Fated To The Dragon King

By NiallFictionx

1.3M 49.6K 4.3K

Lilly found an egg on a hiking trip. Nothing abnormal on that, right? Except the egg was four times bigger th... More

Author's note:
1. Adulting Sucks
2. How It Started
3. How It's Going
4. Introducing The Little Shit
5. My Son At Last
6. The Dragon Realm
7. The King Of Rabies
8. The Unpleasant Pleasant Feeling Of A Bite
9. To Lose Someone
10. Unwell
11. Healing
12. My Baby, but Also Not My Baby
13. Acceptance
14. Freedom
15. Fuck etiquette
16. Dining with the King
17. Dressed To Impress
18. Human Babies Are Useless
19. A Beast and Its Desires
20. To Avoid A Dragon King
21. To Reject Someone
22. Learning About Dragons
23. Brax's Cousin
24. What Is This That I Feel?
25. This Is My Home Now
26. Bad Idea
27. Like A Fucking Dog In Heat
28. I Yield To My Wants
29. Be Mine
30. I am yours
31. Cockblocker
32. Setup
33. Dirty Work
34. The Uncertainty of Tomorrow
35. Traitor
36. A Fever To Kill
37. Damn You Ex
38. The Threat
39. Into The Unknown
40. Chanting To The Gods
41. My Very Own Beast
42. His Beast
43. I love you
44. Flap Those Wings
45. A Pain In The Ass
46. A Sibling?
47. Pink and Blue Surprises
48. Sensitive Matters
49. In Danger
50. Following Her Tracks
51. I'm Out Of This
52. Anything To Protect My Family
53. Trying Not To Lose My Mate
Choose my next story!
54. My Baby Daddy
55. The Past Knocking At The Door
56. Redemption
57. A Relationship To Build
58. Two legs Instead Of Four
59. Relationships On Trial
60. My Gold
61. Homesick
62. Facing My Family
63. Defending My Queen
64. Dealing With It
65. One Down, Four More To Go
66. Granpa's Time
68. Everything Happening
69. My Mother-In-Law
70. Fixing A Bond
71. My One & Only
72. Coronation & More
73. The Egg At Last
Author's Note!
Bonus Chapter!
Not A Chapter But An Idea!

67. My Siblings

8.5K 400 63
By NiallFictionx


Being around my family improved my mood greatly. Having the two men in my life cuddled around me while petting my protruding stomach, whispering random things to it.

Phoenix was to my left, his head on my chest, his mouth close to my covered nipple. His big hand would almost engulf my round belly, and Brax, who was to my right, his head on my chest, would giggle while putting his open hand on top of his dad's, comparing their sizes.

"Your hand is so big, dada!"

I felt Phoenix's lip tug upward on a smirk.

"Well, you know what they say about having big hands..." he joked, wiggling his brow. I snorted at his innuendo.

"What they say, dad?"

At that I laughed, wondering how Phoenix would get out of this one.

"That big hand can grab many stuff at once," he replied smoothly.

"Oh," Brax simply said and continued moving his hand around my belly.

"Can we name the baby mega tooth?"

Phoenix and I share a look.

"Where did that come from, sweety?" I asked him, thinking of a nice way to tell him HELL NO.

Brax shrugged, putting his pointer finger in my belly button and moving it.

"I'm trying to think of a cool name for the baby."

"Mhm... Would you have liked us to name you Sweety-pie?" I said tentatively, to make him understand my point.

Brax wrinkled his nose.


"What about Cutie-heart?" I went on, making him groan.


"Or maybe Braxamus?"

"Ugh momma, those are bad," he complained, and I laughed.

"Well, maybe let's put your father in charge of the name, shall we?"

Brax nodded.

"So dada... Can we name the baby Mega Tooth?"

I swear I facepalmed. Kids will be kids, but this one was being delusional!

Like I said before, I didn't like living in uncertainty, so I decided to try again with my family, but without my mother.

I left a letter on my dad's desk in his studio, and we would meet tonight at Bianca's place, until then, I will be rehearsing what I would tell them.

My siblings were different from my dad. I felt closer to him, I trusted him. I knew it'd be okay with Bianca, but since I was not that close to either Julio or Ana, I didn't know if it would go alright.

I thought that maybe I could try telling Bianca alone, but that would require more time and energy and I was just dreined after dealing with my mother.

When it was time to live, I kissed Phoenix's cheek. He wasn't happy letting me go alone, but this was my family and my problem to solve. Besides, telling my mother won't be there got him to relax a little bit.

I opened the portal in dad's studio and together drove to Bianca's apartment. She opened the door and hugged me, which surprised me.

Bianca was twenty years old, and still cursing college. She was young and could be a bit naive sometimes, but she was also more open-minded and easygoing. I just knew I could count on her.

"I'm sorry about mom. I know you wanted to tell us something important and she ruined it... Lilly, don't let her push you away from us, please?" she begged, giving me a last squeeze. Her next words made my heart ache. "Please don't disappear on us again because of her."

I hugged her once more, promising her that won't happen. That she will always be my little sister and I'll be there for her.

"Good," she beamed at us and let us in, telling us that Ana and Julio were already settled inside.

I wait until everyone is sited and I start my monologue, much like I did with dad.

I told them that I won't be moving back to Cuba, and that my home was with Phoenix. That I loved him and our son and the baby we were expecting. That they are my future and I hoped they could accept it. I explained that we would marry in three weeks and wanted them there on my special day. Hoping they would understand.

Ana smiled at me sadly, reaching for my hand.

"I'm glad you are happy, and that we could finally share the joy of being a mother. And I can't wait to share everything about pregnancy and being a mother," she said, and I squeezed her hand, happy by her words. "I don't care what mom says, you've never brought any guy home so this is huge. I can't wait to know more about him. Sometimes love has no sense of time, and has its own pace," she added, looking at my stomach. "I'm just glad you are finally able to experience love."

I smiled at her. We both hugged, which felt weird. Maybe this was a new step to better our relationship. Now we had something in common: we both were mothers and couldn't wait to introduce Brax to his cousins.

"You always wanted to leave the country and visit new places," started Julio, sitting closer. "I wasn't surprised when you told us your plan about living with mom and dad to save so you could move abroad. I was really happy that you got to do what you planned, and finding love is just a bonus," he added, nodding his head at me. "I admit that none of us are used to not having family around, but I knew you would 'have never been truly happy here, so do what you gotta do, sis."

I smiled at him and went to sit beside him so we could share a hug.

When everything was settled, I stood up, telling them that wasn't all. The three of them raised their brow, inquisitive.

"Well... Uh... Would you believe me if I tell you that Phoenix comes from another realm and that he is not human, and neither I am anymore, and right now, I'm living in another world?"

I just let it out there, playing with my hands, unable to hide my anxiety.

"Lilly... Why would you come up with that?" asked Julio, confused.

"Because is the truth. I need to tell you the truth if I want you to be part of my life and be at my wedding."

Ana pinched her nose, while Bianca kept staring at me, her head to the side.

"I am a dragon shifter, and so is Phoenix. I don't live in the human world anymore."

"Lilly..." started Ana but dad interrupted her.

"She is telling you the truth, kids. I went to their realm myself, and met my grandson and his... beast."

Ana and Julio both stared at dad, still unable to believe his words. Bianca kept staring at me.

"Prove it," she said then.

I shrugged, and I showed them like I did with dad. I change my eyes, and elongate my fangs and claws, and stare at them.

Ana and Julio both have their mouths hanging open.

"Cool!" Bianca exclaimed, standing up to go to me. "So these are real?" she proceeded to touch my claws, and gasped when my claw made her finger bleed at the pressure she put in. "Woah!"

"This is crazy. I can't believe I actually saw you do that," mumbled Julio, pulling from his hair, and staring at my fangs.

"How is that even possible?" Ana muttered, a bit lost and pale, just like dad was when I told him the truth.

"Well, I was the same when Phoenix told me he was a dragon shifter, and now... I'm pregnant," I joked. "Do you believe me now? Do you accept this? Because I need you to make a silence oath to protect my kind."

"Your kind," Julio breathed, as if it was some kind of joke.

I took the chance to open a portal, so Phoenix and the wizard could cross, and Ana and Julio looked like they were about to puke their guts out.

"So how did it go?" asked Phoenix in a slow voice.

"As well as it could go," I muttered, eying Ana waryly who was heaving on the couch.

"Phoenix! Nice to see you again, mijo. How's Brax?" my dad greeted him and Phoenix greeted him back, smiling.

"He's asleep."

"Dad!" cried Julio, bewildered.

"What? He's my son-in-law now," my dad defended himself.

I went to sit beside Julio and Ana, taking their hands in mine.

"Are you with me in this," I asked them, looking them in the eye.

They shared a look, and then turned to me, nodding slowly, still in shock.

So I make the three of them make the oath like dad. Bianca took it like a chump, saying how cool it was she just drunk supernatural blood. Ana covered his nose and choked the blood down her throat. Julio had to cover his mouth to not spit it, gagging after swallowing it. He was white as snow.

"Great! You are all invited to my wedding now. Bianca, Ana, we will be shopping for dresses this Thursday, and in Friday I'll take all of you to meet at our home."

I clasped my hands, happy that everything was sorted. Happy that the family that wanted to support me was going to be there on my wedding day.

"You go, darling. I'll keep the kids grounded," my dad reassured me. I was glad that he would be able to bring them back to reality.

"Hey!" scolded Bianca, "I'm fine. Those two are a pair of pussies."

"Language!" my dad scolded her, to which she replied that she was in her home, so her rules.

My dad looked annoyed at that, which was pretty funny.

"Alright, see you soon!"

I hugged Ana and Julio, who still seemed a bit dazed, and then I went for Bianca, who jumped in my arms.

"Does this mean I can ride on your back and actually fly?" she asked eagerly.

I hesitated, not comfortable with having my sister's safety in my hands.

"We'll see,"

"I didn't hear no!" she squeaked before jumping away to the kitchen.

I snorted at her silly behavior, and lastly, hugged my dad goodbye.

Phoenix and I crossed the portal after paying the wizard who soon disappeared in his own portal, and once we were in our room, I left myself dropped on the bed.

"I bet that a heavy weight was lifted off your shoulder," Phoenix dared to say and I nodded.

"Yeah, I was anxious all day and now I'm tired," I sighed, closing my eyes.

"Want me to prepare you a bath?"

"Pretty please?"

He chuckled and kissed my lips before disappearing inside the bathroom. Damn. Julio was right. Finding love on my trip was a bonus. Phoenix treated me not like a princess, but a Queen, and I often wonder how I got so lucky to land a man such as him? He is perfect. He is gorgeous, strong, and rich, but also kind and caring. He is loyal to his family and I know I'm safe in his grasp.

Fuck, I love you Phoenix, and will continue to love you till my last breath.


So, I wanted to ask, is the story dragging? I'm kinda scared of that. If so I can always make the family issue short and not detailed. I'm sorry.

I want to give you a story of quality and maybe I lost focus?

I just like keeping the story as "real as it can get" and giving you the real stuff without plot holes. But you tell me!

I will always listen to you😘


How old are you?😁

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