Wishful Thinking Summoning Ja...

By KageNishi

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The World War II came to a close with the surrender of Japan, followed by the occupation period that marked t... More

Chapter 1 - Diplomacy with the Kingdom of Louria
Chapter 2 - Crossroads
Chapter 3 - Pride of a Great Power
Chapter 5 - Transitional Period to a New Era
Chapter 6 - New Third Civilization Area
Chapter 7 - The Rails Laid
Chapter 8 - Japan's Strategy in the New World
Chapter 9 - The World in Motion
Chapter 11 - Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 12 - Battle of the Folk Strait 2
Chapter 13 - Upset and Doubts
Chapter 14 - Second Half
Chapter 15 - Regret Comes Too Late
Chapter 16 - The Agony of a Country from Another World
Chapter 17 - Imminent War
Chapter 18 - Behind the Scenes of World Affairs
Chapter 19 - Unrest

Chapter 10 - A Gathering of Leading Countries?

236 13 1
By KageNishi


Regarding Japan's space development infrastructure, it has launch sites on Tanegashima Island, Okinawa Island, and Iōtō (Iwo Jima), with an annual budget allocation of over 400 billion yen.


Day 9 Month 1 Year 1641 Central Calendar

The Gra Valkas Empire demands the Kingdom of Irnetia's submission. The next day, Prince Aethes and Diplomat Bealey head towards Mu.

Day 23 Month 1

Prince Aethes makes his first contact with Japan in Runepolis.

Day 14 Month 3

The Gra Valkas Empire invades the Kingdom of Irnetia.

Day 8 Month 5

The fall of the Kingdom of Irnetia, became a colony of the Gra Valkas Empire.

Day 1 Month 10

The renovation of Mykal Port undertaken by Japanese companies in Mu is completed.

Day 25 Month 10

The Muish Army Special Division finishes training in Japan and returns home. Subsequently, a request is made to Japan for the sale of a large quantity of weapons and ammunition.


Day 22 Month 4 Year 1642 Central Calendar

On this day, Cartalpas, the Holy Mirishial Empire's second-largest city, was bustling with more activity than usual.

Today marks the commencement of the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference. Port officials rushed around in preparation for the arrival of ships from various countries, while crowds gathered near the docks in hopes of catching a glimpse of the fleets that each nation would bring. Throughout the town, stalls had sprung up targeting the gathering crowds.

"The Kingdom of Torquia's fleet has confirmed entering the Folk Strait, 7 magic ships of the line and 1 delegation ship for a total of eight."

"Affirmative, guide them to the First Civilization Area."

"The Kingdom of Agartha's fleet has confirmed entering the Folk Strait, 6 magic ships and 2 civilian ships for a total of eight."

"Affirmative, guide them to the First Civilization Area."

"It's always the same around here..." Bronto, the harbor management officer, muttered as he gazed out over the harbor from the window of the harbor management bureau.

For him, a lover of warships, the gathering of various warships from different countries was akin to an event. This time, however, he has something special to look forward to. The Gra Valkas Empire, which suddenly appeared outside the Second Civilization Area and annihilated Leifor with just one battleship, as well as Japan, positioned outside the Third Civilization Area, which sealed off and dismantled the Parpaldia Empire. Both countries were rumored to possess formidable military power that overwhelmed even the great powers, albeit with uncertain details. Therefore, the anticipation of what kind of warships they would bring along filled him with excitement.

"Is that...? That flag... but is it really?"

"Look, confirmed without a doubt."

Unintelligible conversations from the communication device could be heard, prompting gestures to inquire further details from the communication officer.

"This is Cartalpas Port Authority, report exactly what happened."

"We have confirmed that what appears to be a ship from the Gra Valkas Empire has entered the strait. One giant battleship."

"Just one?"

"Just one. It appears to be the Grade Atlastar."

Upon hearing that, Bronto abruptly stood up and approached the window. The silhouette of the ship became visible after a while.

"...Wow... ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

With its design, nine huge cannons, and a massive hull comparable to a magic battleship, the awe-inspiring sight surpassed any rumors he had heard. Even the ordinary people near the dock were in a frenzy of amazement and excitement.

"...Sir! Sir Bronto!"

Lost in admiration, his subordinate beside him yelled, bringing him back to reality.

"Oh, uh, what's up?"

"Japan has arrived. 1 aircraft carrier, 11 cruisers, 2 supply ships, 1 civilian ship."

As there were no 'destroyers' in the Mirishial Navy's classification, Japanese destroyers were mistaken for cruisers due to their size.

"Damn, that aircraft carrier is massive! But why is the bow raised like that?"

The first thing that caught his eye was the conspicuously large aircraft carrier.

"Though, the cruisers seem poorly armed for their size. Quite a different shape, more reminiscent of our magic ships..."

He tilted his head, but the impact was not as great as the Grade Atlastar, and he soon lost interest.

. . .

"It was the right decision to dispatch the fleet, but I never thought we'd end up in a gunboat diplomacy situation..." Kondō murmured as he gazed out at the harbor scenery.

After receiving advice from Elto, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was split in half. On one side, they argued for accompanying the fleet as Elto suggested. On the other side, they argued that sending warships would go against diplomatic protocol and should not provoke other countries. Under the firm voice of the Cabinet, fleet deployment was decided somewhat forcibly, but the aftermath was still tumultuous.

Kondō was in favor of the former, but the opposition not only made every possible argument to at least reduce the size of the deployment but also resorted to childish harassment like leaving notes and altering work hours. While the arguments of the opposition were easily dismissed as absurd, the unprecedented situation led to heated debates, and the ongoing harassment only exacerbated the stress.

Ultimately, the deployment of the Fifth Fleet was decided, leading to the current situation. However, as the military does not have the power to make arrests outside the battlefield, a patrol ship accompanies them just in case they encounter criminal organizations. Even that patrol ship was mistaken for a cruiser by the people of Mirishial.

Seeing the scene before him, Kondō believed that selecting the main fleet was the right decision, but as a diplomat, he felt conflicted.

"If we report to headquarters, the opposition will surely be sidelined," Inoue joined the conversation. He too had faced harassment and was fed up with it.

"Anyway, the problem is that thing."

"It really does look just like the Yamato-class."

They compared the photos of the Yamato sent from the Ministry of Defense with the Grade Atlastar.

"I hope everything ends without any issues..."

. . .

Imperial Cultural Center

Upon landfall, they gathered at the Imperial Cultural Center located within the Cartalpas Administrative Building, the venue for the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference. The conference would span multiple days, beginning with a meeting of the working-level officials.

"Well, let's see how this goes..." Kondō murmured while sipping tea in the lobby.

"This is the first time we've had an international conference of this scale without any prior arrangements. With no proper preliminary documents, I wonder if it will go smoothly?"

"In that case, perhaps those sent here have significant authority," Kondō replied, although uncertainties lingered, both he and his companion knew they had to establish Japan's position in this world.

A while later...

While conversing with the Agarthan ambassador during the break, they realized the time was approaching and made their way into the international conference hall, taking their seats. The venue was arranged in a circular fashion with each country's seats surrounding the chairman's seat at the center. Japan's seat was positioned somewhat away from the chairman's seat.

"The Eleven Countries Leadership Conference is now in session."

With the chairman's declaration, the meeting began.

'What a remarkable sight... it truly makes you feel like you're in another world.'

Looking around, representatives of various races other than humans were present.

A dragonfolk near the chairman's seat was the first to raise their hand.

"Representative of the Kingdom of Emor, permission granted to speak," the chairman spoke, and the representative stood up.

"I am Moriaul of the Kingdom of Emor. There is something we must convey above all else, and I ask that you listen carefully."

Despite the unexpected dignified manner of the dragonfolk, everyone listened attentively.

"Recently, our country conducted Spatial Divination. The results revealed the imminent revival of the dreaded Ancient Sorcerous... Ravernal Empire."

It took everyone a few seconds to fully comprehend Moriaul's words. As they processed it internally, their faces turned pale, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze rapidly.

"The Ravernal Empire... if I recall correctly..."

"Yeah, it's the country of the ruins discovered in Calamique."

Kondō and Inoue whispered quietly.

The Kingdom of Calamique, located northeast of Japan, was once on the brink of destruction due to a rebellion led by one of its nobles, Mauri Hamman. Coincidentally, Japan had dispatched an envoy at that time, and the situation was resolved with the intervention of the National Defense Forces. However, Mauri's military capabilities clearly surpassed the local technological level, prompting further investigation. As a result, the ruins of the Ravernal Empire were confirmed. Although fairy tales of the Sorcerous Empire were widely known in this world, the discovery of these ruins led the Japanese government to recognize the Ravernal Empire as a real entity.

Furthermore, the discovered ruins also contained descriptions related to nuclear weapons. Judging from the legends and the findings, it is deduced that an extremely aggressive and massive force, unfamiliar with nuclear deterrence, will emerge eventually. This information, treated as highly confidential in Japan to suppress panic, is not known to many within the government. Kondō and Inoue were informed based on the judgment that they needed to grasp it to engage with the world.

Moriaul continued regardless.

"There are distortions in the spatial phase, and we were unable to determine the exact time and location of the appearance. However, according to our calculations, it is estimated to appear somewhere in this world within the next 4 to 25 years."

While the inhabitants of this world believed in the existence of the Sorcerous Empire, everyone had considered its return to be a distant event, as if it were someone else's problem. That is, until they were pointed out the possibility of its revival during their lifetimes. Faced with this reality, their pale faces turned even worse.

"While it is unclear how much of the myths and legends are true, it is evident from the remnants of the Light Winged People's civilization found in various ruins that their civilization was highly advanced. Going forward, we should avoid unnecessary conflicts, continue to strengthen our military, and cooperate globally to prepare for their return."

The venue was briefly chaotic, but as time passed, it regained composure, and nods were exchanged among the attendees.

"Ha... haha... hahaha!"

Suddenly, laughter erupted from the representative of the Gra Valkas Empire. Ignoring the condemning gazes from around, the person rose slowly.

"Oh, forgive me, forgive me. My name is Cielia, Director of the Eastern Realm Affairs Division of the Gra Valkas Empire's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I couldn't help but burst into laughter at the ridiculousness of you locals trembling in fear over relics from the past."

Despite the rising voices of anger at such outrageous remarks, Cielia, without trying to hide her disdainful expression, continued to heap insults, heating up the atmosphere even further.

"One hell of a meeting..."

"Indeed. This would be inconceivable in the old world."

Kondō and Inoue, completely sidelined, watched the chaos unfolding as if it were someone else's problem, utterly dumbfounded. Thanks to the efforts of the chairman and the facilitators to quell the brawl, the situation was brought under control. Now, it was the representative from Mu who raised their hand.

"Representative of Mu, permission granted to speak."

With permission granted, the Muish representative stood up.

"Our country proposes a resolution condemning the Gra Valkas Empire."

The tumultuous room suddenly fell silent.

"The Gra Valkas Empire has repeatedly invaded the Second Civilization Zone in recent years. While wars occurring between nations are understandable, their actions are excessive. If this continues, it poses a risk of disrupting the world order. Therefore, we propose a punitive motion to impose a trade restriction of over two years."

"Good trend."

As Japan hoped for the stabilization of the Second Civilization Area under Mu's secure status, Mu's condemnation of the Gra Valkas Empire, which threatened that stability, was a welcome development.

Next, the representative from Mirishial raised their hand.

"Our country shares the same concerns as Mu. If the Gra Valkas Empire continues its invasion of the Second Civilization Area, we will have no choice but to intervene. Therefore, we support Mu's proposal and demand the immediate and complete withdrawal of the Gra Valkas Empire from the Mu Continent."

The intervention hinted at by the world's strongest country. Amidst the global tremors caused by their statement, the venue seemed to solidify around condemning the Gra Valkas Empire.

Undeterred by such an atmosphere, Cielia spoke again.

"It seems there's a misunderstanding, so let me make it clear. We did not attend this conference for some warm and wholesome international cooperation. We came here to deliver a message while all the local representatives are gathered in one place."

She slammed her fist on the table. In response, her entourage stood up as well.

"This declaration is hereby announced in the name of Gra Lux, Emperor of Gra Valkas! Surrender to the might of our empire! Those nations that come to us and pledge loyalty shall receive eternal prosperity! But those who defy us shall be crushed with impunity! Let me ask you this, here and now, are there any nations willing to pledge loyalty to our empire!? Silence will be deemed as rebellion!"

"For crying out loud, is she serious?"

"This is practically a declaration of war. Even the Americans wouldn't do something like this..."

Amidst the astonishment and confusion, Kondō and Inoue also expressed their disbelief.

"There seems to be no nation willing to comply immediately... However, our empire is generous. It doesn't matter if it's done after witnessing our power. At that time, one can make their submission at the Leifor Administrative Government located in Leifor. We've delivered our message."

With that, the delegation of the Gra Valkas Empire left the room. Due to the turmoil caused by Cielia's statement, the conference for the day was promptly adjourned. Later, Kondō immediately returned to the ship and reported the Gra Valkas Empire's statement to his homeland.


Day 23 Month 4

Upon receiving the report from Kondō, the Prime Minister's Office convened an emergency meeting with ministers.

"The first concern is the safety of those in Cartalpas. If the GVE's technological level is at the level of the Second World War, casualties could occur in the wake of their rampage," the Prime Minister spoke.

"Prime Minister, according to reports from the ground, the GVE docked a battleship at the port, and as soon as the delegation left, they departed," the Minister of Defense replied.

"What battleship was that?"

"The Grade Atlastar... the one that resembles the Yamato."

"At least they're safe for now."

"But, Prime Minister, it's only a matter of time," the Deputy Foreign Minister interjected.

The Foreign Minister, being involved in the decision-making at the end of the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference, was accompanying the delegation to Cartalpas.

"The GVE's declaration is essentially a declaration of war to the entire world. They are likely to initiate some form of military action soon. Moreover, there is no guarantee that those we dispatched won't get involved."

The Deputy Foreign Minister was extremely concerned about the possibility of diplomatic envoys being dragged into combat and was desperate to unify the will to prepare for immediate countermeasures.

"Isn't it too soon to tell? While it's true they have intentions to dominate the entire world, rushing into military action like this is nonsense. Besides, I think it's unreasonable to consider that statement as a formal declaration of war," countered the Justice Minister.

What he was concerned about was the legitimacy of the use of force for domestic purposes. Compared to the old world, the threshold for the use of force had significantly lowered, following the precedent of the Parpaldia Empire. However, launching an offensive action was generally not favored. There was considerable anxiety about whether the domestic public opinion would accept this statement as a declaration of war, without a formal declaration document or a clear declaration like "we are going to invade you."

"What are you talking about!? Please! Check the GVE's statement with care! They're saying 'even after witnessing our power.' In other words, they're saying this even after knowing their military strength! Is this not a clear declaration of military action!?"

"It could also be considered as merely displaying military prowess or conducting exercises. The demonstration of power doesn't necessarily mean actual combat."

"That's old-world reasoning! Have you already forgotten what the Parpaldia Empire did to us!?"

Even the Minister of Justice fell silent at this point.

"Deputy Minister, don't get too worked up. We're worried about those we dispatched just as much as you are."

"...My apologies."

Reprimanded by the Prime Minister, the Deputy Foreign Minister calmed himself.

"I understand the concerns of the Minister of Justice, however, as our country is a nation governed by the rule of law. However, first, we need to share information about the GVE's specific military capabilities."

Hearing this, the Minister of Information spoke up.

"While you are likely already aware that the GVE is at the level of the Second World War in terms of military power, we have a considerable understanding of their technological system."

Both on land, at sea, and in the air, the Gra Valkas Empire's weapons closely resemble that of the old Japanese Army and Navy. However, unlike the old military, electronic equipment has also significantly advanced, and it has been revealed that their electronic systems closely resemble those of the United States. In other words, they have enhanced the equipment of old Japan with American electronic technology.

In terms of simple weapon performance, it's at a level similar to the early stages of the war, but due to this characteristic, aspects such as reconnaissance, communication, and attack accuracy are at the level of the late stages of the war. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that they are also concentrating on the tactical use of tanks and aircraft. And in terms of quantity, they rival that of the United States at the time.

"Even compared to the contemporary old world, they boast formidable strength. When it comes to the sophistication of weapon usage, the gap widens even further. It has been concluded that their personnel are among the top elite. Furthermore, in Gra Valkas itself, there has been a significant increase in production, mainly focusing on auxiliary ships, and there are no countries, including ours, that can counter them in terms of quantity."

Japan has already launched 15 surveillance satellites, allowing it to grasp the overall picture of the planet. Based on this, they have already grasped the military capabilities, military actions, and general national power of each country.

"So, what happens if we directly confront the GVE in the future?"

This time, the Minister of Defense spoke up.

"We will certainly emerge victorious. With the GVE's level of military power, they cannot defeat our weapons. However, there are some issues. First, because the GVE's military force is so massive, there is a possibility that we may run out of ammunition before we can thwart them. There is inevitably a limit to the amount of ammunition that can be carried at once, so if they deploy more than that, we will have no choice but to retreat. Next, there is the possibility of getting bogged down in infantry combat. No matter how much technology advances, people die when shot. While bulletproof vests have improved in recent years, the bullets of that time are more powerful than modern ones, so they cannot be completely stopped."

While defeat is out of the question, there is a possibility of casualties, unlike before. Just that thought alone stirred up anxiety.

"Very well. We don't know when, but a clash with the GVE is inevitable. So, how should our country respond?"

"First, we should proceed with increasing ammunition production. If a full-scale clash occurs, our reserves will definitely reach a dangerous level."

The National Defense Forces' ammunition stockpile is set at a minimum of 6,5 full-scale engagements and aims for 10 months in a state of total war. Currently, due to the interruption in production caused by the effects of the transference and the significant reduction due to repeated actual combat, it is now less than three months' worth of reserves. In this situation, if we were to engage in war with the Gra Valkas Empire, it is calculated that Japan would definitely fall below the minimum reserve level.


Just as they were about to proceed further, an official from the Ministry of Defense burst in.

"Sorry to interrupt the meeting! There's an urgent matter that needs to be reported!"

With that said, the official spread out some documents.

"A battle has occurred between the Mirishial fleet and the Gra Valkan fleet in the Magdola Archipelago, south of Cartalpas!"

"Are you serious?"

There are several satellite photos in the documents showing the fleets engaged in artillery fire.

"The Mirishial fleet, likely the 0th Magic Fleet, has been completely annihilated. The Gra Valkan fleet is not unscathed either, but the surviving ships are advancing eastward. Furthermore, there is a large-scale aircraft carrier task force in the rear, which is also advancing this way!"

"Advancing eastward? You don't mean..."

"Yes, sir, it appears they are planning to attack Cartalpas!"

The Prime Minister instinctively looked up at the heavens.

"So much for a fleet of state-of-art ships," the Defense Minister muttered.

The 0th Magic Fleet, widely known worldwide and renowned as the strongest, had become known in Japan after the conclusion of diplomatic relations. Various assumptions had been made in the defense forces about what supernatural attack methods they might possess, given that they were constructed using magic technology, but upon learning the reality, they were disappointed.

"Prime Minister, Cartalpas is located deep within the Folk Strait. At this rate, a blockade of this region might occur," the Minister of Information said.

"Prime Minister, this is a clear act of aggression. We should immediately convey the details and specifications of the GVE's weapons to the local authorities to deal with it."

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs continued.

"Now that such movements have been confirmed, the GVE's declaration can be interpreted as a clear declaration of war. If we don't act now, we risk being caught off guard and suffering casualties."

The Minister of Justice also agreed.

"...Understood. First, let's unify the Cabinet's stance. We will interpret the Gra Valkas Empire's declaration at the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference as a declaration of war, and our country will enter a state of war with the Gra Valkas Empire. Any objections?"

No objections were raised, and the Cabinet's stance was unified. Subsequently, discussions were held on the national policy regarding possible situations that could arise on-site, and it was communicated the next day.


Day 24 Month 4

Imperial Cultural Center, Cartalpas

Despite the temporary confusion caused by the Gra Valkas Empire's sudden declaration, the meeting on Day 23 proceeded relatively calmly. Japan's inclusion among the major powers and the redefinition of the territory of the Third Civilization Area proposed by Japan was approved. On the other hand, the inclusion of the Gra Valkas Empire among the major powers was not approved.

On this day, despite an accident where Mirishial Empire's Chief Diplomat, Liage, suddenly left his seat during the morning, the meeting proceeded without major issues. During the lunch break, as everyone engaged in their own activities, Kondō and Inoue's expressions turned grim upon receiving disturbing news from a messenger who had come from the fleet.

"This is the detailed information we have. The government recognizes that we entered a state of war with the Gra Valkas Empire since the declaration two days ago."

"Faster decision than I thought."

"The Parpaldian incident must have weighed heavily on them."

The documents handed over contained details of the battle in the Magdola Archipelago, the estimated performance of GVE's weapons, and detailed information on the approaching fleet.

Furthermore, it included the government's policy on this matter. In summary, it stated: "In the event it becomes clear that the approaching enemy fleet's objective is an attack on Cartalpas, confront them with force and strike them as much as possible. Except for intentional hostile acts against entities other than the GVE, the Cabinet will take responsibility for all outcomes. Moreover, ensure the safety of Japanese nationals present on-site."

"Quite a bold move."

"Yeah, this will make things much easier. But first, we need to inform other countries about this."

The lunch break ended later, and it was expected that the meeting would resume, but first, there was an announcement from Liage upon his return.

"I apologize for my sudden absence this morning. There is urgent information from our country to all of you."

His calm voice contrasted with his pale and quite worn-out appearance.

"It seems like they received some communication."

"Yeah, seems so."

Kondō and Inoue inferred the content of the conversation.

"Yesterday, the Gra Valkas Empire's fleet launched a surprise attack on the Magdora Islands to the west of here, and our regional forces suffered casualties."

"Regional forces...?"

"It seems quite inconvenient for them."

Amidst the unexpected discussion, the two remained composed.

"Cartalpas has deployed enough forces in preparation for any eventuality, but there is a possibility that they may launch an attack on our mainland. To ensure full readiness, we request that all fleets withdraw from this location and move eastward to Can Brid. Although this deviates from the prior notice, we will use that as the venue for the next meeting. Please understand."

After a moment of silence, Moriaul raised his hand.

"Representative of the Kingdom of Emor, permission granted to speak."

As the chairman spoke, the representative quickly stood up.

"Are we, the leaders of the world, going to tuck our tails and flee just because that impudent newcomer launched an attack on us? If they come, we should intercept them. Our country may be on land, but I'm sure everyone here has elite escorts. What's the point of having a fleet? Against a barbaric nation composed solely of human tribes with low magical aptitude and not even belonging to a civilized area, fleeing without a fight would only make us a laughingstock even to outlying nations! Let's deploy our reserve Wind Dragons, 22 of them!"

Moriaul's declaration stirred up the room. In the momentum of his speech, one by one, other countries also declared their participation.

'You've got to be kidding me! A few hundred sailing ships are nothing but targets! Besides, slow ships crowding the narrow strait will just get in the way. If even our fleet is hindered in navigation and has to babysit them...'

Thinking so, Kondō turned his gaze to Liage. He, too, seemed increasingly anxious amidst the flurry of declarations of participation.

"We have long heard of the many legends of your country's battles with the Parpaldia Empire. What will your esteemed nation do?"

The representative of the Great Magearchy of Pandora asked, his eyes shining with expectation.

For a moment, he glanced at Inoue before standing up to respond.

"We received a notification from the government regarding the movements of the Gra Valkas Empire. First, I would like to inform everyone about that."


Everyone present was astonished at the speed of Japan's information.

"First, we also confirm the battle in the Magdola Archipelago mentioned by the Mirishial representative."

"Impossible... There's no way..."

To the unexpected remark, Liage seemed unaware of what he was saying.

"The Mirishial regional forces lost three battleships, five cruisers, and eight small ships, with damage also reported to nearby bases."

The room erupted into chaos. There shouldn't be a regional force with three battleships. Everyone present realized the truth.

"Furthermore, our country has already grasped the majority of the weapons possessed by the Gra Valkas Empire, and we will now inform you of their estimated performance."

'Damn it, why... Japan, who are they really!?'

As Kondō revealed the information, exposing the truth about the Magdola Archipelago, the Mirishial members were inwardly furious.

"...That's all. Therefore, our country interpreted the declaration of the Gra Valkas Empire two days ago as a declaration of war and entered a state of war. Therefore, to counter the fleet advancing to the east, we will deploy accompanying fleets for interception."

There was a cheer at Kondō's declaration.

"Congratulations on your decision! Our Torquian battle fleet will spare no effort to assist you!"

"We will do the same! Though modestly, we'll support your country!"

"The Magicaraich Community declares its solidarity with the Japanese fleet!"

'Oi, oi, oi, OI, what did they think they were accomplishing by conveying the estimated performance!? Please, show some restraint!'

Facing the aggressive statements from various countries, Kondō struggled to respond. It was evident they were flaunting their own military strength to appeal. If they truly followed, they would be burdened with a large number of liabilities.

At this timing, as if deliberately timed, Liage raised his voice.

"As the hosting country, while we do wish for your evacuation, since there's already consensus, I propose the formation of a temporary coalition force to counter the Gra Valkan fleet. I'd like to hear your opinions."

Amidst unanimous agreement, Kondō voiced his disagreement.

"As I mentioned earlier, the combat capability of the Gra Valkan fleet is extremely high. With all due respect, most of the fleets dispatched by all of you would likely be sunk without putting up any decent resistance."

"We cannot overlook such remarks no matter how esteemed your nation is!"

"Such impudence! Immediately retract that statement!"

"As representatives of our nations, sometimes we must endure the unbearable to minimize unnecessary sacrifices by fully understanding the disparity in power between enemies and allies."

"Don't speak like you know everything!"

"To do nothing while covered in disgrace is an attitude unbefitting a representative of a nation!"

No matter how one tried to persuade, it only added fuel to the fire, and the situation was becoming uncontrollable.


Liage raised his voice to calm the room.

"While there are objections, since the vast majority have already expressed their agreement, under the authority of the chairing country, the proposal to organize a temporary coalition force to intercept the Gra Valkan fleet is adopted."

To this opinion, countries responded with applause.

'Alright, this should make up for the blunder earlier.'

Liage's aim in pushing for adoption was to redirect the attention of the countries that had begun to focus on Japan due to the discussion about the Magdola Archipelago.

'But really, to make such undermining remarks against everyone's fighting spirit so easily... Japan, you're something else.'

Seeing how easily they regained their footing by simply countering Japan's slip of the tongue, Liage adjusted his estimation of Japan's diplomatic power downwards.

"Our country is a nation outside the civilized zones. Participating would only be a hindrance to all of you, and we cannot handle sudden situations. With that, we bid farewell for this year."

When the representative of the Annonrial Empire made this statement, it was readily accepted. And thus, a temporary coalition force comprising nine countries was formed, and preparations for the fleet's departure began.


Pride and reputation are truly troublesome, aren't they?

- Ishiwara

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