task Force

Brendas trembled slightly.

When the report of enemy aircraft approaching from the Japanese fleet arrived, along with a recommendation for interception, Brendas couldn't voice it, but he shared the same state of mind as Pattes. Despite ignoring the Japanese fleet's request and immediately ordering the launch of carrier-based aircraft, everything was over by the time the launch operations were completed.

"...What do you think?"


Even the deputy couldn't provide a coherent answer in his confusion.

'What is happening? No, how does Japan even perceive conditions beyond visual range?'


Information from the early warning aircraft raced through Brendas' mind.

'Could it be true...?'

"Hey, do you have all the Japanese documents with you?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, sir."

"Then bring them all to my room later."

"Y-yes, sir."

Ignoring the perplexed deputy, Brendas broke into a cold sweat inwardly.

"We'll soon reach the entrance of the Folk Strait!"

As the lookout's voice echoed, everyone focused on the front.

. . .

Japanese Fifth Fleet

"The Grade Atlastar is confirmed to be 30 kilometers ahead."

"10th Flotilla proceed and attack the Grade Atlastar."

As the Fifth Fleet approached the strait's entrance, they entered ship-to-ship combat.


To be continued.

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