A Different Kind Of Life

By DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 103

60 1 0
By DreamzOfGold

10 Days Later

"Hey ,how's Rory doing?" Honor asked as she stood in her kitchen, talking to Logan on the phone.

"She's hanging in there. Postpartum depression is no joke."

"Do you guys need anything?"

"No. Right now, she still doesn't want anyone around. Even having Lorelai here is too much at times."

"At least Emily and Richard have their own apartment, so they aren't on top of you guys. They can hang out over here, if you need them to."

"It's fine. They understand what is going on. They've been keeping themselves busy. Emily is redecorating the HPG office and Richard is helping Doyle out with all the work that Rory would normally be doing. Everything is handled right now."

"Did the doctor put her on any medication to help her out?"

"He gave her some Zoloft and Lorazepam for the really bad anxiety attacks."

"Is that safe while breastfeeding?"

"It's supposed to be. Doctor Peterson said that it's safe, and I googled it, and from what I've been reading, it appears to be widely used, even during labor."

"Good to know. How are YOU doing? Do you need anything?"

"I'm alright. A little stressed out with everything going on, but that's to be expected. It's nothing that I can't handle."

"Do you want me to come take Ayribella for a while? Give you guys a break?"

"Thanks, but Rory would freak. She stresses if she wakes up and can't see the baby. They're both upstairs asleep right now. I literally walked down the hall with Ayribella earlier, to put some clothes in the washer, and Rory woke up and freaked out because Ayribella wasn't next to her."

"Wow, that's some crazy anxiety."

"It could be worse. Doctor Peterson doesn't want me leaving her for the next few weeks. He wants me with her every second, just in case. The meds could take a couple weeks to kick in, and we have no idea what kind of reaction Rory might have to them. Things could get ugly, but they could also go right back to normal. There is really no way to know. I'm just trying to run interference between Rory and the family, and still be there for whatever she needs."

"Has having Lorelai there helped?"

"Yes and no. Sometimes Rory just wants her Mom, but then other times she wants to be alone. It changes from minute to minute. Postpartum hormones are crazy."

"I've read about that. Some women have no hormone symptoms and go right back to their normal lives without making any changes, and others end up doing a complete 180."

"Yep. And Postpartum Depression and Anxiety can happen to anyone. There really isn't a way to avoid it. You can be the happiest person in the world, and still get hit with it. This stuff doesn't discriminate."

"Poor Rory."

"It's going to be ok. I have no plans except to be here with her. Everything else is on pause right now. We are only doing what Rory wants for the next several weeks."

"That's good. Is there anything that I can do to help you guys?"

"Thanks, but we're alright."

"What about lunch? Why don't I have lunch brought over. I'll take care of dinner too. Louis is here today, so I'll have him cook dinner for all of us. I'm feeling like ordering Panera Bread for lunch, so I'll have it delivered for all of us. Is that ok?"

"Sure, that sounds nice. Get me one of their southwest salads."

"I'll place the order right now."

"I'm going to head in to check on Rory again."

"Ok, call or text me if you need anything."

"Thanks Honor, I will."

"Oh, I totally forgot to tell you . . . Guess who called me this morning."

"I have no idea."

"Walker. She wants to meet for coffee."

"Because pregnant people are supposed to be drinking coffee."

"Right?! She is clearly clueless."

"So you are going to meet her?"

"I figured it couldn't hurt."

"Have you talked to Collin about it?"

"Do I need to?"

"I would prefer if you did. I don't want to risk screwing anything up."

"And you think that I would screw things up?"

"No Honor. I don't think that at all. You are the last person I would think would screw anything up. I just know that there are certain things that we aren't supposed to be talking about, and that if those things were to get out, it would make the eviction case more complicated.

"Logan, I'm sure that is probably what she wants to talk about. But I can promise you that I can handle it. I was actually thinking that I am going to pick up a bunch of moving boxes on my way, and offer them to her. The only thing I plan to say about her situation is that the apartment is being sold, regardless of whether or not she chooses to leave willingly. She can either move within the time frame she was given, which I believe is just about up, or she'll have to deal with a formal eviction and the locks being changed."

"Her time is actually up. Collin already filed the paperwork with the court to have the sheriff's department remove her from the premises."

"How long do you think she's got before that happens?"

"I'm not sure. I think that it could be anywhere from 1-90 days. It honestly depends on how quickly Collin can get a judge to sign off on it."

"But knowing Collin, that could happen any day now."

"Pretty much."

"Ok, so what about this? I'll text Walker and tell her that I'll meet her at her place. I'll take the boxes over there, and offer to help her pack."

"You shouldn't be lifting anything. You could go into labor at any time."

"I know that. I'll drive to the store and have the boxes loaded into my car, then I'll have the door man at the building bring them up to Walker's apartment for me."

"I wish you would take someone with you."

"It needs to be just me. No one else should be involved in this."

"I don't like it."

"I know you don't."

"I'm calling Frank to take you. I don't want you stressed out. Frank can help you pack too."

"Packing isn't Frank's job. And he doesn't need to be involved in this mess either."

"Fine. But I'm having him drive you until after your baby is born."

"Logan, that is completely unnecessary."

"Do you really want to argue with me?"

"Is there any chance of be winning this one?"

"Not even the slightest."

"Fine. You can call Frank. Tell him 2pm."

"And I'm calling Collin too. I'll let you know what he says."

"Ok. I'm going to go order some lunch. I'm starving."


"I love you guys. I'll let you know when lunch is delivered."

"Love you too. Thank you." Logan said, then ended the call, and headed back to his bedroom where Rory and Ayribella were both asleep.

Logan slowly cracked his bedroom door open, careful to not make any noise, and peeked his head inside. Seeing Rory and Ayribella still asleep, he carefully shut the door again, and headed down the hall to Rory's office to get some work done. Logan had just gotten comfortable in the chair behind Rory's desk when his phone rang again.

"This is Logan."

"Doctor Huntzberger, it's Doctor Greenley."

"Hey, long time, no see. How are you?"

"I'm alright, really busy. Look, I know that you are out on paternity leave right now, and I really hate to ask you this, but we are really shorthanded in the ER today, and we are getting completely slammed. I was hoping that I might be able to bribe you to come help out for a few hours."

"Normally I would love to, and I know that I've never had to do this, but I just can't. I'm really sorry."

"You're right, I've never heard you turn anyone down. Is everything ok?"

"Not really . . ."

"What's going on? Is there anything that I can do to help?"

"Not that I'm aware of. Everything is being handled, but my wife is really struggling right now. I would love to come hang out, but I just can't leave."

"Postpartum Depression?"

"It's bad."

"I'm sorry, that's tough. Don't even worry about it, I'll figure something out. You just take care of your wife and baby, and don't worry about anything else. Have you talked to her doctor?"

"He gave us medication this morning, but it could take a few weeks to kick in. Right now, the best thing that I can do to help her, is just to be here."

"You are doing the right thing. I know that battle well. My wife went through it as well. I hate to cut this short, but I'll check back in with you later this afternoon, alright? Call or text me if you need anything. Even if it's just to talk."

"Thanks Doctor Greenley. I appreciate it."

"Everything is going to be ok. I promise. I'm here if you need anything. I'll call you later." Doctor Greenley said, then ended the call.

"Mister Logan, you are working upstairs today?"

"At least for right now. It's nice to see you Rosalinda. Thanks for coming over." Logan said as he looked up to see his housekeeper entering Rory's office with a few books in her hands.

"What do you need? What can I do to help you? When is the last time you've eaten?"

"My sister is having lunch delivered for us. It will probably be here pretty soon."

"You look tired. Are you sleeping?"

"I'm alright. Rory and the baby are asleep in our room right now. Rory is having a really hard time She's developed postpartum depression and anxiety. She's kind of all over the place right now. If she snaps at you, I am really sorry. She just isn't herself lately. But her doctor and I are taking care of it. Hopefully the medication he gave us will help, but it could take a few weeks."

"You no worry. Momma Rosalinda is here. Miss Rory will be ok. You'll see. I'll take care of everything. You no worry."

"Thanks Rosalinda. I appreciate it a lot."

"Momma Rosalinda will take care of everything. You no worry at all. I make all your favorite foods. Food makes everything better. You'll see."

"You don't need to do that, but thank you."

"No no, Momma Rosalinda make all your favorites. You work Mister Logan. I take care of everything. You'll see. I order groceries and I cook your favorites."

"Ok. Would you mind getting some chocolate pudding and Oreo cookies?"

"Sure sure. You no worry. You let Rosalinda take care of you.  When do you take Rocky to groomers?"

"I have no idea. I honestly forgot all about it."

"I take him. I call right now. You no worry Mister Logan. Rosalinda is here."

"Thankyou Rosalinda. I don't know what we would do without you."

"You no worry. I take care of everything." Rosalinda said as they heard the baby start crying in the other room. "You sit. I get baby."

"I'll be there in a few minutes. I need to make a couple calls." Logan told her, as Rosalinda set the books she had brought in, down on a shelf in Rory's office, then hurried out of the room toward the master bedroom.

"Oh mi chiquita hermosa. You come see Rosalinda."

"Hey Rosalinda. I am so glad you are here." Rory smiled, as Rosalinda rushed to the cradle next to Rory's bed, and gently scooped the baby up into her arms.

"Miss Rory. You sleep well?"

"Yeah, for the most part."

"Mister Logan say Miss Honor ordered lunch. It be delivered soon."

"That's perfect, thank you."

"What you need Miss Rory? What can Rosalinda do for you?"

"I'm alright. I'm a little hungry, but I can wait to eat when lunch gets here."

"Have you showered? You need to take care of Miss Rory."

"I haven't yet today."

"Miss Rory, you go shower. You take all the time. I take Babita for you."

"Ayribella might be hungry."

"Nono, Babita is fine. See, she no cry. Mi Babita hermosa. We go dogrocery order. You shower Miss Rory. Babita be fine with Yaya. You see."

"Do you know where Logan is?"

"I'm right here." Logan said as he walked into the bedroom. "I was in your office getting some work done. Honor ordered Panera Bread for lunch. It should be here within 45 minutes."

"Miss Rory, go shower. You no worry about Babita. Yaya take good care of mi Babita hermosa."

"Rosalindais right. You should take a nice hot shower. It will help you feel better." Logan agreed.

"Ayribella might be hungry. I should feed her again."

"Rory, Ayribella is perfectly content with Rosalinda right now. You know how great Rosalinda is with her. She'll be fine while you take a shower, alright? I'll be right here if she needs anything."

"Where's my Mom?"

"Shopping with Emily for office stuff. There are some paint samples on the counter for you, downstairs. How about you go shower, then we can go through the list of stuff that Emily left for you. She is really excited to get rid of all the tacky gold my Dad has all over the office. Go shower, and I'll show you all the pictures your Mom has been taking while they are out."

"Ok. . ." Rory agreed with a sigh.

"Mi Babita, we go make Mommy yummy food. Yaya will teach you." Rosalinda smiled down at the baby in her arms. "Say bye bye to Mommy. You say 'I go cook with Yaya.' We make mommy's favorites."

"Bye baby. I'll be down after I shower." Rory said as she moved out of the bed, and placed a gentle kiss on her daughter's head, then watched as Rosalinda carried her out of the room.

"Rosalinda sure loves Ayribella." Logan smiled as he watched Rory head for the bathroom.

"That little girl has more grandparents than anyone I've ever known."

"I know, I'm kind of jealous. It's a good thing though. She's got a ton of people who love her. Just like you do. How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright at the moment. Still a little tired."

"Do you need me to get you anything for your shower?"

"No, I'm ok. Have you showered today?"

"Not yet, but I can shower later. It's more important that you get a nice relaxing shower. Do you want me to start the water for you?"

"You should shower too."

"I can shower later. I was planning to take one before bed tonight. I was actually thinking that sitting in the hot tub might be nice today."

"Ooooohhhhh hot tub."

"Why don't you shower and we'll plan for the hot tub after dinner. I'll ask Lorelai to watch Ayribella. We can have a date in the backyard."

"That sounds nice."

"You go shower. I need to go make a call."

"Is everything ok?"

"Yep, everything is great. You go shower. I'll be in your office getting some work done. But when you're done we'll head downstairs to checkout the stuff for the office."

"Ok." Rory agreed as she stepped past Logan and headed to the bathroom.

"Hey. You know that I love you, right?"

"Yeah." Rory smiled. "Thank you for being here."

"Of course. There is nowhere else that I would rather be."

* ~ * 20 minutes later * ~ *

"Hey Honor. So Collin said that he'll give Walker until next Monday to be out. That gives her 5 days from today. But on Monday, she'll be locked out, and her stuff removed."

"Collin already got a judge to sign off on the eviction?"

"He's in court right now."

"Stephanie's dad?"


"Must be nice when you need things done."

"Pretty much."

"Speaking of getting things done, you guys are leaving for Boston tomorrow, right?"

"That's the plan. We are staying at a B&B near MIT. We are spending Friday with Rory's family, then Saturday is April's graduation. Lorelai said she was getting all of the information together for you, in case you need to reach us."

"How is all of that going to work with Rory's anxiety being out of control right now?"

"I'm not sure. Rory really wants to go, so it's not my place to cancel the trip. I'm just going to play it by ear, and if something comes up, and I need to remove us from a situation, I will. We will be home on Sunday, unless something comes up. And who knows, maybe getting away for a few days is exactly what Rory needs right now.

"Are you guys packed yet?"

"You already know that answer."

"You haven't even started."


"Well let me know if you need anything."

"This will be our first public outing with Ayribella. If we're spotted, I'm sure it'll be all over the media."

"You have a car seat cover, right?"

"We do. And Rory has a baby carrier thing that completely covers Ayribella when she's in it."

"Are you taking any security with you?"

"We weren't planning on it."

"You should call Carlos. Have him set something up for you, just in case. It's better to be safe than sorry. Especially with what Rory is going through right now."

"That's a good point."

"Go call Carlos. Lunch should be here any minute. I'll bring it over when it's delivered."

"Thanks Honor. I owe you."

"I'll add it to my list of reasons why Logan owes me his life."


"I'll see you in a few minutes." Honor smiled, then ended the call.

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