By metamorphosisII

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it was supposed to be easy. but when your past comes to haunt you, there's nothing you can do. rory march fou... More

amor caecus est
vol 1.
1. when in quidditch world cup
2. apocalypse
3. goodbyes and train rides
4. ferret and moody
5. chocolate frogs
6. shit show
7. goblet of fire
8. miss march vs. dumbledore
9. blood sucking insect
10. a dragon? a dragon.
11. effy march
12. the first task
13. sitting in a tree
14. the blonde twin
15. not brilliant but ok
16. the yule ball
17. hermione j. granger
18. answers and hidden gems
19. the second task
20 sisters, sisters, sisters, sisters
21. so much but yet so little
22. into the woods
23. calm before the storm
24. the last task
25. blood of an enemy
26. the past that haunts you
27. maybe we're cursed
vol 2.
28. miss hannigan
29. strawberry fields
30. healer tonks
31. burned the disco down
32. twelve grimmauld place
33. way down we go
34. meg, jo, beth, amy
35. all for one and one for all
36. love is in the air
38. our bluest days
39. jolly christmas
40. the loss of my life
41. home is where your hat is
42. she would remember
43. almost had it all
44. family line
45. the children are not all right
46. aurora d. malfoy
47. loose canon

37. blood and rings

176 18 3
By metamorphosisII

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blood and rings

There was something about Little Shit Malfoy that just annoyed the living life out of the March sisters. It wasn't just the way he talked and walked, like he was the most important person in the world but how he treated people. He didn't consider other people's feelings and that bothered them. They couldn't understand how someone could be so mean. Malfoy was privileged and had no reason to be a mean bully. If anyone had a reason to be mean to others it was Harry who has had a rough childhood.

Malfoy's latest act included making fun of people who go to St. Mungos. It was a low blow even from him and Rory wasn't afraid to let him know how poor his behaviour has been. She thought he had been absolutely inhuman for speaking such things, and in front of Neville Longbottom. Not too many knew it but Neville's parents have been residents of St. Mungos for over a decade and counting. The only reason the March sisters knew about it was through Lara who had seen Neville at the hospital over the summer.

"Oy Malfoy," she said loudly when noticing the blonde ferret in the Great Hall later that day. "I would like to have a word with you."

Via, Hermione and Olive were with Rory, all three equally furious at the boy. To their surprise Draco turned around to see the girls approaching him — normally he would ignore them just for the hell of it.

The Malfoy boy was smirking like he was the king of the world. Like what he had said or done did not matter. That he was the only thing that mattered in the world and was untouched because of his obnoxious family name and wealth.

Rory, her sisters and her friends have always hated Malfoy from the moment they met him. They have let him know it — arguing with him like they were siblings who hated each other but not once has any of them been in a physical fight with the boy. It was Hermione who had once punched Malfoy.

"What, March?" Sneered Draco.

"What is it with you? That you are so rude and mean to people who have never done anything to you. Why do you feel superior to others?" Rory huffed, her hands firmly on her hips. She could tell some students were looking at her but she couldn't care less. Many wanted Draco Malfoy to get lectured and no one gave a lecture better than a March sister.

Draco shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I am better than you. I'm rich, a pureblood and live in a big manor much too big for my family. I have everything and you have nothing."

"You can't measure your humanity with the things you have," Olive chimed in, ready to hex Malfoy to oblivion.

"I don't only have things. I have a family, parents," said Draco.

Hermione rolled her eyes at Draco's comment.

"The Ice Queen and Shit Senior? No offence but I would rather have no parents than them as one," Via muttered.

"What did you say?" Draco clenched his fist.

Via narrowed her eyes and was about to take a step closer to Draco but was stopped by Rory who laid her hand on her shoulder.

"Don't engage," Rory said to her little sister.

"I am better than any of you. I don't spend my time with blood-traitors and mudbloods," Draco scoffed under his breath but not quietly enough.

Rory heard him.

In all honesty Rory had not planned to punch Malfoy but the second she heard him say those words, she couldn't help herself. Her fist made contact with his nose within seconds, surprising everyone around them. Olive gasped in shock, her hand flying over her mouth while Via, bless her, started to laugh. She knew she shouldn't have but the sight was pretty funny.

"Shit..." cursed Rory when she realised what she had done. There was a small part in her that was rather proud — she knew she shouldn't feel so but she did — but mostly she felt embarrassed for letting her feelings take such a control of her.

"My god," gasped Hermione but she wasn't upset with her girlfriend's behaviour.

In fifteen minutes, Rory, Olive, Via and Hermione were sitting in Dumbledore's office with Malfoy and waiting for Lord and Lady Malfoy, and Mr Bee to join them. When it came to Hogwarts business, Effy and Mr Bee were the ones the school reached out when it was necessary. Miss Moore wasn't on that list since she didn't know anything about magic which was for the girls' safety. She would go feral and probably burn the sisters at stake if she was ever to find out.

Effy was unable to come that afternoon — she was too busy scrubbing toilets at Raffedy so she sent Mr Bee to her sisters instead.

The floo-point at Dumbledore's office went on and two tall, blonde figures appeared. After them came Professor McGonagall who was there to escort Mr Bee to Hogwarts.

"Mr Bee," Via and Rory sighed and ran to their uncle, giving him a big hug.

"Hi girls," said Mr Bee, pressing gentle pecks on their temples before Rory and Via stepped away from the hug.

"What happened?" Mr Bee asked with a worried expression while Draco's parents were fussing over their son, gasping at the sight of his slightly bruised nose.

Rory nudged her head towards the family of three. Noticing the blonde boy's bruised nose Mr Bee realised what had happened. He knew of Draco Malfoy and his family, and he knew how the boy had bullied the sisters and their friends for years now. Mr Bee has never seen Draco or the other Malfoys but they looked much like he had expected them to — tall, blonde and judgemental looking.

"Did you put your weight on it?" Mr Bee grimaced, referring to the punch Rory had thrown at Malfoy.

"Of course I did," Rory rolled her eyes while Via snickered next to her. "I'm not that stupid."

"But stupid enough to punch someone," said Mr Bee although he didn't seem too upset with Rory's behaviour. "And now you have to face the consequences."

Rory sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose before turning to Hermione and Olive who both in their turn greeted Mr Bee. The Malfoys were frantically waving their arms around, both adults sending deadly glares at Rory for hurting their son. She understood them — she would act the same if someone hurt her sisters.

"Now I think we should sort this out," Dumbledore finally spoke, looking up from his desk and the two families. The one was very traditional with two parents and their child while the other family was anything but. There were two sisters out of four present. A man who was not related to the sisters and a friend who was basically family and Hermione Granger, someone even Dumbledore could tell, has spent more time with Rory March than ever before.

"I have heard what happened and I believe you both owe each other an apology" Dumbledore stated, looking at the families with an uneasy feeling. He didn't know where the feeling was coming from. If it was something of his own making or the way Mr Bee was staring at him, shooting daggers with his eyes. Mr Bee knew it was Dumbledore who let Rory participate in the tournament a year ago.

"Our son doesn't owe an apology. He was assaulted!" Lord Malfoy stated, pointing at Draco's face. "If anything, we should press charges."

"Well I can't afford a lawyer or anything really so there's really no point," said Rory, her arms tightly crossed over her chest.

Anger flashed across Lord Malfoy's eyes but it dimmed when Lady Malfoy wrapped her hand around his arm. "I don't think charges are necessary," she said. "But our Draco does not owe an apology to anyone."

"Oh please! He insulted people and it's not the first time either," Hermione stepped up, taking a stance next to Rory.

"Alright alright," Mr Bee said, trying to calm the teenagers around him. "Let's just apologise to each other and be done with this."

Rory grunted. "Fine."

"Who are you?" Lord Malfoy scoffed, looking at Mr Bee.

"None of your business," huffed Olive as she knew if the Malfoys would find out Mr Bee is a muggle, all hell will break loose. She didn't have it in her to take round two with Draco nor his parents.

Mr Bee smiled at Olive, giving her a grateful nod and turning towards Lord Malfoy. "You could say that I'm Rory and Via's uncle."

"I thought you didn't have any family," blurted Draco and snapped his head towards Rory and Via. "You lied?"

"He's not related to us," Via explained quietly.

"Related or not, I would think your uncle could teach you some manners," Lady Malfoy said, glaring at Mr Bee.

Draco sneered at the sisters like he had just won the lottery. His mother was scolding the March sisters and their friends — it was the best early Christmas present he could ever hope for.

"It's not like your parents have taught you any manners," Rory said to Draco, wanting to silence him but instead she set him a perfect opportunity.

"At least I have parents," Draco fought back. "Yours just gave you away and left you to rot in that orphanage. I bet you deserve all those beatings you get there."

The room fell silent.

You could hear a hairpin drop, the students walking outside the office and quiet ticking of the small clock on Dumbledore's desk. Draco's words were like a big, dark cloud that he cast upon the room. Nasty and evil, cruel and juvenile. Rory drew in a sharp breath while Hermione was seething with anger. Olive looked at Draco through narrowed eyes but it was poor Via who sniffed.

Via, who always remains unbothered when anyone would mention her parents, was now biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from spilling tears. Maybe it was the fact that Draco was there, saying those things while his parents were there. Parents who drop everything to come and see their son when asked. She was grateful to have Mr Bee with her and Rory but he wasn't their parent.

Usually the insult, if you could call it that, didn't bother the sisters. They didn't mind not having parents but saying that they had just abandoned the girls was a different thing. It wasn't funny nor will it ever be funny. There weren't any official records or information of how the March sisters ended up at Raffedy, only that they were dropped off there by a stranger. It didn't help that the girls didn't remember the time before Raffedy but they have always thought that perhaps the time before wasn't any good and their brains have made a consensus choice to forget.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" Exclaimed Lady Malfoy who looked absolutely appalled by her son's behaviour. "You apologise to them, right now. You don't ever say such things to anyone."

The blonde boy turned to look at his parents. He has never been yelled at by them — he could do no wrong in their eyes — but apparently now he had crossed the line. Draco knew what he had said wasn't nice but still he had said it.

Hermione was ready to punch Draco again if needed.

Olive too.

"Fuck you," Via said, her blue eyes swimming in tears. "Fuck you, Malfoy for saying that."

"Draco, apologise to them," Lord Malfoy said sternly. "You know you crossed a line."

Rory shook her head, Hermione taking a step closer to her so Rory would know she has Rory's back. Hermione would hex Malfoy and his parents if Rory wanted her to.

"We don't want his apologies," sighed Rory, taking Via's hand. "Nor ever to see you again," Rory added and left the room with her little sister.

When the owl post arrived the next day Rory, Lara and Via all screamed from the top of their lungs when opening a letter. All eyes turned on them but they didn't care. The letter was from Caleb who, with all earnesty and shaken handwriting, was asking the March sisters for their blessing to marry Effy.

It was wonderful news and there was no doubt Rory, Lara or Via would have anything against the marriage. They have come to like Caleb a lot over the past years and knew how good he was to Effy who has spent most of her life thinking no one could ever love her — except her sisters of course. With everything else going on in their life, it was wonderful to have this little news of sunshine to brighten up their days.

Breakfast long forgotten, the sisters ran out of the Great Hall, nearly knocking Professor McGonagall down in the process. They ran all the way to the Ravenclaw Tower and to Rory's room.

Via and Lara jumped on Rory's bed while the brunette took out what they needed to write a letter. They were all giggling, nearly walking on clouds. Effy marrying Caleb was perhaps the best news they could ever imagine. Of course Effy hasn't said yes yet since Caleb was waiting for Rory, Lara and Via's answer but according to the letter he will propose as soon as possible. He had also explained how he had asked for Mr Bee's blessing as well which to the sisters just felt so wholesome and beautiful.

"Eudora will have an aneurism when she finds out," grinned Via.

"Oh my god I want to be there when she finds out," Lara laughed, rolling on her back. "That might actually cure all the sadness and pain in the world."

The sisters wrote to Caleb, giving him their blessing and permission and acceptance and love and everything they could possibly say to him to assure that they were on board with his plans to propose to Effy.

"I think they will have a spring wedding," mused Via, smiling from ear to ear. "We will get to be bridesmaids."

"He hasn't even proposed to her yet," Rory said, although she was already counting the days for the, hopefully, upcoming nuptials. "But I bet it will be beautiful."

Via chuckled. "How do you think he is going to ask her? I mean he's Caleb Zabini after all."

The proposal could be big and bold. Expensive wine, a trip to Paris or Venice. The fanciest hotel money can get you and a candlelit dinner made by the world's most famous chef. But they knew Caleb wasn't going to do all that. He was going to make it simple yet meaningful. He knew Effy didn't like nice and expensive things. Her favourite gift she's ever received was a drifted necklace her sisters bought her on her eighteenth birthday.

"I think it will be just the two of them at Caleb's flat while they are watching Gone With the Wind," Rory suggested.

"Or Sound of Music," added Lara.

"Well as long as it's not Star Wars," smirked Via.

Rory laughed at her little sister's comment and rolled her eyes in a playful manner. "You know it's Olive's fault that Caleb watches Star Wars. She introduced him to the saga."

"I honestly don't think Effy would mind getting proposed while watching the Return of the Jedi," Lara said. "She would appreciate the uniqueness."

"Well however it happens, I'm sure she will say yes," Via smiled widely. She liked Caleb, she thought he was nice, funny and most importantly, he was crazy about Effy. It warmed her heart to know that her oldest sister could be happy.

Rory ruffled Via's hair. "Of course she will say yes."

"And then we will have a brother," grinned Lara, shaking her head at the thought. "That's odd."

They have never had a brother. Once or twice they had a brother at some foster home but never one who stuck around. Caleb was going to be their brother-in-law and they knew he would do anything for them. He had to earn their trust when he first started to see Effy whose sisters didn't like him too much back then.

"It doesn't mean we have to spend time with Blaise, right?" Via's eyes widened at the idea. "He's an idiot and friends with Malfoy."

"We might have to see Blaise every now and then but we don't have to be friends with him. Just civil," Lara explained at Via. "And we can do that. We can be civil."

Via shrugged with a tiny smirk. "Maybe."

It was close to impossible to keep the secret of Caleb's potential proposal as a secret so within fifteen minutes from receiving the letter from him, Hermione, Olive, Finn to name a few knew about it. 

my god miss taylor alison swift is a genius

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