A Different Kind Of Life

Від DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 105

55 1 0
Від DreamzOfGold

"Hi, excuse me, I would like to speak with the CEO please?"

"Do you have an appointment?" the woman at the HPG reception desk asked.

"I don't, but if you could just tell them that Walker Druckenmiller is here to see them, that would be great. I'm sure they're probably expecting me."

"I'm sorry Miss. Druckenmiller, but Mrs. Huntzberger is out of the office today."

"Oh! Well, what about Logan? Is Logan here?"


"Huntzberger. Logan Huntzberger."

"I'm sorry, but Doctor Huntzberger is out as well. I can take a message for them, if you would like me to."

"Do you have any idea when they will be back?"

"I'm sorry Miss, but I just can't give you that answer."

"Ok. . . And Mitchum Huntzberger isn't here either?"

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Huntzberger is no longer with the company."

"Do you have a phone number where I can reach him?"

"I don't, I'm sorry. Your best bet to get a hold of Mitchum, is to speak to Doctor Huntzberger."

"But you said that he's not here."

"That is correct."

"Ok, so if he's not here, what about his wife?"

"Mrs. Huntzberger, our CEO, is out of the office."

"So if none of the Huntzbergers are here, then who is running this place?"

"That would be Mr. Gilmore and Mr. McMaster."

"Can I speak to one of them, please?"

"I'm sorry Ma'am, but you will need to make an appointment."

"Will you please just call one of them for me? I really need to speak to one of them. It's urgent. I live in one of HPG properties."

"Give me one moment, and I'll call upstairs for you." the receptionist told her, reaching for the phone, and punching an extension.

"This is Doyle." the voice on the other end of the phone answered a moment later.

"Hey Doyle, I have a Miss. Druckenmiller here at Reception. She says that she needs to speak with someone urgently about a HPG property that she lives in. She asked for both Huntzbergers, but they are out at the moment."

"That's correct, Rory and Logan are both out on leave."

"Are you or Mr. Gilmore available for a moment?"

"You said it's about a HPG property?"

"Yes, she said that she lives in one of the properties."

"I don't recognize that last name, did she give you a first name?" Doyle asked.

"She did." the receptionist answered, looking toward the woman standing in front of her. "Ma'am, your first name again please?"

"Walker. Walker Druckenmiller." Walker answered.

"Miss Walker Druckenmiller."

"Oh ,drunk Walker, wow, the name really fits." Doyle chuckled. "I have no interest in talking to her. Tell her that she needs to contact the attorney named on her eviction notice if she has ap roblem. If you want to, you can give her Mr. McCrae's number."

"Ma'am, Mr. McMaster says that you need to contact the attorney listed on your eviction paperwork."

"No, I need to speak to Mr. Huntzberger!" Walker said, adamantly, as frustration started to take over.

"Hey Doyle, I'm going to head out for the day. Do you need anything else?" Richard asked, stepping up next to Doyle's desk.

"You might want to wait a couple minutes before heading downstairs. Drunken Walker is downstairs demanding to talk to Logan and Rory about her eviction. I'm sure you don't want to run into that nightmare on your way out." Doyle told him.

"Actually, dealing with that little problem sounds fun. I would be happy to take a crack at it." Richard said with a chuckle.

"Hey Gloria, Mr. Gilmore is on his way downstairs. He's heading out for the day, but said he would be happy to talk to Walker. Tell her to take a seat, and Richard will be down shortly." Doyle said into the phone.

"Thank you Mr. McMaster." Gloria smiled, then disconnected the call. "Miss Druckenmiller, Mr. McMaster said that Mr. Gilmore is on his way downstairs. Please take a seat, and he'll be with you in just a moment."

"Thank you!" Walker said sarcastically, then moved away from the desk and found herself a chair in the lobby.

Meanwhile, Back Upstairs

"Ok, so update me on what I need to know about this eviction." Richard said once Doyle hand hung up the phone.

"Let's step into your office for this one." Doyle told him, getting up from the desk, and leading Richard across the hall, into his Granddaughter's office, making sure to shut the door behind them. "So Walker has been living rent free in one of the properties owned by the company, and Rory and Logan decided that they wanted to sell all the extra properties that are costing HPG thousands of dollars every month."

"I remember this conversation. Weren't there like 12 properties that received evictions?"

"Here in New York, yes. There are several others out of town. The property drunken Walker lives in, is in a building owned by Finn Morgan's family. Finn is one of Logan and Rory's best friends."

"Oh yes, I know Finn well. His father and I go way back. So Walker's home is in their building . . ."

"Walker was a friend of Honor's from college who is always drunk, and had an affair with Mitchum for several years. I don't know all of the details, because frankly, I have no interest in regurgitating my last several meals. So she had an affair, and for some stupid reason, Mitchum gave her a free apartment to live in. She was evicted a few months ago, and has yet to move out. Last I talked to Collin, she is past her eviction date, and the locks will be changed and all of her belongings removed this coming Monday."

"So 4 days from now." Richard confirmed.

"That is correct. My best guess, is that this chick doesn't want to move, and wants to continue mooching off of HPG, so she's here to beg for us to let her stay. There is no way that Rory and Logan will go for that one, especially not given their history. I believe Honor spoke with Walker in the last couple days, so she knows everything that is going on, and that she has to be out by Monday, so I'm really not sure what she thinks she is going to get by coming here demanding to speak to someone."

"Alright, well I will go speak with her on my way out. Do I need to check backin with you afterward?"

"No, it's fine. I would just mention it to Logan when you get home, so he can let the attorney know. Just be prepared for that crazy chick to completely throw herself at you, because apparently she does it to everyone."

"That's ok, I can handle crazy." Richard chuckled.

"Good luck! Tell Logan that I will call him before I leave for the day."

"Will do. You have a great rest of the day Doyle. And remember, I won't be in tomorrow."

"Yep. You guys are leaving for Boston this afternoon."

"That's right. I will be back in the office on Monday."

"Well have a safe trip, and a very fun weekend, Sir."

"Thank you, I will. You have a great weekend as well Doyle." Richard told him, then turned to leave the office and head downstairs.

Downstairs HPG Reception Area

"Miss. Gloria, how are you this morning?" Richard asked as he approached the reception desk.

"I am doing very well Mr. Gilmore. How are you doing?"

"I am absolutely wonderful! Couldn't possibly be better!"

"Oh good, I am so glad! It's always a pleasure to have you here. Are you here to see Miss. Druckenmiller?"

"I am."

"She is right over in the left hand corner. Pink blouse."

"Thank you Gloria. You have a wonderful rest of the day, and a fabulous weekend."

"Thank you Mr. Gilmore. Same to you." Gloria said with a smile, watching as Richard moved away from the desk and approached Walker.

"Miss. Druckenmiller? Hi, I am Richard Gilmore. Won't you follow me?" Richard asked, gesturing away from the reception area.

Richard led Walker across the lobby to the door of the Huntzberger Clinic, then held the door open and followed Walker inside.

"Mr. Gilmore, to what do we owe the pleasure?" Nurse Veronica asked, seeing who had stepped through the door.

"Miss. Veronica, how are you, my dear? You look lovely as always."

"I am doing wonderful. How about yourself? What can I do for you?"

"I am doing wonderful as well. I was hoping that I might be able to borrow Doctor Huntzberger's office for just a moment, while I speak with this young woman." Richard said, gesturing toward Walker. "It will only take a quick moment. I just didn't want to have to drag her all the way upstairs when I am on my way out. I promise to be on my best behavior and leave it just as I found it."

"Of course you can Mr. Gilmore. I'm sure that Doctor Huntzberger won't mind at all. Let me just unlock the door for you."

"Thank you Veronica. You are too kind."

"How is Doctor Huntzberger doing? And Mrs. Huntzberger?"

"They are doing well. Let me just speak to this young woman for a moment, and then I would be happy to spend a few minutes chatting with you before I head out."

"Thank you Mr. Gilmore, I would love that." Veronica smiled as she got up from the desk she had been sitting at and headed for Logan's office.

"Right this way Miss. Druckenmiller." Richard said, holding his arm out, gesturing for Walker to follow Veronica through the office. "Thank you so much Veronica. I will be with you shortly."

"It's not problem at all. Take your time."

"Miss. Druckenmiller, please have a seat." Richard said as he took a seat in Logan's chair, after following the women into the office, then watching as Veronica stepped out, and closed the door behind her. "What can I do for you today?"

"I came to see the CEO, but I was told that both her and Logan are out."

"They are. I am the interim CEO at the moment. I've been briefed on what is going on. You are here about your apartment?"

"I am. Can you please contact Mitchum for me?"

"I'm sorry, but Mitchum is no longer with the company. He retired several months ago."

"Well I really need to speak with him, or at least with Logan. I'm being evicted from my apartment for no reason at all, and I need Mitchum to put an end to it."

"I'm sorry, but that is just not possible. From my understanding, you received eviction paperwork several months ago, did you not?"

"I guess so?"

"And the move out date on your paperwork came and went, did it not?"

"I don't even know."

"From what I was just told, your eviction has been finalized. The property you live in is being sold, and I was told that you need to move out before Monday, when the locks will be changed, and your belongings removed."

"But I can't possibly move out by then. Monday is just 4 days away, and I have nowhere to go!"

"I'm sorry Miss, but you've had several months to secure new living accommodations. There is nothing that I can do for you."

"Can you at least call Logan, and have him call his dad, and have all of this stopped?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. The eviction has gone through the proper channels in the court system. All the paperwork has been finalized. All that is left to do, is for you to vacate the property."

"But this is so unfair! Evicting me is going to leave me homeless!"

"I am very sorry Miss, but there just isn't anything that I can do to help you."

"But Mitchum gave me my apartment! He gave it to me for me to live in!"

"Do you have a contract with Mitchum that states your lease and terms of occupancy?"

"Well no, but I've always called him whenever I've had any problems, and he's always come right over to fix them. I tried to call the number that I have for him, but it's been disconnected."

"I'm very sorry, but Mitchum is no longer with the company. Rory Huntzberger is the new CEO, and she has decided to sell all of the extra company properties."

"But my apartment isn't an extra property. I live there!"

"Yes, I understand that. But you were not the only tenant who received an eviction. Several other people received evictions as well. All of the extra properties are being sold. From what I understand, they are costing the company thousands of dollars each month, and Mrs.Huntzberger feels that it is in the company's best interest to sell. I believe that all of the properties are being put on the market at the end of the month, so unfortunately, you will have to vacate in the next few days."

"And where am I supposed to go?!"

"Do you have any friends or family that you can stay with? Maybe your parents?"

"No, I don't! My parents are overseas, and all of my friends are married with children, and I absolutely hate children!"

"Well I am very sorry to hear that, but there really isn't anything that I can do for you. I must be going, but if you have any further questions, you should speak to attorney McCrae. His information is on the eviction paperwork that you received. Or if you need it, I'm sure that Gloria at reception would be happy to share it with you." Richard said as he stood from his seat, and moved toward the office door, opening it, and standing next to it with his arm out, gesturing for Walker to leave. "Miss. Veronica, I do believe that you are next."

"How is your great grandbaby?" Veronica asked as Walker angerly headed out of the office.

"Ayribella is doing amazing! She is just beautiful! She looks exactly like her mother did as a baby. I have pictures if you would like to see them."

"I would love to! It's been a couple of weeks since I've seen her. I bet she's grown a ton!"

"She definitely has." Richard agreed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, and pulled up pictures of the new baby.

"She is adorable!"

"This picture is from this morning. Emily and I had breakfast with her before I came to the office."

"That is very cute. You guys must be so proud."

"We definitely are. Babies are a wonderful blessing! We are thrilled for Rory and Logan."

"Will you tell them that I said hi and that we miss them here in the office?" Veronica asked.

"I most definitely will! I am headed home right now. We are headed out of town for the weekend, but you know how to reach us if anything comes up."

"I do. Will you be back on Monday?"

"Bright and early Monday morning. Will I see you then?"

"I'll be here."

"You make sure to enjoy your weekend, alright?"

"I will definitely try. Have a safe trip Mr. Gilmore. Go enjoy your new baby."

"Thank you, Veronica. I will for sure." Richard told her, then headed out of the office leaving her behind.

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