Story of Guilds

By BlazeraEvans

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This story is heavily inspired off the anime FairyTail, and uses concepts from FairyTail as well, such as anc... More

Guild Members and Information before Reading:
The Prologue
Chapter 1: Rules of the Guild
Chapter 2: New Identity
Chapter 3: Rosalia's Reveal
Chapter 4: Day 1 of the Grand Magic Games
Chapter 5: Dragon Slayer vs Devil Slayer
Chapter 6: The Party Pt. 1
Chapter 7: The Party Pt. 2
Chapter 8: Dawn's Meeting
Chapter 9: Chariots
Chapter 10: The Mole
Chapter 11: True Rivals
Chapter 12: Assassin's Stealth
Chapter 13: Sweet Evenings, Bitter Nights
Chapter 14: The Next Step
Chapter 15: Yellow
Chapter 16: The Kidnapping
Chapter 17: In Hiding
Chapter 18: Give Her Back!
Chapter 19: Fall of Cordelia
Chapter 20: Sibling Tension
Chapter 21: Double Battles
Chapter 22: The Finalists Announced!
Chapter 23: Abbadon's Intentions
Chapter 24: The Finale of the Games
Chapter 25: The Poessession
Chapter 26: Catsi's Return
Chapter 27: Goodbye, Abbadon
Chapter 28: Who Stays and Who Goes...
Chapter 29: Last Days in the Capital
Chapter 30: Life in the Aldrich Guild
Chapter 31: Call for Help
Chapter 32: Revenge of the Ashworth's
Chapter 33: The Dinner
Chapter 34: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 35: Tiles Echo
Chapter 36: The Priest's Guidance
Chapter 37: The Trap!
Chapter 39: The Investigation at Abbadon
Chapter 40: The Investigation at Abbadon Pt 2

Chapter 38: Reputation Matters

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By BlazeraEvans

August 29th, XXXX, At the Aldrich Guild Hall.

It was early morning and the group of Abbadon Members, Mehkit, Quentin and Shashin all returned from their journey. They were all greeted by their fellow guild mates. However, they all wore expressions that seemed grim.

Ren> "Welcome back, I hope your journey was safe."

Quentin> "It was..."

Shashin> "Yeah..."

Blake> "I don't think anyone really needs to read the mood to know that something is off."

Mehkit> "It's complicating to put into words right now."
Sephora observed from the distance and came out.

Sephora> "Is everything alright...?"

Mehkit> "Not really, we'll explain after."

Blazera> "We'll all catch up later then."

David K.> "Yeah, sounds like a plan."

Darker> "Mhmm..."

Fin> "Well... Shall we go now then Ren?"

Ren> "Probably, let's go."
Both Ren and Fin left to do errands.

Quentin> "They seem to have been busy, how come?"

Valorie> "No clue, something about finding that Cordelia member."

Quentin> "I see..."

Johnathan> "Master, everyone, would a cup of tea help lighten the atmosphere?"

Quentin> "Yes, it would be appreciated..."

Mehkit> "Yeah, thanks."
Johnathan goes to make tea for them both.

Alvina> "No thanks, I'm fine."
Alvina left to her room.

Blake> "What's up with that?"

David K.> "Her and Verna have been through a lot..."

Blake> "Let's go check on her later."

David K.> "Yeah... I'm worried about her."
Shashin had been awfully quiet, almost lost in thought.

Blazera> "You're quieter than usual. I would bother you about personal matters now, but for now you get a pass."

Shashin> "Oh... Yeah... Sorry about that."

Blazera> "Like I said, you get a pass for now."

Blake> "You're being awfully quiet today."

Shashin> "I'm just trying to understand why and... How..."

Blake> "Just take your mind off it for now, it will come to you eventually."

Shashin> "It's sort of hard to not get lost in thought, but thank you, I'll try."
Shashin wishes right now he had Solaris to help him with that.

Ren and Fin approached the Inn, and we're greeted by Haruto and Angélique, they then decided to split up to try and search for clues of Itsuka around the city. Angélique ans Haruto stuck together, while Ren and Fin went their own direction. They search in possible places around the city all day... And find absolutely nothing, so in the evening they decided to meet back up and call it quits for the day. Angélique and Haruto were walking on their way back to the Inn talking about what's going on.

Angélique> "I'm exhausted after today, how about you?"

Haruto> "As an assassin, or former one at least... I've had to wait longer to assassinate my targets. So for me it's not so bad. But I understand how this can be tiring for you. Would you like something to eat or drink?"

Angélique> "No, no, I'm fine don't worry! But thanks anyway. You're really sweet."

Haruto smiles.
Haruto> "I appreciate that."

Suddenly Angélique got a weird energy coming from nearby.
Angélique> "It's gotten really dark... I feel scared... I don't know why I got a sudden chill..."

Haruto> "Don't worry, I'm here to cover for you, if there is something."

Angélique> "Just don't leave me here... I don't know what could happen here. The capital is full of criminals at this hour."

Haruto> "Just stay close."
They stayed together, slowly walking towards their Inn, however a noise was heard from a certain direction.

Haruto> "I think we are being followed..."

Angélique> "W-what do we do?"

Haruto> "Hold on, I can follow their footsteps. You stay here, I'll catch them quick."

Angélique> "W-wait why don't we go togeth-"

Haruto had already left to find whoever followed them and he followed the footsteps to a square in the area of the city, and was shocked by what he found. It was Itsuka, tied up in chains, murdered. A couple seconds after, he looked at his hands and started to freak out, they were covered in blood, and held chains in them. Angélique had heard the scream Haruto let out, and so did the Newbold Members at the Inn, Sasha. They both followed the scream since they knew it was Haruto and looked at him in terror.  They saw Itsuka's dead body... Angélique and Sasha vomited at the sight.

Sasha> "H-haruto... What's going on here????!!! What did you do???"


Haruto> "Wait, this wasn't me, I swear! It's not as it's seen..."

Sasha backed away.
Sasha> "Um... I don't know if I can believe you..."

Angélique takes out her swords out of caution.
Angélique> "Yeah I dunno either, because of your past and all... You did kill innocent people..."

Haruto> "But it would of taken longer because of her magic... Please believe me..."

Sasha> "I dunno, knowing you... You could of just snuck up and killed her..."

Angélique> "She was our only chance at getting leads, but... What do we do..."

Sasha> "I'm sorry Haruto but... We need to go."
They both started running towards the Aldrich guild, and Haruto tried to chase after them.

Haruto> "Please! Just let me explain! The chains just appeared in my hands out of nowhere! It wasn't me who did this!"


Angélique couldn't contain her panic anymore. She threw swords at Haruto as he chased them. Sasha popped out a drink and chugged it down. She proceeded to smash the ground and make Haruto trip and fall over. They both run as fast as they can.

Sasha> "This is the second time in a row I've had to run for my life! *Hic* just my luck!"

Angélique> "W-we're almost there!"

They ran inside the guild, and saw Fin and Ren. They sensed their panic and tried to call them.

Fin> "Are you guys okay? You seem tense..."

Angélique> "I-its Haruto ! He killed someone!"

Fin> "Wait, who?"

Ren> "This can't be good..."

Angélique begins to cry.
Angélique> "Itsuka..."

Fin> "Oh..."
Fin's face becomes sorrowful.

Ren> "Well, where is he?"

Sasha> "He'll be here any moment! Get help! We need to stop him before he kills anyone else."

Ren> "Right, Fin, go get help. I'll handle this accordingly."

Ren went outside to Haruto, while Fin went to get Blazera, Valorie and Johnathan. Ren tried to reason with Haruto, but aimed his pistols at him.

Haruto> "Please... You don't have to do this. This wasn't me."

Ren> "I want to believe you, but the blood stains and chains you're carrying say otherwise... Quentin would be disappointed if he saw you like this. He has faith in you to turn good."

Haruto> "The chains just appeared in my hands! I have no idea what happened. I didn't do it!"

Ren had a feeling he was saying the truth. Haruto tried to go closer to Ren, but Ren put his finger on the trigger.
Ren> "Keep a distance."

Haruto> "Please... You have to believe me!"

Ren> "I'm sorry but..."
Backup comes to help.

Blazera> "What's going on here?"

Ren> "It seems we have a killer among us..."

Fin> "Why would you kill her... She didn't do anything to hurt us..."
Blazera kept silent from this point forward.

Valorie> "I'm sorry but we can't believe you. I mean, Quentin always put faith but I never trusted you."

Johnathan> "No kidding, you're just a filthy killer! We should turn you in."

Ren> "Wait, I don't think we should jump to conclusions. Let's have him interrogated by the council first."

Johnathan> "Very well..."

Haruto knew he couldn't defeat them all, so he surrendered himself to them, and let Quentin take him into interrogation for the council... Tears were shed by Sasha, Angélique ans Ren, though Ren tried to hold them back. Valorie tried to comfort them all and be strong for them.

Valorie> "I know it's hard but, it will be for the better. We don't want him to hurt anyone else."

Angélique> "I know but... Part of me wants to believe he didn't do this and is still the Haruto I know..."

Ren> "I understand what you mean... I do care about him as well. I want to believe he wasn't responsible..."

Sasha> "Dammit! I was terrified!"

Valorie> "I don't do this often, and I'm not much of a hugger but... Ugh... Come here you all."
They all hugged one another.

Johnathan> "Splendid! A group hug!"
He tried to join the group hug but Valorie shoved him away.

Valorie> "Not for you."

Johnathan> "My heart yet again has been crushed..."

Angélique> "Thank you so much for your support. You've been so kind and it makes me want to cry even more of joy."

Sasha> "The energy of this is great..."
Sasha sobs.

Valorie pulls away from the hug.
Valorie> "You're all getting too soft..."

Ren wipes his tears away, taking a deep breath.
Ren> "Do you mind showing me where you found the body?"

Sasha> "I think it's a bit painful... And sickening to show you right now."

Ren> "I understand, come to me when you're ready... For now, you can stay with us."

Fin> "Ye, we have plenty of space here. I'm sure it's scary to go back to your Inn right now."

Angélique> "Thank you once again, you are all so kind. I'll gladly take your offer."

Sasha> "I might stay with Doron if that's fine..."

Fin> "No problem, just get there safe, alright?"

Sasha> "Heh, I will."
Sasha leaves to the Doron Inn.

Ren> "It's dangerous for her to be out there alone..."

Fin> "Let's just hope nothing happens..."

Angélique> "Yeah..."
They all go back to the Aldrich Guild to try and get some rest... When they are greeted by the council at the Aldrich Guild Hall.

Earlier, before they arrived... Blake and David K. went to check on Alvina.

Blake> "Hey, is everything alright?"

Alvina was in bed.
Alvina> "Obviously not you dumbass! Why are you even here? It's not like you under what happened..."

David K.> "Umm, but I do. So yeah, maybe you can vent about it to Blake to maybe help make it better."

Alvina> "Why would he care? It's not like he came or cared to..."

David K.> "You don't mean that."

Blake sat on her bed, and reassured her.
Blake> "I'm sorry I wasn't there, but I'm here now. I was selfish, fixing my own problems and I couldn't be there for you. But now that it's all cleaned up, you can talk to me."

Alvina> "Alright fine... Whatever..."

Alvina told Blake everything about what happened to Verna, and it honestly shocked him. He feels guilty about not being there, however, he's glad he was able to help in some way. Suddenly an uninvited visitor came and everyone came to the main hall of the guild to see. It was a council member.

Council Member> "I'm looking for Master Quentin Peterson, is he here?"

Shashin> "And... Why are you here?"

Sephora> "He's in his office, let me get him."
Sephora went to get Quentin, and when Quentin saw him he raised an eyebrow.

Quentin> "What is the council doing here?"
Ren and Fin arrive back at the guild...

Fin> "Um... Is this about what happened now?"

Ren> "I doubt it... Haruto is already been locked up in the quarters for questioning."

Darker> "What the heck is this about anyway?"
Blazera stood with suspicion.

Council Member> "We have come here to inform you Aldrich Knights of your Guild Master..."

Ren> "What about him...?"
Quentin's face seemed a little tense.

Valorie> "What has he done? It's not like he is bad or anything."

Council Member> "Let's just say, he's been hiding something from you all. That you should know about. We got this information from an anonymous source, and came to clarify it."

Johnathan> "This has to be some joke! Our Master keeping secrets? Ha, you humor me."

Valorie> "Yeah it's probably just some dumb rumor, right Quentin?"

Quentin, Ren, Darker and some others look at one another.
Quentin> "..."

Ren> "..."

Valorie> "Okay what the hell is going on here? If someone doesn't spill the beans, he will!"

Quentin faces everyone, and finally confesses.
Quentin> "I've been hiding my true identity from all of you for a while."

Ren> "Quentin, you don't have to do this, it could be a bluff."

Valorie> "Wait so, you knew?!"

Ren> "Yeah... For a while most of us kept it secret."

Shashin> "Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse!"
Shashin sighed.

Quentin> "Even if it is, they have the right to know."

Valorie> "To know what exactly...?"

Quentin moved his hair out of the way, and there they saw on his scalp, filed off demon horns.
Quentin> "I've been hiding among you for a while. I'm a demon."

Valorie and Johnathan looked livid.
Valorie> "What?! So you deceived us this whole time! You're no better than Abbadon Members that means!"

Johnathan> "So you lied to us... You're no better than those filthy demons from Abbadon! To hell with you!"

Valorie> "Not to mention, isn't this against the rules? Demons aren't allowed any high position here in the capital! Especially not government related ones!"

Council Member> "Precisely, which is why we are here to take away your ownership of the Aldrich guild."

Johnathan> "What shame! How dare you infiltrate us!"
Johnathan slammed his fist on the desk.

Fin> "I don't think that changes much though. Quentin is still the same even if he is a different race than us. It's like how we can now trust the Abbadon Members."

Valorie> "Reconsider that, he lied to his own guild mates."

Fin> "I don't think I will, I trust him."

Council Member> "He will have to be taken in, for what he did is considered criminal."

Fin> "I just think this is unfair. He didn't do anything wrong as a Master."

Johnathan> "This is the law, and demons are both unpredictable and evil! As much as I want to still follow Quentin, since he treated me with care for these years... I can't, the care of the capitals people is more important."

Angélique> "Mmmm... I have to say after today, I feel like I can trust Quentin and the rest of you..."

Ren> "I disagree, I don't think Quentin being a demon would impact much in regards to the people. You've seen his nature."

Sephora> "You guys should be more trusting, he's been our leader for many years. And you choose to believe some guy over him??"

Mehkit> "Yeah, it just doesn't seem to make sense to trust the Council has it right, even if it is a crime."

Blake> "Many of us are witnesses and known his secret for years. Even someone I know who is in higher regards to than a human."
Blake was referring to Blazera, but nobody understood that.

Darker> "I personally don't see what he did wrong. He helped us all."

David K.> "Yeah totally, and now you are taking away his position??"

Shashin> "This is totally silly. Why take him in because he's a demon? Shouldn't that mean you should also arrest the other Abbzdon members too?"

Council Member> "As far as I'm concerned, It seems the dark guild has been disbanded, meaning it's not necessary. We will be taking Quentin in, whether you like it or not."

Quentin stood still, with no expression on his face but pure anger. He glared into the council members eyes as he tried to walk towards Quentin and grab his hands, holding magic disabling cuffs. Ren stood in front of Quentin, pointing his pistols at the Council Member. Everyone looked shocked at this risky behaviour.

Ren> "Touch him, and you don't want to know what happens next."

Johnathan warped the metal the pistols where made of.
Johnathan> "Ren, what in god's name are you doing?!"

Ren still stood in front of Quentin.
Ren> "You'll have to kill me first!"

Council Member> "Very well, if you choose to stand in our way, we will have to fight you. This is your last warning."

Suddenly, Fin, Angélique, all the Abbadon and Sahara members stood by Quentin's side.
Blake> "All of us against you, it will be fairly easy."

Fin> "I'm not letting you do something unfair."

Council Member> "Interesting... You all side with this traitor?" Perhaps we have more fugitives than I thought... Never expected you to stay to their side, Master Phoenix."

Blazera> "I never cared for your flawed systems."
Valorie and Johnathan stood by the side of the Council Member.

Valorie> "You all are doing the wrong thing! Don't you realize the consequences if you all are with him?!"

Johnathan> "We will have no choice but to hunt you down!"

Shashin> "Isn't it obvious, we don't care."

Council Member> "Say goodbye to the Sahara Guild."

Blazera> "Guess you'll have a new Dark Guild to eliminate."

Blake> "This will be entertaining."

David K.> "Yeah! Screw the government!"

Council Member> "Since we are outnumbered, we will call in reinforcements soon. You better get running out of the capital and never show your face again."

Ren> "Gladly, we will."

Shashin> "Also, who sent you here? Just curious."

Council Member> "I cannot tell you that, it's not for public to know."

Shashin> "Man, you're a bummer."

Quentin> "Let's go before backup comes."

Ren> "Right!"

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